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Everything posted by The Drizzle
[COLOR=DarkGreen]let's see... 1.Viscous(cowboy bebop) 2.legato(trigun) 3.orochimaru(naruto) 4.skurai(ragnorok) from the ragnagrok that is made in korea(manwha). 5.captain kuro(one peice) 6.TEAM ROCKET!!!!!!!(I luv ya, James!) just kidding about that last one guys... cant think of many villans at the moment(having a brain fart) so ill probably edit this later, till then this is my list (hmm...this looks kind of similar to Cap'ns, wonder why THAT is?)[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Minako] (I know some of you are going to get me on this) I thought that Kill Bill Vol. 2 was a bit of disappointment. I'm not saying that it's bad; it was good in it's own right, but as a sequel, it wasn't what I expected. In Kill Bill 1, [SPOILER] there was killing, killing, and more killing. Especially the scene at the Japanese hot springs. :animenose [/SPOILER], but in Kill Bill Vol. 2 [SPOILER] It didn't have all the blood-shed I was expecting in Kill Bill 1. Yes, the fight scenes were amazing, I have to give props to Quentin Tarantino for that. Just the very end bugs me when Bill dies using the 5-point-death-thingy...(I forget what it's called) I was just so melo-dramatic compared to the rest of the movie. He gets up and walks five steps and dies. That's it.[/SPOILER] Quentin Tarantino is a wonderful director, but Kill Bill vol. 2 was a disappointment. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorry, but I have to totally disagree there, Minako. Kill Bill vol. 2 was way better than the first, in my opinoin. First off all, i dont even know if it[I] can[/I] be considered a sequel, seeing as how the films were shot together and they were meant to be one story. It would be the same as calling LOTR: The Two Towers a sequel. As for it being a better movie, I think this because in the first, it just seems like there is killing and violence with not much story (Im not bashing all of the violence, i would just like i little more story with it). Plus the second one has the good old Quentin dialougue that was missing in the first. I think the ending wasnt even that bad, it just wasnt that big or explosive or anything that im guessing you wanted and were looking for in this film.(also thought that Shrek 2 was excellent. there were SO many pop culture references. its a film adults [I]and[/I] kids can enjoy) Whew, and i agree with everyone else in saying that pretty much ANY sequel that is released straight to DVD sucks. And I see that one LONG line of sequels is missing from this list that must be told: The Land Before Time Series. I mean, how many do they have now, like 20?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]WOO, go gavin! Thin Lizzy is one of those bands that just rocks. Not a lot of people have heard of them, and personaley i know them mainly because of some magazine articles and the other hawkins brother from the Darkness was wearing a t-shirt with them on it all of the time. Im so glad I found out about them, because i like their music and it is very good. :animesmil I also heard the pre-phil collins genisis rocked too. The article I read said they were more prog rock and were not the type that parents typically liked. What would be some good albums/songs to get from them?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]well im not sure who all is comnig out with albums this year, but this is my list so far... NIN-With Teeth DEFINETLY number one on my list of albums to get. I mean, Trent Reznor is a freakin god! He comes out with an album every, like, 5 years or so. He makes sure that what he releases is good. The Hand That Feeds is a really good song to. Audioslave-(yet to be titled) I like this new combination of Chris Cornell and the dudes from RATM. At first I wanted more of Tom Morello doing those crazy things on guitar, but now I think Audioslave has their own sound and I like it. The new single, Be Yourself, came out and I like it and cant wait for the new album. Loser-??? I dont really know if there will be a new album coming out this year by these guys. I really dont know much about them except that its John 5s band(he was the old guitarist for Marylin Manson, and he is AMAZING) A friend told me that they have a new album coming out so Im very much looking forward to getting it. Two-??? This is another one told to me by a friend. But if they are indeed releasing an album this year, it sounds like something I'd DEFINITELY buy. It has Trent Reznor, John 5, and i guy i think from Judas Priest. I just LOVE the idea of Reznor and John 5 together. As for the new System Of A Down album...I have hope for it but Im not going to get my hopes up or anything. I mean they have gotten progressively worse, in my opinion. Their first album i was in love with and it just went downhill from there. I also heard weezer was coming out with new one...so i hope thats good too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]This April Fools Day rocked! normally, i would do nothing and it would basically be just another day, but this year we did a prank on one of my friends and it was sooo much fun! so now if you will care to listen ill share it with you right now... So my friend was working at Pick N Slave and while he was we went and got an inflatable spiderman doll. We filled it up with air and dressed it up in clothes. we then proceeded to paint it red and cover it in dirt. Being the dumba-i mean- not-so-smart person that he is, he left his van open and we put it in the back seat. After he saw this(and didnt know how it was) he called it the 'dirty jesus' since we put a tag on it that said 'i love jesus'. hilarity ensued. There was a part two where we felt bad for the body thingy and took him out for ice cream, and then while he was gone some people would stay behind and then proceed to egg the car and then cover it in seran(no idea how to spell that) wrap. We didnt have the heart to do that part though and plus it was to late. ( we did have an egg fight with the leftover eggs...got some nasty marks from that...) Anyways, I think every April Fools should have something like that, it was tons of fun! ^_^[/COLOR]
[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1]Anyways, It actually looks pretty good. I didn't know the co-director was the person who directed Kill Bill, but then again I can't judge because I've never actually seen Kill Bill before *gasp* Yes its true. I haven't watched the movie. [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I can only assume you are reffering to Quentin Tarintino, director of many other fine films such as Pulp Fiction and Reservior Dogs. Actually, he only directed a segment of the film, earning him the title as a 'special guest director'. He only directed it for one dollar too, since the director of this film, Robert Rodriguez, scored(did the music for) Kill Bill for only a dollar.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]lets see now...I guess I started to watch anime when i was really young, but back then I wasnt really into it and I cant even remember it that well...then when I was 12 or whenever pokemon came out I started to watch stuff like DBZ, Digimon, Pokemon, and other of the more 'kiddie' stuff. But A couple years ago, a friend(you know who you are, again) introduced me to cowboy bebop and since then I have really liked anime. That really opened the door for other of the more adult and more japanese and lesser known here stuff. anime has become one of my favorite types of shows/movies/whatever. i think its really awesome how it can appeal to almost all audiences.[/COLOR][/FONT]
HEY, I remember that movie! Yeah it is my one of my favorite movies right now. I mean the way that they use the black and white to emphasize certain things that are in color is just awesome. It was a comic book film being filmed in true comic book form. I liked the way some of the scenes are filmed too. When [spoiler]Bruce Willis is in the jail for eight years, I really got a sense of the isolation that he felt because of where the camera was and how it was filmed.[/spoiler] My fav character would have to be Dwight, even though he probably will be everyone elses I dont care I said it first! ^_^ Also, its uber violent and even though it is in black and white (and other colors) its still really graphic. little kids SHOULDNT be brought there(Capn and BoxyBrown know what Im talking about)
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]Hey there people of otaku boards! I am going to go to see the band Slipknot play in chicago on April 30th, and I was wondering if anyone knew the set list for the show(the songs that will be played) I have been searching around but nothing has been coming up...so I'm turning to good old OB. Alright then, i hope SOMEONE knows out there...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]Okay, lets get this over with As Im guessing most of you know, FOX is bringing back the cult sensation Family With some all new seasons and although im REALLY glad that they are putting Family Guy back on the air, im also kinda of, well, worried. See before, the creator of the infamous comedy cartoon, Seth McFarlane, thought he was going to get cancelled all of the time and basically did whatever he wanted. That made everything hilarious because he was having fun and made more racy and controversial jokes. Now he has an audience to please and he has to think of what they want and i think that will definitely take something away from the show... I just hope it isnt like american dad was...i mean that show had its moments but it didnt seem to get to me like Family Guy did. Im still very hopeful for the new seasons, and thats just my opinion, any other thoughts?[/COLOR][/FONT]
Manga Does Online Manga Ever Get You Depressed!?
The Drizzle replied to gaarasgirl90's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i think its interesting because isnt that how it happens in japan, it comes out every week? If thats the case there are clifhangers every week in japan so i think all u people should stop complaining. its just like a show on TV. It realy annoys me how far mangas are in stores, though. At that rate people who dont read the manga online will never get it in a long time. And as for getting a series all at once...yes that can be a good idea with some series but with others its soooo long that its takes too long and i become impatient. some anime and manga i get hooked on too and really cant stop reading[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[quote name='Leofski]The manga is definatly even more fun than the anime. I don't really understand your problem with the accents, it helps add character and I don't really find it any harder to read. Volume 5 is just as good, get it as soon as you can. Its a shame they could include [I]dawn[/I'], the prequel with Walter, Alucard and the Nazis during WWII, in the later volumes as an extra.[/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]My only big beef with the accents is that it just gets kind of annoying. Ill add my own accents if I want them. Thats my only complaint about the manga. other than that i think its amazing. i absolutely cant wait to see walter when he was young fighting those nazis. now if only i had money... does anyone think incognito will show up in the manga at any point? (hmmmm.....maybe for those nazis...just a thought)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen][COLOR=DarkGreen]who else thinks the manga is better than the anime? i think they really shoudl have had the stoy in the anime the same as the manga, or make more of the anime with that stroyline. i loved the anime and how it looked and everything. especially the music, but that all is beside the piont. alucard is one of my favroite anime characters of all time(hes such a pimp!) and he is even more viscious and violent than in the anime and it is awesome. its kinda wierd with [spoiler]the whole nazi thing and some people may find it stupid, but i think that its interesting and different and i really want to get vol. 5 so the war can begin.[/spoiler] one thing that really bothers me is how they try to put accents in the manga, i.e. Father Anderson. thats the stupidest thing ever. you cant even tell what hes saying unless you think about it a lot and i dont need that. i almost stopped reading the manga because of it. the same thing happens with [spoiler]the fuhrer(no idea how to spell that)and all of the german people.[/spoiler][/COLOR] other than that no complaints here, so what are youre thoughts on this? and sorry if i screwed anything up, im really tired now...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i wish i could comment on the ending of the series... but its been so long that i kinda have a loose memory of it...but i remember being satistyed with it. cowboy bebop is amazing. its the first series that got me truly into anime. a friend showed it to me (so glad you did...u know who you are)and it kind of opened my eyes as to how anime could actually have adult things, like a good story ,deep meaninful stuff, adult themes and violence. it was like an actual show, not like the crap i saw before. the only anime i saw before was stuff like pokemon , dragon ball z, and digimon. ive shown other people cowboy bebop too and it made them like it and anime as well. it has to be one of my favorite shows of all time. amazing dubbing job by the way, the best in my opinion.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]hmmm.....how much of the manga/anime have u seen/read up to?[/FONT][/COLOR]
^ YES!!! i agree with pretty much all of those(havent seen the scissor sisters) The gig i went to with muse thouigh the crowd blew majorly, but the performance itself was really intense and amazing! The most fun and into the music i have been in a concert was probably the warped tour or green day. Warped tour was my first real moshing at a concert and my first crowd surfing, and i loved it all. green day was real good as well because they got the crowd all into it and started pulling people on stage to play the instruments. i got punched in the head while crowd surfing...but it was still cool! Im REALLY looking forward to slipknot! that gig will be quite a show! cant wait to do the "jump the ***** up" during spit it out. its their last show too so they HAVE to do something good. hope i dont get killed though...
[QUOTE=Haze][font=Trebuchet MS][color=DarkSlateGray] [spoiler]I was really upset with Naruto in his fight with Kimimaru. I mean, the kid has the nine-tails demon sealed inside of him, thus giving him some freakin' awesome power. And yet, he didn't get to use any of it, other than Kage Bunshin. The entire series is based off of Naruto growing and learning his strength, but when it comes time to prove himself, he runs away. Granted he runs because he is really after Sasuke. But why didn't he fight like he fights with Sasuke or Neji or anyone else. Why make him totally suck when it comes to his fight with Kimimaru? As for drunken Rock Lee........I haven't laughed so hard since Chouji beat Akamaru to the last potatoe chip. ^__^ Now that almost my entire post is blacked out, I think I'm done. ^__^[/color][/font] [/spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler]Ya that kinda pissed me off to. But I think that naruto wasnt using all of his potential because he was saving all of his energy for his fight with sasuske. i dont think he exactly saw the fight coming, but i think he knew that he needed to conserve his energy for something... I also was kinda happy and kinda dissapointed by the end of the whole arc, saga, whatever. I mean everyone getting healed and stuff is cool and im happy they didnt die, but that just kinda ruined the sacrifice that they made. any other thoughts? as for the fight with rock lee... ...greatest...fight...ever...:P[/spoiler]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]i looove part 2 and how you get to see all of the characters after three years and how they have changed WARING DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT READ UP TO ABOUT CH 250 sorry i dont know how to do that thing were you get all of the writing in black, still kind of a noob :rolleyes: could someone please tell me how?? Ill give you a cookie... I promise!!! *makes nice guy pose*[/COLOR] [spoiler]I REALLY want to see kakashis new move, and i think it will be very interesting to see kakashi naruto and sakura work now as a team. I also LOVED how they do the bell exercise again and how it ends... hilarious...[/spoiler] :D [COLOR=DarkGreen]I also have a question:[/COLOR][spoiler]How does kakashi get the third shwoosh(cant think of what its called)? does he kill his best friend because kakshi doesnt seem like the type of person to do that. if so that is so sad :animecry: [/spoiler]
[quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed']Case in point: The Office. It's a great series, but from what i've seen in commercials, it probably woun't be good over here (america). Personally, i think the british accent adds so much to the commedy.[/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]Ya the only reason that i would consider watching that show is for the guy from anchorman, MAN is he hilarious I DONT KNOW WHY WERE YELLING!!!! (he he)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i heard that there is a cd from 1995 or something and its really rare and worth a lot... ...but i also heard it sucks big time. the only members that were there were clown(drums) and the sampler craig(he was on the guitar...) hey who else thinks that craig just gets paid to headbang? i mean he wasnt there once and you know what happened? sid filled in and did both of there jobs... that just shows how pointless he is but w/e he can stay, its cool[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The old guitar player for Manson, John 5, is AMAZING, hes probably the most uderlooked guitarist right now, he was told he was awesome by LES PAUL for crying out loud! some other good ones are Yngwie malmsteen, that guy from children of bodom, steve vai, and of course all of the classics!! THATS IT!!![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkGreen]A thing that you could do for a name is take a deck of magic cards and pick some random one and if you like the name, then go with it. They have some pretty creative names in those. just an idea, though[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Omar Harris]Some that should have left well alone Britney Spears remake of "Can't get no satisfaction" Master P's remake of "Time after Time" Bone Thugs N Harmony's remake of "War" on the "Toy Soldiers" soundtrack Will Smith sampling "Rock the Casbah" to make "Willenium" Britney Spear's "My Perogative" Lil Kim, Missy Elliot, Da Brat, Angie Martinez "Ladies Night"[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Verdana]Ya there is A LOT of crap covers out there Some other (dis)honorable ones are... Behind Blue Eyes: Limp Biscuit/The Who Its really amazing how a band can take a really kick@$$ song like this and turn it into crap Feel Like Making Love: Kid Rock/(Aerosmith?) Kid Rock has no right to do even his own songs, let alone other bands songs. American Woman: Lenny Kravitz/The Guess Who Any song Lenny Kravtiz does sucks Chop Suey: Avril Lavigne/System Of A Down I kid you not this song actually happened. OMG man...just why... download it for a good laugh though(she also did knockin on heavens door) The whole preformance of the MTV icon show on Metallica. (Avril Lavigne is in another place she shouldnt be) What really kills me is that Metallica looked like they were actually enjoying it! WHY!? HOW!? Another thing is all of the teeny bopper people doing stupid covers i.e.Hillary Duff singing "my generation" by the Who. I bet she cant even name a member of the Who!!! They just take crappy songs(not including "my generation") and make them crappier One last thing before I go is whats going on in some of the rap songs. I was flipping through the radio the other day and heard the riff in Back In Black and I was intruiged, but then after I heard what the song really sounded like I was disgusted. It was like musical diarehha. :sick: They cant do that...its just not fair... Oh yeah and some new cover songs: -Comfortably Numb: Sisscor Sisters/Pink Floyd I dont know if many pink floyd fans like this song, but i do. They just make the song there own and it sounds awesome -No Quarter: Tool/Led Zeppelin It doesnt sound THAT much different from the origonal, but its heavier and it still sounds cool -Thrice: Elanor Rigby/Beatles I know, no one can touch the beatles. well i was never that big of a beatles fan anyway. the song isnt great or anything, but if you like the beatles but want a heavier version, then this is where to go[/FONT].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Obviously the soundtrack to cowboy bebop. Its soo cool. It made me like jazz. Also, the opening theme to Naruto on the 2nd season or w/e: Haruka Kanata by the Asian Kung-Fu Generation. It's rock so hard. Im seriously addicted, i cant stop listening to it...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Verdana]Yay this is my first thread! (and post) :D Well anyways, I was going through my tiny obsession of the week and that is cover songs. I know that cover songs arent usually as good as the original, but I have found some that make the song their own and it sounds really cool. I was looking for some really good ones to download. You can also name your faves too, if you want. To name them, put the song name first and then put who it was by, then the origanal artist. Like this= song:cover artist/original artist So far my favorite ones have been: -Knockin on heavens door: Roger Waters/Bob Dylan -Another brick in the wall (pts. 1,2,3): KoRn/Pink Floyd -What a wonderful world: Joey Ramone/??? -All along the watchtower: Jimi Hendrix/Bob Dylan -Personal Jesus: Marylin Manson/Depeche Mode -Take your mama: The zutons/sisscor sisters (not well known, but w/e its awesome!) -Kick out the jams: Rage against the machine/MC5 -Fire: Red hot chili peppers/jimi hendrix -Viva Las vegas: Dead Kennedys/Elvis -Crazy Little thing called love:Queen/??? -Hurt: johnny cash/Nine inch nails and others by korn, marylin manson, clash, and the ramones Alright thanx![/FONT] [/COLOR]