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Everything posted by tainted_blood

  1. Amaya walked in to the ball, wearing a long suit jacket an skirt. [I]You wouldn't catch me dead in a dress.[/I] She nodded to Slene as she walked past. [I]She doesn't look to happy. Who can blame her? Two of her people have been kidnapped, and those slugs are hanging around. And to top it all off, we have to steal the mask for them, and Micheals going to get into a lot of trouble too. How much more can one women stand?[/I] Amaya began walking to the exhibition, where it was stood, surrounded by fellow ballgoers wanting to see. She managed to sneak a glance through the crowd. [I]Ugly thing isn't it? But it looks expensive, and its an artifact. Can't argue with that.[/I] She scanned the area, looking for security systems. They have a lot of security gadgets for this thing. But Raisons jammer would sort those. It was just up to Lai and her to get to the mask and remove it, without anyone noticing. The crowds would be a good cover, with plenty of people to merge into and disappear. But then again, it meant more eyes that could see the operation, and so more risk. The whole thing was a blessing and a curse rolled into one. But they needed to get the mask, so they could get Sergies captives back. The operation had to go well, because two lives depended upon it, unless Micheal could get them first. [I]It should go well though. After all, we're profesionals in this.[/I] She nodded to Lai who was also scanning the exhibition. She checked her knives were all safetly strapped in place, beneath her suit jacket. They needed to get this underway soon. [B]OOC:sorry it isn't much, not many ideas.[/B]
  2. Amaya stretched, then climbed out of bed. [I]i've got to look inconspicuous for the museum[/I]. She pulled on a grey t-shirt and baggy trousers, before dragging a brush through her hair. Pulling her knives from the table, she strapped them round her where they couldn't be seen. [I]Better safe than sorry.[/I] She opened her door and strolled into the main room of the penthouses. Picking up an apple, she began to munch thoughtfully. She glanced up and nodded as Lai walked past. They'd be getting an early start today. At last, a chance to scout out the area. [I]I'll feel better at ease after this.[/I]
  3. I got started on my otaku a while ago. I just use it to talk about life in general, and what i am thinking. I joined it before i joined otaku boards (i found that later). I just saw blogs as a cool way to get my thoughts up and talk to people about them, without people getting annoyed or offended. It took me a while to work it, but thanks to some help ( thanks Akayo Kanachi! ^-^) I got it working well. Heres my [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/users/tainted_blood/]blog[/URL]
  4. Amaya leant back in her chair, looking at the hologram of the room under hooded eyes. It didn't seem too hard, but with the ball happening at the same time, it would be both a blessing and a curse. [I]Just hope I don't have to wear anything stupid to mix in.[/I] She looked over at Lai. The other girl also sat there, studying the hologram. [I]I know we'll be able to do this, but so many people....[/I] She got up and walked around the room, sensing Lai's eyes following her. It was too much for Amaya. She wanted to go to the place herself, first, just to get the feel of it. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she seated herself back at the table again and studied the hologram. Catching Lai's eye, she shrugged. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's short, not much to say.
  5. [B]OOC[/B]:[I]I'm guessing we do too. Probably.[/I]. Amaya considered the question, then leant down and traced words in the dust on the floor. [I]Learn each others moves? Syncronise fighting skills? I may need to increase flexibility.[/I] She stood up and nodded to Lai, who read the words in the dust. [B]"Okay, so lets see how flexible you actually are then,"[/B] said Lai, nodding. Amaya signalled to Lai to move back, so she stood by the wall. Amaya began, flipping over the bar and doing a series of jumps, flips and spins around the hall. She couldn't flip using the bars, she wasn't flexible enough for that, but she had a lot of strength, so she could launch herself high into the air even with her arms. Lai nodded. [B]"Your quite strong then. Try actually using the bars though, so i can see how flexable you are."[/B] Amaya nodded and began. She cleared the first bar quite well, but cut very close to the second. The third she collided straight into and landed on the floor in a heap. She blushed, embarrased at the failed attempt. [B]"You'll need to work on that then,"[/B] commented Lai. Amaya nodded, then bent down to write in the dust again. [I]I can balance well.[/I] To demonstrate this, she jumped up onto the barand stood, balancing perfectly on it.
  6. Amaya watched him leave. [I]He only ever hurries when it comes to hacking[/I].She shook her head. Turning, she studied the hologram for a while, noting the size and predicting the weight. [I]It seems okay. This sounds like its going to be fun[/I]. She rapped her knuckles on the table to get Lai's attention, then inclined her head towards the door in a gesture that they should go.Snatching up two apples, Amaya left the hall with Lai. They walked through the corridors and stairs of the mansion, arriving at the Training Hall two floors below. They went in and faced each other. Lai shifted from one leg to the other. [I]She's nervous[/I], Amaya thought. [I]Well, what should i expect? People are always nervous around me, because i can't speak[/I]. She inclined her head to the side, in a questioning gesture. [B] "Well, seeing as we have to work together, maybe you could do me a demonstration?" [/B] asked Lai. Amaya nodded. She pulled out two of her daggers with one hand, and tossed an apple in the air with another. Her arms became a blur of motin as she hacked at it, and it landed a few seconds later, cut cleanly into tiny chunks. She swept them aside with her foot, and threw the other apple to Lai.
  7. Amaya sat on the roof of the mansion, watching the sun as it began to rise over the horizon, spilling light across the vast acres of land that made up the estate of Le Marc. She pulled her long black coat tighter around her, as shivered in the morning chill. Soon the sunlight would warm the roof and the lands around, but she wouldn't be here to appreciate it. She stood up on the slanting roof, andwalked towrds the edge. Bending down and holding onto the drainpipe, she flipped herself masterfully, swinging into her open window below. Landing soundlessly on the carpet, she stretched, then turned around and closed her gaping window. She changed into her usual black t-shirt and shorts, making sure her knives were starpped tightly to her. Pulling her boots on and grabbing her coat, she heard the sound of footsteps, and the faint rustle of paper. Turning, she saw an envelope slide under her door. Amaya picked it up and opened it, noting the ensigna. [I]So its a mission?[/I] she wondered. She read it. [I]Yes, another mission[/I]. She dragged her coat onto her shoulders, and shoving the letter in her pocket, opened the door and strode down the large cold corridor. A few minutes later, she arrived at the Breakfast Hall. Forcing open the heavy oaken doors, and walked into the sun lit room. Amaya glanced around at the hall.[I] Its practically empty[/I], she thought. [I]Only three people.[/I] She sat down in a chair at the far end of the table, surveying the food on offer. Finding that she wasn't that hungry, she picked up an apple and bit into its white flesh. [I]Seems this mission might be a good one[/I], she thought. She watched Selene as she stared out the window, waiting for the others to arrive.
  8. I have des jah vue quite often. I even had des jah vue about having des jah vue once :animesmil lol. That was weird.I've had visions before, which later come true. They don't tend to be much though. Except this one time, when i had a nightmare. It scared me to hell, because there was this underlying fear through this whole dream, and then it came true a few weeks later. I won't tell you what it is because i don't want to talk about it, but it freaked me out badly, even more so when i thought about how i had dreamed it before hand.
  9. you have a fear of british people? :animedepr :( but you like monty python.... well, you can't be bad if you like monty python! :animesmil but bot: i have a fear of falling. probably coz ifell down the stairs all the time when i was little. i also have a fear of the sea, though why i don't know.
  10. Intelligence is one of the main things. Someone you can hold a good converstion with when you want to, and still have a laugh at other times. And to be able to put up with my artistic obsession and my borderline tendencies. He would really just have to accept me for who I am. I tend to think very differently from most people, and always go about things differently. I think this puts a lot of people off. Oh well, thats who I am.
  11. Name: Amaya Zhou Nickname: Solitude Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [IMG]http://shounen.ru/img/robin.gif[/IMG] Biography: Her nickname came from her love of being alone and sitting silently. She is mute. She was sold to a thief at a young age after being sold by her parents at a young age because she was mute. He trained her in theft. She was found whilst trying to rob a member of LeMarcs guild.Seeing she had some skill, they bought her off the theif and trained her in the Guild of theives. Due to her skill and stealth she is often used for burgalary. Professional Trade: Pickpocketing and sometimes burgalary. Weapon: A set of daggers.
  12. [COLOR=Purple]Well i'd start by changing my hair. It really annoys me in that it always goes into these ringlets and curls. :animeangr euch!It does nothing else. i can't get it to go straight :nope: Also my hair is light brown, so i'd want to change that too. My nose is messed up too, but i wouldn't really want to change that, i don't really care about it. My friend (jokingly) asked me if i would get plastic surgery on it if i was older. I said no. Thats most of what i would want to change about my image. It doesn't really effect my selfesteem though. I'm used to having messy hair and a mucked up nose. It doesn't matter if people don't like it, it's who i am so they will just have to put up with it i guess. I never give it a second thought.[/COLOR]
  13. i have a better temper than i had before (it comes from having so many brothers and sisters :sweat: ) but i still have quite a short temper at times. it may be because i am very borderline, but i still have mad mood swings every so often. :bash:
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