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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. Having recently bought the thirteen episode OVA series, I have been wondering about a few things. The cronology, first off. Can anyone tell me which series fits where into the timescale? Secondly, there are some things that are left unexpl,ained in the OVA, the only one i can think of now is the lighthawk wings, i'm sure there is more behind those things. Anyway, any clarity help would be appreciatted.
  2. Dante stood against a wall of the ballroom, looking bored. scanning the crowd disdainfully. Dante thought that some of the people were bathed in a blue glow. could it be a trick of the light? "no" dante whispered to himself. blue meant something. something.... important, what he didn't know. Dante racked his brains, trying to make sense of the blue Auras. All he could make out were disjointed strings of incoherent words and fleeting flashes of images. glancing up, Dante noticed that one of the so-called "debuts" had a blue aura. well, if he had to dance with these women, then he could at least try to get some information, he thought. Dante walked through the throng of people, toward the girl with a blue aura. "Greetings fledgeling, I am lord kei..." Dante staggered back, as if struck. "i am lord dante" he said, almost as if the previous event had not happened. A blue aura pulsated around Dante, feeding and growing with the aura from the girl. "what are you?" ____________________________________________________________________________ OOC: hope this is ok for a first post.
  3. I play 40k, but unfortunately, i'm working with the 1997 rules, which sucks. I'm thinking of binning my current army and bookset and starting fresh. i hear that the new rules allow for really great army customisation. the paint job on my old army sucked bigtime
  4. I remember playing Metal slug in the arcade in 1999, adn i must say i found it funny. I haven't bought metal slug 3 yet, because i have other, more pressing, financial commitments, and anyway, who wants to pay £16 for a game you can complete in an evening?
  5. [B](OOC: I hope my signup Isn't too late, this sounds like a promising RP)[/B] [B]Enrollment[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Raziel Van Hellsing [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Origin:[/B] Nothing is known for sure, Raziel can't seem to remember where he came from, and he appears to have no relatives. [B]Teacher or student:[/B] Student [B]Appearance:[/B] Raziel has medium-length jet-black hair, tied into a ponytail at the back, but sticking up slightly at the front. RAziel wears a heavy cowl over most of his face, hiding all below his eyes, which are milky white pits of dispair - no pupils are visible. Raziel shows no outward signs of emotion. his clothes tend to be dark in color, more typically shades of dark blue, however, Raziel favors pristine black. [B]Powers[/B] Raziel is gripped by a terrible thirst. A thirst for blood, which must be quelled as soon as possible otherwise Raziel is thrown into a state of wild and violent rage and dissaray. This vampiric thirst leaves raziel extremely photosensitive, and cannot last more than a few hours in sunlight. Water scorches Raziel's plae, sickly skin like acid. However, The vampiric thirst does have some benifits. IT has increased Raziel's physical strength and endurance considerably - Raziel's flesh begins to close almost as soon as it is cleaved. As such raziel need only fear wounds that Implae or inflame. Raziel has also been bestowed with a limited amount of telekinisis, which is very taxing to use. Raziel, when pushed to extremes, is able to call forth a blade of pure, vampiric energy, which sustains his thirst while in use, feeding off of the blood of whatever it is used against. A pair of batlike wings jut from raziel's shoulders, but are almost always hidden under the Cowl that covers his face and his clothes. [B]Biography:[/B] Raziel appeared in New york city in 1890, walking by night, Raziel Van Hellsing stalked the streets of The Bronx, feeding off of unsuspecting passersby. Raziel's actions led many peole to believe that "a monster" was stalking the streets, preying on innocent, young victims. However such was not true, Raziel preyed on those he deemed "unfit to walk the earth" - Which unfortunately for raziel - was not the view taken by the populace. Raziel lived like this untill he was chanced upon by a teacher at a boarding school for "special" children. [B]Personality:[/B] Raziel is often silent, showing no outward signs of emotion. many peole only hear raziel's voce when muttering to himself. Raziel prefers his own company, and is hardly ever seen by anyone who isn't in classes with him. [B]Character snippet:[/B] Raziel could see him now, the man shuffling through the back alley. Standing up, raziel unfurled his wings. It was time to feed. A flutter on the night air, a flash of teeth. It was all over. Raziel tore into the man's throat with an indecent fervor, drinking the man's blood. Raziel stood, his blood fury quelled, but his vampiric thirst was not yet sated. He set off once more into the night, pondering why he had arrived in new york, as he did most nights. rock still, raziel jerked his head to the right. fresh, living blood. the smell was unmistakeable. Once more concealing his wings, raziel crept towards the smell. "blasted glass, i wish peole would pick this up" Raziel, creping ever closer in the darkness, paused to savor the smell of fresh human blood. "i know you're out there" came the man's vice, taking Raziel completely by surprise. " come out and showyourself, I mean no harm" Raziel had never heard a human talk like this to him. His bloodthirst temporarily sated from his earlier kill, raziel could wait before he fed again. He stepped into the Twilight. "You are the one that peole speak of? the so-called monster that feeds on people's blood?" Raziel said nothing. "I have been looking for you. I teach at a boarding school for certain "special" pupils" Raziel's eyes widened slightly, but still he said nothing. The man continued to talk about this so-called "school" of his. Pain, intense, white hot, exploded through raziel's gut. Arching his back, he screamed at the sky. it had been too long. He needed to feed. And then the world went dark.
  6. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][QUOTE=Lord Dante]...I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory!! XD [COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Blue]On Wensdays I go shoppin, and have buttered scones for tea! He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, he goes to the lavatory! On Wensdays he goes shopping, and has buttered scones for tea! I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day. He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night, and he works all day![/COLOR] Someone take it! "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2 [/COLOR][/QUOTE] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!! ...I've forgotten the rest... anyway, the upper class twit of the year skit was truly great. anyone else think so?
  7. They caught and Shot dead one of the suspected bombers (second bombing) today, scotland yard confirmed this on BBc news 24. Tube drivers are now complaining that their job isn't safe, and so are petitioning for a pay rise, personally i think that that is in very bad taste, all things considered.
  8. I think they're there to fill gaps in the show, I mean there's only so much the main cahracter can do by themselves.
  9. Love hina problem - Noriyasu seta is building stronger and stronger mecha tamagos adaption - infused with keitaro's indestructibleness, and a key to the hinata appartments. just one I thought I'd submit, i mean it could work...
  10. I play both warhammer and dungeons and dragons. I have a small high elf army, and a small "greenskin" army (both between 500-1200 points) for warhammer, and a sizable force of space marines which i need to repaint, for 40k. D&D however can be a kick in the pants, as I am the only person who plays it for miles.
  11. Reading the posts, I think that there is nothing more to be said that hasn't already been said. However, i did feel that many things in the book left me scratching my head, and after re-reading it three times since, it seems farcical and rushed. (pardon me if farcical isn't a ereal word, i can't seem to remember) One good thing that I will say for the book though, is that it broke form the monotonous tradition of the other books. I.E: Privet drive crap happens hogwarts express angst on the train hogwarts monotony build up to big, tragic event big, tragic event more crap end on the platform Which I must say was a welcome change. (in using the word Crap, i do not nescessarily mean derogetory)
  12. One thing that's fun and kinda embarassing, is to disagree with whatever the person your talking to says, and provide an absurd oppinion. I.e. Ploletics guy: We need more teachers in school, especially the chess club Me: No, i disagree, we need to go tho the chess club and hand out crystal meth and guns! (i didn't really say this, but I've been watching a clip my mate sent me by someone called redvsblue about how the intrernet and real life differ) so anyway you get the point... :animedepr I hope people don't think any less of me for this... :animedepr
  13. Even though nyu Kicked my favorite out of this competition, i cast my vote for her. hey, YOU try saying no to that face XD (just kidding) ANyway, joking aside, From what i've heard of elfen leid (which isn't much), lucy/nyu makes for a great character. so my vote goes to nyu.
  14. I cast my vote for Rei. Why you ask? well it appears that asuka has roundly trounced Kaolla(damn it all, i bet £5 on kaolla in that one...), and so I reckon that It'd be a good way to pass the time as we all inch ever onward to our graves to have Rei go against Asuka. Also I Haven't seen much FMA, and I think that Rei, and as solo said: It's the hair.. ands the eyes! XD
  15. When I'm not cleaving people in two with the iron paddle (nightmare), I like to play as the Epitome of buttonmashers, the guy known as Maxi. While maxi can be technical as hell, he awlso owns as a button masher. I don't think anyone can deny this.
  16. The store where I work is having a midnight opening in order to sell the book... and I've been drafted to work that shift... :animesigh. Which means I'm going to have to deal with obsessive fans and crap like that. Personally, i know that i'll end up reading the book as soon as i get paid, but to be perfectly honest, i'm not that excited. To me it's just another mildly interesting (maybe not even that) book.
  17. [QUOTE]...I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day... ^_~[/QUOTE] ...I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory!! XD Anyway, anyone remember the Ministry of funny walks sketch? that I think was one of the best.
  18. [QUOTE]Lord Dante: I grin at your post. Some people care. It's obvious that you do not, and that's fine with me. *shrugs and laughs* ^_^[/QUOTE] I never said that I didn't care. I merely stated the ultimate answer to any question, no matter how philosophical, deep, or difficult. That's all. anyway, I have nothing more to add at this present time your honor.
  19. [QUOTE=Dagger]If possible, could you provide a link to some articles or something? Where I'm staying right now, it's a bit hard to access the news in English, and I'm afraid my knowledge of what happened here is a little sketchy. The last thing I read (at CNN.com or something like that) stated that al Qaeda had not been ruled out of the equation, so I assume this must be really recent news. Also, is there any word on why those men made the attacks? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] if i can find some articles, then i'll send them to you. but al-quaeda are NOT responsible for the attacks. the attacs were made by englishmen. some came from yorkshire i believe, and one form somewhere else.
  20. They have caught the ***holes that planted the bombs. They tracked down the bus bomber, and through him were able to track down the three otyhers. The three tube bombers died at the scene, the bus bomber survived (i think). Al-quaeda were not behind the attacks. the attacks were made by english citizens. It sickens me that an englishman would be able to do this to his own countrymen. just thought i'd post this news update.
  21. Name: Aenarion age: 300 gender: male Description:[URL=http://uk.games-workshop.com/download/popup.htm?/highelves/artwork/images/art04.jpg]click here[/URL] (subject to change) side: rebel Skills: Secret arts (sword arts), ki force, dimension-shift (teleportation) Unmatched master swordsman. History: (unknown)
  22. Name: Aenarion age: 300 gender: male Description: side: rebel Skills: Secret arts (sword arts), ki force, dimension-shift (teleportation) Unmatched master swordsman. History: (unknown)
  23. I bear the answer to all questions, no matter how deep, scientific or philosophical. the answer to this question is simply: [B]WHO CARES??[/B] There, I said it!! :D
  24. ok, here we go. Future name: Keitaro Victorian name: Lord Dante Gender: male age: 17 social rank: lord Dante Psytech ability: Teleportation (called by dante "phase-shifting") Appearance: (see attatched image) Personality: Dante is the type who neither wants or needs help, he is quiet and reclusive, often called a "lone wolf" and "the strong, silent type". dante can seem harsh, cold and uncaring, and while he is, also he is extremely trustworthy. Victorian Bio: Dante is the only son of the late Lord Kypher-Requis, the former high milletary advisor to queen victoria's war council. DAnte never got on well with his father, and was sent overseas to study. Instead of studying religion and poletics in rome, Dante took the vessel carrying him to the far east, and took up study of the blade, the art of war, and poltics. Upon his return from parts unknown, dante was a man, and an expert swordsman, rivaling his father in the arts of both diplomacy and war. When his father passed away, (there is rumor that Dante himself killed him) the title of Lord, and all of his father's lands passed on to him. Many members of the house of lords grow jealous of Dante's rise to power, and his favor with Queen victoria, and there have been many attempts to discredit him, many constantly doubt his sanity. Future Bio: Keitaro a relatively new psytech, at 17 he has risen through the ranks, and was hand-picked for the ripper program mission. Keitaro is often alone, and is described as a "lone wolf" and the "strong silent type" it is thought that there are unimaginable horrors in his past, which would explain why he has no parents, but this is only speculation. Keitaro is an excellent swordsman, and practices alone in the physical complex daily - he refuses to use the provided phaseblades, preffering to use his own, some people (most ofthen people who think that there is somethuing strange about his past) speculate that it has something to do with his supposed "shadowed past"
  25. Akira:- Tetsuo's name changed to Bill Patriotism. Kineda's name changed to Bob Freeman. Kineda's girlfriend's name changed to Marzipan. change Akira's name to appleguy Replace the run-down future city of tokyo with philladelphia. replace the souped-up rip-roaring superbikes with little pushbikes with tassles on the handlebars. remove the sscene where tetsuo changes to a writhing pile of biomass - replace it to one where he blows up like a piniata, spilling out candy. sounds about right for a 4kids production!!
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