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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. Nomination for sephiroth!!! A) he has silver hair :D 2) some random reason why he's cool. D) it'll annoy bloodseeker :naughty: heh heh heh
  2. 1. Doctor Ivo Robotnik. :D This guy was the first majortime villain that I can remember. He is the epitome of evil, I mean just look at his mousetache! anyway, he is a typical evil genius, building contraption after bigger-contraption, (most of them seeming to involve either a spiked ball or giant mallet!) 2. The 8th Evil pig. (tombi!) The head honcho of the evil pigs, this guy goes down in one. But a more evil-wannabe character I have never met, you have to give him 10/10 for trying :D AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNND 3: Darth Vader (some random starwars game) Does this need any explanation? :naughty: *que Imperial march* the badass of all badasses.
  3. Kaolla su gets my vote. My favorite (naru narusegawa) got knocked out by one of bloodseeker's favorites (i forget who), so i'm glad that two of bloodseeker's favorites got knocked out by Kaolla. Yay kaolla! :naughty: Kaolla cracks me up during the anime. [QUOTE]Oh, and Kaola's a kid. Asuka looks better by default! (Pedos)[/QUOTE] not when the red moon shines :smirk: (j/k)
  4. i know nothing about either of these anime, so not for the first time (certainly not the last time) I'm going to pick by impulse, whim, chance or based on the image presented. *rolls some dice, consults a table, re-rolls a dice, and consults a different table* I guess i'll go with sailor venus, :smirk:
  5. On the way home from Oxford, i saw a dead Manta ray lying in the middle of a road. i kid you not. a manta ray.
  6. The death toll may not be acurate. as there may not be [I]anything[/I] left of some poele (especialy in the bus blast)
  7. Allow me to deliver the following message to the french: [B]NYAH-NYAH NA NYAH-NYAH!!!! :smirk:[/B] Anyway, gloating aside. what's the betting that in 61/2 years, we hear reports that "such-and-such a venue isn't ready yet" all over the news (apologies for bad post quality, but i can't think of a coherent way to say this)
  8. ... As far as i'm aware, Al-Quaeda are claiming responsibility for the bombings, as allegedly, a post was made on an islamic website by al-quaeda, claiming responsibility. Thankfully, there are only two confirmed fatalities (according to both sky news and bbc news 24), although it is speculated that there are more. Eyewitnesses said that (apparently) there were "decapitated bodies" around the bus that was targeted. Although this hasn't been confirmed, the bomb [I]did[/I] blow the roof clean off the bus. As i'm writing this a new report has come in, 40 fatalities, and at least 1000 wounded. i think it is safe to say that london will never be the same again.
  9. If i said you weren't that bad looking for a human, would you disembowl me?
  10. Monty python is truly masterful, i'll agree. My favorite bit would probably have to be "self defence class" from "and now for something completely different". John cleese plays the teacher of a self defence class, teaching people how to defend against assailants armed with "fresh fruit" - a true calssic sketch. Of course, you also have "the joke that kills you", the "dead parrot sketch", "mr creosote", "upper class twit of the year", and of course, the legendary "knights who say.... NI!!" monty python rules "and now for something completely different"
  11. Ok, the Turbo trolley event for tombi!2. You have to race along a winding track in a mining cart, with a bucket of cement which sets rock hard in about 1 minute 30. If you go around corners too fast, you derail. loosing. if you slow down to go around the corners, the cement sets rock hard beofre you reach the end of the course. on top of that, you have to collect "seeds of stength" from around the track, to give to the strength fountain. this was damn near impossible. it took me no less than 300 tries over a period of a week to do this mission. grr... and i still can't get the secret ending!!! :cussing:
  12. I like Peanut M&M's. Even though they are not English (at least I think they aren't). I'd beat the crap out of... out of.... .... well i don't know what out of, but definately something!! :p
  13. If I could date an anime character, I'd probably opt for Naru Narusegawa (love hina), for many reasons. such as intelligence, and the fact that she packs one hell of a punch :p
  14. I noticed that The anime lounge was lacking in a trivia thread, so now you have one (whether you want one or not!! XD)!! Ok, so to avoid spamming this thing up so much that a mod feels the need to bonk it with a modrod, we better have an orderly way of doing this. Firstly, you post an answer to the previous question to your post, and then you post the next question. For example: Q: What is the name of the guy in the yellow glasses in Trigun? (post start) A: Vash Q: What is the name of the anime with Vash in?? (post end) Or something like that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anywhoo, better get started, so here's the first question!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Q:[/B] What is the name of the voice actor who plays Excell in [B]Excel saga[/B]?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let's go!
  15. I've just watched the first episode of ranger jameson, and i must say it rocks. the whole thing is great. well done that unidentifiable-shoulder-clinging creature
  16. Green day - nimrod Green day - warning [uk release] Green day - dookie Green day - International superhits! Green day - American Idiot Green day - American idiot(single) Slipknot - Iowa Slipknot - The subliminal verses Motorhead - Deaf forever Motorhead - The best of motorhead Marylin Manson - Lest we forget The offspring - americana The offspring - conspiracy of one Muse - Absolution Strong bad sings There you have it, my cd collection in my current cd case.
  17. I checked out banannaphone, i reckon it rocks. [QUOTE]You think thats bad? Sorry I just had to post this check out this song Click. Literally it's called the "Annoying" song for a reason. And this one is kind of old but still equally annoying Click. [/QUOTE] annoying ROCKS!! *oh my word this tune is annoying i gotta go to work in mornin'. i can't get this song out of my head EEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!* Mind you, i like most pointless flashtunes like Badgers, annoying, Anyhoo (weebl and bob) scampi, and patric moore plays the xylophone. One thing I can't abide though, is that stupid lame dumb-*** stupid [B]Crazy Frog[/B]. if you don't know what the frog is yet, count yourself lucky. It was originally a ringtone that was converted to a single, and features an animated frog singing something like *ba-ring-ding-ding-ding-bada-ding-ring-ding-beh-bah-deh-bom-bom-bom-bar-ring-ding-ding" or something like that *shudder*
  18. Recurring joke in the Tombi games seems to be that there are always at least 15 events that appear on the adventure jhournal as spaces, but you can find no conceivable way to start them. I do not know if this was done on purpose or not, but damn it can get frustrating.
  19. [QUOTE=WW2]I don't know too much about this series, only that its about 3 episodes long, which leads me to think its not going to be as funny as Excel Saga. But hey, Nabeshin is in it a little bit, and he's always funny.:D I think ADV will be releasing it around the end of this year, but I really don't know.[/QUOTE] Puni Puni Poemy is two episodes long, and like excell saga, has no story. Nabeshin plays his usual appearances, with his "afroshin sword attack" (wherein a chibinabe pops out of the top of nabe's afro, holding a sword). also, the DVD has (as far as anyone can tell) the world's first 5.1 audio commentary track. Which i must say is almost as sidesplittingly hilarious as the show itself.
  20. [quote name='randalion']Love Hina is great! I watched the whole series in 2 day, but I have to say the Naru is just.....well, a little bit annoying. One second she likes Keitaro and the next, she punches him through the roof. It's funny at first, but after a while I was screaming in my head, "make up your mind woman:mad: !!!!!!!" Besides that, It's all good.[/quote] Near the end, we have haitani and shirai to thank for that, with their bad aim and all....
  21. I never thought i'd have a difficult time choosing between two characters. damn this is a difficult choice. I'm going to have to choose Naru. I love the love hina series, and naru is one of my favorite characters, so i'm casting my vote for naru. (oh, and bloodseeker, I just had to swipe that .gif XD, hope you don't mind!)
  22. This show was released in England this week, and I must say that the wierdness bar, set by excel saga, has been shattred. The main character (Poemi Watanabe) is voiced by Kobaiyashi Yumiko, who is most probably better known for singing the "Love isn't that" theme from Excel saga. Poemi Watanabe almost always refers to herself as "kobaiyashi", and funnily enough, is convinced that she's a voice actress. Shinichi watanabe, like in excel saga, plays a character in this new outing of wierdness. Nabeshin returns as the father of Poemi (Kumikumi is Poemi's mother, which is another joke borrowed from excel saga, as at the final episode of the series, Nabeshin marries Kumikumi). This new episode of wierdness has no storyline, just like it's predescessor (excel saga) and as the animators say "if this anime doesn't offend you, we haven't done our job!" Personally i think that this is a great anime, and I would reccomend it to anyone. So, has anyone else seen this?
  23. I'll vote for the person i voted for last time, simply because i don't feel like surfing the web to get the required information to make an analytical judgement. one vote for Kei.
  24. uuuuh, Bloodseeker, did you know that on the thread title, it says that Kanzaki is from GTO, and in the actual poll, it says that she is from Love Hina? Just thought I'd point that out (that was why I was bit confused)
  25. Funniest thing i've ever seen is probably puni puni poemy. i meawn this is complete randomness, more so than excel saga. (i don't know if i can count anime in here, but where i live's really boring)
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