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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. An idea i've had would be to fine one of the natural hot springs i've been told about (if indeed they do exist)
  2. Most definately the right choice in my book. not much more i can say on the subject.
  3. [quote name='Meggido']I have to agree on the Guilty Gear XX comment, but for me it is worse. In the Pal release the game had 100 missions instead of 50. I've only got 50 done.[/quote] GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! GUILTY GEAR XX. i am on my third copy of this game due to the mission mode. i have done 99/100 missions. and i'm near to needing my third copy.... aside from that, it is a brilliant game. i'm not sure anyone's mentioned these yet, so i'll chuck them in (even though for me they were a cakewalk): [B]the american monsters[/B] (ruby and emerald) - just thought i'd chuck these guys into the fray.
  4. all of these images are really well made, i salute you.
  5. [quote name='Leofski']HMV and Virgin normally have the most popular/recent anime in stock so it's always worth a look.[/quote] Where i live, this strictly isn't true. i went into virgin, and asked them if they stocked neon genesis evangelion. the guy looked at me and said "uuuhh... umm.... what's that? some kinda alternate rock band?"
  6. [QUOTE=Japan][COLOR=Navy]When I lived in England, I didn't feel crowded at all, and hey! Cambridge is not ugly period! I loved it there! Nothing can compare to the dirtiness of some of Ireland's cities. I used to live in Lakenheath, England, but that was five years ago. I now live in Spokane, Washington. I hate it here. I'd much rather be back in England. (if it weren't for my friends, I'd definately go back.)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] england does have it's good points. i spent a brief period in lakenheath, it is a nice place.
  7. In love hina,[SPOILER] the fact that EVERYWHERE seems to lead to the hinata lodge![/SPOILER] and the sudden discovery that [SPOILER]kaolla has a pond in her room o.0[/SPOILER]
  8. Speaking of sandwitches, try steak, motzerella, chilli and salad. awesome.
  9. [quote name='SadBlue']I don't get how anyone could live in England. It's not because it's a bad place or anything (It's damn right beautiful, ask me) but England is litterally 100 times smaller then Canada with a population 10 times as large. How can people stand to be that crowded?[/quote] I live in a place in england called cambridge. we are famous for our universities (and their rivalry with oxford's) and the boat race. Parts of cambridge are beautiful, but most of it's as ugly as hell. england is crowded, but you get used to it.
  10. i take it this game is based on musashi miyamoto? does it have any reference to "the five rings"?
  11. [QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]I bow to you, almighty salty one. I first make an omlet with sausage, beef and chicken bits. Then, I add peanuts, and finally some y(h)aleppino. Try this... Bite and eat two mints slowly (you should feel the "mintyness" in your throat) then, as fast as you can, drink a cold lemonade soda. BIGGEST non-drug induced thing someone can do without risking your life. Also, chocolate and peanut butter is the best food combo in EXSISTENCE![/COLOR][/QUOTE] ooooh! mintyness! try this: get as many packets of extra strong mints as you can, and a bottle of coke. pour the coke and mints into a food processor, and blitz them up on the highest setting you have. throw in a tray of ice-cubes, and blitz on high some more.
  12. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]Yeah, I can understand that much lol. Have you played the sequel? I heard it was better, but I never even saw it in the stores.[/QUOTE] Zool had a sequel? i never knew that. i think though that my old RISC600 version had better graphics than the mega drive version i bought. either that or my memory's a bit fuzzy.
  13. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]I bought this game way, way back on the SNES when it first hit that system. I know it originated on something strange like 3DO or something. Honestly, I think the game is a subpar platformer that feels more like a shareware PC action game than anything I'd consider "great". The game has its moments, but overall I think it's just a mess of stupid enemy designs, dumb levels (the first one looks like candy and cake, whatever) and needlessly mazelike layouts (particularly the later stages). Obviously I don't care for it, but it's slightly better than something like Bubsy... which is probably its closest comparison.[/QUOTE] Yeh i guess so. but i used to have it on my old acorn RISC600, so it's just a nostalgia thing for me i think. i reckon it's the kind of game that's a laugh to play every once in a while.
  14. four words: The texas chainsaw massacre. simple as that. it is the funniest thing i've ever seen.
  15. I remember playing this game as a kid, and while browsing the "Retro games" section of my local game store, i came across it. and so i purchased it. personally i think that this game is quite good/imaginative/whatever for it's time. the original concept rocks too. any thoughts.
  16. BASEketball. it's made by trey and matt, (creators of south park) so you'll already know waht to expect. this film had me rolling around on the floor laughing - seriously, it made me pass out.
  17. ok a recurring thing in the sonic games has allways been good 'ol egghead Ivo Kintobor (AKA robotnik - i refuse to acknowledge him as eggman) i mean, he's allways using the same sorta machenes in every game. i swear to cut the budget they use the same sprites or something stupid like that.
  18. as they say "variety is the world's ketchup" or something like that. i reckon that it's good to have a variety of short and long posts in a thread.
  19. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Solo, cockney is not posh. Don't try and confuse non-British people! ~_~ (lol) I don't have a credit card, but in my mind, I have never seriously thought about ordering anything bootleg - it's not worth it. (Knowing me, the authorities would break in to their company, find my name on the ordering list and arrest me or something. LOL.) Neither are fan subs - someone I know has Yu Yu Hakusho fansubs that are incredibly horrible with the Japanese sentence structure still intact (think watching hours on end of Yoda speaking and then some). In terms of out of country shipping, if you have any friends or family that live in the USA, or where ever you're ordering from, you can always ask if you can send it to their address and have them ship it to you, which will bring the cost down somewhat. =) [/color][/QUOTE] i wouldn't order bootleg either. the original releases are both better quality, and have more potential as antiques
  20. The first appearance of misaki matsuya in exel saga, commenting on the cheeziness of the animation, and complaining about them cutting her intraductory scene short is classic.
  21. [quote name='juzzam']Thanks Solo this is realy useful info as the only anime ive been able to get cheap was my kenshin off ebay. I realy hate not being able to get much anime here. Sometimes HMV has some and also Play.com , not the biggest selection, but whats theres cheap.[/quote]Play.com has quite a decent selection, unfortunately only in small quantities
  22. after legal, i'd buy myself a katana, and get a crash corse in Iaiato (quick draw sword). then drink myself sick in a bar somewhere.
  23. this one goes through my head often of late: "eatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepuddingeatthepudding" ....
  24. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86]Yep, I'm about as English you can get, without the tea, crumpets and posh cockney accent ^_~ You can't often be sure that a series will be released. You can either ask them directly (but you'll either get a vague 'Don't know yet' or a blunt 'Not in the forseeable future'. The best thing to do is regularly check the distributors' websites (e.g., MVM, ADV Films, Beez) or keep checking [URL=http://www.animeuknews.net]UK Anime News[/URL] for a really comprehensive schedule for the upcoming months. It's the best-informed UK anime site I've seen. Very very good.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] thanks, i'll check them out soon. Another pro to importing, even with custom charges, it often works out cheaper.
  25. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86]There are better places to buy anime than City Cyber, I find. Otaku UK is usually a few quid cheaper, although you do sometimes have to wait a week or so for stock to come in. I've managed to grab hold of some really nice obscure soundtracks from them, and they even went out of their way to find an out of stock item for me, so they'll always tend to be my number one choice. And because they're UK-based, there's no customs charge ^_^ The problem with importing anime is that it takes away income from the distributors on the home market. There are times when I'm tempted to buy US releases because I can get t whole series there and then, but at least if I wait for the UK releases, then by supporting the distributors here, there's a greater chance of more releases coming our way in future. If all anime's imported, of course there's going to be no market for UK releases. Unless something has no hope of a UK release (and with the exception of R.O.D the TV, which I've started importing already), from now on I'm hoping to be able to have the strength of mind to only buy UK DVDs to try and bring in some support. There's not really much point in me buying all the availabe FMA DVDs yet anyway, as I'd only have to wait forever for the next ones...[/color][/QUOTE] ah so otakuboards has an english staff member? i never knew that. i can see what you're saying there, but how can we be sure that series will even be released out here?
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