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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. oh, ok cool. are there going to be any more released after that?
  2. thanks bloodseeker. according to that website there are 31 normal dvds and two films (i think) thanks, now to some serious thinking....
  3. As you may have guessed from a previous thread of mine, i'm considering importing from the US. inuyasha seems to have 26 dvds plus 2 movies as far as i can tell. i was wondering if i was correct, or if anyone knew exactly how many dvds/series/movies there are.
  4. this one, which i made myself. i tried to put it on MyO, but they say it's the wrong size, even though it's EXACTLY the size asked for.
  5. frink: oh, sorry i'm late. there was trouble at the lab with the running and the exploding and the crying... one of the monkeys... stole the glasses off my head!
  6. hmm.... i suppose Jubei (nija scroll) and mokoto (love hina). both of them are supposed "expert swordsmen", so that'd be pretty cool to see.
  7. my vote goes to washu for two reasons: 1) i've never even heard of the other one. 2) washu is the only cahracter in tenchi that has a scintilla of sense.
  8. yeah, and the main thing to remember is to pretend to know a lot more than you do know.
  9. Looking at the timetable dante had just recieved, he saw that his first lesson of the day was music. "great, a lesson with that wierd mind reading thing" he thought to himself, reluctantly setting off toward the online directory. "let's see.."dante mumbled, acessing the directory. "take warp gate A-171A to subsection alpha of the first floor, then head down corridor 5B to room 9999" dante memorised, and started out. "i hope i don't run into that thing again" dante thought as he headed for the warp gate.
  10. probably Ninja scroll. samura going around hacking up demons, ninja hacking up samura and demons, and demons hacking up samura, ninja, and other demons!
  11. an O/B summit would be cool. only problem is america's all the way on the other side of the ocean. move america closer, and tha'd solve the problem! XD
  12. I have just started to watch the series: love hina. so far i reckon it's great. especially because it is funny, with a great storyline. the music is brilliant. character development is standard, but the greatness of the characters makes up for that.
  13. do web-only flash games count? if so then 1-UP the extra guy. he's from this random game about a supposed "anime character" called "stinko man", and he's a supporting character. migrane-inducing WTF ness.
  14. it's good to see another quality update on this story. and might i say that it keeps the pace nicely, we can only watch and wait for the next part.
  15. aaah, the old mario bros. show. the animation sucked. the voice acting sucked. the storyline sucked the concept sucked. but you can't help but like them, for no other reason than they remind you of highly pixelated jumpings, 'twas the age of nintendo.
  16. reaching into his back pocket, Dante drew out a piece of paper. "let's see - " Dante thought to himself. "[B]Advanced swordsmanship[/B], [B]Astrophysics[/B], [B]Ancient history[/B], [B]Music[/B] and [B]Advanced computing[/B]. piece of cake." Dante continued to stair at the piece of paper for a few minutes. "oi! kono yaro!" someone shouted over at dante. "You're in music, aren't you?" The person continued to approach Dante. "..." the woman snatched the piece of paper from dante's hand. "see! You ARE taking music! who are you anyway?" Dante, saying nothing, snatched the paper back and took up his place in the line. Once the woman had moved on, Dante began thinking to himself, "who in the world was THAT? and how on earth did she know that I was taking music...." Dante continued to ponder for a few minutes more, untill a call broke him out of musing. "next please!"
  17. I'd say that this is a brilliantly written and insightfull story, moreso if it actually is true.
  18. ok, tanks for all the help/advice. I'm pretty sure i have a multi-region player, so region codes shouldn't be a problem.
  19. life is a pain in the ***. it's a test, a test you can't pass, because all of us will die.
  20. ([B]OOC[/B]:[I] sorry if i'm posting out of turn, i only signed up yesterday, and my sign up hasn't even been approved, if i'm posting out of turn, then i apologise[/I]) "enter password...." a computerised autoprompt announced. Dante keyed in his pasword as he walked straight into the already materialising gateway, without loosing a single stride. Dante continued walking even as the microsoft online schools system dissolved into view, continuing toward the front desk to recieve his timetable. stepping to the back of the seemingly never-ending line of students. glancing around the entrance hall, dante could make out even more students sitting around, waiting for the line to go down. "who are you? shift so I can get ahea-" cutting off the obnoxious student's sentance with a sidewards glare. "i'll just, ah -. i have to go...place..." the student said as he backed away. dante continued to wait in line silently
  21. as some of you may know, anime is hard to come by in england... so i've been considering shipping from abroad. but one question stands out in my mind: is it worth it? i mean i'm not sure that my card will be accepted on an american website, and i can't guarantee that it will actually arrive. i was hoping to gather some points ov view on this, if you could help me out with this decision.
  22. Concert guy: OI! where are you all going! the concert just started! Wiggum: who cares? we allready heard the "bah-buh-buh-bum", you know, the rest is just filler. ----------------------------------- *homer runs into casino* GEHFURARADAGUARA!!!!!!!!! marge: homer slow down. homer: geh-fura-rada-gu-ara marge: think before you talk!
  23. hope it's not to late to sign up. name: "dante" age: 17 gender: male appearance: "Dante", when standing up straight at 6'11", but often hunches, appearing no more than 5'4". "Dante" has a slim build, with shoulder length silvery-gray hair. dantwe is often seen wearing a black and red coat, studded with metal. along with full black jeans and shirt. personality: "Dante" is a quiet individual, rarely talking to anybody. many know him only by rumor. he is a mysterious character who seems to avoid contact with people outside class as possible. on the rare occasion that "Dante" speaks to someone that he doesn't know, his comments hint at wisdom well beyond his years. bio: Dante has an extremely high IQ, but often tries to hide this fact. dante joined the bionet to escape the pressures of the real world, and continue with his activities in peace. before joining the bionet, dante had no schooling in academic subjects, only swordplay. hobbies: none, apart from swordsmanship. classes: advanced swordsmanship, astrophysics, ancient history, music, advanced computing. (OOC: i hope this is ok and that i'm not too late)
  24. the hauler beast minigame on star ocean till the end of time. frustratingly frustrating and difficultly difficult. tooc me three hours and ten strong cups of coffee to beat it (three in the morning is not a good time for this minigame)
  25. [QUOTE]Quote: Originally Posted by Kilroy-Silk Hello, are you going to vote Veritas? Don't say no while the cameras are on me or I'll wrap that stick around your neck. A real people person, that one.[/QUOTE] no comment.
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