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Everything posted by Lord Dante
White rover metro. not much, but it gets me from A to B.
All of what you say sounds really interesting, but one thing stands out in my mind. and that's how long it will take, i don't reckon that i'll see this untill years after the americans.
Gogandantess.. the gratest asshole of all demons|! i HATE this guy! every freakin' time you see him he starts prattling on like "My name is gogandantess! the gratest swordsman of all demons!!" which really gets boring after like, the fifth time. also he speeks in that really stupid voice liike he's a hero in some stupid shakespeare play or something. (not that i've got anyhting against shakespeare) plus he looks stupid. gogantantes is even worse than jujormah and gingamphantss put togeter.
i mean we have a couple of shops where you can buy anime, but you can only get things like excel saga and gundam wing. the guy i spoke to hadn't even heard of inu yasha or any of the others i mentioned. damn stupid britain. we have hardly any anime, and yet we're the only country on the face of the earth to be called "great"?
[QUOTE=-tiGz-]Well, thats all i had to say :P .. The simpsons will be finished forever soon.. which will suck[/QUOTE] yeah well, we'll always have the memories
i reckon the new rule rocks, but only blade gods should be able to vote (that makes just about all of us, as we're all blade gods) also it would prevent this thread getting clogged up with votes, and can be used for challenges/querys.
[quote name='x kakashi x']I'd feel prety bad to if I had to pay a computer technician $90 an hour to fix my computer. It wouldn't surprise me if they made the viruses themselves and sent them out. The more problems for other people, the more money for them. I'm so diabolical :D[/quote] that's true. i know someone who tried to write a virus, and an antivirus for it, and then send out the virus, and charege people like £100 for the antivirus. thankfully, he got hit by a virus before he could complete his. ahh... the irony.
[quote name='Silpheed][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]C'mon, everyone knows that England doesn't get alot of Anime and Manga because it takes so long to put those 'u' in the middle of like EVERY word![/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] waht on earth are you talking about? we don't have 'u' in the middle of every word.
It used to be gratifying because crafting a virus was near impossible. people crafted them and sent them out into the world to prove their sublime mastery over a computer and all of it's elements. but poeple like that suck. viruses suck. the person who invented viruses i'm sure was related to gengis khan.
Writing Taxi! [R-VL, and grotesque sexual content]
Lord Dante replied to Annie's topic in Creative Works
i never woulda expected this new turn. - what makes this story all the more brilliant is i took a cab last night, and the driver was called roger and matched your description! (chilling thought) seriously though write more please. -
[quote name='-tiGz-']The simpsons will always be funny, and won't ever get boring! :)[/quote] That's a bit of a short-sighted statement, isn't it? true the simpson is a classic, but groening seriously needs to get better writers.
[B] lisa the stargazer episode[/B] lisa (to homer): dad, this lack of sleep is making mom and maggie crazy. homer: don't you think you're reacting talking gumball machine??
[QUOTE]Anime has a small cult following in England. It's not as big as it is here, I'm afraid. You may have to import it from offline or somthing. On the bright side, one of my favorite animes "Hellsing" takes place in England. The guy who did it, must of did alot of research on England, France, the Vatacin, and Proenstent churches. Watching the dubbed version of "Hellsing" makes more sense then the Japanese track, because the people of the UK don't all speak fluant Japanese. I always wanted to go to the UK. A freind of mine lives there. And I can bother people with my MONTY PYTHON impressions. (Joking. I'm joking.)[/QUOTE] Heh, monty python is what makes england famous, alongside crappy weather. as for the thing about the small cult following, Wihin 100 miles of where i am now sitting, there are three anime fans. so yeah, our cult of hardcore fans is about as small as tony blair's concience.
It'd be cool if they made a star trek game. as i have yet to find one. but i donno, is there already one out there?
Children That Are Smarter Than Their Parents
Lord Dante replied to Sinistra's topic in General Discussion
It isn't hard for a child to become smarter thatn their parents, as wether they mean to or not, they pass on what they know to their children, wwho build on that knowledge. I.Q sometimes can't measure what a person knows though (according to some website i found), but i think that this is a load of crap. IQ is the way to go. -
At least some characters retain their originality. like my three favorites: comic book guy, moe, and John frink. all of them had something different about themfrom the others, but insted of melding into the mush the main characters have become, they remain different.
Yeah, it kinda sucks. but on the bright side Motorhead are playing this year!
Actually, he was hosting the galactic UN, and the paint was still wet on ambassador Fulfoon. Answer to your question: "i cannot drive 55. because it only goes 38". Q: NAme the three tapes that bart reads out the names of when he and millhouse stumble across comicbook guys secret video library (bonus point if you can tell me the one millhouse names)
the whirring of bugs fills the twilight air around Hinabayama castle. The area is deserted of locals, as a festival of Oni is in session. dante walks up the long, dusty mountain road toward the castle, seemingly aware of nothing around him. "seems a strange place to find a blade master" dante said to no-one in particulair, pausing for a moment. After satisfying himself that no one was around, he continued toward the castle. Sliding back the wall, dante stepped into the castle. Dante thought to himself that the Place looked farmiliar, but discounted the thought. Dante froze at the sound of footsteps. looking around hurredly, he spotted that a figure was approaching the room. "oh crap" dante whispered to himself, and darted behind the paper wall just as the figure entered the room... (OOC: i hope this is an ok starter)
Kairi, are you available for challenging, or are you currently engaged in a thread?
Gaming The hardest game task you've accomplished
Lord Dante replied to Sir Auron's topic in Noosphere
For me, the hardest task was getting 100% completion on FFX. it took me 180 hours of intense playing to do this. the hardest part of this was the blitzball, i can't even remember when i got his overdrives and celestial weapon. I can safely say that if i never see a blitzball again it'll be too soon. -
[QUOTE]Any main characters from any Final Fantasy Wimp in the beginning and bad-boy at the end, whining the WHOLE way there! I'll have to say that Tidus and Squall were the worst of all FF's main characters, I wanted to shoot them both in the faces seventeen times with a pistol then throw their bodies off of a cliff and into the ocean! They wouldn't shut-up about how the world wasn't right and how they weren't supposed to be there. They almost made both of those games un-playable in my eyes.[/QUOTE] yeah, but then again that's half the fun of playing a final fantsy game, listening to the characters whinge and moan. the series just wouldn't be the same without it.
It was either something about standing too close to the Kwik-e-mart microwave, or something to do with his various addictions. Q: In the episode when homer and co. have to move into a reality show house about 1895, they originally try to move in with Comic book guy. but what was he doing as they arived? (bonus point if you can tell me exactly what is still wet)
True enough, point taken.
i'm on the list now, and because his name's blue, i challenge Kairi! the setting, should you choose to accept it, with be a feudal castle. with sliding paper walls, the works.