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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. [QUOTE=Xyandar]Actually I would like an explanation:P I love that dog because i can laugh exactly like him whenever you miss the ducks. I find it so amusing. The most annoying video game character would have to be The Owl from Zelda Ocarina Of Time. He annoys the crap outa me because you can't skip it sometimes and he's always buggin me in the action moments![/QUOTE] I didn't find Kaporiora Gaboriora annoying at all, but he did kinda freak me out. turning his head full circle like that *shudder*. gannondorf though. now he was annoying. strutting around on that stupid black horse of his like he owned the place, and not to mention his huge nose! big green wimp if ever there was one.
  2. Lord Dante


    [quote name='x kakashi x']of course tetris was rated high in competition, its old school, people love and respect all the old games, mario, contra, metroid, all classics that people still love. And you can love it as much as you want, but that doesn't make it a worth while game. Its addicting at first, as I said before, but its the same thing over and over again. Back then it was the thing because they had nothing better. But with all the gaming advances we've made theres just no reason to sit down and play tetris, it has become obsolete. Now I'm not referring to all older games when I say this. I love mario and I still play it all the time, but at least theres a plot for god sakes, tetris is just random block placement, c'mon.[/quote] I still reckon it's funny that poeple actually used tetris as a performing art and music piece. What some of you say makes sense, but i believe that tetris will never be forgotten. it will always remain in the public sight. one of the "founding fathers" of videogames i have heard some popele call it, even though that that statement is chronologically inaccurate.
  3. Bowser. no contest. Bowser has been the main badguy of the mario series since 1985 (as far as my knowledge goes), and aside from looking cool, he had the presence to back up threats, could spit fire, and had offspring that could prove quite the challenge. in short, bowser rules.
  4. I will agree with all previous statements, the simpsons has taken a turn for the worst. I was a big fan of the simpsons, but the new episodes just don't have "it". i only watch them so i can continue to say that i've seen all of the episodes. the new ones are actually quite painful to watch, seing such a good show take such a nosedive. but ah well, at least family guy and futurama are still funny.
  5. The scariest game I've ever played? gotta be Tombi. c'mon man, that pink hair is seriously freaky....
  6. I don't watch sports on the picto-cube, i've got better things to do with my time. i don't play sports, iv'e got better things to do with my time, unless writing, videogames, surfing (web) are sports.
  7. England is the worst place to live if you're an anime/manga fan. i can barely get my hands on anything, and the ONE anime superstore we have WON'T ACCEPT MY TYPE OF DEBIT CARD!!!!!!!! damn it all. as for conventions, i can't find any anywhere. so if anyone knows of any, let me in on the knowledge please.
  8. Unfortunately, i have not managed to get tickets. the guy i spoke to said that he had literally sold the last one 5 minutes before i called (i tried to phone order tickets). my friend has tickets though, so now i kick him good and hard whenever i see him. (not really folks)
  9. My favorite writer is a guy named Terry Goodkind. his books (the sword of truth series) are, IMO, some of the best on the face of the earth. i could go on for hours about what makes them so great, but i can't be bothered. i suggest you read them yourself. the series contains: wizard's first rule stone of tears blood of the fold temple of the winds soul of the fire faith of the fallen naked empire debt of bones. they easily top lord of the rings in my oppinion.
  10. This guy seems well and truly screwed up. i'm surprised you put up with it for as long as you did, without resorting to cutting out his eyes, or slicing through his abdomen. but it did make a good read, i reckon it'd make a good movie too (not to sound insensitive)
  11. You obviously have a talent for writing. hopefully the next part of the story will be as good, as the descriptology in your current posts is excelent, caracter development is great. can't wait for the next part.
  12. A: bart goes to france, specifically to the Chateaux Maison winery. now my Question. Q: How much does Comickbook guy sell a "mint condition spiderman number one" to homer for? (bonus points if you can tell me the exclamtion used by comic book guy)
  13. Cronos from some GC bloody roar game is pretty cool. i mean a guy who can turn into a penguin AND a pheonix just needs a mention.
  14. [B]1: age: [/B] 17 [B]2: gender:[/B] male [B]3: Nationality: [/B] British [B]4: How did you become interested in anime?[/B] An interest in Japanese culture [B]5: do you think anime influences you as a person?[/B] Yes, very much so. There are always situations that arise in Anime that make you question your ideals structure, and so much to learn. [B]6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so?[/B] Who knows why anything happens in the west? [B]7: what attracts you to anime?[/B] It is interesting, contains a wealth of information, and has many aesthetic qualities. [B]8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society?[/B] Yes, i've been interested in J.culture and society ever since i was about 4 years old. [B]9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan?[/B] There are no language classes where i live, but i plan to go to japan after i finish at University. [B] 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples[/B] Yes, but i can't remember any examples at the moment.
  15. I can't really say anything deep about manson yet, as i only have his greatest hits, but i will say that i agree with most if not all of what's been said about his music. it rocks.
  16. Lord Dante


    [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]That's quite the claim, there. It compels me to mention that in EGM's volume 150 "100 Best Games Ever" article, Tetris was rated 2nd, and in Nintendo Power's volume 100 "100 Best Games of All Time" article, Tetris was rated 3rd. Methinks it's the "real gamers" who appreciate Tetris' simple, addictive gameplay. Even I do, and I'm not at all a fan of puzzle games in general. But whatever. I don't expect everyone to like Tetris, though I think it's obvious a majority of gamers out there do. And nice essay piece, Hack Helba. That's really interesting about the GMRs, and I have to agree; a quick paced game of Tetris really gets your mind racing. Quite the mental workout, heh. Teaches you to both think quick and plan ahead at the same time.[/color][/QUOTE] I'll agree with the tetris mental workout thing. I swear tetris can prepare you for exams, take this dialogue from last year: [I]teacher: Did you do any revision for this exam? me: No it's ok sir, i just played four hours of tetris[/I] Tetris is one of the most brutally addictive games of all time, and i think that that could be considered as a negative. when you think that just because you can't get a certain tetrominoe into a certain place has you tearing out great clumps of hair and needing a new television, then you might see my point. plus the soundtrack is too addictive and well known. i tried to pass it off as music coursework, but my teacher saw right through it. One positive about tetris though: is it inspires people to do wierd things. if you go here, you can find a clip of a music group from the University of wisconsin "singing" various tunes from NES games, one of theese being tetris. As well as singing it, they act it out as well! i think that this clip is extremely funny. an example of the subliminal powers of tetris.
  17. [B]Name:[/B] Dante. [B]age:[/B] Believed to be 23, but accounts vary. [B]place of origin:[/B] Believed to be Japan, but some accounts speak of an "Otherworld". [B] appearance:[/B] se attatched thumbnail. [B]Occupation:[/B] Mercenary/devil hunter [B]Body:[/B] Dante is of average height, with a lean, muscular build. He has silver hair, with cold, grey eyes. [B] Fighting style:[/B] Dante was trained in the art of combat by his father, who trained him in the art of the sword. dante is proficient with many types of sword, rainging from the masterful samurai sword of Japan, to the hulking broadsword of the west. having lived his life in seclusion, Dante has had ample time to perfect his art. Dante constantly battled his father, who wielded a sacred blade with outstanding power and keen edge . No matter how proficient with a blade Dante got, his father always could beat him. untill one fluke accident when Dante tripped and threw his blade in a fight, catching his father off guard. Ever since, dante has practiced and trained with throwing knives. When he completed his training with his father, he was gifted with one of his father's most prized swords: an extra-weighted Katana, capable of cleaving rocks in two. Since then, he has wandered the land, his deeds and presence are a mystery. [B]Weapons:[/B] Heavily weighted katana and throwing knives. [B]Skill:[/B]. Dante is an unpradictable warrior, as his technique varies wildly, this is not a problem for dante as he is proficient with all kinds of weapons. Dante focuses on finishing an opponent quickly, and some say he gains the power of a Devil when hurt in combat. Some say that he has the ability to more easily blend in with shadow than normal men, and some even chalk this up to Devil blood. [B]Blade god:[/B] sure. (OOC: I hope this is ok and that I'm not too late to join) (OOC: i hope the edit is OK kairi)
  18. can't say that anyone so far has earned undying hatred from me. The world is full of ********, but then i guess you gotta take the bad with the good.
  19. ok, i've spent the last god knows how many hours playing guilty gear X2 for the first time so here's an updated list of favorites: Chip Zanuff: fast, fast, fast, and invisible(ish) to boot. plus he has an awesome forearm blade. he is convinced he's japaneese, but he's american (priceless idiot) Dizzy: who can argue with wings that argue? and an awesome overdrive that takes 2/3 damage off. no instant kill though. Bridget: he/she/it has some of my favorite moves in the whole game. "me and my killing machine" takes the cake. a bear riding a trike with spikey wheels in a spiked flaming bubble. plus he/she/it has a really funny story mode. Zappa: the epitome of unpredictable-ness fighting. may: has the best walk in the game, and some of the funny moves. all the other characters from GGXX: they all rule, they all come from a game that rules. so i guess they doubly rule
  20. [QUOTE=Zombie_Nosh][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Well, I can't come up with a definate favourite, but I can tell you who my least favourite is - Steiner, from FFX. That tin can annoyed the heck out of me! He was no Cyan, that's for sure! Now, he was a swordsman I could respect. And he was so funny too, especially when paired up with Gau. Never in all my years playing FF have I ever encountered such a comic duo! Actually, I think I'll vote Cyan as my fave swordsman! Huzzah for Cyan![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/snes/ff6/images/characters/cyan2.jpg[/IMG] [/RIGHT][/QUOTE] steiner was from ffIX not ffX. ffX's swordsmen were auron and tidus. i never did like cyan though, his sword techs kinda sucked big time.
  21. all nighters... at the moment, the last time i had any sleep was eight days ago. i have a wierd sleeping pattern, as in i stay awake for any time between a day and a half and a week, then sleep for anytime up to three days. many times i enforce all nighters on myself so i can finish a spescific task. anyway, all nighters are a good thing, because they make you truly appreciate simple things like sleep.
  22. [QUOTE]But Erika is right, this is getting a bit off topic. If you'd like to continue the discussion, Lord Dante, we should make a separate, FFVII-specific thread for it. Talking about FFVII's storyline and whatnot is always fun, so I'd definitely be up for it, if you want to get it going.[/QUOTE] yeah, you're right. sorry for going off topic.
  23. the most dissapointing final boss in the whole world has to be the final evil pig on tomba/i 1/2. a boss you can kill in under a minute is nothing but PATHETIC. and there was no spwecial attacks, no E.P.M, all he does is copy your weapon. i just found myself frustrated that they'd ended such a cool game with such a crappy boss.
  24. [QUOTE]The real Sephiroth was indeed the one that you see suspended up in the Northern Crater, while the Sephiroth you had been encountering earlier was a clone controlled by him. But when Meteor is summoned and the Crater's bottom breaks up, Sephiroth falls down with it -- which is exactly where you fight Sephiroth during the end battles. Bizarro and Safer Sephiroth are just more clones or whatever (Sephiroth/Jenova hybrids?), but the third fight is actually him. Remember Cloud's line? "He's still here." Cloud can sense Sephiroth's presence, yet when he kills the third Sephiroth, the feeling vanishes and he's calm again. Now, if Cloud could sense a fake Sephiroth even after destroying two previous fakes ... wouldn't you think he'd know the real thing? Also remember that Sephiroth was the one holding back Holy. If it were only the fakes that were killed, and not Sephiroth himself, Holy wouldn't have been free to play its part in stopping Meteor. But as you see in the ending, it obviously was freed to act. Therefore, Sephiroth himself must have been destroyed. [/QUOTE] interesting theory, BUT.... sephiorth does not control a clone. he directs his will. he shows nothing but contempt for his clones (i think he is quite vocal on this point). to prove my point that it is his will... theory on bizarro: After defeating JENOVA-Synthesis, the first form of Sephiroth you engage is Bizarro Sephiroth. Taking on an appearance that almost resembles a winged larva, it is an accurate representation of what Sephiroth is aiming to do. Before emerging as the god-like butterfly, he has this pupae stage where he looks unpleasant and fat. Most likely, this is the product of JENOVA cells and/or Sephiroth?s intense willpower. Able to manipulate things with his mind alone he is probably able to create an intimidating appearance for his body, even if it is not so. Rather or not this is what he truly looked like remains to be seen, but unless this is the result of some sort of JENOVA mutation I think it is more likely to be a psycho-kinetic projection. The JENOVA cell mutation idea has one major flaw in it, glaring to even the most unlearned eye. Nowhere else in the game did JENOVA cells lead to an actual physical mutation. They instead seem to have a focus on the mental aspects of their host/victim. Only Hojo mutates through three forms as you fight him, but this is probably more a result of his scientific experiments than of JENOVA?s influence. Vincent?s limit breaks probably function in a similar manner, seeing as Hojo not only injected him with JENOVA but with the cells and physical properties of various monsters. And, within those injections, were other agents, probably responsible for his damaged left arm and his limit breaks. If this is not the case then I ask why Cloud does not change physical appearance at any point in the game. Nor do the reunion clones, who are most likely human beings within that cloak. We know that it?s possible for Sephiroth to simply project the image of Bizarro Sephiroth into the minds of Cloud and company. This is obviously a plausible explanation because throughout the game the Sephiroth you attempt to track down is nothing more than a manifestation of Sephiroth?s consciousness. Since he can create the image of himself walking around to do things for his body - which is paralyzed by death and stored in a Mako chrysalis in the Northern Crater - it is obviously possible for him to make people believe he appears as a monster. Some may argue that he looks this way because he is slowly becoming a god. True, the background music during this battle is entitled ?Birth of a God,? but little else exists that would provide coherent proof to that claim. Sephiroth?s godship could only be attained if Meteor hit. Since Meteor was bearing down on Midgar, the Lifestream would gather at that point and Sephiroth would have to be there to draw on it. Obviously this is not the case for two reasons. One, Sephiroth and his physical body are in the Northern Crater. Two, Meteor had not hit yet, for if it had the entire game would have become pointless - stopping Meteor was the main goal, and the ending obviously showed Meteor hadn?t hit yet. Holy was being constrained by Sephiroth, and Meteor was just about to collide. Therefore, seeing as Sephiroth couldn?t be a God because he had no chance to absorb the Lifestream that argument is flawed. theory on safer: After Bizarro Sephiroth is slain by Cloud and his friends, the battle with the insane ex-SOLDIER continues on to his second form - Safer Sephiroth. There always has been and still is some confusion as to what the name means. Some say it is a corruption of Savior or Seraph, meaning angel. This of course makes sense and I usually refer to him as Savior or Seraph accordingly (Savior the majority of the times however). Others argue that Safer is a corruption of an archaic Hebrew word that has some meaning, much like JENOVA is a corruption of Yehowah (New Latin writes this as ?Jehovah? which is shockingly similar to JENOVA), or the archaic Hebrew word for God ). Whatever the case may be, Sephiroth?s next portrait fits the bill no matter what name you use. This time around, Sephiroth?s torso and head area, along with his left arm, remain decidedly human. The changes we see are easier on the eye, looking less hideous and more like those belonging to a being that has transcended normal humanity. In place of his legs and feet Sephiroth has four wings that gently move back and forth, keeping him suspended in the sky. His right arm is replaced by a purplish wing that doubles as an attack claw for physical attacks on the good guy party. All in all, he lives up to his theme?s name; he is, a ?One Winged Angel.? Barring the fact he looks to be a God or becoming a God the same holds true for his Bizarro form. He may indeed appear to have gained his godship (graduating from his pupa form to that of a butterfly) but this, clearly, cannot be so. The same environmental facts are true now as were true during the battle with Bizarro, and as a result there was no Lifestream Sephiroth could absorb. Therefore, Sephiroth must be using his mind abilities once more to replicate an image of himself befit to his godship. In the end, the real purpose was to release Holy, but to do so Sephiroth had to be destroyed. Or so the short form goes. In actuality, Sephiroth was already destroyed. His body was destroyed by Cloud Strife in Nibelheim five years before any of this happened. Sephiroth wasn?t tackling Holy and holding it down. No, he was rather using his mind to cripple it and keep it sealed away (represented by the red, earthy substance that contained it in the first scene of the ending before Bizarro). Thus, the idea that you are in actuality fighting telekinetic projects of Sephiroth?s psyche makes far more sense in practice than does the idea that you are fighting Sephiroth?s physical form. To free Holy you need to destroy Sephiroth?s will, not his body, because his will is holding it back. Sephiroth?s body was, and still probably is, encased in a Mako chrysalis in the Northern Crater. The only functioning part of it was his mind, and it wouldn?t be until he could utilize sufficient Lifestream that he would be able to be reborn a God. Special emphasis on the term ?reborn,? I might add. Since Lifestream is the source of all life, and is necessary for creating living organisms, Sephiroth?s dead body could, therefore, be revived with it. This doesn?t work normally because nobody had the will like Sephiroth. Instead of, however, using only a small amount of it to bring himself back to normal physical life (as he was before he was killed by Cloud), he plans on using a massive quantity (released by Meteor?s impact) to bring himself beyond normal limits. His psyche is used to tame the Lifestream and make sure it is HE who is reborn, instead of some new organism. theory on true sephy: After the encounter with both of Sephiroth?s two final forms, the party moves out of the crater, thinking Holy will eventually emerge and combat Meteor. Cloud states ?all right, everyone. We did our best. That's it. Let's go home proud.? The crew moves out of the crater but Cloud suddenly has spasms and holds his head, obviously in pain. Cloud: ...I feel it... Tifa: What... Cloud: He is still...here. Cloud: Still... Tifa: Cloud!? Cloud: He's...laughing... Cloud then is propelled through his own thoughts to combat Sephiroth; but this is not the normal Sephiroth everyone else fought. This is, instead, Sephiroth as lodged in Cloud?s mind. This incarnation is Sephiroth?s final effort. His last ditch chance to win by using Cloud. Calling Cloud to battle was a challenge for supremacy over his body. Unfortunately for Sephiroth, Cloud?s mental fortitude has increased dramatically, with the help of Tifa Lockheart during their Lifestream encounter. As a result, Cloud easily dispatches his former idol with a massive volley of slashes - also known as his fourth limit break, Omnislash. As Sephiroth steps back bloody, he realizes he is beaten and his body explodes. Thus ends Sephiroth?s will power, fully destroyed by AVALANCHE. All that remains is a crippled body in a Mako Chrysalis, somewhere deep in the recesses of the Northern Crater. We know that the Sephiroth Cloud fights is not physically there for certain. He is at this point too weak to manifest himself in a form that all can see. We also know that Cloud is fighting him within his own mind, because nobody else can detect Sephiroth. To them, Sephiroth is finally beaten. Tifa acts confused (as seen in the excerpt above) because she doesn?t feel him. Additionally, when Cloud is flung off to engage Sephiroth, Cloud is also seen holding his head next to Tifa still. This shows that the part of Cloud that is flung away was not his physical body, but his psyche. This type of event is used throughout FF7 to show what is going on in Cloud?s mind as opposed this body - when Cloud has a spasm there are usually two Cloud?s overlapping but slightly out of synch. Further backing up the claim that Cloud is fighting only for supremacy of his mind is shown right after the battle. He is not in the center of the Planet, as he would have to have been had he actually been moving. He was instead still standing on the platform with Tifa (although slightly below her because she managed to move off the platform they were on as it fell and he didn?t because of his spasm). Because Sephiroth still existed in some way he was able to hold back Holy. But since he was weakened by the battles he could not use Lifestream as he meant to. Therefore, he needed Cloud?s body to be able to do this. This is supported by the fact Holy is released and moves immediately after the battle with Sephiroth in Cloud?s mind and not before. Before the battle starts it seems Holy is still dormant and everybody walks off hoping it will start up on its own. We know that Sephiroth is too weak to manipulate Lifestream because of the form he presents himself to Cloud in. He is normal. He is unable to replicate an intimidating body for the first time, and this probably is because his will was severely damaged by AVALANCHE in the first two assaults on him as Bizarro and Safer/Savior. An obvious counter argument to this, however, would be that Sephiroth?s normal form itself looks intimidating. That said, Sephiroth may have just been showing himself to Cloud in that way because he wanted to. Still, there is more evidence to show his weakened state. He is unable to show himself to the entire party, but only Cloud instead. This of course makes it a one-versus-one battle instead of a one-versus-three battle. Sephiroth was able to hold his own against all three previously but now lost to just Cloud. Not only this, but Bizarro Sephiroth holds his own against the entirety of AVALANCHE. All your members, for once, fight him at the same time. Safer/Savior only fights three of your guys, signifying weakening already, and finally Mental only fights one. This shows his steady deterioration. Barely able to contain Holy he needs Cloud?s mind and body to amplify his own psyche so when Meteor hits he is able to tame the Lifestream. Otherwise, his efforts are futile. That?s why the final battle occurs. It is unfortunate for Sephiroth that Cloud?s mind was so much stronger than it was when they first met in the Northern Crater and he forced Cloud to hand over the Black Materia. But of course everything has a contrasting perspective. Some argue Safer/Savior has more powerful moves than Bizarro. This is, of course, true, and I?m not going to say it isn?t. However, there is a trend in Sephiroth to underestimate his opponents. His arrogance may have blinded him and forced him to fight with only a fraction of his power as Bizarro. When he realized he couldn?t win as easily he showed himself only to three and used everything he had. We know of his underestimating habit because of what we know of the Nibelheim incident five years ago. He severely underestimated Cloud and as a result was killed. We also know Sephiroth was confident in his abilities because he showed them off so prevalently right before the battle with Bizarro. The amount of flashes, bells, and shockwaves he used on Cloud and company are reminiscent of a child who can do back flips showing his friends tens of times. He was, simply, showing off because of his arrogance. This of course helped lead to his downfall not one (Nibelheim) but two times (wording for theory taken from ffshrine.org - credit where credit is due) there. someone else's wording to prove that it is sephiroth's will. i would have prooved it m'self, but i'm kinda tired.
  25. MOTORHEAD. i went to a motorhead concert in november, and it was frickin' awesome. three hours standig right in front of a marshall stack in the middle of a mosh pit is certainly an experience worth paying money for. there were two other bands at this show. an opening band called class of zero, and sepultura. all of them were great.
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