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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. alas. i have never had the pleasure to come across games lice chrono trigger/cross. or dragon warrior, or most any of the afforementioned games. so sadly, i must stick with final fantasy. final fantasy x-2 gets my vote. it had a deliciously different style of gameplay to ffx, plus the sphere grid costumes were awesome. only porblem is that with only three characters, it takes about 100 hours off gameplay time, seing as how there's only 3 to level up to the maximum.
  2. Lord Dante


    hmmmm. i never knew maggots could operate computers!! =3 just incase you didn't notice, that was a joke.
  3. *adops yoda-like voice* simple answer i have, yes yes. anime is anime. simple as that.
  4. i had a vision once. it was in the middle of the day. i turned to face the sun and i saw a raven was picking at the flesh of a coarpse, around the kidney area. i though that it had been a trick of the light or something. the next day my grandfather was rushed to hospital with kidney faliure. this is the only one that stands out in my mind. but i'm sure i've had others
  5. [QUOTE]Kill the bad guy, search for item, kill more bad guys, find hideout, kill the boss['/QUOTE] but that's half the fun of games like this! XD seriously though, we'll just have to wait and see what it's like.
  6. [QUOTE]One character who I never found annoying until Sonic Adventure was Amy. Does anyone else really dislike Amy in the newer games? Specifically, her voice and attitude. I'm sorry, but she's a total cow. Not only is she outright rude to Sonic for no apparent reason, but she talks like an adolescent Rosanne Barr. Yuck. [/QUOTE] spoken like a true gamer. I'm ashamed to admit that in the older games i was an amy fan. (the poyo-poyo hammer gave me a nice break from jumping on people's heads! XD) but i's have to agree with james. the reason is simple. SEGA are beginning to let their standards slip. SEGA were (some say still are) the kings of videogames. but some aspects of their latest games have been a little shabby. anyone care to elaborate?
  7. huzzah. there are people who hate raiden. absolutely no-one i know hates raiden, as most of them prefer him over snake. raiden has to be the WORST thing to ever happen to the MGS series of games, and i took great pleasure in making pliskin shoot him (that was hilarious).
  8. i'll have to concur with what's been said about the liscencing companies. dubbing is crap (especially in england) as most often, the dubbing, and what is ACTUALLY said are 100% different. as for anime on television, in england we get NOTHING exept for american ripoffs and DBZ.
  9. looketh vey cool. i hope though that there is more depth than in previous games. a game you can clock in 3 hours is has no replay value.
  10. wait, so we can make up cards? if that's the case tyhen I'm going to have to COMPLETELY restructure my deck. i'll get back to you with the restructured one.
  11. this sounds like a bit of fun. so i'll sign up and see how it goes. name: reil age: not known, believed to be 16 gender: male Appearance: you all remember what sephiroth looks like? side: not known/neuteral Personality: you'll find out if the story progresses, maybe. Deck: (my current deck [in real life], spell and traps i'll post later) (subject to change with little notice) blue eyes ultimate dragon blue eyes white dragonx3 black luster soldier paladin of white dragon neo the magic swordsman the dragon dwelling in the cave kaiser seahorse trap master lord of Dx2 opticlops masaki the legendary swordsman warrior dai grepher x3 armed ninja
  12. damn, my old one sucked, so here's a better one. (i hope) "come back here and take your hemeroid perscription!!!"
  13. To get into the lagoon, you need the chocobo that can walk on the sea. there is a path that the sea chocobo can walk, you have to go the long way around the circumference of the island.
  14. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']Navi was obnoxious as far as I was concerned. The shouts from her were entirely too constant, particularly if you don't want to focus on something long enough for her to say her spiel about it. It also effectively made me feel as though the game was holding my hand, which I don't really appreciate considering the game wasn't overly difficult.[/quote] True, but.... NAvi was at least polite, and could speak SOME form of english. Tatil just made doorbel noise and insulted you. I'm sure people don't buy games to be insulted, do they?
  15. People who make over-generalised blanket-statements about anime/manga tend to be individuals who are afraid to try new things. for example, there is a person at my colledge who hated anime. and i mean REALLY hated it. Me and a friend of mine sat him down and made him watch ninja scroll in japaneese, with no subtitles. now, three months later, he has an anime collection of over 30 dvds. my theory is: try it, you never know, you may like it!
  16. [QUOTE=Erika][size=1][color=royalblue]Whooookay, it's been too long lol. I'll just go ahead and post another picture. I think I'll use SSBM screenshots, they have a lot to tell. =P But anyways, this'll do for now. ^_^; [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/Dark_Serena/LuigiDrMarioSSBMscreenshot.jpg[/IMG] Luigi confesses that he drank the last Pepsi.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] DR mario: no I'm sorry, there's no surgery available to shrink the size of your nose. Luigi: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *runs off crying*
  17. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Am I the only one here who doesn't find Navi from OOT to be overly annoying? Really, the "Hey! Look! Listen!" isn't all that bad of a voice clip (the Cucco sound byte while you're carrying one is way, way worse in my opinion), and unless you're extremely slow with things, you don't get all that many of her little reminders. Personally, I think her useful information about enemies more than makes up for any annoyance she might cause. Which is more than can be said about Tatl, the fairy you get in Majora's Mask. I swear, most of what she has to say is either insults about Link's knowledge or overly obvious information that you don't need to be told. She's the one I want to stick in a bottle and toss into the Southern Swamp; I'll take Navi over Tatl any day. Also, I found Rikku to be cute rather than annoying. Especially during the sequences when you first cross the Thunder Plains. That has to be one of my favorite parts of the game, watching Rikku and Auron interact. :animesmil[/color][/QUOTE] ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!! Navi was helpful, and polite. Plus she didn't sound like a doorbell. Tatil on the other hand, *shudder*. Tatil was rude, insulting and he/she/it never stopped complainig about the surroundings. Tatil knew next to nothing about the enimies, while Navi knew almost everything. in short, navi was helpful, tatil was not.
  18. Thanks for the information and comments. and thanks aramune for the imghost URLS.
  19. if i could change something..... i guess i'd increase my muscle mass. to lssj broly proportions (unrealistic i know, but this [I]is[/I] theoretically speaking) other than this i'm perfectly happy with my appearance.
  20. one word. STEINER. that fat knight in the rusty armor. what an asshole.not only does he make a really annoying "clink clank crunch" noise when walking, but he has without a doubt the WORST character dialogue i have ever read. for shame squaresoft!!!!
  21. [QUOTE=James][color=#B0251E]We introduced the custom title so that this would not be an issue: you can make your own title and it can be whatever you want. The core member titles won't change, because a great deal of consideration went into the current system we have now. Unfortunately when we did have multiple "levels", a lot of newer members (and even some older ones - you know who you are) were spamming and competing to get to higher levels. Rather than take that approach, I felt it would be best to let people choose their own custom title. This is also why we don't display post counts on posts themselves; we've removed a competitive element. If anything, I think I'd rather that people compete for [i]better quality[/i] posts, as opposed to a greater number of posts. This relates to both raw post count and member titles (as member titles are dependent on post count).[/color][/QUOTE] well said. maybe higher member titles should be awarded on basis of post quality? (i know this will be impossible to enforce, but just thought i'd stir up the concept). i think that member titles [I]can[/I] be a good thing, but they do create a lot of spam. on a previos message board that i was a part of, the root administrator had his own personal spamming thread, just for staff and select members. all fifteen of them had post counts of sixty thousand. spamming is bad m'kay. but i digress... I think that the custom title system is great. that way you can be whatever you want.
  22. Lord Dante


    Anyone here like motorhead? I saw them in concert in november 04, and i must say that they make an even better live act than they do an album. Their frontman, "the man who is so evil he has boils on his face" (a quote taken from a friend of mine) is possibly one of the top 20 frontmen ever, in my oppinion, he ranks 2nd, behind only billy-joe Armstrong. Most Everyone knows their song "The Ace of spades", but personally i prefer "I'm the doctor". so, what songs do you prefer, if you prefer any?
  23. Does Motorhead count as classic rock? if so, then they are my favorite classic rock band. if not, then i would have to say that AC/DC takes the cake.
  24. Lord Dante


    I must say with pride that I too am a slipknot fan. I will be going to download 05 to see them in concert, and intend to be in the front row (where i was in download 04) my favorite slipknot songs are: DIsasterpiece, The heretic anthem, Metabolic and Duality. anyone else got Joey Jordison signature sticks?
  25. Personally, i feel that anime is just there, and aimed at anyone who wants to watch it. i mean there are extremes on eather side, anime that is blatantly for children, and anime that is blatantly for teens. but as people have said before me, anime is for everyone. even children and teens!
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