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Everything posted by Lord Dante
oo, this sounds like fun. COngradulations, you are now invisible to all. Unfortunately for you, as no one can see you you never get served at the Convenience store, people axidentally clout you with ladders, and some Fat-*** woman just sat on you in the movie theater. I wish I was god.
----------- weak, watery sunlight feebly penetrated the muggy gloom of the communal cafeteria. a low hum of conversation reverberated around the sterile walls. There was only one topic of conversation that could be heard, there had been one topic of conversation for a week now: the attempted murder of a Psytech in the records department. The cafeteria was abuzz with feeling, speculations, conspiracy theories and all matter of other things. "I heard they caught the slimeball who did Kinas in" a male psytech said to the surrounding people on his table; in between mouthfulls of a grey slush. "Yeah, I heard that It was the guys best friend as well, I heard he went nuts or something" a light rain began to fall, adding the light rll of thousands of droplets of water throwing themselves against the window to the murmer of conversation. "Well,is sometime soon. Justice will be served i hope" A female at another table said to the surrounding people. "I'm not sure though." another femaile said "The accused is adamant that he didn't do it, and one of our strongest telepaths can find no evidence of a memory of the incident." "There may not be any psy-varified evidence, but I hear tell tehy found damnable DNA evidence." Five days later, the topic of conversation is still the brutal attack on PSytechKinas tiring. The trial room had now windows in the sterile steel walls. The Circle of judges sat on a raised dias before the containment cell, where the accused was forcibly held. The judge in the middle of the row of nine stood. "Bobby McLeod, you are hereby charged with the Brutal attempted murder of Psytech KInas Tiring. How do you plead?" the man in the COntainment cell jumped to his feet, hammering his fist against the high tension glass. "How many times do I have to tel you! I'm innocent! I didn't do it! KInas was my friend!" "That he was your friend is Immaterial. You tried to kill him, and nearly suceeded." "That's nonsense, He was my friend! why would I try to kill my friend?" "Maybe the fact that you hate all Psytechs, Telepaths in particular had something to do with it?" "What?" "It is known among your friends that you hate telepaths. Kinas was a telepath. reason enough, in your mind, to kill him." "I wouldn't kill my friend just because he was a telepath!" "Really? You broke off your engagement becasue you found out that your future bride was a telepath." "That was different!" "Oh really, I don't think so." "This isn't a fair trial!" "SILENCE!" the judge roared. "Enter your plea!" "Innocent." Bobby sighed resignedly (OOC: is resignedly a word? It is now!) "We, the circle of nine judges will retire to decide our verdict." the nine judges stood, and moved off of the dias into a sideroom to the left. "oh shit." bobby muttered under his breath to himself, "oh shit oh shit oh shit, I'm in for it here..." the minutes dragged on, seeming like an eternity. eventually the nine judges re-entered the room, and took their seats upon the dias. The middle judge stood once more "Bobby McLeod, We the collective of nine Hereby judge you as Guilty of the attempted murder of Kinas Tiring, Psytech Intermediate grade. Under HRV law, there are but two Sentances fit for such a brutal crime. The first is a grade VII execution as stipulated in HRVL00128. THe other option is Psyonic executa - death of the persona, everything you know, feel or have ever been is forcibly removed from your brain. A P&R telepath then hardwires a new, bland personality into your brain, so you may function as a productive 'robot' of our society." "NO! not that. you keep those damned Psytechs out of my head!" Bobby screamed up at the judges. "Then you chose the grade VII execution?" "Just keep them Freaks out of my head! I didn't try to kill kinas, but I wish I had! You freaks have no right to walk the earth!" "So be it" The judges stood, and each cast out his left hand, pointing down towards Bobby. The containment cell collapsed, bobby was lifted into the air. "May Solitar have mercy on your soul" a ball of dense air was released from each of the judges hands, contacting Bobby at the same time.Bobby let out an almighty scream as His flesh Exploded outwards off of his skeleton. Organs rupturing, skin peeling off, skeleton still screaming. ---------------------- Dante awoke. THe flashback had been playing through his mind ever since he recieved it after the failed sealing ceremony. Accompanying it had been a message of "As you requested Keitaro.". As much as he knew it was dishonourable, he had come to realise that his actions in his "other life" were what he himself would have done. He felt a sense of savage pride that Bobby was no more. "Rest in hell, scumbag" Dante whispered, smirking. He picked up the package at teh end of his bed, and made his way to the courtyard. The days training had begun. OOC: wooo. Took me nearly 2 weeks, but I got something up. I do hope its worth it.
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Lord Dante replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Tidus: I....I must be dead..... I see Pie........ Talking pie........... -
Ichigo: What're you doing in my house in the middle of the night? Kon: *muffled speaking* Ichigo: What's that you say? You broke into my house to teach a monkey how to cook? Kon: No you moron! Someone has taped me behind your toilet! Ichigo: You better be glad you're cute because you suck as a tech guy. ([SPOILER]Random lines from random flash toons cobbled together[/SPOILER])
(guitar solo finishing feedback drifts off) Zorro: Thaaaaaank you Cleaveland! Good night! ([SPOILER]Lamez0r to the max0r[/SPOILER] - oh god someone shoot me)
"Following in the footsteps of her Idol, The king of all cosmos, Sakura woke from a drug-fueled bender to fins that she had In fact destroyed all the stars in the sky....... and the moon......... and christmas"
The candelabra clutched in dante's hand cast a wavering light over the Stone walls of the Spiral staircase. The strikes of His boots Reverberating downwards, where The weak light of the Candelabra couldn't penetrate. The descent had been arduous, as he was over a hundred feet into the mountain now. It would be worth it in the end. Tonight, Jack would be a problem no more. Throwing open the Heavy, tick rusted Iron door at the foot of the stairs, Dante stepped out into the cavernous chamber. "Never thought I'd have to use this place again.." Dante mused aloud as he walked towards a Massive altar of The same black Obsidian as the Monolith Obelisks that lined his drive in london. He set the Candelabra In the middle of the altar. In the middle of an Eight pointed star, which was enclosed within a circle; which in turn was enclosed within a square. The Four corners of the square touched a larger circle, enclosing the whole thing. Eight lines, Originating from the exact centre point of the star expanded outwards, each passing through a point of a star, every other ray Passing through a corner of the square. This was nescessary, he thought to himself. Jack must die. "I, Dante, Bretherin of the Order, Hereby Invoke the sacred rite!" He bellowed, standing a step and a half back from the altair, head tilted back, towards the ceiling, arms stretched outwards; towards the candelabra sitting on the symbol. The mellow oringe flames dancing on top of the candelabra wavered, and then burst into newfound intensity. Blue fire was dancing where the Mellow orange lights once stood. "I Invoke the sacred rite of Sealing on behalf of People not affiliated with the order, I Compell thee, take your price of blood, The one so named as simply Jack is not of this world. I challenge thee, O Great Magi. Seal the one Known as Jack." The blue fire of the Candelabre Grew in intensity. Rising up nd coiling around itself in the air, A vicious Toungue of flame lashed out, Spearing dante through the chest. Searing pain raced through him, But it couldn't knock the smile off his face. The ceremony was working. Dante Lifted his arms skywards, Beginning a soft chant. The Blue fire rose to coil around him, in time with the chant of the ceremony. He began to move his arms, as if drawing a vastly difficult Geometric pattern in the air, the fire coling up, following his movements, forming the Geometric pattern. Dante froze. Something was not right, He couldn't move. A manical, sinister, thoroughly evil laughter ripped through his ears. A stream of numbers exploded inot his mind, Overwhealming his senses. The world began to go white as a vision washed over him. Far off, in a guest room in the castle, Geni awoke in a cold sweat. ------------------------------------- OOC: Wow. what happens next? you'll have to wait and see :P
The best casserole topping ever is a layer of potato, heavily brushed with butter, and then topped with a mixture of breadcrumbs and Double Glouscter Cheese. no question.
The tip of his sword whistled past, missing her neck by mere inches as she jumped back. Bringing up her own sword to parry the rage-filled strike, she tried to gain ground against her relentless attacker, to no avail. Dante was pressing his attack with wild abandon. Geni had no choice but to retreat, trading ground for her life. Holding his sword high above his head, dante moved in to hack at her. To deliver the killing blow. She saw her opening. Kill or be killed. she reversed her momentum, springing herself forward. ducking under his arm she thrust her sword into his soft midriff. The air drove from his lungs as he collapsed. "I've killed you..." Geni whispered as she tried to catch her breath. "Dear lord I've killed you." "No you didn't." Dante said as he sat up, leaning on his wooden pole-sword. "I did too!" She said as she walked over to him, and poked him in the ribs with her pole-sword "there, I've killed you twice!" Standing up, dante comforted his ribs. "Oh all right, I concede the point, Well done Geni." Dante smiled at the fact that he had been bested, She had learnt well; although she was far from competent enough to stand up to Jack yet. Dante smiled inwardly, after tonight Jack would be a problem no more.... OOC: *Gasps* what could he mean? stay tuned folks!!
"And thus the headband-wearing otaku gazed onward as the Bruce lee wannabe realises that the yellow pineapple juice that he had been Dared to drink was in fact [I]not[/I] Pineapple juice" meh.
I will be attending The London MCM Expo this may. The MCM expo isn't a pure anime convention, although it has a rather large anime section, called the Anime village. However the people behind the MCM are planning a pure anime convention in august 2007 - Anime london.
"OK, Sake, pizza, pocky and videogames are definately NOT a good combination!!"
Dante was only listening with half his attention to the young laides report to Lord Rufus about the flashback. He looked about the well appointed room while he mulled over what he had seen in the memory. He knew that there was something more -- something that the girls had not seen -- something improtant that had happened that night. It was right there on the edge of remembering, but it would not come. Then he noticed that Ariana had dropped out of the conversation. He glanced at the lady and witnessed her blushes. The reason was quite obvious as he followed the direction that Eclair and Ariana were looking. Society of this era was so prudish. If a husband and wife desired to share a sleeping chamber, who was anyone else to dictate otherwise? Tradition be hanged, it was pure foolishness as far as Dante was concerned. "So then Keitaro -- er -- Dante said he would meet us in an hour and the three of us would go out for an Itallian dinner." Geni's voice cut through his musings. "I think we all went off to freshen up, but that is when the memory ended." Something she said clicked in his mind, and the familiar disorientation that accompanied a flash struck Dante. He nonchalantly let go of Geni's hand and did his best to shield her telepathic ablilities out of his mind. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, but unlike Geni, Dante preferred to review his memories himself before sharing the contents with the entire essembly. Old habits died hard, and mistrusting others was a habit of his that few had gotten past. Unobtrusively he made his way to a chair and quietly sat down and let the flashback wash over him as the others continued to converse. ----------------------- Keitaro set off down a different corridoor to Jeni and Ari, there was something he had to do. The time was now. his boot strikes reverberated around the dreary grey walls as he made his way to the Elevator. Keitaro stood before the sliding double-doors, inhaled a deep breath, and swiped his ID tag over the sensor. The doors slid open. "Records department, Floor 3, office 9" Keitaro spoke to the air. The elevator responded to his command and began silently moving upwards. Several minutes later, the doors slid open as the elevator came to a halt. Without hesetation, Keitaro strode out, and down the left hall. It was near now. His breathing quickened with the need to do what had to be done. Keitaro stopped just short of Office 9. Bending down, he activasted the maintenance panel to the side of the door. Keitaro pressed the Security lock. there would be no escape. "And so the time has come" Keitaro whispered to himself, as he focused his will, his wrath, his power beyond the door. "Hello Kinas" Keitaro said as he materialised inside of office 9. the person at the window jumped with a start, and turned around. "Oh. It's You." Kinas said with a hint of hostility in his voice. "waht do you want? - and use the door next time" Keitaro took a few steps closer to the centre of the office. a few steps closer to kinas. "Why did you go and give Jeni's report to bobby?" Keitaro asked, a slight derisive tone to his voice. "I didn't, I'd lose my job" Kinas snapped. taking a step away from Keitaro. "Come now, I know that you gave Jeni's file to bobby. You know that he hates telepaths, and I know for a fact that you dislike jeni, if not all psytechs". "What are you talking about? I'm a psytech myself for B'jesus's sake!" Kinas said, taking another step back. "Ah yes, so you are. but this whole issue is an aside, the fact remains that you did give Jeni's file to bobby." Keitaro took a step forward. Kinas sighed. "So what if i did?" he said, a slightly defensive and agressive tone to his voice/ "So you admit it?" Keitaro said quietly, taking another step forward. "yeah." Kinas said, his voice rising in pitch. "yeah I gave the Whore's file to Bobby. He had a right to know what scum he was marrying." Kinas took three steps forward, squaring up to keitaro, keitaro smiled. "that's all I needed to know, kinas." Suddenly and without warning Keitaro lit into Kinas with a vengance. Striking him repeatedly in the face. "What in the hell?" Kinas yelled as he staggered back, blood spraying from his nose. He tried to fight back, but he was disoriented, and swung wildly. Keitaro sidestepped, and Kicked kinas solidly in the back of the head. Kinas was floored. "Why kinas? why did you have to go and give the report to Jeni? I mean you're a telepath too." Keitaro said as he kicked kinas in the abdomen. "well, no matter now, you will get your Comeuppance. you and that Scumbag Bobby." he said as he knely down beside Kinas, drawing a silver-bladed knife from his pocket - He was wearing gloves, His DNA would not be a problem. The light glinted off of the guilded name 'bobby' on the blade. Keitaro thrust the knife into the abdomen of Kinas. KInas grunted, and slipped into unconciousness. Ketaro calmed his breathing, and grasped Kinas's head in his hands. he had only done this once before; teleporting out a memory from someone's mind. In theory it was possible - but the last time he had tried this the subject suffered irreversible side effects. It didn't matter though, He would do anything for her, even if she could never know how he felt. At least in this way, he would express at least something. Focusing his mind into the head of the unconcious Kinas, latching on to the hazy image of recent events presented to him, He yanked back his will, his power. a light, white haze lifted from His head, which began to jerk violently. Keitaro stood, withdrawing a tube from his pocket. He threw the liquid contents over Kinas's face. the liquid was Bobby's saliva, he had teleported it out of the Jackass's mouth yesterday. The setup was complete. Bobby would pay. Keitaro walked away, and dissapeared - he had an appointment this night. ---------------------------------------------------- The color drained from Dante's face as he staggered forwards, up out of the chair. "My god, What did I do?" He whispered to himself. --------------------------------- OOC: Wow, you will not believe how difficult this was to write! If anyone has any problems with the flashback - just let me know.
I'm all for the [SPOILER].ninja[/SPOILER] extension, as ninjas have power rivaled by only Febreeze. however I put forward that, if the domain name has to be changed (which, by all accounts, it doesn't) I suggest otakuboards.otakuboards - give peole a blast from both barrels of the otakuboards shotgun!
] I find Raksasa In Nevewinter Nights: Hordes of the underdark to be really annoying. I most often play as a mage-type class, and the Raksasa are some of the only enemies in the game with comlpete spell immunity. When faced with 8 strength (-2 modifier) 123 hit points, and a room full of raksasa, I'm pretty screwed. Damn you raksasa, damn you.
[QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]You unlock TT by beating his ghost on every track in the time trial mode. First you have to get a good enough time to make the ghost appear, then beat it; you'd probably be able to find a list of the times somewhere like GameFAQs. Personally, I used Pipsy (the mouse) through most of my first run of the game, including the Wizpig races. She has the best handling and acceleration, but the lowest top speed, so I know it's possible on the slower characters. Her excellent handling is really nice for swerving around all the obstacles on the course.[/color][/QUOTE] Noted. Thanks a lot Desbreko. - I went back to my cart of DDKR, and Boy am I out of practice! another Final boss I have always found difficult is Gouki, from street fighter 2: The world warrior (I think this is the version - But I'm not sure) I can really only beat this guy If I'm lucky.
OOC: I know I should wait for some others to post, but I just can't help myself! Dante, with the help of his drawn sword managed to rise to his feet. the pain that had ripped through every fible of his being had gone, and was replaced by a dull ache. "I... I lost him..." dante said weakly, as he wavered on his feet. "I sent some of my runners out, to try to track him down. my men won't fail...won't fail.." Dante's voice dtrailed off into incoherency as he sheathed his sword. "My god man, you look like you've been through hell." Lord david remarkedas he motioned to Dante. "Worry not, I am fine" Dante said, as he straigtened himself. [I]"Dante, are you Sure you're alright, you look terrible."[/I] Geni sent into his mind. [I]" I will be fine, I let my rage at the fact taht you nearly came to harm get the better of me. A night's rest and I'll Be back to rights"[/I] "I am going to go for a walk to clear my head." dante said as he turned to go. "wait. You're not going anywhere alone in your condition." Lord david said, a commanding tone to his voice that probably stemmed from his army days. "I'll go with you." Geni piped up. "No I insist, a walk would do me good after what happened in there" geni said. After walking for a time away from the building. Dante was aware of someone following them in the shadows. determidly keeping his eyes forward as he continued walking, he spoke. "You can come out now, Faustus." Geni turned to him as if to ask who he was talking to, but her eyes went wide as she saw Faustus seemingly materialise out of the shadows, snapping a fist to his heart in a salute. "what did you find?" Dante said as he stopped, turning to faustus. "well, I found him..." faustus said hesitantly. "But I was unable to prevent him from killing someone." faustus sighed inwardly before continuing "HE gave me this letter to give to you, as well as a verbal message". Faustus handed the letter with the J inked in red on it. Dante tore open the envilope and began to read.
Ezikiel, I must say that I like the dark, dank coloring used in your avatar. to be honest, the contrast of the pale-skinned face to the deep red background is done really well in my oppnion. however, it is a tad hard to distinguish what is actually inside tha avatar I think, or it may just be that I need to change my contacts. Numerical rating 8.3/10.
"In the name of the Magi!" dante screamed at the now, empty space. "Will this madman evel let us be?!" the assembled stared, open-jawed at dante, oblivious to the meanings of his curses. Geni sat, wide eyed and trembling as the kitchen knife pinned her to the chair by her hair. a silent tear rolled down her cheek. [I]"Geni, are you hurt?"[/I] He urgently sent into her mind. [I]"N..not physically, dante[/I] Came the tentative reply. Dante turned, and sprinted for the open door, he wasn't about to let this one go so easily, not when he was just beginning to find a purpose in life. This time, he was ready. "Faustus!!" he roared as he bounded out of the open door. faustus appeared by the side of Dante's carriage, where he had been waiting in the shadows. "there has been another attack. have the others spread out and look for anything strange. The last two times working girls in the city have been killed, start by having someone look there. No matter what, We will find him." Faustus said nothing, clapping a fist to his heart in an unmistakable salute, turning, he struck off into the night like a shadow. Seconds later, numerous other shadows wound their way into the night, silent as death. Abruptly, mind-shattering pain ripped through every nerve in his body, dropping him to his knees. COnvulsing in agaony, Dante managed to stand up again, He threw back his head and screamed at the night sky. The fires of hell danced in his eyes. OOC: yay, postage! If any of you have aproblem with this, PM me and I'll correct it.
As many people know, members on the otakuboards place a great emphasis on, and in some cases take great pride in the quality of thier posting. Which In my opppinion makes for a far more enjoyable experience. However, upon scanning the Information Superhighway, I stumble upon forums (One example I can give is a forum called gaia [or something like that]) which is full to the rafters with spam, flaming and inherrent "l337speek". Add to this the multitude of forums "in between", where posts are legible, but not grammatically or syntaxically correct 100% of the time. Scanning these forums, I discovered that forums like ours are met with scorn, being considered 'elitist' and suchlike. This got me to thinking. Are we noting more than a bunch of elitists, or is it simply that we feel that what we are saying deserves to be put forward in a manner that is gramatically recognisable and correct? or is it something in between? Some oppinions on this matter would be gratefully recieved.
There are a lot of bad movies out there. but if i had to pick which one I thought was the worst, I'd have to go with the street fighter film. For one thing, the cast is terrible. Guile is supposed to be the avatar of steryotypical america, but the casters in their "wisdom" cast Jean calude van damme - in my opinion this is the worst possible person to play guile - Jean clause has a french accent this really destroys the image of guile I think.. The parson who plays Honda is a huge hawaian guy - for crying out loud, why so many cross-nationalities? honda is supposed to be japanese, Dhalsim is supposed to be indian, and is certainly not a scientist. - in short the casting sucks. There is a lot of other stuff wrong with this film, but It is repulsing me even to think about it.
[QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Do you mean the first Wizpig race, or the second one? The trick to the first one is pretty much just making sure to hit all the zippers. I found that once I could do that, it wasn't that bad. The second race was really hard, though, until I found the best route through the track. Knowing where to go helps tremendously in that race, especially on the first lap. If you do things right, you can get ahead of him by hitting him with a missile just before going into the cave, I think it is, and then you can stay in first the rest of the race so long as you don't screw up. Using TT makes things a lot easier, but unlocking him is probably harder than just beating Wizpig on someone else.[/color][/QUOTE] I'd heard that you needed to use TT. however I have no idea whatsoever how to unlock him. To be honnest I got so frustrated that I tried the race in the plane.
The weather where I am now Is miserable. I live in a City called cambridge, the temperature is -3 degrees celcius not counting the WCF (wind chill factor) There is a strong wind blowing in from the northeast (which is really cold, by the way) and it is hammering it down with rain. the sun is nowhere to bee seen as the sky is as overcast as a bad movie. MOral of the story: don't come to england.
Sakura: Uhh... tomoyo, what did you do to my suit? Tomoyo: Just the additions that kero told me that you gave to him. Sakura: what?!?! Kero, what did you tell her? Kero: Myyy preciousssssss.....
Dante turned to face the bedridden lord. "Thank you for the offer, Rufus." Dante said, the use of the lord's first name conveyed a sense of sympathy for his current predicament. "but Unfortunately thee is some rather intricate and precise masonry work that must go into the reconstruction. As for Ideas, I plan to reconstruct the wing exactly as it had been before." "ah. well do let me know if there is anything I can do to help." rufus replied. "The same goes for you." dante said "If there is anything that You need, just send a messenger." "What's this I hear? Dante being helpful?" eclair piped in a semi-mocking tone. "Recent events or recent company must be having an Effect on him." (OOC: meh. poorly-written filler. just go with it.)