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Lord Dante

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Everything posted by Lord Dante

  1. [QUOTE=Gaara kun]Haha yay I win n_n cool beans yeah this one is easier than the last but it should be funny to see what the outcomes will be :animesmil Well here it is: [IMG]http://img492.imageshack.us/img492/3053/haha1rv.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Three in front: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Guy in back: I told you, Raiden really [I]is[/I] a guy. meh. I'm running low on imagination.
  2. [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] Rufus' blood dripped constantly as dante ran with him, Geni's father close on his heels. [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] "damn it! this isn't working!" dante exclaimed to the night. hoisting rufus onyo his shoulder, Dante offered his hand to Geni's father. [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] "take my hand" "what? Dante what are you doing? we must get him to whites!" [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] "take my hand" GEni's father looked livid "WHat on high heaven are you taling about? we have to get him to the surgeon!!" [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] "we cannot get him there quick enough like this. I am able to get him there quickly. If you wish rufus to live, take my hand" [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] Geni's father hesitated for a moment, and took dante's hand. White hot, prismatic white light ripped through their minds, melding with utter darknes in a single, spectral vision. There was no heat source, but they were plesantly warm. There was no breeze, yet it cooled them. They shot ahead with the swiftness of an arrow, and yet glided with the slow grace of a turtle. Abruptly, it ended. [I]Drip... Drip... Drip....[/I] They were just outside the surgeon's office, on the second floor of the whites club building. Geni's father threw himself out of dante's hand, and staggered back, a look of absolute terror on his face. "what in the hell are you??" OOC: there yo go. Haven't posted in a while, but blame Bioware and their stupid Neverwinter nights.
  3. [QUOTE]Quote: Originally Posted by rawopotato My question: What is the airspeed velocity of and unladen swallow? African or Europian?[/QUOTE] I don't know that ..AARGH!! *Catipulted into the gorge of no return*. seriously though, we better go ask tim the enchanter, he should know. my question: if i bite off the dead skin on the end of my finger, does that make me a cannibal?
  4. Summer was pretty univentful mainiac psycho-killer wise in Dante's oppnion. There had been no appearances from "jack", or anything out-of-the-ordinary. Dante had spent most of the summer keeping a watchfull eye over Geni. Dante didn't know why, but he had a strange feeling that the others intentions might not be wat they appear, Or it could be that he enjoyed her company, he wasn't sure. "Dante, are you alright? you seem.. uhhh... puzzled" Came a voice from seemingly miles away. "uh? wha?" dante uttered dazedly, looking around. "dazed as a dodo." came the voice again, from the side of him. "It seems the lord's mind is elsewhere" a man said. [COLOR=RED]Dante....[/COLOR=RED] "you again?" [COLOR=RED]Dante... I'm waiting.....[/COLOR=RED] "waiting for what?" [COLOR=RED]waiting.... for.... you....[/COLOR=RED] [COLOR=RED]Ripper.[/COLOR=RED] DAnte's mind snapped back into reality, GEni and her father were beside him. "My apologies, i must have tuned out for a minute." "not at all, not at all." both geni and her father said. geni looked him in the eye. [I]"Dante, are you alright? did you see anything?[/I] came geni's thoughts into his head. [I]"No, I saw nothing, it's nothing, I'm alright. let us proceed."[/I] The three of them continued towards the oipera house.
  5. guy: "secret technique! demon sakura fist!!" Off-camera camera man: Uh... john, that's the wrong dialogue. guy: what do you mean? Off-camera camera man: I mean you're reading the wrong script, we're recording bleach here. guy: Bleach? Off-camera camera man: that's right. Guy: I thought we were recording Streetfighter alpha: generations? Off-camera camera man: *sighs* guy: what?? Off-camera camera man: We've been through this like a million times now. This is not Street fighter alpha: generations. I keep telling you, this is bleach. SFA:G has been out for a while now, and that dialogue isn't even in the movie!! guy: BUt i want to read this line.... Off-camera camera man: But it uisn't in the script. Guy: let me see my contract. I'm sure it had a "make-up-crappy-lines" clause in there somewhere. There ya go. a bit long-winded, but hey.
  6. Man with stick: Look you. tell me where the Sugar cookies are. And i happen to know that you are booked in for an enema tomorrow. You'd hate me to yuse this here. now. I know you would. Truuuuuuuuuuuuuust me, I'm a doctor. Woman: no you're not. Man: shut up.
  7. [QUOTE=Bloodseeker]I shoot you. I win. Swords are outdated. You're better off becoming a more accurate shot at a shooting range and/or learning hand to hand martial arts that don't require you to carry around a weapon. (make sure that the dojo is hard contact and doesn't charge you for belt lessons)[/QUOTE] Actually, It has been proven that a katana can cut a bullet in half, so [I]technically[/I] a sword could best a gun. if you want proof, check out the video on [url]www.compfused.com[/url]
  8. [QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms]Go to GameFAQs, you'd be surprised what people have accomplished and actually wrote strategies for. Try beating the game without saving AND without using materia. I couldn't do it, I got beaten by the beast in the cave that you get Trine from and had to start over. Also, I really like FFIX, sure, the story wasn't that hot, but it had solid gameplay and some of the best minigames in the series. I've probably played FFIX the most out of all of the FF's, possibly combined. We're talking beating the game 15+ times, shortest time being 11 hours and the longest somewhere in the 200's. I still play the version of Tetra Master that came with Final Fantasy XI, I'm ranked somewhere in the 80's I think, only like 3,000 people play it.[/font][/QUOTE] After reading the things you pointed out to me, I decided I would top them all (or at least attempt to) I attempted cloud only, using just the buster sword, no materia and without saving. Unfortunately I lost to savior sephiorth, and haven't got round to trying again.
  9. [quote name='Eva10']have any of you guys ever find one of those made in china stickers stuck on you and you don't know where it came from. I just thought it might be a good question. It happens to me sometimes.[/quote] Yes, i have. I don't know how it got there, but i turned up at college today with one stuck to my [I]forehead[/I]. i didn't notice it was there untill at least noon! Question: have you ever eaten a banana with the skin on?
  10. Iai is not a type of katana, it is the name of the sword art, but katanas used in the art are built for swiftness, and so are often reffered to as "iai katanas" or sometimes just "iai's". if you are looknig to learn from a book, I suggest either "the five rings" by musashi miyamoto, or "the art of japanese swordsmanship" by niklaus suino. The five rings is an anceint text, providing the basic underlying principles for the art of iaido. the belief is that if you can end the fight before the enemy has a chance to act, there is no fight. idao literally means "quick drawn sword" or "quick striking sword". thus the style focuses on being able to draw your sword quickly, strike once, and sheathe your sword. when done right it is a beautiful art to watch. [QUOTE][B] a review of "the art of japanese swordsmanship"[/B]Iaido began as an offshoot of kenjutsu, or sword art. The original purpose of iaido was to slay an opponent with one stroke of the sword immediatly after unsheathing; today it is practised as a martial art, one that improves concentration, develops strength and co-ordination and cultivates awareness of another culture and its traditions. The kata, or forms, of modern iaido include drawing, parrying and cutting motions, as well as various ways of returning the sword to its scabbard.This manual of Eishin-Ryu, or Pure Faith iaido teaches the most widely practiced style of the art and is illustrated with step-by-step drawings to help practitioners, from beginners and advanced iaidaka, hone their forms and techniques. Introductory chapters explain the history and evolution of the art, the Japanese sword and related equipment, and the etiquette and code of the samurai[/QUOTE] so if it is iaido you're after, then I'd go for the art of japanese swordsmanship.
  11. here goes nothing. GUy outside picture: Erm.... oooo-kay. I'll just... uh... be..... going now. uhh... Goodbye! *runs for life* girls holding cannon-looking thing: What? we only wanted to show him that his hair was out of place!?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SolarPrincess . How much do you care about your grades? Difficult question, if my grades stay above a low-to-mid B then I don't care, but if they drop, then i often put in a half-assed effort to boost them up. MOstly i'm either too lazy to study or i'm putting it off till tomorrow (jecht syndrome I'm afraid) Question: Why are there so many different translations of the song "a cruel angel's thesis"? (the evangelion theme). the DVD collection has one, the platinum edition has one, and my "day of second impact" soundtrack has another. that's three that I count. but I've heard that there could be as many as twenty. [I]Why?[/I]
  13. dante said nothing as he was led off to one of the guest quarters by Geni's father. The crippling headache from the seeming flashback was still with him, through the pain, he could make out geni's muffled words to him. "I hope this room will be to your satisfaction, my lord." Geni's father said as he turned to face the lord, opening the door. "yes thank you. MAy i apologise for inconviniencing you on this night" dante said, somewhat distractedly. "not at all. not at all. Make yourself at home." Geni's father turned, and left. Opening the door, dante collapsed into the room. It was a utilitarian guest room, but opulent nonetheless. Dante walked over to the goose-dfown bed, and fell upon it, waves of crippling pain racking every nerve in his body. "what's going on...?" dante whispered to himself as brning, pulsing pain built up in ever-increasing intensity. through the blinding agony, dante thought that he could hear a voice. "[COLOR=Red]Hello Dante.[/COLOR]" "who are you?" "[COLOR=Red]You need not concern yourself with that.[/COLOR]" "leave me be" "[COLOR=Red]I come with a warning[/COLOR]" "a waring?" [COLOR=Red]Yes Dante, a warning.[/COLOR]" "..." "[COLOR=Red]The others conspire against Geni. They are jealous of her power.[/COLOR]" "jealous of her power?" "[COLOR=Red]Yes.[/COLOR]" "but she's no different to the rest of us. to any of the other telepaths. to That watchdog nathaniel, or that Ariana woman." "[COLOR=Red]Alas, you are blind to it.[/COLOR]" "blind to what?" "[COLOR=Red]I expected more from you dante, I am dissapointed[/COLOR]" "what do you mean? blind to what? Answer me!!" "[COLOR=Red]The countess Genivive has more memory flashes than the others, does she not?[/COLOR]" "that's true..." "[COLOR=Red]And why do you think this is? She has power far greater than the others. They conspire to do away with her.[/COLOR]" "No!" "[COLOR=Red]You must stop them[/COLOR]" "I must stop them" "[COLOR=Red]You must stop them[/COLOR]" "I must stop them" "[COLOR=Red]You must stop them[/COLOR]" "I will stop them!" The voice faded into the darkness of the room, but dante could have sworn that he could percieve a faint, manical laugh. one tingling with absolute evil. And then the world went white with searing agony. OOC: Sorry i've been out of the loop for so long [I]again[/I].
  14. Kirby does have ears. if you look carefully he has two black/red dots near the top of his head. My question: Will the UK or the US ever get their hands on that kick-*** Evangelion PS2 game That i've seen on the web?
  15. Personally, i'd like to see tenchi back on english TV. we used to get some, but not anymore, shame.
  16. OOC: thanks for such a great jumping off point! now i can finish my flashback!! ================================ A figure of a man strode across the dull, grey floor, towards a door set into the wall of the hazy complex. the door had no percievable handle, but slid open of its own accord. "good work today keitaro." a woman in a grey jumpsuit said as He walked through the door. The comment fell on deaf ears, as Keitaro marched resolutely past, saying nothing. "wavepattern: 3480, synchograph 450%, viral surgebreakers at 51 over negative 7.8. I am still to weak. I'm a failiure. It happened because I was too weak. " keitaro mumbled to himself as he walked forward. towards another of the big doors. "psytech 0010 keitaro. passcode *****. run phasesaber program alpha-echo 9981. difficulty level 20." he said to a glowing red sphere set into the door. "passcode aknowledged. running program." the same monotonous, metallic voice as before said as the door slid open. Keitaro withdrew the metallic tube from his pocket, and stepped inside the door. "mother, I'll be strong for you...." ====================================================== "no..." Dante whispered to himself. "NO!!" dante yelled as he fell back, again clutching his head. geni wavered for a fraction of a second, before collapsing. she had seen everything he had.
  17. OOC: sorry to be out of the loop for so long guys, long story, but here goes nothing. as dante guided geni up to the private rooms of her house, he spoke into her mind. [/I]"geni, I saw the memory flash of your 'alternate self'. I must apologise, apologise for seeing something you justly want to keep hidden."[/I] [I]You should not trouble yourself with it Dante, Only telepaths can block out mind invasions, and only certain telepaths at that."[/I] they continued up the stairs in apparent silence, toward Geni's room. Dante saw a flash of light in his mind. ================================================ a solitary figure stood in the centre of the hazy, gray complex. a monotonic, slightly metallic voice could be heard over the opressive silence [I]"harmonics nominal, perimiter fence nominal. psychoconditioning barriers set. preparations complete. begin when ready."[/I] "keitaro." came a voice from an observation window set high up in the shadowy wall. "you know what to do. we are expecting good results. you will not fail us." "I do not fail." keitaro whispered to himself. A klaxon sounded in the background, and huge blocks of a metallic substance fell from the ceiling. before one landed on him, he was gone. reappaering above it, he drew a small metal cylinder from his pocket, and brought it slashing down against the block, for a fleeting second, a white line shot down the lenngth of the block, which was cleanly sliced in two. The man was a blur. dissapearing and reappearing almost constantly, slicing the boxes in two. "keitaro. finish. we have collected enough data, standby untill we analyse the input components." The man called keitaro stood, silent, in the center of the room. "Keitaro, results are in. wvepattern: 3480, synchograph 450%, viral surgebreakers at 51 over negative 7.8. you did well. you may leave." keitaro walked silently from the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dante fell back, clutching his head. \OOC: sorry, not finished here, but I gotta go!
  18. Pretty much the only "get back at" prank I've pulled is when a friend of mine deleted my final fantasy X-2 clear data "for a joke". while he was sleeping, I put duct tape over his eyelids (to make him unable to open his eyes - making him think himself blind) , and superglued one of his hands to his face. we all had a laugh about it when the day was through.
  19. Dante turned to face the people gathered on the gazebo, but what to tell them? he knew he could not tell them all of it, they were not yet trustworthy. "the time has come. the time for me to fill you in on at least a little of what is going on. It seems that our killer has a name. 'jack' as he calls himself, seems to know that we are not whom we appear to be. Though I am not sure of the extent of his knowledge, I make the natural assumption that he is dangerous." "well, duh." eclair whispered under her breath. Dante began to resume speaking, but felt a chill ripple trough the back of his mind. Turning his head, dante saw that geni was shivering with cold, as she had not brought a wrap with her. Removing his long, black leather coat, he turned to her. "here, take this, it will not do to have you freezing out here." [I]"make sure you don't touch any of the hard protrusions in there geni, oh, and don't mind anything sharp or pointy in there, just be careful."[/I] [I]"Ok, dante, they are dangerous then?"[/I] [I]"Only to those who would do us harm"[/I] Turning back to the rest of the group, dante resunmed speaking. "now, where did I get to?" OOC: sorry, I wanted to write some more, but I've got a dozen people yammering in my ear to get off of the computator.
  20. The funniest lyrics have got to be songs done by the brothers chaps and TMBG. things like [I]experimental film[/I], [I]tropical lazor beams[/I], and [I]vitamins and celebrities[/I] pure WTF-age.
  21. Personally I feel that Evangelion has some of the best music. [I]Thesis of the cruel angel[/I] fully deserves the title of worlds greatest anime song.... ever (in my oppinion). the lyrics themselves are true brilliance as far as I'm concerned. and the music behind them just amkes you want to watch the show, if only to hear that song one more time. Evangelion's other music is worthy of note aswell, personally, i feel that evangelion's music is all brilliant. [I]loyalty[/I] from excell saga I think is a brilliant song as well, it just makes you want to sit there, noddding your head. [Ipoemii no destunii[/I] deserves a mention simply for its WTF?!? value.
  22. Personally, I prefer an Anime with a mix of both qualities. I think that an anime with both can lead to greater enjoyment of a show, with elements that are predictable (story elements such as "shady dark pasts" and stuff) and stuff that turns upside-down and even contradicts other stuff.
  23. Dante moved over towards the lady geni, who had just descended the stairs. [I]"my lady, allow me to apologise again for what happened at my manor.2[/I] [I]"dante, please don't worry about that, let us just enjoy the party."[/I] [I]"you may not be surprised or pleased to hear this geni, but I have a - "[/I] [I]" - bad feeling about this?[/I] she sent into his mind sith a sly smile. [I]"bah. now you seem to be without partner. and it would b highly "unsociable" of me to not ask you onto the floor, will you join me?[/I] he sent into her mind, offering his arm. "of course "milord"", she said as she was led into an ancient waltz by dante. "geni, are you sure we can trust the others? I mean Eclair seems to have a modicome of trustworthiness about her, but the other two.. they... i just have a bad feeling about them. " "i always get the feeling that If i turn my back to them, i'll find myself with a blade jutting from my shoulderblades."
  24. People actually compose metal songs about D&D? awesome! I'm going to have to go out. Right now. Buy some songs about troll killing and owlbears. owlbears rule.
  25. "you dare to question my integrity in my own home?!" dante barked at eclair. maddening anger eminating from his furious eyes. "well, no I just..." eclairs sentance trailed off into incoherency under the power of Dante's glare. "there is more going on than either of you fools - " he stared at eclair and nataniel "can coprihend. All will be revieled to you however, when we attend the dinner party that The lady Geni has so kindly envited us to." Dante turned, without a word, and strode into his loungeroom. (OOC: short one here: just wanted to set up geni's next post)
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