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About zerolienna

  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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    JRock is a fav. Vamp.HunterD is most loved anime
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  1. AH! no! groups are horrid to put people in. and there are so few "true goths" out there. if you go back to the victorian era and the first gothic era back in like, 1200, the style is quite different from the typical goth today. since gothicism involves the supernatural, some type of religion, and romanticism (among some other styles). an original goth is not really "moody" and "dark" and "depressed" or anything like that. goths are "plationic" in nature which is what the romanticism plays off of. gothicism was nearly a religion in and of itself. so, no, in the techinical term of a goth, there are so few left.
  2. with that, grave of the fireflies. it isn't too long and it is rather touching. about a boy and his younger sister in wwII japan. the one problem that it could pose with a 15 yr.old boy is the lack of drama/action as it is more a story of survival.
  3. [quote name='Cazzilla']so er..whats the word for a phobia of everything?[/quote] omniphobia? I am paranoid that people follow me. I get freaked out when someone is walking a ways behind me in a long hallway. I don't know why though, maybe because I don't like to lead people. Same with having a car behind me when I drive. I think that the driver will try to tailgate me or something. Medical needles creap me out. I blame that on having to get shots at the age of 5 like all other people. Happily though, that fear is wanning. Large dogs scare me. I think that they will try to attack me.. I've never actually been attacked by a dog though. Any small thing that flys (toy planes, birds, insects, et cetera) because I think it will try to hit me in the head. My fears are so irrational and random (I blame [I]The Birds[/I] even though i shouldn't) Oh! and [I]Psycho[/I] and [I]Urban Ledgends[/I] too. I cannot take a shower without double locking the bathroom door.
  4. [quote name='anatema][size=1'] My mom has a way of really working my nerves though and she does it because she enjoys it which is even more enfuriating... It's just my mom.[/size][/quote] Between my mother(andrea) and my father(art), my rage and frustration is taken care of. Both know exactly what to do or say to set me off. Usually, for art, existing is all it takes. I used to get set off by everything, even so much as someone replying to a question that i happened to pose.. Oh! and stupid/slow drivers. Now I'd have to say that I am almost too passive. If someone at school or wherever insults me or whatever, I just go on with life. I don't stand up for myself. Between that and a few other things Andrea and Art think I am too apathetic and that I am "copping out" of everthing. That upsets me greatly. So i yell at them a lot... And if either or them yell back. well... I also cannot stand children. They whine incessantly (so do I) and are so spoilt. Many parents that I see today at home or in stores give into children too easily and don't discipline well. That sets me off even further.. So I really don't control my temper unless the event directly effects me.
  5. 1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention? yes 1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention? erm, nothing better to do? no, to meet those who are also interested in anime, to hang out with new peoples for a few days, to broaden my horizons on anime and manga, to check out other people's creativeness with costumes 2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related? no 3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention? whatever it takes... i've paid $35 i think it was. but for a *good and large convention w/ guests that i have heard of* up to $75 4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products? if on sale, whatever i bring with me ($0-$300) most likely though i buy from online dealers when i want something 4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? $0 4. b) What's the most you've spent? $0 i've only been to one con and i spent all money on my costume 5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.) $0 but if it is exceptional $50-$100 5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? $0 5. b) What's the most you've spent? $0 see above reason
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