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Everything posted by Cibo

  1. Why do you even ask this question? Just go up there and be honest with him and ask him. If he lies, go kick him in the nuts later on or something. Jeeze
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I like the way Gohan look SSJ in piccolo's outfit. [/B][/QUOTE] Ya, you should have SSJ Gohan in Piccolo's suit during the cell saga...he looks tight. Or Gogeta's outfit. Or Vegito's. Or any of the fusions.
  3. [url]http://www.bidforpower.com/[/url] Go there and look and read. I so want this game now. Oh, and read the last question in the FAQ.
  4. I never took chemisty either. Took earth science instead (very easy A) and then went into physics my Junior year.
  5. Heh, these are some funny jokes.
  6. When is it suppose to start anyways?
  7. I personally like the Cooler movie better. But thats just me.
  8. I saw one episode on the action channel the other day and it was pretty cool. It was late at night though and couldn't stay up to see anymore. :(
  9. I love my cable modem. Sometimes I get good connections with other people, other times it takes a long time. But pirating or not, its free on morheus and I don't mind. Plus I have 60 gigs to take up, and I don't even have 20 gigs full yet. :)
  10. I don't think I'll even have the courage to see how they screw up the name of Anime for 1 episode.
  11. I can't sneak out of my house, dog will bark and wake up everyone. But not that I really need to sincec I'm 18 and can do whatever I want. :)
  12. Shoot me now also. I have never heard of that word before. I know what h20 is, but not that weird funky word. Guess thats what I get for growing up in the ghetto. :(
  13. Harry Potter = anime? *Big bead of sweat appears on my head anime style* Please say there is a God and have him stop this before it happens.
  14. Gogita is the fusion of ssj 4 goku and vegita.
  15. Voodoo!!!!! How did you get that stick figure fight as an avatar? How did you get it so small?!
  16. I'm the same with Snail...don't really have one.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I'd transform into a girl.... I dunno, Seems like the most complex, mysterious thing on earth that I dont understand. I mean... I dont understand girls... at all. And I understand one thing about everything else on earth... Except for women. So... i guess the best way to understand something is to be it... Call me crazy *shrugs...*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I actully 2nd that.
  18. Just download them all like I have been.
  19. Maybe they just wanted to concentrate on Ryu and Ken?
  20. Btw, where did you find out his name was Gouki?
  21. Ya, but you see him in just about every episode it seems. Even tho in one episode, it shows him hurt with his arm in a sling...wonder who did that to him...
  22. Cibo


    Blah, you guys gotta grow some things because its not that scary. :p
  23. My old high school didn't have a anime club, but we had a chess club with people that played like Warhammer or watched Anime or DBZ or whatever. Jeeze, those were some psycho guys and times.
  24. Well I have downloaded all of the episodes of this 29 eposide series except for 2. I have just currently got done watching episode 25 and I'm making myself watch only 2 per day or else I'd stay watching them all day. For all who doesn't know what this is, it is a anime series of the game Street Fighter. I think its in the alpha series because people like Cammy and Balrog are in it. But the storyline in the series is great along with the graphics. If you have not seen any of this, I suggust you going to see it. The graphics in this anime are fantastic and if you played Street Fighter while growing up on the Super Nintendo, you'll love this series.
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