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Everything posted by Cibo

  1. I don't have the DVD or seen it dubbed, I have all the eposides in pure japanese with english subtitles. *Goes back to finish up the series*
  2. I give Kril's pic a 10. I don't see anything wrong with it what so ever and I love the pic. Even tho the caption is kinda funky written, but we're not grading the captions. :)
  3. OMG this is a good anime series. Its purely subtitled and the only place where you can get it is off morpheus(as far as I know, I'm probably wrong though). Its just like a Final Fantasy game that was never made, storyline wise. I can't really tell ya much about it without spoiling it, but it is GOOD.
  4. 78.0% insane pure (22.0% insane corrupt).
  5. Cibo

    LAN Parties

    My friend plays wolfstein at a LAN party. I'm not much into wolfstein so I don't go with.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LittleFluteSan [/i] [B]The only comment I have is... you're an idiot. [/B][/QUOTE] I 2nd that....mastermind, you are a complete moron. **goes sits on the couch and grabs popcorn and watches**
  7. I actully thought it was pretty cool. Not the BEST anime movie I've seen, but good nevertheless.
  8. Cibo


    Interesting. But you don't gotta stare at it since its a gif, its on a timer. But even tho I didn't expect it, when I saw it, I just kinda scratched my head and thought it was weird.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] K, why dun u go somewhere else and complain. [/B][/QUOTE] Who says I was complaining? I was stating a fact.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] What are u talking about? [/B][/QUOTE] About safer cloud, the thread starter.
  11. Ack, the guy has my avatar AND my unique sig. Guess its not so unique after all.
  12. Ya, let us know when to start rating.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takato [/i] [B]LoL...for the last time I got those power levels off this site! [/B][/QUOTE] Those are only guesses, they don't reveal the powerlevel after the freezer or trunks saga, I think. Someone lock this topic now since we have had this discussion before and its stated on the website please.
  14. ***Spoiler*** In movie 8, like posted above, Goku killed Brolly in 1 hit thanks to everyone lending him their Ki. In movie 10, Brolly was killed by a triple kamehameha and got shot through the sun. In movie 11, Trunks kills him basically after some liquid gets poured on him and he went into the water where he then turned to stone and they sorta tripled kamehameha him into pieces for good. (I think thats how it went, been a while since I've seen that one)
  15. Weirdest pets I had were Newts. Jeeze they lived for liek 6 years, guys they liked me.
  16. **Dives through mid air and pushes Lady M out of the way**
  17. I'm guessing he means he would school Cell...like kick his butt or outdo him.
  18. Who has a better chance of getting the girl? And I would persue the girl even more now then before just in case.
  19. Ouch, that is like an unwritten rule. But its ok if you see someone on t.v. and say that though, since you never will.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B]Woa.....Congrats Lady M. ........ and you're wearing a stone cold t-shirt GOOD FOR YOU!!! :demon::naughty:Stone Cold Rocks!!:therock: :mrt: [/B][/QUOTE] What?
  21. Or just think about the movie Back to the Future. If you think hard enough, you'll see many different Paradoxes there.
  22. Well I have downloaded all of the episodes of this 29 eposide series except for 2. I have just currently got done watching episode 16 and I'm making myself watch only 2 per day or else I'd stay watching them all day. For all who doesn't know what this is, it is a anime series of the game Street Fighter. I think its in the alpha series because people like Cammy and Balrog are in it. But the storyline in the series is great along with the graphics. If you have not seen any of this, I suggust you going to see it. Oh, and if anyone has eposide 24, please let me know so I could get it off you, no one on Morpheus has it, it seems and even though I'm not there yet, I don't want to miss an eposide!
  23. Lucky you Lady M! I'm going to the next ppv here in Chicago. I think its either Feb or March...Not sure, friend has tickets and trying to talk him into bringing me. :)
  24. Ya, when born, Goku had a power level of 2! Now when Brolly was born on the same day, he had a power level of 10,000. And yes thats the right number of zero's. Amazing huh?
  25. Have fun Saph. And don't be worried, because this will be the best time of your life coming up. I would be excited. Oh, and be careful on Sunday...these parties get weirder and weirder by the year.
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