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Everything posted by Cibo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Do you suppose the midknight run rides on a horse? [/B][/QUOTE] LOL :laugh: :laugh:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]heres one... Majin Buu: ooogly,what means ooogly??? Babidi: It means ur faced with rotten small children!!(i think that what he says) Majin Buu: ohhh....(he then puffs himself up and blows off steam and yells) MAJIN BUU!!MAJIN BUU!! Vegeta: what a strange creature... [/B][/QUOTE] I think Babidi says: It means your face scares little children.
  3. Ya, I saw it on the Encore Action Channel a few times...it was decent, not the best and not the worst anime I've seen.
  4. I think aliens exist. Heck, look at just our solar system...there are 9 planets(I think, or 8, I don't remember) and we have only just scratched the surface of Mars. That leaves 6 more planets to search. Now, think of ALL the solar systems. Better yet, look up at the stars at night. All those stars are suns just like ours. Which would have maybe 8 planets or so orbiting them. Now thats ALOT of planets. And more we can't even see, since space is ever expanding. Now somehwhere on one of those of many planets, there has to be some intillgent life. Gotta go with the odds.
  5. I haven't had any serious injuries so far... *knocks on wood*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] ......even the third one?! O_o? [/B][/QUOTE] Heh the 3rd one shouldn't even be considered a Brolly movie. Should be considered a cheap imitation of a huge green monster that young trunks kills by himself pratically. Which means goku or Vegita could have killed him easily. Blah stupid movie.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B] that's from the super saiya-man saga, when they're training for the tenkaichi boudakai (sp?) :freak: [/B][/QUOTE] Woah, I don't remember this. :( Like what happens before it? I have all the sayain-man saga on tape I do belive...
  8. Renting Anime in my area is easy. One store has around 50 or so anime ranging from like Trigun and Bastard! to LA Blue Girl and Demon Campus. Now, buying it is a different matter. Doesn't affect me because hard to buy stuff with no money. :(
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Toki-chan [/i] [B]Oooh! I have a couple! Chibi Trunks is jumping up and down having just transformed into a Super Saiya-jin in the Grav room. Vegita: If you can hit me, I'll take you to the park for an hour! Trunks: Okay! Here comes! They fight, then Trunks nails Vegita on the cheeck. Vegita hits back. Trunks: Owww! You didn't say you'de hit back! Vegita: Yeah, well, that's life, kid. (Trunks is about to cry) Dry your tears, we're going to the park now. Trunks: YAY!! [/B][/QUOTE] During what saga did this take place?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] which as I understand, they're doing....and losing it, too.... [/B][/QUOTE] They have already been in court once and the Wrestling's WWF lost the case. But they appealed it and now they are messing around with that.
  11. I think you mean Hulk Hogan and yes the wildlife thingy was made before the wrestling one. So they will have to change to wwfe. :(
  12. I love Brolly's movies and the orginal one with him is great...even tho the ending sucked butt...still a great movie.
  13. The WWF (world wrestling federation) is also losing a court battle with the WWF (World Wildlife Firm or something like that), so not sure how much longer the wrestling's wwf can use the initials wwf and might have to switch over to wwfe.
  14. I love NGE, DBZ movies 7,8, and 10, and Ninja Scroll...I'll probably think of others tho.
  15. What anime are they making you watch now and what anime do you want to see?
  16. Would love to see all of you who think its 100% fake to get into a ring and have a match with one of them like RVD. Then tell me how fake it is. :) And as far as the NWO is concerned...I liked them better when they invaded the WCW and when they were a force to be reckoned with.
  17. Cibo


    26?! Good lord. I have 23 more to go and thats the only tape my video store has. *sigh* time to use Morpheus again.
  18. Cibo


    I watch Trigun for the first time a couple days ago and it is pretty good and funny. I saw the 1st 3 eposides of it and it is very cool. Btw, how many episodes are there of Trigun?
  19. I like my anime Subbed most of the time. Because its not edited at all most of the time and the orginal plot is still great. But sometimes I watch anime dubbed if its on T.V. and sometimes I watch it Raw, which is kinda tough at times, but I usually pick up on it.
  20. I'm Cibo, and I'm 18 years old. I've been watching anime for a few years now. I actully got a clip on accident of hentai a couple years back and then I got to know anime a bit more and now I love it. I wish I had to money to rival Safer in his collection, but I don't. I like anime's like DBZ, all the street fighter movies/series, Trigun, Escaflowne, Gasaraki, and others.
  21. Try some of those sleep aids, those work wonders. Same with Nyquil. (hell if I know how to spell it), that stuff puts you to sleep as well.
  22. Ha, those shirts are funny. I'd wear all of them in public. I especially like that 7 inches shirt...LOL!
  23. Cibo


    Noooo..thats no fair. I don't have 500+ posts yet. :( :( :bawl:
  24. Heck, I'm 5'9" and I only weigh 130 lbs. But I have little to no fat on my body as well. Plus a HIGH metabolism helps a bit too. So I'm like 30 lbs underweight. :( I don't mind tho, its all compelte muscle.
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