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Everything posted by Cibo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I really should join a gym...it wouldn't hurt any to start lifting for cheerleading and all. Thing is, my body tones pretty easily, so from [i]years[/i] of intense dance training combined with three years of lifting girls in cheerleading...my muscles are pretty happy with me, and I, with my muscles :p I eat horribly though...I need to get on a healthy diet or something. It's just a good thing I don't gain weight easily...or I'd be really big by now...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thats just like me BabyGirl. Except wasn't cheerleading for me, it was all the sports that I played. Whether it was football or baseball or soccer or basketball, it kept me in shape and I love my muscles, but my lungs suck tho. And I do eat a lot of junk food. I've been looking to join a gym tho, but don't know of any for guys around my area. Got any names of some gyms that I can look for?
  2. I swear someone is deleting some of my posts. Because I posted here on how cute star was. Whoever deleted it, tell me please.
  3. I listen to every kind of music except country and classical. But I love groups like Disturbed, Linkin park, Fear Factory, Papa Roach, KoRn, Manson, Godsmack, etc.
  4. Eh, I've seen this in the past and it just startled it, but I just shrugged it off and kept on surfing...Not that big of a deal.
  5. Well I might as well just pop in my video that I have that starts off with the Goku and Pikeon fight. Damn I love this fight that they have.
  6. It will take more than head games to stop me. You may contorl my body and mind, but there is one thing a sayin princec will always have, MY PRIDE! - Vegeta Followed by him powering up with emotion. Great moment.
  7. I actully like the World Tournament mini-saga because I love the fights the Pikeon and Goku have. I just got done watching both eposides as well. When will they play the next part of it? Monday?
  8. Well there's nothing much you can do. Could go to the judges and tell them what happened. But you tried giving him the 2nd place banner and he wouldn't take it, and you can't force him to take it, so going to the judges is about all you can do.
  9. If she's good looking, tell her I'm vegeta...lol :)
  10. My dad is from El Salvador and my mom is from the same city where I'm living right now...but her mom(my grandma) is mixed up with a whole bunch of stuff including some english and some norweigen(sp?) and some irish and some indian. So I'm 50% latino and the rest is mixed up big time.
  11. Cibo


    I love this new metal look. Makes it look a whole lot better than Version 3. Good job guys!
  12. Asar - 7 I don't like how small you made him look and the face isn't the best either. Other than that, good detail. Voodoo, I give you a 9.5 I simply love your pic and it is near perfection. But the lettering up above and the ! on the side kinda messes it up.
  13. I think some where in the 2nd tape...Goku teaches Goten and Trunks how to fuse. You can read the summeries of the tapes at the zstore.com site.
  14. I liked the one already mention with Brolly and the Kamahaha or however you spell it. And I also love it when Vegeta is Majin and he fights bibidi's control and says something very cool with good effects...*searchs around to see if he can find it*
  15. Thanks Penny. :) Oh and the tweety isn't even my doll. Its my sisters. So ya'll gonna have to beat her up for it. I personally like Wile E Coyate the best. And I can't spell for anything. :(
  16. Heh, why do I always look like someone's relative.? *shrugs* And I actully had a dream that I had almost shoulder length hair....kinda freaky.
  17. Hey you look tight yo. Be glad these ladies think you're cute. Heck, most of them think I'm below average. So like it while it lasts. Oh, and PM me if you want to know what the fisherman joke means.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Nice theory but there is no such thing past Super 4. If there was, they would have put it into the series [i]WHICH[/i] they didn't. This topic is about as useful as those "SSJ 5" topics.. Bah..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree...someone lock this.
  19. Someone lock the thread, the question has been answered and we all don't want to go into the FAKE AF of DBZ.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Wow, you look just like Tweety Bird! Who's that guy blocking the view? [/B][/QUOTE] ROFL! I gotta admit thats funny. And velvet, I'm in the process of growing my hair out to at least shoulder length. Gonna see how it looks on me.
  21. I was gonna go to college this year. But I decided to take a year off and work for a year.
  22. Texas Clover Leaf is Dean Malenko's finishing move...not shamrock. Shamrocks was the ankle lock.
  23. LOL Zora! And why are so many people afraid of clowns? Jeeze.
  24. I actully thought this movie was some what decent. Better than some, but not as good as others.
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