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are i

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Everything posted by are i

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]There's a lot of debate here over Christians condemning other religions. The fact of the matter is, if it's your belief- if you really believe it's true- than by default you believe that other religions are not right. After all, can you really claim to be a Christian and believe that Buddhism could also be true? In a situation like that, you don't really believe in Christianity, do you? The same goes for believing that non-Christians will eventually go to Hell. If you really believe in Christianity, than you believe in the ultimate dividing of the people into either Heaven or Hell. Claiming that you don't "impress your faith on other people" by saying they are on a path that will eventually lead to destruction, how could you possibly believe that they really are? I mean, if you really believed that all these people were going to suffer, wouldn't you want to try to help them? That's what true Christians do. By sharing the gospel, we aren't trying to pressure you into our way of life for the sake of pressuring you into our way of life. We want to save people from a life of eternal suffering- show people freedom, healing, and joy. It's only natural that, if people really believed in Christianity, they would want you to believe as well. [QUOTE=Xander Harris]Individual Christians (or as least people calling themselves Christians) may or may not live according to the teachings of their religion. That has nothing to do with whether or not those teachings have any validity. Debate about the ideas, not the people who have said them.[/QUOTE] Do I really need to explain this?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Bullying is never right, and it can hardly be called tough love, but being wrong won't make it go away. Chances are, there will always people who dislike you, and there will always be people who harrass those they dislike. Learning to disregard bullying by experiencing it is, in many ways, necessary to cope. I had some experiences at my last school where the board accused me of some pretty vile stuff, just because they didn't like the way I dressed. It messed with me for a while, but I eventually got over it and decided they weren't worth it. My point is, bullying is wrong but it's not showing any signs of being purged from the world. It's ridiculous to have to deal with it, but most everyone will. When we have bad experiences beyond our control, we can only learn from them and move on. It's a byproduct of living in an imperfect world. To allow bullying for this purpose, however, is only feeding the problem. If it can be stopped, it should be stopped.[/COLOR]
  3. are i


    [COLOR=DarkRed]Akira is one of my favorites... the animation is just plain awesome (80's or not). The characters do seem to look a little too much like each other, but it doesn't really take away from the film. The music is really original also. My only problem with the movie is that it's nearly impossible to know what's going on. Too much plot was cut out when translating from the manga. Really, the only way to get the full story is to read the original series. But I think we can all agree that the best thing about the movie is Kaneda's bike :animesmil (Kyoko is no. 25 :p )[/COLOR]
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