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Everything posted by Transmutation

  1. Either the animatrix (each one of them) or one of Miyazaki's films (excuze mi speling(get it(corny(too may parenthesis(did I spell that right))))). [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and add a little more detail to your posts in future; perhaps explaining why it is that you think they have the best visual style or what it is about it that you like, etc. Posts that are too short or off-topic will be deleted as spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  2. I'm getting some bad vibes from all who made a post here, so let me explain why i put the post: I was bored and had nothing else to type. Don't scold me, I said I was sorry, oh wait, no I didn't, time to escape. DOWN THE TOILET! :flush: Don't hate me.
  3. [quote name='Sea Of Chaos666']I would not say that they took all the good shows off. Rurouni Kenshin is still on CN, and it's not a bad show. Inyasha is not all that bad. But on adult swim they have some good anime shows like Cowboy Bebop and Ghost and the shell (etc...) So there are still some good anime that are still out there. There is also Anime network and they have, well, I think they have the best shows on there. Yeah most Manga is better ten the shows but that does not mean the sho is bad.[/quote] sorry, i got a little carried away.
  4. are there any good, virus-free websites where i can download anime or manga (preferably no payments involved, i'm not bill gates) pleez & thanx
  5. Have you seen all the crap out there nowadays, afew examples: Yu-gi-oh(which was okay in Japan, people died) :animedepr Pokemon :animecry: G & SD Gundam (shudder) :animeangr Inuyasha (sorry, it is always a recurring theme and the art isn't the bestl, the manga is cool though) :catgirl: Lets not forget all these American ripoffs. Manga's doing fine though. And even worse, all the local & cable channels stopped showing the good shows, probably because of stupid parents that saw their seven-year old watch someone get ripped in half or the corner of a boob. Something must be done. Imight flush myself down the toilet!!! :flush:
  6. Why can't these narrowminded assumptionists relize that this is a different culture, a different country, its cartoons are as diverse as America. America has The Simpsons and Blues Clues, and Japan has Tenchi Muyo and Hello Kitty. It is not just one kind of entertainment. I hope one of those idiots reads this. Anime is one kind of entertainment where everthing is the same. That was so funny I forgot to laugh. Seriously. Now I remember. :laugh:
  7. It's true that some teachers dismiss anime as another way for pot smoking teenagers to see porn and hear swears (I don't smoke pot, I never will, I am just putting context), but know whats worse than those conservative teachers (actually I don't have any teachers like that): :flaming: The Students :flaming: One walks up to your litle group (and the reason you're so far awy from anyone is because you want to be), then he takes a look and yells out in a more louder than necessary voice: "HEY, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ANIME PORN?" We sust stare. -later- The stupid kids possey is there with their criticism, snatching the books from our hand and looking for some "images" (they're probably aroused). :angry2: IF ANY OF YOU PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT ANIME ARE ON THIS WEBSITE, GO BUY AN COPY AND GET WHATEVER IS ON YOUR HANDS OFF WHEN YOU ARE DONE. :angry2: Long live adult-themed Japanese Animation. :beer: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  8. Name: Drak-Zaven Charlmangle (a series of nicknames, for the true name is known only to one) Age: Despite the appearance of a sixteen-year old, Drak-Zaven Charlmangle is at least twenty-million years old, though was animated only two years ago. Appearance: His white-haired-uundescernable-eyed appearance is only a temporary state, for soon the incarnation feeding inside him will bring out a monster only describable as the return of the monster-god K'zelzelon. Weapon: Drak-Zaven Charlmangle's godly powers are manifesting at a much faster rate now, though he carries around two katana's, he blows his weaker enemies into nothingness with a thought. Abilities: Kill: All creaters considered "lesser" by the true K'zelzelon long ago are instantly slain into nothingness by Drak-Zaven Charlmangle. God-Kill: Drak-Zaven Charlmangle may sacrifice himself to kill a god. Personality: Despite his godly powers, Drak-Zaven Charlmangle is a traveler, seeking peace and keeping his terrible secret. His cleche is simply: "Eventually, you will die.". He hates himself becaus of the god-parasite inside him but fears death beyond all, he knows what his fate will be in the afterlife.
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