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Everything posted by missrelena
The days flew by in a blur. Between the holiday preparations and various evening engagements, there was hardly a moment to catch one's breath, let alone become pensive over a looming doom. It was difficult not to catch the festive spirit, particularly after Eclair's happy announcement. She was all aglow, not letting any gloom hang over the idea of her future happiness. Even her fainting spells seemed to lessen in duration if not frequency. Before Geni could believe it, the Queen's Ball was to be the next day. Christmas Eve was nigh, bringing Father Christmas, Midnight Mass . . . and Jack. The gowns were finished, the details prepared, and all was ready -- at least Geni hoped it to be so. One could never really be ready for an encounter with Death taken form. * * * * * * * OOC: Just a bit of filler to move the story forward. Where did everyone go? (:animecry: sniff)
The carriage ride home for Lord David, Geni and Dante went smoothly. Warm blankets were tucked up on their laps, and a quiet comfortableness filled the air. Geni was again snoozing, her head on Dante's shoulder. Lord David leaned forward toward the young man and in a hushed voice he asked, "So, despite the 'rules', did you have a nice time tonight?" Dante raised an eyebrow. "So you heard about them, did you? To be honest, yes, we did. But I really don't think I needed to have all those restrictions forced on me. I'm not a complete idiot, you know." "I am quite aware of your intelligence. Now, I have to ask you another question." David took another breath, then whispered, "What are your intentions toward my daughter?" Dante was taken aback. "Honorable, sir. They're very honorable." "Then I have a challenge to you." Lord David's quite voice grew intense. "Prove it." With that, David leaned back and effectively ended the conversation. Dante didn't know what to say after that, anyway. **************** OOC: More filler, I'm sorry.
Geni could tell that Dante wasn't comfortable in the crowd of people that had streamed into Eclair's "modest" ballroom. For something that had begun as a simple dinner party for close friends, this soiree had become almost too much for the walls of their hostess's home to hold. Being bumped and jostled in the hallways was bad enough, but the mental thought commotion was even louder in Geni's skull then the audible chattering was to her ears. Geni really couldn't complain, though. Eclair had gone to great lengths to bring everyone together for a happy holiday celebration. Holly, evergreens, and ivy festooned the walls and cinnamon from the abundant wassail filled the air with a cozy fragrance. The small orchestra was playing a mix of carols and popular new dance tunes for the younger set to expend some energy to. Everyone, even their thoughts, seemed bright and cheerful. . . except Dante. Geni leaned to his ear so he could hear her speak. "What's troubling you?" [I]The Black Hole of Calcutta didn't hold so many people as this.[/I] he complained mind to mind. [I]If you're feeling closed in or stuffy, we can move to somewhere with more fresh air.[/I] she offered. [I]No we can't. That's part of my problem. Ariana pulled me aside a while ago while you were dancing -- of sorts -- with Rufus.[/I] [I]That was quite an adventure. I must say, for needing a cane, he waltzes quite well.[/I] At the time, being asked by Rufus to dance had been a surprise. She had enjoyed his blatant attempts at melodramatic gallantry, but now she began to feel that their might have been some ulterior motives behind the lord's actions. [I]So what did Ariana say?[/I] [I]She warned me to be on my best behavior. No random walks alone with you, not even onto the veranda for fresh air. No holding your hand if we weren't dancing, and no . . . as she put it "jealous tom cat hissing and yowling" if your time should happen to be taken up by another gentleman. I have never hissed like a cat in my life![/I] Dante was indignant. Geni was hard-pressed not to giggle out loud at the scowl on his face, but she managed to keep her composure -- barely. [I]Well, now that I think of it, Ariana is right. We're trying to convince society at large that my reputation is as pure as new fallen snow, and not as trashy as some of the rumors would have people believe. We can't set one foot out of place if we want to keep our invitations to the Queen's Ball valid.[/I] [I]That's another point. I still say we received that invitation all too easily. I'm suspicious of it all.[/I] Dante didn't want Geni to agree with Ariana. He hated feeling restricted -- especially where his private life was concerned. Since he had been 'warned,' he had been in a foul mood. [I]We've all been over that from every angle possible. There is no way anyone could have premeditated out meeting Mrs. Islands at that dress shop, or the way she took a sweet liking to me. None of us, not even you, could find a way for Jack to have manipulated that outcome.[/I] [I]I still don't like it. And I don't think Ariana and Eclair have the right. . . [/I] [I]Dearest, they have every right. Now dance with me.[/I] She held her hand out imperiously. [I]Now? Why?[/I] [I]Because I want you to hold me, and I need a legitimate reason for you to do it.[/I] Dante sighed and shook his head, but took Geni's hand and led her onto the floor without comment. * * * * * * * * Eclair managed to make her way through the crowds to Ariana and Rufus, a task she had been trying to accomplish for nearly an hour. Her friends were holding hands and watching the festivities from two chairs on the sidelines. She sat next to them and cooled her face with a delicate lace fan. "So, how are you enjoying yourselves?" She asked them. "There is quite a lot of hustle and bustle, but we're having a good time, nonetheless." Rufus answered, a twinkle in his eyes as he glanced at his wife. "I even managed to dance once or twice." "Twice." Eclair confirmed. "Once with Ariana and once with Geni. I wager Dante didn't appreciate that too much." "He lived with it." Ariana smirked. "Did you pass along our message to him?" Eclair asked her friends. "Yes, I did. Rufus played decoy for Geni while we talked." Ariana nodded. "So that's why you asked her to dance! I had wondered. I was even beginning to feel a touch jealous that you hadn't asked me yet, but now all is forgiven." Eclair teased the lord. "So, how did our dark one take the message?" "He lived with it." The three chuckled, then watched as the two of whom they spoke joined in with the dance. They looked so sweet together, but when Dante noticed them in their chairs, his expression was far from merry and bright. They heard Geni laugh with delight when she saw what he was scowling at. The young lady shook her head at her beau with a smile on her lips. Then they swirled back into crowd of dancers. "Looks as if Dante will have a good time, whether he wants to or not." Rufus chuckled. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, it seems that Sir Nathan is seeking you, Elcair." * * * * * * * * The evening had gone splendidly. No rukus or riot had spoiled the party. No insane killers rushing at any of the guests. And Dante had managed to mind his P's and Q's the entire night. [I]Wonders will never cease.[/I] Eclair thought. Her staff was busily cleaning up after the guests. They had handily avoided any major disasters despite the crush of people. Darian was to be congratulated, and the entire house staff deserved a big Christmas bonus for all their cheerful help. The only guests left were of the group. Nathan and Sir David, Ariana and Rufus, Geni and Dante. David and Rufus were conversing over the last few weeks of quiet from their adversary while Ariana and Nathan listened in. Dante and Geni sat in a corner, her head tiredly resting on his shoulder. "They really are quite sweet." Eclair smiled as she joined the other lords and lady. "The severed ears?" Sir David asked, appalled. She had obviously made her comment at an odd moment in the conversation. "No, your daughter and Dante." Eclair laughed in a hushed voice. Covertly the group tuned and gazed at the two dozing in the chair. "He put up with all our strictures remarkably well, I think." Ariana agreed. "I think a large portion of that had to do with Geni." Nathan grinned. "Still, I think we should give him some recompense for good behavior." Eclair murmured. Using her powers, she plucked a small bough of mistletoe from a nearby wreath with her mind and held it suspended above Geni's head. [I]Dante, look above you. [/I] Ariana prompted softly in his thoughts. Rousing from his doze, he followed the suggestion. Spying the sprig, he glanced over his shoulder at the others and graced them with a half-smile before tuning back to Geni and waking her with a gentle kiss. "Now if only the ball next week can end as happily." Rufus mused, echoing everyone else's thoughts. _______________________________________ OOC: Sorry it's been so long since I posted! I hope this one helps make up for it. Now all we need know is how each character prepares for the final confrontation and we're off!
A few days later, Eclair burst into Geni's parlor without waiting to be announced or any other propriatary nonsense. Geni had been reading an Austen novel while Dante and her father were growling over the less-than-useful newspaper when they looked up to see Eclair enter all in a rush and wearing a huge smile. The men leaped to their feet in her presence, tearing the paper in half in the process. "Big blessings come in strange packages." the lady announced happily. "Whatever do you mean?" Geni asked as she crossed the room to her friend and motioned to Eclair to seat herself wherever she desired. Eclair flounced through the room to an empty chair, waving an expensive looking sheet of embossed velum in the air."I'm saying, our problem has been solved through entirely unexpected means." "Oh, that clears up everything." Dante smirked. "Now we understand you perfectly." "You bully." Eclair smirked back. She was in far too good a mood to let Dante's slight sarcasm cast any clouds on her sunny day. "Geni, did you know that Mrs. Islands younger sister is a lady-in-waiting to the queen?" "Um, no. I did not. But what has that got to do with our problems?" Geni looked as befuddled as the men in the room felt. "Well, the gossip mill worked to our advantage this time around. Mrs. Islands spoke of our meeting in the dress-shop to her sister, and appearantly she really went over-the-top praising our virtues and fortitude in moving onward despite malicious rumors. The sister then told everyone in her aquaintance about our wonderous perseverance and bravery in the face of such snubbing." "There must not have been much to talk about in society lately if that is big news." Lord David grinned to Dante. The young lord smiled and rolled his eyes in agreement. "Phooey on both you men." Eclair gave them a dismissive wave and then continued with her story. "Anyway, being a lady-in-waiting, and knowing how our queen enjoys being kept up-to-date on society's latest gossip, the news of our exploits has reached Her Majesty's ear. This morning I received a personal invitation for myself, Lady Ariana, Geni and our escorts to the queen's ball from Queen Victoria herself! She said she is eager to be presented to myself, Ariana, and our protoge." "I am all astonishment, as Eliza Bennet would say." Geni spoke with jaw nearly agape. "That definitely solves that little dilemma." Lord David agreed. "Does Ariana and Rufus know?" Geni asked, still shocked. "They will as soon as I get to their home!" Eclair smiled. "An actual invitation from the queen." Dante was just as surprised as everyone else. "I told you getting a new dress for the party was a good idea!" Eclair crowed. "Now, I must be off. We'll all get together and speak about this as soon as we can!" With that she stood in a rush and blew out of the room as quickly as she had arrived. The silence in the room after her departure was like the quiet after a storm. The three that remained sat blinking at one another -- wondering what new madness might come through the door next.
"Well, that wasn't quite the eternity I was expecting." Dante glowered. "Dante, dear" Eclair breezed by him on her way to the carriage, "I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you only grouse at those you love. Its so nice to know you care." Ariana barely contained a smirk of amusement resulting from the aggrivated face Dante pulled at her friend's comment. Geni smiled indulgently at the banter, her heart lighter than it had been in days. It seemed that not all of proper society had desided to shun her. The fabrics and designs that had been chosen were sumptious and more than she had hoped for. She took Dante's hand as he helped her into the carriage to return home, and did not release it as he climbed in after. Ariana and Eclair had sat next to each other in a silent offer to let the two sweethearts sit together on the opposite side. Either that, or neither one wanted to sit next to Dante, but Geni didn't think they were that cruel in their intentions. "Now, does someone want to explain in terms a mere male can understand why we're having these festivities in the middle of everything else?" Dante questioned the two ladies he faced. His look was stern, but his grip on Geni's hand remaind gentle as he placed it on his lap and stroked the soft leather of her kid gloves with his free hand. "Catharsis is what we're looking for. Simply a catharsis." Ariana answered. "We've been under so much pressure of late that the health of the group as a whole is deteriorating. We need some leavity before we all snap." "But. . ." Dante tried to argue. "But nothing. We know when the next attack will be, and our having a few moments of fun isn't going to make that date come any faster or slower." Eclair chided. "Although no one wants to dwell on this fact, some or all of us might not live through this last encounter. . . so we might as well enjoy what little time might be left to us. . . left to each other." She got a distant look in her eyes, then turned to watch the streets of London roll by.
Geni made her way to the front door of her home and bid Eclair and Nathan farewell. She had told her friend to feel better and that if she needed anything at all to send a message at any time of day or night. She watched the carriage pull away with a heavy heart. Eclair seemed to be getting worse instead of better as time went on. As soon as the carriage was no longer visible, Dante turned Geni to face him. "Should you be out of bed? We've had more than enough collapsing for one day." he mumbled. "Oh, I don't know about that." Ariana jibed him, "Maybe I should swoon and fit in with the fashion." "Please don't, dearest." Rufus said with a smile. "Catching you while holding onto my cane for balance might be more than I'm capable of." "Well, since you put it that way." Ariana touched Rufus's face in a small caress. "Back to the point." Dante grumbled. "Shouldn't Geni be resting, too?" "But I can't!" Geni protested. "We still haven't any idea on how to be invited to the Queen's ball!" "Don't worry your head over that today." Ariana soothed. "I have a few ideas, but I need to mull them over a bit more before I share them with the group. Just rest today and we'll gather again tomorrow. Rufus and I will be off now, to insure you no longer feel obligated to play hostess, Geni." "But. . ." Geni tried. "Just rest and we'll see you tomorrow." Lord Rufus interrupted. Geni didn't even bother looking to Dante for support. Getting her to lay back down had been his idea to begin with. She was feeling very ganged up on. "Well if that's what you all want, I suppose I shall see you then." With that Geni gave them both a farewell hug and then made her way back up the stairs. "Take care of her, Dante." Ariana told the young lord. "She's more fragile inside than she will ever let you know. She had a rough past life, and the scars of that are starting to show in her now." "Don't worry." Dante responded. "I shall."
When Dante stepped out of the room, Geni sat back into her pillows and softly closed her eyes. She began to mull over all the memories that she and others had experienced lately, trying to piece them together into some semblance of a whole. . . Who had they all been, really? And who were they now? Were the five of them truly reborn into this era with completely new personalities or were they now an amalgam of future and past experiences. Geni was positive she would [I]never[/I] walk into an open public hallway in the state of undress that she had been in during her last memory, but the Jeni of that time had seemed perfectly at ease -- even amused at Keitaro's discomfort. Where did [I]Jeni[/I] end and [I]Genieve[/I] begin? What reason would the person behind the Ripper Program have in creating 'Jack' and killing seven people? And why the seven that were chosen? Did they have any connection at all with each other? And who could the last target be? If only she could remember more! And all those questions led to even more. . . what about her father and Lord Rufus? Were they also included in their grand scheme when their future selves planned when they would come back? Were the two Victorian men [I]supposed[/I] to be involved in all this, or just included because of happenstance? And what about Eclair? Why did she continue to have 'episodes'? Why were they happening more and more frequently as time goes by? And what were they all supposed to do once 'Jack' was no longer an issue? Geni knew that there would be no returning to the future. Even if were possible, and she remembered that it was not, would she? Now that the era she currently knew so well was ingrained into her very being, would she be able to handle the stark world from her memories? But without that option, what [I]would[/I] she, Dante, Ariana, Eclair and Nathan do when it was all over. . . arrogantly assuming they survived 'Jack' and his horrid plans? So many question, and so few answers. __________________________________________________ OOC: More filler, but Natchan promised me that she would have something big posted as soon as her life gets a bit less hectic. (I hope it's soon!)
Dante and Geni watched as Ariana left her rooms. When the door softly closed behind the lady, Dante turned to Geni with a raised eyebrow and mischief in his grin. "Speak, girl. What made you smile so charmingly, but wasn't important enough to talk about?" "Your name, is all." She nonchalantly smirked. "What about my name? I didn't think it something to laugh about." Dante bristled. "No, dearest. Your name suits you perfectly. Here, let me show you." Geni reached out her hand and took Dante's in a light grip. She let her brief memory flow into his mind. He grinned broadly as it concluded, but something told Geni that it was not for the same reason that she had smiled. "Your charms are quite . . . charming." he got out, managing not to laugh. "Dante!" She was agast in an odd sort of way. As [I]Jeni[/I], she hadn't minded Keitaro looking at her with not much on, but as [I]Geni[/I], she was mortified at her brazenness. She wasn't sure what to think. But before she could come up with a witty set-down, she heard Ariana speak with a raised and worried voice. She tried to get out of bed to see about the commotion, but Dante pushed her back down onto her pillows. "I'll go see what is amiss. You stay put and I'll report back." He said sternly, all mocking gone from his voice. "But --" she tried. "No! You're in enough danger from psychopaths without you breaking your own neck in a tumble." With that, he hustled out the door. ______________________________________ OOC: Sorry for the filler, but Natchan says she has a big post coming soon!
Geni sat quietly as Eclair and Ariana chatted amiably. She knew there was more to what Dante was saying that he was admitting to the others, but the quote baffled her as well. Was he saying that he remembered more about Keitaro than he was willing to admit to the group? 'Tis a puzzlement! A small memory came to Geni and she wondered. . . * * * * * "Jen!" an all too familiar voice called. The groans from the other inhabitants of her dorm-like room held the promise of death to anyone who didn't shut him up. Didn't the idiot care that it was four a.m. and she had only gotten to sleep a few hours before. Jeni lugged herself out of bed and stumbled to the door, quickly slipping out of the room before anyone could hit her with a pillow for letting light in. "What?!" she grumbled in a murderous tone. Keitaro grinned at her sarcastically. He knew she wasn't a merry morining person, and he was enjoying her discomfort, even if she was crabby. "Helena posted the list of people for the 'special training mission.' You said you wanted to know as soon as it was up." "What!?" Jeni roared. "This early in the morning? I knew she could be evil, but come on!" "Whine all you like, but we're to report to her office in half an hour." he mocked. "Just great! It'll take me almost that long just to get there from here. Does she not want me to go or something?" Indignant, Jeni started down the hall toward the lifts that would take her to the floor of the complex that the offices were located. "Uh, Jen." Keitaro grabbed her elbow. "What now?" She was still grumpy. "Don't you want to get dressed first?" he asked with a hint of a blush. That's when she recalled she was only in her panties and bra. At least they were a cute set and not something old and ratty. "If she wants me there in 30 minutes, she gets me in this!" Her crabbines had turned into defiance. Jeni turned once more to the lifts, but Keitaro stopped her again. "I'll take you the fast way if you promise to put some clothes on." His cheeks were slightly redder. She grinned evilly at him, payback for his enjoyment of getting her up so early. "Well --- not having to walk would be worth it. I guess I can find something to throw on." Snickering, she slipped back into her room. She let him cool his heels outside her door for ten minutes before she reappeared, dressed in a coverall and hair properly braided. "Let's go." she said as she grabbed his hand. Keitaro nodded and jumped them to Helena's office. For politeness's sake, he put them just outside the door instead of just appearing right inside. "Oh!" Jeni remembered. "You didn't tell me who else was on the list." "Well, there's Helena, and you, and me, and. . ." "What!?!" Jeni cut him off. "I told you I applied, didn't I?" He was stunned at her violent reaction. Gaining control of herself, she muttered something about forgetting the fact. They knocked on the office door, then Jeni let herself in before anyone could answer. "Hello Jeni. I heard you coming. Glad you two could make it. You're the last ones to report in." Helena chimed at them, far to chipper for the early hour. "Well, we're here. What else do we need to do?" Jeni grumbled. "Just know that the 'training mission' will get underway in four days, and you need to tell me in the next five minutes what name you want to be known by in the Victorian era. We have to program that in, among billions of other things." Helena was not at all daunted by Jeni's surliness. "Genieve." was Jeni's immediate reply. "Isn't that just old English for Jeni?" Helena asked. "So?" Jeni wasn't in the mood. "Real creative, I must say." Helena snickered back. "How about you, Keitaro? Know what name you want? Your current one isn't exactly European." "Uh -- I hadn't really thought about a name." he answered. "Why don't you call him 'Dante'?" Jeni ventured, "With as much as you've carried around that stupid book, I won't have any trouble remembering a name like that!"] "Dante'll work." He nodded. "Wait! I was just kidding!" Jeni spluttered. "Dante'll work."
I agree that Trinity Blood is definately more politically motivated than action and blood slinging. But that's what I like about it. The essance of the characters have room to expand and entangle each other when the entire plot does not hinge on what kind of new "Kamehameha Wave" attack each character develops to beat the bad guy. The fact that Abel tries to resolve things as a peace-loving priest [I]before[/I] he opens up a can as the "cruiznik" makes him so much more of a person, rather than just a blood-sucking, enemy-kicking vampire hunter. It keeps him from being a carbon copy of [I]Hellsing's[/I] Alucard, too. It's also refreshing to see people on both sides of the Terran/Methuseleh battle are shown to be able see the pros and cons of co-existance and peace, and they choose their courses based on them. There is no bad-guy just for the sake of the story needing one! I love this series, the beautiful animation, the plot, the characters, everything!
"How about you, Geni?" Eclair asked, adroitly chaging the focus of the conversation away from herself. "Any ideas why you decided to come to this year of our Lord?" "Well. . . I don't know for sure. My memories are still spotty in many places." she demurred. "I think it's because I either found the program, or I stumbled upon a way to stop it. Nothing terribly herioc. I think I just wanted to be useful. I had no family, and all my friends were coming with me. I vaguely remember not wanting someone to come -- but I'm not sure who, or why." "I don't think anyone came here for heroic recognition." Ariana added. "If we succeed, no one will ever know about the danger. If we fail, no one will remember how it was supposed to be. Either way you look at it, coming here was not the greatest way to become memorable." Eclair sighed. "Too right. If we live 'Happily ever after', I will be content. If we don't, we'll be dead, and I won't have any room to complain." "What a morbid thought." Geni said, agast. "Just being practical, dear." Eclair smiled softly. "Just being practical." ____________________________ [COLOR=Blue]OOC: My IC is being a mess, and I can't access this site often or for long right now. Sorry this post is so short, but I'm doing my best. Please feel free to post and I will get a longer one up and get us moving ASAP! Thanks![/COLOR]
Lord David burst upon the dining room in a rush. "I'm terribly sorry over my tardiness!" he apologized. "I went to White's to thank Dr. Lancaster once again, and I was drawn into a rather morbid discussion." He joined them at the table, taking the seat at it's head that had been left vacant for him. "I'm all curiosity. What could possibly be discussed at Whites that could contain any valid interest?" Rufus asked, only half kidding. "The name of our aggressor is 'Jack,' am I correct?" He asked the group. "Yes, Father." Geni answered, wondering where he was taking this. "Have any of you been keeping up with the newspapers of late?" David queried. The six looked at each other, then back at their host. "Not really." Ariana answered for them all. "Why?" "Well, I think you should look at The Times headline for today." David pulled the paper in question from inside his jacket and spread it out on the dining table while Geni rearranged dishes so it would fit. In broad black letters the top of the sheet read: [B]Jack the Ripper Strikes Twice![/B] "Apparently, every time you have an 'event' with your Mr. Jack, he kills someone in Whitechapel. As best as I could, I traced down every date you actually saw Jack. Each time, a murder occured not long after you stopped him. Two deaths that happened last night were both claimed by the notorious Ripper in a package sent to the papers this morning." Nathan rose from his chair in alarm. "He sent a package to the newspapers today?" "Yes." David replied. "In fact, the package also included an. . ." he glanced at the ladies present in the room, "an appendage taken from a human form." "An ear in salt?" Dante said, more a dark statement than a question. "Quite, but they know it's from one of the two -- but how did you know?" Geni's stomach went queasy as everyone in the room began broadcasting their thoughts loudly as all the minds raced with the sudden revelations and implications. She tried to thicken her mental shields, but to no avail. It was like they weren't even there. "Geni recieved a similar gift this morning." Dante informed her father. "What!?" Lord David was outraged. As the rest of the group buzzed in their eagerness to explain the shocks of the morning, Geni's face paled. Her head began to pound, and bile rose to the back of her throat. Too much was pressing in on her, too many thoughts and emotions. It was as if her mind was no longer her own. Distantly she heard Nathan muse out loud, "I always wondered if there was a connection with our Jack and the Ripper." The Ripper. . . * * * * * Jeni sat before a read-out screen, her eyes watering from exhaustion. [I]I know it's hiding here, somewhere. I just know it is![/I] she thought to herself as she searched yet another file display. "Jen, your shift ended seven hours ago." Keitaro tapped her on the shoulder, scaring her out of her deep consentration and recieving a small yelp of surprise as her jumped in her seat and turned to face him. "But this is important! I know it is! I have to track down that glitch." She was near to tears with how tired she felt. "Why?" He asked a simple question, but she just didn't have a simple answer. "Because this system is supposed to be flawless. Because I hate it when people hide things from everyone. Because I can feel that this has a dark undercurrent connected with it. And because no one else cares and thinks I'm nuts because I do!" "Then move your chair over." he said softly. "What?" "Move your butt and the thing it's resting on over so I can sit down, too. Then after you explain what it is, exactly, that I'm supposed to be looking for, you can doze while I search. If I find anything or have a question, I'll wake you." He stared down at her till her brain connected with her body and she skootched to the right. Keitaro hooked an empty chair with his foot and pulled it beneath him as he sat at the keyboard. "Why would you do this?" Jeni couldn't help but ask. "Because you're nuts. What am I looking for?" After a brief explaination, Jeni set her arms on the desktop and rested her head on them. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of Keitaro's fingers tapping on the keys. It didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep. "Jen. Hey, Jen." Jeni felt her shoulders being shaken. [I]He's the only one who calls me that.[/I] she thought randomly. She tried to bat his hands away. "I'm still sleepy." she muttered. "I said I'd wake you if I found anything or had a question." Keitaro persisted in shaking her, despite her weak attemps at getting him to leave her alone. Muzzily she lifted her head and tried to neaten the whisps of hair that had come loose from her braid. "How long was I asleep?" she asked as she tried to engage her brain. "Only three or four hours." "Three or four?! I thought you were just going to let me doze!" she was agast at all the time she had wasted sleeping. "You skipped right over doze and went straight to out cold. Besides, I didn't need to ask or tell you anything till now, so why wake you?" Keitaro's pragmaticism took all the affronted bluster out of her sails. "So what did you want to tell me?" she asked, properly abashed. "Ask you, actually. What does the word 'Ripper' have to do with 1888? I've found a few referances to a 'Ripper Program' that I don't recognize, but I'm hazy on whether or not there is a connection." Keitaro scrolled down a few screens till he found the file he was looking for and pointed it out to her. Jeni clicked open the said file and scanned over the contents. Her eyes widened, and she went over it again slowly in order to take in all the details. "God." she whispered. "What? Is it the end of the world?" Keitaro joked. "Yes." Jeni breathed. "Someone here is Jack the Ripper, and they want to end civilization as we have come to know it. God, oh God." She looked him in the eyes. "People are going to die. Lots of people if we don't do something." * * * * * * Geni woke up back in her bedroom. Eclair and Ariana sitting in chairs nearby were the only indication that the entire episode of that morning hadn't been a twisted dream. She tried to sit up, but then her head began to pound and the room to spin. Slowly she lowered herself back down to her pillows and groaned softly. "Gently now." Ariana whispered. "Danted said that you were starting to have troubles, then you went into a flashback. After that you blacked out and we brought you up here." Eclair explained. "You mean Dante carried her up here." Ariana clairfied. "He was like a mother hen. We chased him out not long ago. He was getting on Eclair's nerves, so we sent him to get you some warm milk." "If he manages not to burn himself, I'll be impressed." Eclair snickered. "Be nice." Ariana chided with a grin. "I saw --" Geni began. "Yes, Dante told us." Ariana interrupted. "You remember finding something called the Ripper Program, and that people were going to die because of it. Do you think it is the whole reason why we are all here now?" "I'm sure of it." Geni had no questions on the matter. "But what does it do, and how could we possibly think anything we could do would matter?" Eclair asked. "I don't know. I still don't remember." Geni sighed. "Well, while Dante was holding your hand and being grumpy to us all, he became non-reponsive for a few minutes. He might have just been pouting or concentrating on only you, but I wonder if he might have had a memory triggered by your own." Ariana surmised. "I guess we'll just have to wait as see if he'll tell us anything." "We'll be waiting quite a while, if Dante stays true to form." Eclair grumbled with good humor. "Be nice." The other two ladies chimed in unison. ________________________________________ OOC: Monster post strikes again! Sorry it took me so long to post, I've been recovering from sewing cosplay costumes and a convention. I hope this gives people a direction (besides Otori_guy's observation that we are not yet invited to the ball.) I'd like to have a few more memories crop up that develop the reasons why each character desided to come to the Victorian era, among any other cool things you can think of! Yay, back at the top!
After the soup, a fine cut of lamb was served to the luncheon party along with a light wine. Everyone was quiet through the meal, whether it was from the enjoyment of the fine food or the matter of too much to think about, Geni really didn't want to know. [I]"Why the Lady of Shalot?"[/I] Geni asked Ariana mind to mind. She guessed that if anyone knew the referance, Ariana would. [I]"What is Jack trying to infer?"[/I] Ariana sighed inwardly. [I]"According to some Arthurian legends and Tennison's poem, the Lady of Shalot was madly in love with Sir Lancelot, but he ignored or rejected her feelings in favor of Queen Guenivere."[/I] Ariana watched as Geni's eyes widened, but the girl managed not to flinch. [I]"Pay it no mind, dear. It's as we said before, Jack is making a sick joke. I refuse to let that type of humor get the best of us."[/I] [I]"You're right. And I have faith in Dante. I have to."[/I] Geni responded, trying to put the horrid prediction behind her. [I]"That's the right stance to take. If we trust and believe in each other, we shall win out in the end. As my Rufus says, 'Claim victory in your heart and the Universe will follow.'"[/I] Ariana smiled and went back to her meal. Geni shook her shoulders to help settle herself mentally. She wouldn't give up, she wouldn't lose faith, and she would do her best to be there for the others. She looked across the table at Dante. [I]"I love you."[/I] she sent to him. He glanced up at her, startled. [I]"I love you, too. What brought that on?" [/I] he asked. [I]"I just needed to tell you, that's all."[/I] Geni blushed slightly. "Don't you just love it when you can tell half the table is speaking to one another, but you still get to enjoy the peaceful silence." Rufus joked, cutting across the quiet. "Oh! I am so terribly sorry." Geni apologized for her rudeness. Rufus laughed and started the rest of the table chuckling. "Geni, I think you would apologize if I claimed I was upset for not being able to breathe at the bottom of the ocean. Don't be sorry, just laugh at the joke." Geni couldn't help but smile and enjoy the easing of the tension. "You're right, I am sorry you can't breathe on the ocean's floor. I'll get right on that." she joked back. Suddenly the meal seemed to taste much better as Geni finally relaxed enough to enjoy it.
"Ariana is right. Jack would want us at each other's throats. We're the only one's who stand between him and whatever his murderous objective is." Geni said, pulling herself away from Dante's shoulder. "This is not the time to be arguing." Nathan found a sheet of paper in the parlor's writing desk, folded it into an envelope, then slid the severed ear into the makeshift container. Folding it shut, Nathan took off his coat and hid the envelope in it's folds, keeping it from immeditate view. Next he rang for an attending servant. James entered the room after only a second's pause. "Is everything alright, Sir?" the butler asked Nathan. "I thought I heard a scream or raised voices." "Yes, we are all well." the officer answered. "Lady Geni received a strange package full of salt. I'm afraid she has spilled the contents on the floor." "Salt? That's very strange." James mused. "Yes, it is. Do you happen to know who accepted the package at the door?" Nathan questioned in full police mode. "I did. The lad who delivered it was in Almack's uniform. He was the same lad who had delivered the ball invitations in the past, so I thought nothing more about it." James answered without hesitation. "Thank you. That is what I wanted to know." Nathan replied. "Of course, Sir." James said with a nod of his head. "Now, luncheon will be served shortly, so if you lords and ladies would be willing to retire to the dining room, I will have this spill cleaned." "That sounds like an agreable solution." Dante said. "We're out of the way of those who are cleaning up and we get to dine at the same time." The young lord stood and helped Geni to her feet. The others followed suit. This time, however, Lord Rufus was not the person keeping the group to a halting pace. Geni was a bit unsteady on her feet after her scare, and was grateful for the slowness of their progression as she clung to Dante's arm.
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]OOC: Guess it's time to be moving on. . .[/COLOR] _______________________________________________________ Geni slept restlessly and was hardly awake when her maid announced that she had visitors downstairs. She was also informed that a package had arrived for her from Almack's early that morning. Doing her best to find cohearancy, she dressed as quickly as possible and headed down the stairs to the parlor where her friends waited. Geni noticed the small white parcel with her name and address neatly penned on the top. She snatched it off the hallway side table and took it into the room with her. Ariana, Rufus, Eclair, Nathan and Dante all turned at her entrance with Nathan and Dante rising from their seats and Rufus giving her a polite nod in lew of standing. "I am so terribly sorry. I had no idea of the time. Please excuse my tardiness." Geni begged the group. "No worries, dear." Ariana spoke in a soothing tone. "It was a late night full of excitements. No wonder you slept late." "Yes, no one here blames you." Eclair agreed. "Now, shall we get to the point of this meeting? Nathan, here, found a letter from Jack last night." "What?!" Dante shouted, interrupting her. "And you didn't tell any of us?!" "I thought it would be better if we could read it and confer in private, so there would be no worry of being overheard by the wrong parties." she refuted. "I agree with your thinking." Rufus nodded his head. "Murderers and rumormongers abound at that club, it seems." Nathan took the envelope from his jacket pocket and, after glancing at each person, he cracked the wax seal. [COLOR=Red]Well Loves, Did you enjoy my double suprise? I thought I'd add a little spice to the usual dull routine. I figured we started at Almack's -- our little friendship that is -- so why not have a anniversary treat. But again, you all seem to disagree with my way of thinking. That truely is sad, I must admit. I was hoping that after a season of convincing, you might warm up to me. But alas, you have prooved me wrong again. Well I do hope that you enjoy the rest of your evening, because I promise you... the next letter you recieve from me will not be as delightful. Sincerely as always, your beloved friend Jack P.S. One last clue for one last crime: T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, every creature was stirring, especially the mouse. Ladies stockings were worn to the party with care in hopes that Jack, my dears, soon would be there. . .[/COLOR] "I think that man delights in obscurity." Eclair complained. "Of course he does." Dante growled. "He's a murdering maniac with a pension for dramatics. Do you think he's going to spell his every move out for you." Geni could tell that Dante was not in the best of moods toward Eclair. Nathan jumped into the conversation, hoping to turn minds to somthing more productive than bickering. "Well the clue is obvoiusly about the queen's Christmas Ball. Jack certainly enjoys dancing and public spectical, it seems." "Now all we need are invitations." Ariana sighed. "Those are harder to get than a pass to Almack's." "I'm sure a way will present itself." Rufus said, laying his hand over his wife's. "If there wasn't a possibility of our attending, Jack wouldn't have set his attack at such a place." "True." She smiled at him and squeezed his hand in return. Silence fell upon the party as each person was lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Eclair broke the stillness. "Geni, dear, what have you got in your box?" she asked. "Oh! I had completely forgotten I was holding it. My maid said it was delivered from Almack's. Pehaps I dropped something there. It's terribly heavy for such a small parcel." Geni gingerly untied the string and opened the package. On top was a piece of vellum, folded in half. Geni lifted the thin sheet up, but before she could look at the letter, she spied what lay beneath. She let out a scream of horror, pushed the package off her lap, and turned sobbing into Dante's chest. Dante held her close, not knowing what had upset her so. Nathan moved to the floor at Geni's feet. Beneath a pile of scattered white table salt was a severed human ear, still bloody from it's removal. Eclair and Ariana also recoiled in shock and dismay, but they managed to keep their voices under control. Nathan removed the missive from Geni's shaking hand and read alloud: [COLOR=Red]To my dearest friends: The Lady Death and her consort Offical Calamity, The Lady Beauty and her disfigured Beast, and the Lady of Shalot waiting for her Lancelot to break her heart, Greatings Loves, Since I sent a gift to the newspapers, I simply had to send a similar one to my friends. Can't play favorites, you know. I hope you enjoyed my surprise. Take care of yourselves till we meet again, Jack[/COLOR] Stunned silence reigned supreme.
The evening progressed, and all seemed to have a good time, but Geni - despite Dante's words of encouragement - was having a hard time relaxing and enjoying the successful event. The drunk's advances on top of the actuall double attack still had her rattled deep down. She was beginning to wonder if her presance wasn't actually more of a hinderance than a help. She had caused her friends to worry and had been the focus of a nasty public scene. Half of her wanted to crawl into a deep dark cave and hide for the next year or so, and the other half wanted to stand up defiantly to the crowds and declair that she couldn't have cared less what they thought of her. Instead, she drifted in limbo, neither retreating or advancing. . . simply remaining where she was. Her anxiety increased as the night progressed. She wasn't sure where she stood, not in society, not in the group, not even with Dante for that matter. Was she truely more distress than damsel, as Jack had said. She tightened her mental shields to keep Dante from feeling her hurt and to attempt to keep the rest of the world out. It wasn't easy, and finally she had to beg her father and Dante to escort her home with a headache. She had messed something else up . . . she couldn't even enjoy an evening right. Geni retired to her rooms with an uneasy heart and a depressed spirit.
"We discovered much about the second target." Dante said. "And as near as I can tell, the only thing they have in common is the position of escort at this ball." "Do [B]any[/B] of the intended victims have any ties to one another, I wonder?" Nathan speculated. "Well, I for one, feel that we should celebrate the fact that we have survived another two attacks rather than just one, as well as the happy lack of police and upset needed this night. No offense meant toward the enforcement of the law, but they do tend to spoil the mood of a party when they arrive en masse." Eclair announced to the group with an apologetic smile for Nathan. "No doubt about that." the detective agreed. "So I propose we all enjoy the rest of the evening as best we can, and discuss this night's events somewhere less crowded and noisy tomorrow." Eclair gave each person a glare, daring them to defy her wish. "Sounds like a grand idea." Rufus agreed. "Everyone has been functioning on the tauntest wires with pins and needles for the past weeks. It's high time we relaxed for a few moments and enjoyed being alive and together." Ariana nodded her head, a soft smile warming her face. It had been a while since she had simply gloried in being alive. She was more than happy to follow Eclair and her lord's suggestions. "Then it's decided!" Eclair announced before anyone else could voice an opinion. "How about we meet at Geni's home tomorrow for luncheon. . . that is, if Lord David and his staff do not mind me extending the invitation." "No, father won't mind." Geni replied. "Well, then. Sir Nathan, I would like to dance." Eclair smiled winningly and grabbed her gentleman's hand. She tugged him onto the dance floor. Ariana and Rufus gingerly made their way to the drinks, the stuffiness of the room and the close quarters were starting to effect Rufus's balance. Ariana thought a drink and a chair might fortify him. Geni remained seated, waiting to see what Dante wanted to do. [I]You know, I have an envelope in my jacket pocket with a "J" enscribed in red on it. [/I] Nathan sent to his Lady dance partner. "Yes, dear one. I saw you pick it up off the stairs after you helped me to my feet." she whispered in his ear. [I]Shouldn't we tell the others about it now? They will want to know.[/I] He asked her opinion. "Tomorrow. Bad news can keep overnight. Tonight is special. . . so let's let everyone enjoy it." With that, the subject was dropped and the music swept them away in the stylized steps of the dance. ________________________________________________ [COLOR=Blue]OOC: Not a lot, but at least we know where the letter is. I hope all the characters enjoy the ball! (I think we all deserve a little fun once and a while.)[/COLOR]
After the gossip buzz had died down (and Eclair had repaired the mussing of Geni's hair as best she could) the group resumed dancing. The rythms and fancy steps helped to calm Geni's frazzled nerves, but she couldn't help but notice that Dante was having a much harder time regaining his usual aplomb. She could still feel his anger simmering just beneath the surface. But it wasn't directed at her or their friends, so she let it be. Not much later, the new debutaunts made their announced entranced as their formal introduction into society. This season, the "thing" was to have each girl accompanied by a male escourt -- usually a family member or elderly family friend. Geni even moticed one girl who was being 'led' by a man so old he looked to be on his deathbed, wheezing his breaths in and out so loud that everyone could hear it over the din of the gathered crowd. Geni immediatly felt pity for the poor girl. The last two of the eight girls entered with younger men on their arms, one a cousin and the other an elder brother. Both young men looked quite distinguished, uncomfortable in the femine spotlight, and both glowed an aura of red. [I]Ariana . . .[/I] Geni called mentally. [I]Yes, I can see it too. But, which one is it?[/I] she responded. [I]That's the question, isn't it? [/I] Dante chimed in. Geni was surprised that he could hear what they had said, since neither of them had addressed him directly, but she was holding his hand. That was probably how he had been able to 'overhear'. [I]Has Jack not decided which one he wants? Is that why they both glow?[/I] Nathan added, letting Ariana and Geni know that he and Eclair had also seen the auras. The six of them had seperated during the dancing, and that almost seemed beneficial now. They were spread to different parts of the room, so now they were able to watch from all different angles for the attack. Ariana and Rufus were center, but a short ways back from the debs. Geni and Dante were closer, but off to the left, while Nathan and Eclair were to the right and just at the base of the steps. As the introductions concluded, Eclair dragged Nathan forward so she could offer a formal welcome to the new young ladies -- at least that was her outward intention. But before she had gone more that three paces, she swooned into a faint. Taken by surprise, Nathan barely managed to catch her. Hands full of frills, ribbons, lace and lady, the officer didn't see the ratty dressed man sauntering down the stairs, following the path the debs had taken into the room. Nathan didn't see him, but the others did. Ariana rushed forward with Rufus' walking cane in hand. Geni and Dante came in from the side. With nearly everyone's attention on Eclair, it wasn't difficult to push through the gathered people. Ariana raced up the stairs with amazing athleticism, considerining she was in a gown and heels, and reached one of the glowing young men just as the attacker leaped down from a few higher, blade in hand. She swang he husband's cane in an arc, chest high to the armed man, as hard as she could. The wood impacted into his ribs with a satisfying thwack, successfully throwing off is aim and sending him flying in a totally different direction than the one the assailant had originally intended. The man vanished before he even connected with the floor. Ariana looked back at the masses and saw that not many had noticed her actions, not even the intended target or his young lady cousin. In fact, it appeared that Eclair had unintentionally kept the focus completely off the attack. The police wouldn't even need to be called for this one. She tapped the young lady on the shoulder and gave a friendly introduction to the deb and the man whose life she had just preserved, and wished her a happy first season in London. Looking down, she noticed the crack that now ran the length of her lord's cane. It didn't bother her too much. A cane was much easier to replace than a life. [I]The other man![/I] Geni cried. Looming behind the other young escort the attacker had reappeared. He lifted his blade, ready to plunge it into the man's heart from behind. Copying a move she had seen but recently, Geni balled up her right fist and swang with all her might up at the man's face from the side. She only hit hard enough to make him take a single step back, but blood covered his face. It also delayed him long enough for Dante to shove past the telepath, knocking her into the second target, and bring his sheathed short sword into play. He used the covered edge to smack the attacker's wrist, numbing the hand and forcing the blade from his fingers. Mopping at his bleeding face, the man muttered "What is with the frills today?" and vanished once again, splattered blood and all. "Please pardon me." Geni begged the escort. "I seemed to have turned my ankle a touch on the stair. Please forgive me for so rudely accosting you." "Never fear, lady. No harm done, but are you quite allright?" he responded graciously. "Can I help you to a chair?" "No, that is fine. I will see to her." Dante smiled for the escort's benefit. "Thank you for your kind offer, though." He tucked Geni's hand into his arm, then tried his luck at making conversation to see if maybe he could discern why this young man of the two had been chosen as a target. "Come to London often?" "No, this is my sister's type of excitement. I much prefer hunting or studying in the Library at Cambridge." was the reply. Everyone in the group who was able scanned the room, searching for any sign that another attack would come. All seemed as it should be, with no other glowing targets and no sense that the gathering had noticed anything out of the ordinary other than the lady Eclair, who was coming around of her own accord and attempting to laugh off her spell as too much excitement from seeing so many stylish gowns all in one place. She was able to make everyone smile and nod placatingly, then think nothing further. Dante and Geni made their way to the chairs once again with Geni acting a slight false limp, all the while chatting with the young man whose name turned out to be Charles Trevelyan and his charming sister. They learned that Charles was a student of Cambridge, studying law. His father was a member of Parliament. He was eighteen years old and hoping he would not need to attend another social season for at least eighteen more. Dante noticed Ariana and Rufus speaking with the other intended victim, and thought they should compare notes later. Geni sat gratefully. Her hand stung some, and her feet were more than ready to take a break. She wished the deb a happy season and smiled as her brother reluctantly took her onto the dance floor. Dante sank into the seat next to her with a sigh. "I never did get you the drink I promised you." he laughed ironically. "No, you didn't." she quirked a half-smile back at him. "But you were right. The nose makes a much better target." "Not at all what I expected you to do, but it was marginally effective. Shoving him might have been better, for future referance." His instructor tone was back, but only for an instant, then he let it drop. "I liked the way no one was bothered by the maniac in the back. Typical of the ton. At least the police won't be called in this once." [I]We can't take much more of this.[/I] Geni told him, her mental tone thin, stressed and soft. [I]I can't take much more of this.[/I] ____________________________________ [COLOR=Blue]Sorry this took so long to post. I wish it were better, but I've run out of time. Please forgive me![/COLOR]
Eclair, Clohe and Ariabella fussed and flounced, tugged and tightened till Geni was near ready to scream. They twittered over her, discussing the best options like she wasn?t even there. When she tried to express her opinion, she was told to shush, sit still and be patient. They wouldn?t even let her look in the mirror to see the final effect. Eclair said that she would be able to tell how wonderful she looked in the eyes of the people who gazed upon her. It didn?t make much sense to Geni, but in for a penny, in for a pound. She had given herself up to her friend, and now she had to take Eclair?s word for everything. The front bell rang and Geni suddenly grew nervous. The evening had arrived, and though she looked ready on the outside ? she hoped, she definitely did not feel ready on the inside. On top of the merciless ton to face and Dante?s expectations to meet, there was a potential attack they needed to stop at all costs. Too many lives had been lost all ready. Geni could hear male voices conversing downstairs and Eclair snickered. ?Nathan has been cooling his heels in the back parlor for nearly and hour. He likes to be early to things. I?m having a hard time convincing him of the notion to be ?fashionably late.? I bet he?s bemoaning the eternal tardiness of women to your father right now.? Eclair gave her young friend a final once-over. ?You?re finished. My masterpiece.? ?Eclair, how can I ever repay you for all this?? Geni asked in a whisper. ?No repayment necessary. This is my way of being festive for the occasion. You gave me the opportunity to forget my troubles for a time. For that, I should be thanking you.? Eclair answered gently. ?Now, I know a few men who are awaiting our pleasure, and you should never keep a man waiting too long ? only long enough.? Eclair made her entrance first, her black silk gown dramatically setting off her moon-pale skin. Her hair was done up in a chignon with small diamonds pinned into it to give a touch of sparkle. She moved with thoughtless grace and smiled a welcome to the men waiting at the bottom of her staircase. Nathan?s jaw had dropped slightly, but he recovered himself in moments and crossed to the base of the stairs and offered his hand to her to help the lady descend the last few steps. Peeking out, Geni saw that she could stall no longer. She took as deep a breath as the tight French corset would allow and stepped into view of the waiting party. She blushed prettily as all the attention turned to her. It was at that moment that she understood what Eclair had meant. Dante had too much decorum to drop his jaw like Nathan had, but the stunned appreciation she saw in his eyes made the whole afternoon of being poked and prodded worth it. Geni was radiant in her borrowed emerald green gown. The dress fit her like a finely made glove and highlighted all her best physical features. The top skirt swept back to a bow in the small of her back, resting on top of the bustle made up a tiers of matching green lace. The base skirt just brushed the floor in ripples of extravagant silk that caught the light and made Geni?s skin seem incandescent as the moon. Her eyes, fringed with long black lashes, were the same shade as emeralds and glistened just like the gems. The strawberry curls had been pulled up and then allowed to fall in a cascade down her back with a tiny tiara set just in front of the mass as her only jeweled adornment. The front of the dress was lower that Geni normally wore, but not so low that she was afraid of falling out. Eclair had said that the cut was all the rage with the non-debutantes, but Geni had never bothered to notice before. Again, she would have to take Eclair?s word for it. Her father nudged Dante forward and the young gentleman also offered his hand up. He was dressed in a long black frock coat that concealed, Geni had no doubt, a blade or two. The rest of his tux was pristine and he looked amazing in his own right. He held his brushed silk top hat in his other hand as he guided Geni down the bottom steps and tucked her hand into his arm. Clohe handed her mistress and Geni their evening wraps and the five of them made their way out the front door and into the carriages. ?You look lovely.? Dante whispered in Geni?s ear as the horses lurched the conveyance forward. The smile she returned the compliment with glowed brighter than the street lamps that lined the lane. ?Thank you.? she lowered her eyes to look at her gloved hands. ?You are without equal, yourself.? ?I?d say Lady Eclair?s efforts were a success, judging from the fact that it took more than four minutes for this young lord to locate his voice after viewing you.? Lord David said with a smirk. ?Father, please don?t tease.? Geni begged. ?Who said I was teasing?? he rejoined. The ride was not long, but the tension mounted with every horse step forward. The attacks seemed to increase in danger with each event, rather than decrease with practice. Geni wanted so badly for this evening to go well, prayed that no one would be injured or killed. The carriage rolled to a stop before the club and she winced. Dante squeezed her hand as he helped her down. ?Be brave.? he told her. She nodded, and with a hand on the arm of both her father and Dante, with Eclair and Nathan mere steps behind, she took a breath and headed into the building. The crowd was overwhelming. Geni had to tighten her shields more than she ever had before, and it still didn?t keep all the din out. She mentally took courage in all of the work that had been done to her today, using her Parisian dress as a barrier from the censure she could feel around her. She pasted on what she hoped was a winning smile and braved the ballroom. Without waiting to ask, Dante whisked her onto the dance floor for a brisk Venetian Waltz. The quick steps took her breath away, and Dante was light on his feet, so she had no need to fear her own. They spun around the room, the watching crowds all a blur. Geni felt a mental greeting from Arianna, but could not find her in the whirring masses. She sent back a quick hello, and then returned her focus to the fast moving dance. When the music ended and the musicians appreciated, Dante escorted Geni to a rare vacant seat. Winded, she fanned herself with her hand. Dante took a quick glance around, and seeing Lord David not far off, he offered to bring her a drink. Breathless, she nodded her agreement. Dante was no more than fifty feet away when another young gentleman, rotund and sweating profusely, approached her. ?You?d be Miss Geni, then?? he asked rudely. ?I am Lady Genieve, yes. As we have not been properly introduced, I beg you to leave me to my party.? she gave him a glacial look while trying to remain polite. ?None of your airs, now.? He chided, then belched loudly. The man was obviously drunk. ?I heard all about you. You may come be my pretty thing, now. I?ll give you a necklace to make you prettier to show you that I wouldn?t want you to wander too far.? ?I beg your pardon!? Geni was aghast at his offensive words and manner. ?Leave me at once and never burden me with your presence again!? The drunk roared with laughter, then lightning quick, grabbed her out of chair and began to manhandle her toward the gardens. ?Come now, miss. We?ll have a bit of fun so I can try you out and see if you?re to my liking.? Geni struggled as much as she could in the tight dress and the pressing crowd, but she could not free herself from his iron grip. [I]Dante! Arianna! Help me! Nathan! [/I] she braodcast as loud and desperately as she could manage. Still she was dragged further across the room, closer to the gardens and the thousands of places hidden from all view. [I]Dante![/I] Abruptly the drunkard halted. Lord Rufus and Arianna blocked his path. ?Sir, you will unhand the lady at once.? the lord said in a deathly cold voice, his cane held in a slightly threatening manner. ?You are mistaken.? the fat man argued. ?This is miss Geni. You must have heard the rumors. I?m just going to test it myself to see how valid the gossip is.? ?This is a lady of honor decorum.? Nathan growled from behind, his and Eclair?s arrival going almost unnoted. ?And I am a detective on the police force. Unhand her or I will have you up on charges of assault.? ?Come now, I?m just going to have fun with her. I won?t hurt her, and I won?t be doing anything several other men haven?t done before.? The drunk was becoming angry, shaking Geni like a ragdoll. Then, with a resounding crack, he released her and fell into an unceremonious heap on the floor. Dante stood over him for a moment, then turned toward Geni, shaking his hand like it stung. ?Next time, I?ll aim for his nose instead of his teeth. More dramatic and painful for him and less painful for me.? he muttered. ?Are you all right? Did he hurt you?? He brushed a stray curl out of her face and back where it belonged. ?N-no, just scared me. I?m sorry to cause such a ruckus.? She stammered, but only a bit. ?There is no need to apologize, dear.? Arianna soothed. ?This was completely out of your control.? Nathan grabbed a server who was stupidly staring at the form on the floor. ?This man is drunk and accosted one of the guests.? he barked, flashing his police identification. ?Remove him at once and make sure he is informed that the police will be investigating.? ?Come away.? Dante put a hand to her waist and drew her from the scene. Lord David arrived, having had to push his way through the gathered crowd of onlookers. He sighed with relief at the sight of his daughter, safe. ?This lady is blameless in the sight of the law.? Nathan announced to the room in general. ?And I as well as those gathered around me can attest to her propriety as a lady of society. There will be no repetitions of these offences tonight.? His declaration carried weight as the buzz of the room carried his words from one gossip to the next. ?Dante, I?m sorry.? Geni drooped as he lead her back to the seats.
Images flooded into Geni?s mind, memories that were not her own. Flashes of some, not fully remembered, while others she saw heartbeat by heartbeat. Dante took down the barriers he had constructed in his consciousness and let her see . . . She saw an image of a boy, bored and alone, stuck in a sparsely furnished area that was supposed to be his playroom ? though it held nothing that could really be played with. The adults didn?t know what to do with him because he was still too young, legally, for formal training. So they left him to his own devices as long as he did nothing destructive. Then this sterile world was interrupted one day when the adults brought in a girl just a bit younger than himself. She was wide-eyed and lost looking, pale skin accentuating the smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. [I]?Take care of her.? [/I] they had said. [I] ?She?s your responsibility,? [/I] and [I]?She may be important one day.? [/I] He had taken them seriously, and though she was often the biggest pain in the neck he could have ever imagined, he kept her safe. Geni saw a memory of herself at around fourteen with Ariana and a few others in the cafeteria; but it was viewed from a table a short distance off. She saw herself laugh at something someone had said, then look up and met Keitaro?s eyes. She stood and walked over to him, still smiling. ?Come on, Keitaro. Sit with us. There?s lots of room at our table and you?re all alone here.? she begged as she grabbed his hand and tugged. There was murmuring from some of the friends about what a drag he was because he never knew how to have fun before Ariana shushed them. ?I don?t think the others want me around.? He muttered, trying to pull his hand out of her grasp. ?Well, I want you around. If any one else has a problem with that, they don?t have to sit with us.? Again she tugged on his hand till he finally gave in to her demands that he join the group. She dragged him across the room and rearranged the chairs so one more could fit, making room next to her own chair so he sat beside her where she could ?keep an eye on him.? She also saw the dark look that Keitaro had received from the person that had been displaced from Jeni?s side ? Bobby. She saw flashes of training exercises and martial weapons practice. Nothing really coherent, just vague memories. Then the memory of a dark night where everyone was searching in a panic because Jeni had gone missing. She had entered the complex in a rush, then vanished. In the middle of the sea of confusion and worry, Keitaro had remained calm. He simply closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and concentrated on locating Jeni. In seconds his mind found the link and then he was there. Geni recognized the scene in the barricaded room, although it was disconcerting to see it from another point of view. She felt his fury as she sobbed into his shoulder and watched as he transported her own sleeping form to the medical facilities. The memories continued to flow into her mind. Dark, angry memories of watching Jeni try to get full movement back into the fingers of her left hand while she invented stories of how she was injured, cover stories that everyone accepted but no one believed. Brooding, furious memories of overhearing Bobby congratulating himself to his buddies on getting away from the freak in time. And then the flash of the attack on Kinas. The savage seeking of punishment for those who had hurt Jeni ? and of redemption for his allowing her to be hurt while she was still his responsibility. He had let himself believe that she had found someone else, replaced him in the role of protector. And that protector had betrayed them both by causing her pain. Betrayal demanded retribution. She saw Keitaro nearly kill his target, then plant the evidence to frame Bobby. She felt his joy as the screens showed Bobby?s arrest and trial, though a pang of guilt over the stress Jeni showed over the whole matter did intrude often. She saw the verdict and the sentencing, the death and the aftermath and shuddered at the brutality. And behind it all, an overlaying half-memory of a man, terrifying to behold. A man not Keitaro or Dante, but hovering in the background of everything. Geni could not get a clear idea or image of who or what he was, but she knew it was menacing in the shadows it kept to. Geni returned to herself, still seated with Dante standing before her. He was lightly holding her hands in his in a way that told her he expected her to jerk them away from him at any second. His expression was sad but determined. ?Kinas ? Bobby. . . you set Bobby up.? she whispered. ?Yes, I did. And I?d do it again if I had the chance. That filth deserved everything he got.? Dante spoke in a harsh tone, not pulling any punches. ?Why?? was all she asked. ?Because he hurt you, betrayed you. Because there?s a darkness inside me that dealt out my own brand of justice. I am like a lycanthrope that becomes a monster when the circumstances are right. And that part of me will never change.? Dante felt her hands shiver, but she did not pull away. Instead, she stood up and slid her arms around him, resting her cheek on his lapel. ?No, that is not what I meant. Why did you try to bear this all alone?? Her arms tightened for a moment, holding him close. ?What you did to Kinas and Bobby frightens me. I would have to be a dunce for it not to. But you are a good man at heart.? Dante started in surprise and tried to pull her back so he could look into her face, but she held fast to him. ?My lies and stories to everyone about what had happened took away every avenue of open punishment from you. That part is my fault and I accept the blame.? Geni was still shaking in his arms, but she pressed on. ?The only options left to you were the one you took or just forgetting about it. You are too rash and filled with a sense of justice to let it go, so you did what you did. I?m frightened by that, by the idea that you are willing to kill someone because they hurt me. That?s a lot of responsibility to bear for my small shoulders.? She sighed and leaned into him. ?I won?t even ask you to promise that you will never do anything like that again, for I know you will make no such guarantee. No one knows what the next moment will hold. All I ask is that you don?t hold it all in anymore. Don?t bear such burdens alone. Talk to me and perhaps together we can find better solutions. Let me be by your side and be of some small service in your life. At least that way I can keep an eye on you.? A smile crept to Geni?s lips as she felt a surprised small chuckle rumble in Dante?s chest. She didn?t want to make light of the situation, but she didn?t want him to think that she was scared of him, either. Far from it, in fact. To know that you were that protected, that watched over by someone was a marvel as well as a heavy responsibility. She would have to do everything in her power to make sure that similar circumstances never arose again. ?I love you, Dante.? She whispered, then stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. Dante tipped her chin up with his fingers of one hand so he could see her face better. ?I am amazed that this creature of iron character is the same lady who was brought to hysterical sobs by a letter from a frock maker.? ?I can face down the devil himself for you.? She declared defiantly, ?Even the devil inside of you.? ?But London?s ton is different?? he asked. ?Yes, because you and the others are counting on me. If I get banned from social circles, I won?t be able to be there to help when Jack appears. And I would be letting my parents down. They have such high hopes for me.? Her defiance left her in a rush. ?We won?t let them have that power over any of us.? Dante growled. ?I don?t see as we have that choice, but I won?t give up if you refuse to.? Geni took heart in his gruff obstinance against giving in to society?s whims. ?There?s the girl I know.? Dante said approvingly. ?Now, you have an appointment with Eclair and an evening of chaos ahead. You had better be going. You?re father and I shall meet you at Eclair?s house before the ball.? ?What about you?? Geni asked. ?I have a few errands to attend to this afternoon.? He took out his handkerchief. ?Dry your eyes and go to your fitting.? Then a hint of anger flashed in his eyes. ?Do please remind Eclair that I would speak to her sometime soon.? He kissed her lightly on her lips to take the sting out of his words, since his anger was not directed at Geni, and pushed her softly from him and toward the door. ?Go. I will see you in your splendor this evening.? Geni nodded and smiled a departure, then left to order up the carriage to take her and Aribelle to her friend?s home. There would be much chaos ahead. Geni only prayed there was now a little less chaos in Dante?s heart.
Geni rose late that morning, for the usual clamor of the household that awoke her each day was missing. She rang for her maid and began to prepare for the day curious at the quiet. Suprisingly, it was James who brought her the morning tray of toast and warm milk. "Good morining, milady." He chimed in a soft and warm tone. "Good morning." she answered. "Why is it so quiet today?" "Well, your father had a meeting with his solicitors today, and young Lord Dante was invited to a late breakfast with Lord Rufus and Lady Ariana." was his reply. "Oh. Well, I'm sorry I slept through their invitation." Her expression made it obvious that she wondered why she had not been awakened. "The courtesy was extended particularly to Lord Dante." James said as way of explaination. "Oh. Um - I hope he enjoys the visit." she said lamely. "He informed me that he believed he would not be gone terribly long." James said in a gentle tone. "Yes, thank you. Please ask Aribelle to come in. I think I would like to dress." Geni requested. "Wouldn't you like to eat, first?" James questioned. "No, I find I'm not very hungry." Thirty minutes passage found her in the parlor, attempting to read a Jane Austen novel. Normally, she enjoyed such silliness, but today she just didn't have the heart for it. She heard the front bell ring, then the door open and close. She knew it wasn't Dante because he normally rang and then let himself in. This person had waited for James to open the door. A moment later the butler entered the parlor with a soft knock. "Message for you, milady." He stepped to her, carrying a tray with a small envelope neatly resting on it. She took it and slid her tumbnail under the seal. The letter was simply a message from her dressmaker according to the embossing on the paper, rather than anything frightening from Jack. She scanned the message, then went over it again. Her face crumpled and tears filled her eyes, but did not fall. "Milady?" James asked, alarmed. "Oh - uh, the seamstress has had so many orders for tonight's ball that she will be unable to finish my dress in time." She tried to put on a happier expression but failed completely. "Forgive me." he snapped as he snatched the note fom her hands. It read: [COLOR=Blue]Lady Genieve, Due to the number of orders for gowns that I have received for tonight's ball from proper young ladies, I will be unable to finish your garment by the event.[/COLOR] It was signed by the propriator without any hint of an apology. It was a social slap in the face. It meant that Geni would need to wear a gown she already had, a gown of a debutaunt, and since this was officially her second season, to do so would be a blunder of monumental proportions as far as the Ladies of Almack were concerned. They might not even let her into the ballroom. Again, the front bell rang. Again, someone waited for the door to be opened. Not Dante, then. James excused himself, and answered the door. Lady Eclair's voice could be heard pleasantly greeting James. She may have sounded tired and a touch strained, but she was genuinely happy to be visiting. The two voices, James and Eclair's conversed for a moment, and the door of the parlor burst open with a bang. Eclair stood in the doorway, anger evident in every fiber, note from the dressmaker in hand. "This is rediculous!" the lady stormed. "Of all the petty, busybody, insular . . . " she ran out of descriptors. "Eclair, don't distress yourself. I can wear what I have." Geni tried to placate her friend. "Over my dead form you will!" Eclair was not to be soothed. "You will wear one of my French gowns that I purchased earlier this year. With the way you will look, every girl will envy you, every man fall in love with you, and every London dressmaker will bemoan the day they did not get your business." Eclair was still dressed in black, and looked as if that was to be her color of choice for the next while to come. But she saw no reason her friend could not take advantage of the ruffled and bustled glories that were simply gathering dust in her wardrobe. "I couldn't, Elcair. You bought those gowns for yourself. Besides, you must be at least four inches taller than I." Geni dissembled. "Pish, I insist. It is no hard task to take a dress up. Even I can do that." Eclair refuted. "But I don't want every girl to envy me and every man to fall in love with me." Geni almost whined. "It would almost serve Dante right to have a fellow fall madly in love with you tonight and sweep you off your feet. With what he's helped drag you through that young man could use a wake-up call." "Stop it, Eclair!" Geni rose to her feet. "Dante is a good man. He's kind, generous, sweet and I love him." Eclair's voice became calm and cold. "You may love him, but has that coward given you a ring yet? Has he even given you a hint that he might want to anytime before the turn of the century? I didn't think so. You may love him, but that young man is ruining you and any chance you have." "Eclair . . ." Geni tried to cut in. "I don't even know if you should marry him, even if he should ask." Eclair said brutally. "I won't!" Geni cried, hot tears brimming over and falling down her cheeks. "I won't marry him if it's only to get the rumor-mongers to stop! I won't marry him if he asks me only to save my reputation with the ton! Only if he loves me! I'll only do it if he truly wants to and loves me. . . but he hasn't ever asked." Geni turned and with her hands covering her tear-filled eyes, she raced through the open parlor door and ran head-long into Dante himself. He grabbed her shoulders to keep her on her feet, and stared at her crying face for only a moment before she ripped herself from his grasp and fled up the stairs to her rooms. Dante stood unmoving for a moment, then gave Eclair the blackest of looks. "Later, we will have words." he growled a threat, then followed Geni up the stairs. Eclair's cold face brightened into a grin as she looked to James, who had stood inconsipicous through the entire altercation. "So, how much did he hear? How long was he standing there listening?" She asked him. "The entire conversation." James replied with a matching grin. "I saw the carriage approach from the window, so I opened the door before he rang the bell. He came in to you yelling something about your dead form, and stood quite attentively listening from that point on." "I thought I saw the family carriage coming up the street when you let me in. Once you said that Geni was home and Dante was not, I took a gamble that it was him in the carriage and needled Geni much more cruelly than I ever normally would to see how she really felt - hoping that he could hear the truth, too." Eclair confided. "Very brave, lady. Wish I could have done it." James agreed. "Now it's in Dante's hands. Whatever happens now to deside Geni's future, it's up to him. God help us all." Eclair took a steadying breath. She had originally come to invite her friends to lunch with her and to relax a bit before the stresses of the night to come. But now she was definitely of the opinion that they needed a bit of time to themselves. "Please tell Lady Genieve that I await her at my home so we can select a gown for her tonight as soon as she emerges from above-stairs." "Of course, milady." James nodded a brief bow, and Eclair took herself off back to her home to pull the most likely candidates from her wardrobe for her young friend. _____________________________________ OOC: I know I said my next post would be the attack, but Otori_Guy left me too good of an opening to pass up. I'll get to the ball and the attack as soon as we get a few more posts up. (Hint, hint!)
The sky was a lowering gray that rumbled and threatened rain, but would never grant the mourners the release of a downpour. The air was thick with humidity and tear-tracks streaked faces, undrying. The black-clad company listened to the vicar's words with only half a mind to what he was actually saying. Lord David had been livid with Geni and Dante for sending the carriage back early and walking home. It had been getting dark and Dante's state of dress was certainly going to raise questions. But most importantly, as far as society was concerned, there had been no chaperone and they had been walking down a public street where some of the most notoious gossips lived. He had verbally taken them both to task for their lack of thought. And though Geni could feel how dearly Dante wanted to announce to her father that society and it's rules could go hang themselves, he wisely kept his own council. Fotunately, when Geni was allowd to explain the sad events of the day, her father relented enough end his tirade and offer his condolences. With a final warning that if their thoughtlessness brought trouble, it was not his job to make reparations to tarnished reputations, he took his disgruntled leave to write Eclair and Darian a sincere letter of sympathy. After that, Dante had swept off to his rooms to clean up without a word to her. She found herself left standing alone in the front hall, ears ringing from the vocal discipline she had taken as well as from the silence she had endured after. Fortunatly, James had come to her rescue. "Don't you trouble yourself too much over your father, Miss Geni." he said in soft tones as he ushered her up the stairs toward her rooms. "He was worried about you is all. The papers are all headlining the attack that happened at Parliament today, and Lady Eclair was mentioned. None of them had any other names to give, just the uncomforting fact that others had been harmed. I know he was beside himself with relief when he saw that both you and Lord Dante were well." "Thank you, James." Geni whispered. "My father has never shouted at me before. And while it is an experience I never care to repeat, at least I now understand a bit more his motivation." "Just get you to sleep, Milady." James advised. "Things will look brighter in the morning." But they hadn't really. That had been two days ago. Two days since the attack and Edward's death. Two days since she had heard from anyone in their group with the exception of an invitation from Darian to Edward's funeral for the lord of the house, his daughter and thier houseguest. Geni was grateful to be included. Something deep inside her needed to lay the young man to rest, needed to be with the others, needed to solidify the resolve in her heart to never let anyone else be hurt by this maniac. The thunder rumbled again, but still the rain refused to fall. Tears rained down Eclair's face instead. The lady was pale, her black dress and dark tresses making her complexion even whiter by comparison. She stood next to Darian, but neither of them spoke, or even touched another person, as if they were united in thier sadness but alone in their personal grief. Nathan stood nearby, looking awkward in his helpless wish to make Elcair smile again. He wanted to console her, but she seemed to have a barrier of sorrow surrounding her that he had no way of breaking through without pushing her away at the same time. The offical report was that Edward had been killed by an intruder who was looking to steal the priceless antiques that the front parlor held. The police had been satisfied with that conclusion and had issued a warning to Eclair's neighbors to lock their doors and windows and to be careful around lurking strangers. Without a description of the thief, that was the best they could do. It was an entirely wasted effort as far as anyone who knew the horrid truth was concerned. The vicar concluded his heartfelt words of solace. He was the same man that had shared dinner with the group of them only weeks ago. Ariana had sweetly offered to ask him to officiate, and Darian had gratefully accepted. He led the gathering in a prayer, then crossed to Darian. "Your son was a brave man. His was a life filled with giving from the heart. No one - not even God - can say that it was a life wasted. Know that your son is in heaven and you will see him again." His voice was filled with sincerity. "Thank you." Darian mumbled, unable to tear his gaze away from the coffin that was being lowered into the ground as they spoke. The vicar turned to Lady Eclair. "My lady, you are truly a good soul. Seeing how deeply this young man's loss has effected you bears testament to that. Never let go of his bravery - keep it close to your heart. But also remember that the last thing Edward would want is the knowlege that he was the cause for your tears. Smile again, lady. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but do not forget how to smile. For Edward's sake if not for your own." Eclair merely nodded, but that was enough for the man of God. He stepped away from her. As if that were a signal, Eclair, Darian, Ariana and Geni each threw a white rose on top of the casket and then the cemetary workmen set about their job of burying the dead. The onlookers surrounded Darian and Eclair and began to offer their condolences. As Lord David began to step forward to join the small crowd, he felt a hand at his elbow. He turned to see a small biddy of an elderly socialite with a dower expression on her face pulling at his arm. "May I help you, lady?" "My lord, are you aware that your daughter has been seen walking at night with a very disreputable looking man recently?" she spoke in a nasty tone, as if she were reveling in the idea of breaking this juicy piece of news to him. "As a matter of fact, that was Lord Dante, who had just come from taking the young man who was laid to rest this very moment to a doctor in a desire to save his life." Lord David defended. "Yes, well I'm sure that was very distressing." she said with sinicism. "But that does not explain why they were alone together at night." "That was my fault." A new person stepped into the conversation. Eclair stood straight and loomed over the biddy with disdain dripping from her every word. "I was to be their chaperone, but with Edward's death, I forgot my duty to my young friends and asked them to leave without me. Lady Genieve's carriage had left them at my home because I was to provide them transportation, and again, I neglected them. Because of their desire to not disturb me in my grief, they were forced to walk. If anyone is to be taken to task for lack of propriety, it would be me." Eclair's gaze was cold and bitter. "Thank you for your explanation, Lady." the old woman replied with an attept to gather her upset scheme of spite. "But the young lady should have requested an escort from one of your maids at the very least. If she is to continue in reputable circles, she needs to take more care in her conduct." "You are quite right." Lord David cut in before Eclair could form a reply. "Her lack of decorum with the young Lord Dante shall be redressed. Now, if you will excuse me, I wish to offer my sympathies to the bereaved father then take my leave. I am sure I will be seeing you at Almack's tomorrow evening, lady." He offered his arm to Eclair and the two of them crossed the grass to Darian. "Father, who was that lady you were speaking with just now?" Geni asked when he was close enough. "A gossip with an agenda. I informed you that reparations are not my responsibility when you act foolishly." He glanced pointedly at Dante, then to his daughter. "Fortunatly you have a friend such as Lady Eclair who will come unbidden to the defense of you both. But that can only cover so far. You both have decisions to make, and I recommend trying for retribution against wagging tongues not be one of them when you both gave them the ammunition to wag about." Dante, who had not been terribly happy with his surroundings the entire funeral took a breath to say something, but Lord David cut him off. "A verbal explosion is precisely what those old biddies are hoping for. Do not give them the satisfaction. Young lord, you have some thinking to do. I suggest you ask advice of Lord Rufus, if you need any, but keep your opinions of society and it's silly rules to yourself." Then he turned to his daughter, who was looking very much abashed despite Lord David's soft tone. He could have been shouting at her and she wouldn't have felt more miserable. "Genieve, I know you have much to discuss with your friends about the ball tomorrow and the lethal trouble that awaits there. Do not leave the sight of Lady Ariana or Lady Eclair. I will expect you home before dark." "Yes, father." She answered meekly. The lord took in her distress, and the fact that Dante was obviously feeding off her emotions, and softened. He gave her a light hug and said lovingly, "I only want the best for you. I worry and I fret worse than your mother some days. If I seem harsh, it's because I love you." Geni hugged him back, relieved that she hadn't disappointed him more than his fatherly regard could overcome. "I love you, too, Father." Lord David patted her cheek then walked toward Darian. Lady Eclair, satisfied that nothing too drastic would mar the solemnity of this gathering, took herself from the young couple to give them room to sort themselves out. She wandered over to the fresh grave and stared at it. Ariana and Rufus made their slow way to her side. "Eclair, I know you have heard this so many times today - but I am so sorry this has happened." Ariana said, placing a gloved hand on Eclair's black-clad shoulder. "Too many." Eclair whispered, almost to herself. "Too many 'I'm sorry's?" Ariana asked. "Too many goodbys." With that, heaven took pity on them all, and it started to rain. _____________________________________ OOC: Sorry for more sadness, but the next attack approaches and there is much to do. :animeswea
Edward turned to go, then stopped himself. "Milady?" "Yes, Edward?" Elcair asked gently. "Do you need anything?" "No, I just wanted to give you this." he said, holding out a slightly crumpled parchment envelope with the letter "J" inscribed on it in red. "Dr. Lancaster found it in my coat. He said that one of you must have dropped it because he had seen one just like it at Lady Ariana's during the dinner party. Forgive me that it took me so long to return it to you." Eclair took the letter from the young man with a slightly trembling hand. She paled more, but did her best to smile. "Yes, thank you, Edward. I was just begining to wonder where that had gotten to." "Lady, are you well?" concern laced Edward's voice. "Yes, Edward dear. I simply haven't eaten for a time." Eclair covered. "If you desire, I'll bring you the mints from the front parlor and tell cook to serve as soon as possible before I wash up." He offered. "You really don't have to do that. I'll be just fine." "It will only take me a moment. I will be right back, Milady." Edward turned and left the group, heading toward the larger, formal front parlor. Eclair turned to the waiting group and handed the letter to Dante. The young lord cracked the wax seal and took out the carefully folded letter. He read it out loud . . . [COLOR=Red]Dear Loves- Did you miss me? Of course you did, silly me. Now that you have managed to foil yet another attempt of mine, and managed to get someone else involved, how do you feel? I do hope that you?re not tired of playing yet. I know that I certainly am not - this is far too much fun. Do not rest on your laurels for my next excersize is quickly approaching - can't give you time to become bored. You?ve made it past the fourth round with only three left to go. Certainly you aren?t ready to give up yet? This is where my fun truly begins, those were simply the warm up, or shall I say the appetizer, and now we?re on to the main course. Just think only three more times of life or death exchanges and then you will be home free? that is, if I allow you to last through to the end. Do not forget I am always there, hiding in the shadows of your darkest secrets. Sincerely your dear friend Jack P.S. Heaven forbid I forget your clue! "With silver bells and cockle shells and [I]pretty maids all in a row[/I]" [/COLOR] "What kind of madman would get such pleasure from tormenting us like this?" Ariana asked into the silence that settled after Dante finished. "The same kind who will kill innocent people for no discernable reason." Nathan replied a bit sharper than he had intended. "He's the kind of person the devil would tip his hat to." Eclair added darkly. Again the conversation lulled. Hesitantly, Geni spoke up. "I have a guess for the clue." She ventured. "Then enlighten us." Nathan snapped. Again, he sounded harsher than he meant to. Something about this evening was putting him out of sorts. "Look, unless you can contribute anything besides disdain, please refrain." Dante responded curtly. "Don't take your frustration over the situation out on Geni." "Go ahead, Geni." Ariana prompted once the two men had settled back to simply glare at one another. "Well, 'pretty maids all in a row' has been emphasized. The fall season opening ball is in a few days. The new debutants will be coming out. They have to line up all in a row to be introduced. Maybe the next attack will be at Almack's again?" "That sounds possible, and I --" Rufus began but was interrupted with a crash of glass and metal coming from the front of the house. "What on earth?" Ariana stayed back, remaining with Rufus, but everyone else ran out of the smaller back parlor in a rush as they made their way to the source of the noise. Geni managed to be right behind Dante as he strode into the front parlor. He took one look at the room, then turned -- attempting to shield her from the sight. Elcair was not so fortunate. She brushed past the couple and horror filled her eyes. There, in front of the large fireplace, was Edward, lying in an ever spreading pool of his own blood that was permanently staining the persian rug he had fallen on. Run from back to front through his chest was the sword from the mantle. Vincent's sword. In a professionally removed fashion, Nathan noted that the large window facing the street had been shattered from the inside out. If the attacker hadn't vanished in a puff of smoke, that was his likely exit point. Eclair raced to the young man and dropped to her knees. "Edward!?" she called out desperately. His eyes flickered open like the lids weighed almost more than he could lift. A breath rattled in his chest. A lung had been pierced, if nothing else. "Milady," he whispered, "I didn't see. I'm sorry." "Don't speak." she begged. "Save your strength." She looked over her shoulder. "Dante, please! Get him to Dr. Lancaster!" "Milady," Edward grabbed her arm as tightly as he could as Dante approached. "Milady, I love you." With that as his parting gift, the two men vanished, sword and all. Beneath where Edward had been, another envelope - slightly stained red with blood, lay. Nathan gingerly picked it up and broke the seal, but then decided it would be better to read the murderer's missive away from the scene of the crime. As they headed out the door, they ran into Darian coming to investigate the commotion. Smoothly, Nathan diverted the man by explaining that Lady Elcair had just suffered an awful shock and would he please bring a brandy for her from the drawing room. At once, Darian was off to be at his lady's service. Eclair, Nathan and Geni retraced thier steps and met back up with Ariana and Rufus in the smaller parlor. In a tightly controlled voice, Nathan explained to the married couple what they had found and where Dante had gone. Then he took the new letter out of it's sticky envelope and read it out loud. [COLOR=Red]My dearest ones, Too many people had joined the festivities. Too many souls invited to the fun. Too many teammates playing the game, so I reduced the massive numbers by one. Be cautious adding to your numbers without my permission ever again. Jack[/COLOR] "This is my fault." Eclair whispered. "I asked him to come with us. It's all my fault." "No, I don't believe that is true." Geni held her hand as she sat with her on the small sofa. "Edward made his own choices for his own reasons. Given an option, knowing what would happen and how much he would be hurt, I think he would do exactly the same thing all over again." Ariana sat with Rufus, holding his hand so tightly her knuckles had turned white. Again, again this pain was haunting them. It had to stop. Before more of their dear ones were hurt. It had to stop. She would do everything in her power to make sure anything else that this "Jack" attempted, she - they - would be in his way. In order to keep everyone safe, she would give anything. Slowly the door creaked open and Dante, clothes stained a reddish brown, quietly walked in. Vincent's sword was gripped in his hand and his face was unreadable. A hush fell over them as he crossed the room to Geni and Elcair. Somberly he placed the blade on Elcair's lap. "Lady, I'm sorry." was all he said.
"I had another spell, didn't I?" Eclair asked in a timerous voice. "Yes, I'm afraid you did." Nathan told her while gently patting her hand. "How do you feel now?" "A touch unsteady, but fine, relatively speaking. I wonder what could be triggering them?" she mused alloud. Geni was rising from her seat to help attend her friend when something Eclair said shook a memory free in her mind. She sat back down in her chair with a heavy thump as her view of one world washed into another. . . "Ari, do you remember that anomoly I mentioned during training a few weeks ago?" Jeni asked her dining companion. Fast food was all either of them could afford, but anything beat the cafeteria. "You mean the thing about the years being wrong? Wasn't it 1890 or something?" Ariana said. "1888, actually. Well, I was avoiding watching the tele-cast screens the other day, and I remembered the event, so I got curious and started doing a bit of digging into the system on my password." Geni was warming into her subject. "And?" Ariana promted. "Well, someone has a long-standing program running that is linked to that year. It's been running so long, it didn't even have a start date. That means it's been in the works since the HRV system went on line." "What's so special about 1888 that we would need to monitor it non-stop?" Ariana was becoming curious, despite herself. "Not much. . . Victorian Era, Wild West drawing to a close in the Americas, some polar explorations in the making. But then I remembered some weird little fact - the 'Jack the Ripper' murders were in that year." "They never caught that guy, did they?" Ariana asked. "Nope. Lots of theories as to who he was, but never proven, never caught. And the entire subject of Jack the Ripper has been blocked from the HRV system, as if someone out there is hoping that the entire company will just forget it ever happened. Nearly worked, too. I had to go to an encyclopedia to verify my guesses." "That's weird." Ariana agreed with her. "Do you want me to do some looking during my off hours, too?" "I'd appreciate it. There's just too much worked too deeply into the system for me to locate it all, all by myself." "It's probably just a strange glitch, but it'll pass the time." Ariana grinned mischieveously at her friend. "It will do that." Jeni agreed. Geni looked about the room, a touch stunned, then began sharing what she saw with the others.
OOC: Since no one else has posted, I will assume that you are all ready for me to post the next attack . . . so here goes. _______________________________________________ Geni greeted Eclair with a warm hug. Things just felt better when the whole group was gathered together. Like the resolving harmony at the end of a dissonant musical phrase, everything felt in it's proper place. "Not that I am unhappy at seeing you again," Eclair began, getting straight to the point, " but shouldn't we retire to where Lord Rufus is so that we may discuss the problems at hand." Ariana also hugged Elcair. "My Lord is dressed, and if Lord Dante and Sir Nathan would be so kind as to help him with the stairs, we can all meet comfortably in the front parlor." Without any further discussion, the two nobles strode up the stairs and into Ariana and Rufus's room, pausing just a breath for a quick knock at the door. Before too much time had passed they were all settled in the plesant and comfortable parlor. Dante read through the letter from Jack, then handed it to Geni to peruse. Her eyes flicked over the elegant if slightly cramped handwriting then sighed deeply. "Why does he delight in taunting us so? Hickory dickory dock?" "We are pretty sure that he means Parliment as the location." Rufus said from his overstuffed chair. The bandages had come off his face, and though the scar on his face was still quite livid, Geni could tell that it would have a very dashing effect once it completely healed. "Yes, but [I]when[/I] is the question." Dante pointed out. "One o'clock, obviously." Eclair taunted in sticky-sweet voice. "But which day?!" he growled back at her. Geni, uncomfortable in the tension that was rising between the two, however goodnatured, rose from her seat and wandered toward the bay window that faced the street. She stared out the panes of glass for a few moments before she spoke. "I think it will be a day that we are all in attendance, one way or another. I have no fear of missing what Jack has in store for us." her voice was soft and thoughtful. "What do you mean?" Ariana asked kindly. "It's like Lady Eclair pointed out before. Jack craves an audience." She gestured around the room. "[I]This[/I] audience. Why else would he send us letters, put us on our guard, even give us hints? It's like he is a Moriarty in desperate need of a Holmes and Watson. There is no obvious point to his plots and dramatics unless there is an audience ironically included into the thread of his machinations." "So whatever day we attend Parliment is the day that Jack will attack?" Nathan tried to clairfy. "I do not feel that we can pin-point it quite that closely." Geni answered, resigned. "And my idea is only a theory, so I wouldn't want to risk someone's life in the event that I am wrong." Geni sighed again, then returned to people watching out the window. "So it sounds like the men will be taking their Parlimentary seats for a while." Nathan sighed. "Rufus and Dante in the House of Lords and myself in the House of Commons." "What about the ladies?" Eclair demanded. "We're involved in this, too." "Ladies still aren't allowed in the debate rooms." Ariana chimed politely. "We would have to stand in the back gallery with everyone else." Rufus came up with an answer that would assuage Eclairs offended sensibilities. The ladies would walk the river . . . smell of the Thames this time of year not withstanding . . . in front of the building, even picnic on the bank if necessary, and watch for anyone entering that might be glowing red - the reported indecation of a imminant victim. Then either Geni or Ariana could alert the men waiting inside. "But doesn't that leave the ladies helpless?" Nathan couldn't help but ask. Dante smirked, leaned forward and plucked a candle taper that sat in an unlit stick. "Geni!" he barked and threw the candle at her. At the sharp tone in his voice, she whirled from her inattention and drew a short, curved blade - slicing the taper in half just before it hit her. "Dante. Don't. Do. That!" Geni panted as she clutched her free hand to her chest. "I thought something was wrong!" She slid the weapon through a concealed slit in her gown as she blushed to the group at large. "My hoop hides the sheath." She explained. "Dante won't let me go anywhere without it." She turned away so no one could see her straighten her skirts so the hilt did not show. "Geni isn't as helpless as she seems anymore." Dante chuckled. "Eclair is a Telekenetic who could poison them with water from the river if nothing else more damaging comes to mind. Ariana could mentally rouse the clavary to her defense with her abilities, as well. I think they will be fine." "If it makes you feel any better, I'll have Edward with us, too." Eclair suggested. Nathan shook his head, but agreed to the plan. It was the only plan they had. Geni gripped her parasol and tried to suppress a smile as she and her two friends walked the path in front of Parliament for the sixth time that day. They had agreed that if the whole group of them kept arriving everyday just before one o'clock, people might find their behavior rather odd. Today was the ladies day to arrive early. The men were going to arrive one at a time through-out the morning. "Share the humor." Ariana requested when she saw Geni's smile. "Not that there aren't enough 'humors' coming our way from the Thames." Eclair added. The day was warm, so the river was not at its best this day. "Dante is bemoaning his boredom. I don't think he knows that I can 'hear' him, or he wouldn't be as descriptive as he currently is being." she giggled. "He's wondering how anyone can do this professionally. After three days he is ready to commit suicide." "At least he's allowd to speak if he has an opinion." Eclair pointed out. "Poor Nathan isn't elected. He's lucky he gets to have a seat at all." "True." Geni agreed. "But I don't think Dante is in the mood for me to point that out." They chuckled at the male misery. "Ladies." Ariana's voice was quiet, but intense. They looked at her, then followed her pointed gaze across the street. There, heading toward the entrance stairs, was a man in his early thirties. He was dressed conservatively in browns, but despite the muted colors he wore, he glowed a difinitive red. "Dante knows." Geni reported. "So does Sir Nathan." Ariana echoed. "He's on his way." "They might not get here in time." Elcair announced, and motioning Edward to follow them, she grabbed her skirts and headed across the street trailing the others behind her. She strode right up to the man then dramatically fell to the ground in front of him with a small cry of pain. "I think I've twisted my ankle! The lace of my boot must of broken." She sobbed. "Milady, may I be of any assistance?" He considerately offered. "Oh, please." She answered tearfully as Ariana, Geni and Edward watched - too stunned to say anything. As the gentleman bent down to offer Eclair a hand in standing, a man - too shabbily dressed to belong in that august structure - rushed out from the building, a flash of silver raised above his head. This time, Eclair's scream was real. Blood sprayed her face and day dress and stuck in her perfectly arranged hair. She had knocked the genlteman in brown over in an attempt to keep him from harm. Unfortunatly, that act had placed herself in direct line of the attacker's rush. Geni had begun to draw her weapon and Ariana had telepathically announced their plight, but it was Edward who had jumped in the tiny blade's way to protect his lady. A scarlet slash traced his face from just below his right ear along his jawline for several inches. Blood oosed out at an alarming rate. "Lady, are you safe?" Edward asked between clenched teeth. Above them the famous clocktower chimed one. "The frill be fine." The man with the silver scalpel snapped, obviously irritated at the turn of events. He stared at the gentleman Elcair had knocked over. "Not everyone likes your future policies. Remember that." The man in brown didn't answer the threat. His calls for the police were his only reply as he attempted to restrain the attacker. The man with the blade glanced up at the building entrance and saw Dante and Nathan racing out. He chuckled, and vanished. "What just . . .?" The intended target began to ask, but Ariana superimposed herself in front of him. "He just ran down the street." She told him forcefully. "He wrenched himself from your grip and ran down the street." "Stop that man!" the gentleman cried. People were beginning to gather from all the commotion. Dante touched Geni's mind and she informed him that the three ladies were all fine. He turned on his heel and re-entered the structure with the thought of easing Lord Rufus's mind since the man still wasn't able to quickly decend to the street to discover his wife's well-being on his own. Geni was touched by his thoughtfulness. Nathan came up to the group and asserted his authority over the situation. He quickly took the man's name and statement. He tried to get the ladies, as witnesses, to also tell him what they saw, but Eclair was beside herself. She pulled her hankerchief out of her handbag, and ignoring Edward's protests that it would ruin the silk, she pressed it to his bleeding face. She sat him down next to her and cried over his great bravery and selflessness. He found himself blushing from all the fuss. His face hurt, no doubt about that, but he never expected his pain to effect Lady Eclair as strongly as it had. Nathan and other arriving officers had gotten most of the crowd to disperse by the time Dante and Rufus arrived. The gentleman in brown offered to have Edward taken to his doctor, but Rufus assured him that they knew a very worthy surgeon. Coming from that source, the man couldn't find reason to argue. Nathan excused him from the scene with much thanks, but before he left he insisted that Edward take his card. "If ever you are in need of a favor, call on me. I owe you my life, my good man, and that is a debt I can never repay." He looked at Eclair. "If there is any doubt of any medical costs, please allow me to help." "There will be no need." she said fiercely, then sofened. "But thank you for the offer." The man tipped his hat to them all, then made his way to a waiting cab. "Herbert Henry Asquith, MP" Eclair read from the card. At the sound of his name, Geni's eyes grew large. "That man will be Prime Minister during a very important war sometime in the future." she said in a flash of clairity. "Indeed?" Nathan asked. "Curiouser and curiouser." At Dante's signal, the ladies used their skirts to create a screen between Edward and the busy street. Dante laid his hand on the man's shoulder and the two of them vanished - off to Dr. Lancaster. Ariana patted Eclair's hand as she teared up again. "The doctor is the best. Edward will be just fine. I have a feeling the scar will barely show once he heals." "I think it's time we all retire to Elcair's home." Rufus suggested. "That way we can get out of the sun, compare notes, and the lady can await news of the pacient's condition in relative comfort." All were agreed. Geni sent a thought to Dante, instructing him to where they were going. He couldn't send an answer back, but she knew that he had 'heard' her. Without much talking the group entered their perspective carriages and made their way to Lady Eclair's residence. ____________________________________________ OOC: Whew! This took me all day to type! I hope it's up to everyone's expectations!