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Everything posted by missrelena

  1. "Ooooh-kay" Trey rolled her eyes as she, Liv and Korbin made their way back into Liv's shop with the computer girl. She gave a big grin to Liv. "I thought we were a mechanic and a physical theripist who happen to be good at rocking the boat, but apparently we're Drake's [I]bodyguards[/I]." Then she turned her attention to the large man next to her. " No offense to you, Drake, but the last time I checked, you didn't need bodyguards." "Just drop it." Korbin muttered. "Sorry, it bothers me that anyone would assume that I was dumb enough to even think of throwing stars at someone with a gun pointed at my direction. Gun wins, hands down. Duh." "Well, I think it's nice to know that she carries a sword as well as fire-arms, but why did she try to intimidate Trey instead of Korbin?" Olivia wondered out loud as they shuffled into the back room of her shop. "Maybe us females offended her?" Trey offered. "No, I think it was more than that. I guess we'll just have to find out when she decides we need to know." Olivia began pulling various and assundry items out of any cranny possible looking for -- something. "Could you just drop it." Korbin reiterated. "Sorry, Korbin." Trey said sincerely. "I only tease because I know you can take it. Now, you seem to be the imperious leader for this, so lead away and let us know what our next move is."
  2. "Look, I don't know what we did to tick you off, but I feel pretty safe in saying that everyone here would feel much more at ease if you would lower your weapons." Trey said with only a touch of venom in her voice. Noir looked at her sharply, and gave her the blackest look. Her eyes appeared to have a slight vacancy to them. That was a tell-tale sign to Trey that this new-comer was direct-feeding into a system. She saw the same touch of blankness frequently at her day job. The tension was getting thick enough to cut with a dull butter knife, and if it didn't diffuse soon, something catastrophic would happen. This time, when Trey spoke it was completely devoid of sarcasm. "Look, no one here is your enemy. Please take your kill and distroy codes off-line. Stay on alert if you want, but we're not going to hurt you if you don't give us a reason to." Noir blinked, but looked as if she was having trouble computing the request. _______________________________ OCC: Sorry it's so short, but I didn't want to put words in any character's mouths till I get more familiar with them. Please forgive me. :animeswea
  3. "Well fine! Don't need my help." Trey said in a sarcastic tone to Drake. "Here I was, running for all I was worth to be your calvary and you go and take care of the lowlife mass all by yourself. Hiya, Drake. Been busy?" Drake lifted an eyebrow at the girl. He knew her from Caladbolg, but only as a name and face. "Trevaylen, what brings you here?" he asked her. She grimaced at the name he used. "No one calls me that." She sighed. He obviously wasn't in the mood to crack a smile -- again. "Other than unnessisary heroics, you mean? I was on my way to see if live would make a housecall with me. One of my new patients has a pretty large glitch in the new arm our oh-so-loving-Orwellian-big-brother just gave him. I was hoping wonder-mechanic could make a few needed adjustments so he can live a normal life sometime soon. Oh, and I was sent to help [I]'Someone'[/I]" She made quotation marks with her fingers, "find Sleeper's datapad. That wouldn't be [I]you,[/I] would it?" "Olivia will be out any moment." Said mechanic made her appearance at the exact moment, as if on cue. "Come on, both of you." He said without much enthusiasm.
  4. "Geni, wake up!" Geni could hear a voice she knew well shout at her. She could feel her shoulders being shaken, but she could not respond. [COLOR=Red]No, I think you need to listen to me.[/COLOR] "Why can you leave me alone?" She wailed to the frightening voice. She knew she was being lifted into someone's arms, and again she could do nothing. [COLOR=Red]Because when you don't -- you suffer.[/COLOR] "Geni, wake up! Damn it all, wake up!" The shouted voice came again. She could feel a growing sense of panic that was originating outside of herself, and that panic began to break down the barriers the cold voice had erected around her mind. [COLOR=Red]Yes, do go. Your shining knight awaits. But be sure to give Dante a message from me. Tell him [I]'I warned you' [/I] -- tell him [I]'I told you so.'[/I] [/COLOR] With that, Geni threw up her mind's shields, barring the voice from her. She felt an odd, shifting sensation, then an impact - but not hard. She opened her eyes to the new morning light. Then a barrage of coughs riped out of her lungs along with what felt like the fires of hell. Her whole chest burned and breathing was difficult. She curled in on herself a bit as she fought for air, and the arms that still enciricled her tightened their grip. She opened her eyes again and found that she had awakened to a true nightmare. The entire east wing of Dante's manor was engulfed in flames. Smoke blackened what waould have been a bright and fresh morning sky. The London Fire Brigade was there, using their horse-drawn pump to throw water from Dante's small lake onto the blaze. The servents too, had formed a line, tossing bucket after bucket of water onto the fire. [I]: Dante?:[/I] She asked. [I]: What has happened?:[/I] He was sitting on the bedewed grass of his front lawn as if he had landed gracelessly and slid on the slik plants. He still held her in his arms. [I]: You wouldn't wake up. No matter how I shouted or shook you, you wouldn't wake up.: [/I] He freed a hand by resting her weight on his legs and carefully brushed a stray lock of hair away from her eyes. [I]: The trap wouldn't slide - a defence mechanism, I think - so I had to use my talent to get us out. The flames and heat couldn't reach us where we were, but the smoke could. I woke because it was hard to breathe. I was afraid you had taken in too much smoke. You wouldn't wake up.:[/I] Geni could feel his panic rise again before the young lord forcibly damped it down. [I]: I am so sorry I frightened you.: [/I] She coughed again, then continued. [I]: I heard you calling me, but the voice wouldn't let me answer.:[/I] "Voice?" Dante was so startled he spoke aloud. [I]: Yes, this terrible disembodied voice that said the most horrid things to me. Before he would let me wake up he instructed me to give you a message. He said 'I warned you' and 'I told you so.':[/I] Geni shuddered despite the heat of the fire. [I]: Dante, I'm afraid. I don't understand everything that is going on. I feel like a pawn in a game, but I can't see the board and I don't know the rules.:[/I] Dante stood and helped Geni to her feet. They were both coated with a liberal splatering of soot and ash, but neither seemed to notice. [I]: I don't understand everything, either.: [/I] He reluctantly admitted finally. [I]: But we'll get throught this mess together.: [/I] Heart in her eyes, she asked [I]: Will we?:[/I] [I]: Never doubt it.:[/I] After seeing that Geni was well enough to stand on her own, despite an occasional cough or two, Dante made his way over to the large Fire Brigade chief to see what help he could be. "Well, Milord," the big, gruff man said, "We just about got it all under control. The east wing'll be lost, but the rest of the house should ony need a bit of fixin' up before it's livable. The wing didn't stand a chance, though. Someone dumped fifteen barrells of lamp oil all though the halls. We found the empty kegs not far off from here." "What?!" Dante was astounded at the man's revelation. "Seems to me someone has taken a major dislike to you." Then the chief looked past Dante to Geni, who was still standing alone on the green watching the shrinking fire burn. "She's pretty. New bride?" He asked the young lord. "Uh -- no." Dante was taken completely off guard by the sudden change of subject. He searched his mind furiously for a genteel explantion to Geni's presence at his home this early in the day. "We were going to go for a ride before the day became too hot. We were waiting for the rest of our party to arrive when the fire broke out." "Uh-huh." The big man smiled at Dante's discomfort. "Well, the biggest help you could be is to keep that young lady safe. She looks to swoon at the drop of a hat, if you get my meaning." Shrugging, Dante turned back to the lady in question, relieved in a way to be rid of the uncomfortable conversation. As he drew near her, Geni's eyes widened with a sudden thought. [I]: Oh, Dante! Your swords! They'll . . .:[/I] [I]: They are just fine. The fire and heat cannot reach them. They might smell of smoke for a time, but they will survive this unscathed. Why do you think I chose to store them in that room? :[/I] He was touched that she would be concerned over something that was dear to him, but that others often catagorized as an exotic obsession. Sighing, Geni leaned against him, resting her head on his bicep as they watched the fire become smaller and smaller. "God in heven! Are you two all right?" Eclair exclaimed as she raced, unladylike, across the grass with Nathan not far behind her. "As soon as I saw the smoke, I simply knew that something had gone terrible wrong for the two of you." "Not difficult to discern considering Dante's estate is the only thing for miles in this direction." Nathan commented. Then he addressed Dante. "Did you know that your gate is standing wide open? Is your gatekeeper working on the blaze?" "No, now that you mention it, I haven't seen Milton since he opened the gate for us -- earlier. He would stay at the gate, even with the fire." Dante looked at the remains of his home and his shoulders slumped a touch. Geni took his hand in hers and lifted it to her face. Softly caressing his fingers down her soot-speckled face, she tried to convey without words that he wasn't alone. He gave her a slight smile then turned in the direction of his main gate. "Let's see if we can't find what has become of my gate man, shall we?" He began to walk in that direction, not releasing Geni's hand. Nathan and Eclair went with them. The front door of the small gatehouse rested at an odd angle, swinging on only one hinge. The latch had been smashed and large chunks of the wooden door frame were missing. Inside, however, there was no sign of a struggle. The four slowly went from room to room, Dante and Nathan calling for the missing man. When they entered the kitchen at the back of the tiny residence, Geni gave a horrified scream and hid her face in Dante's chest. Eclair managed to keep her composure, but she had to turn away from the sight as well. A man in his late forties stood in an awkward manner directly before his wooden cupboards. His thoat was slashed and an impossible large pool of blood had gathered at his feet. The only thing that kept him upright was a large kitchen knife that had ben plunged into his chest, impaling him to the wooden cabinet door behind him. Pinned to his shirtsleeve was a note written in red ink: [COLOR=Red][I]Hello Loves, Just wanted to give you a smart reminder that no where is "safe" from me. Don't get arrogent. You can run from me, but you cannot hide. I will not be ignored. I hope you enjoyed the performance last night. Don't forget my earlier missive. Your Friend, Jack [/I] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Red]Geni, you're pathetic.[/COLOR] "I beg your pardon?" she asked, shocked at the words. [COLOR=Red]You're pathetic. So frail and easily driven to tears. What a pain! You must be the most worthless creature imaginable. You can't even keep your own thoughts and feelings to yourself.[/COLOR] "Who are you? Why are you saying these things?" [COLOR=Red]I'm the voice of reason. Are your abilities so useless that you have to go foisting your emotions on Dante? Poor man. What a burden you must be to him. Far more distress than damsel is what you are. Not even worth the saving to any shining knight, let alone one as talented as "your" lord. He has the patients of a saint to let you continue to drag him down as you cling to him so smotheringly.[/COLOR] "That's not it. That's not why we stay with each other. I know it's not." Geni was desperate. She could not see her assailent, and though the attack was purely verbal, it was slicing her to ribbons inside. [COLOR=Red]Then what is his reason other long-suffering indulgence. What could possible induce a man of his calibur, any man for that matter, to want to be anywhere near you other than to protect you from your own idiocy and uselessness?[/COLOR] "He -- he . . ." [COLOR=Red]What, [I]loves[/I] you? What a joke! Is your castle built on a cloud, too? Has he ever said so? Or are you just arrogently assuming that he returns your little-girl crush? What a pathetic idiot![/COLOR] "I don't believe you! I don't believe any of your poison!" Geni's words were defiant, but her heart was throbbing in pain. [COLOR=Red]Believe or don't believe what you choose, girl, but that doesn't change the thruth. You're a useless, fragile little wrech that couldn't stand on her own two feet if they were incased in bronze. You drag the others down with you petty troubles and frailties. They didn't want you in the future, and they certainly don't want you now.[/COLOR] * * * * * Geni woke up to Dante's hand gently smoothing her hair. Tears were wet in her eyes -- again. She really was a crybaby. "Shhhh. . ." Dante soothed. "It was just a bit of a nightmare. You're all right. I'm here, you're all right. Let's go back to sleep." He was only half-awake, and Geni knew it. Shaken from the horrible contents of the dream, she snuggled tighter against him. He tightened his arms around her for a moment, and then he drifted back off to sleep. Geni did her best to chase the awful words away with Dante's nearness, but even as she slipped from waking to sleep doubt continued to grind a hole into her heart.
  6. Name: Treveylan or "Trey" Classification: Cyber replacement Nickname/Codename: Adder Age: 19 Sex: Girl! Physical Description: See pic below - minus the gun. 5' 4" tall, short blonde hair and big blue eyes. She likes to wear clothes she can move in. Tight tanks and fatigue cut pants are preferrable when not at work, sports bras and cycle shorts when she works out. She cleans up nicely when the occasion arises, but it doesn't that often. Her favorite colors to wear are black and electric blue -- but not all the time. Mental stability: Stable. She can get a bit moody, but nothing out of the ordinary. Personallity: Trey is usually cheery and wisecracking. She tries not to let an oppertunity to good-naturedly tease a person pass her by. She is sympathetic to other's pain by nature and does her best to be a good shoulder to cry on - or maybe just lean on a bit if the person in question happens to be too "manly" to cry. She's loyal and friendly, but inside she harbors a bitterness toward Aros Inc. As well as her own experience with cybernetics, she has seen too many people come though her clinic who's implants didn't go quite "according to plan." She feels that too much of what Aros Inc. does is experimental, and the people they use as lab rats have no say, and usually no idea what is happening to them till its far too late. People are not garbage to be used and thrown away. She loves life in all it's forms: plants, animals, humans - original or clone - it doesn't matter to her. She enjoys working out, cooking for others, reading -- and watching romatic comedies. Occupation: Her public day-job is a physical therapist for people adjusting to their new enhancements. The clinic she works at is funded by Aros Inc., since most of the pacients are are also the coropration's clients. cybernetics: Micro cybernetic enhancements in her muscles. They increase her dexterity and agility but they give no noticeable enhancement to her strength. Her mind is her own. Faction: an agent for The Caladbolg. weapons: Hand to hand combat. She uses black leather gloves that have inner metal-plating. For a distance attacks, she throws star pointed shiriken. Background: "An Unwanted Child of A Rape Victim." is all Trey has ever been able to discover about her biological family. She grew up in various foster homes and orphanages, just another number among thousands. She discovered at an early that the only way to stand out in such an ignored crowd was to be especially good at something. Her something was gymnastics. She could fly over the mats and never lost her poise or grace on the balance beam. But, being a ward of the state, monies were tight and she was never able to break out of the local loop of small-time matches. However, someone out there thought she was good enough to turn into an experimental project. Her memories are vague and jumbled about what happened to her. One night, near her fifteenth birthday, she fell asleep in her orphanage assigned bed. She was awakened violently inside a lab room with the fire of a thousand needles peircing the skin all over her body all at once. She remembers not being able to move, but screaming herself hoarse before passing out in agony. When she came to, Dr. Mya was there. The young doctor had told Trey that she was "special". She had been chosen to frontier a new program that would hopefully raise athletics to whole new standards. All of her muscles from the neck down had been implanted with mirco cybernetics in the hope of being able to increase her gymnastic abilities 100 fold. Dr. Mya was kind and sweet. She helped Trey through the difficult time of re-learning to use her body, and how to adjust to her vastly improved flexibility, speed and agility. As an outlet for her new physical abilities, the doctor had Trey take up hand-to-hand martial arts of various forms. She'd never been overly fond of fighting, but it gave her the dicipline and control she needed. She learned quickly and made use of blending her gymnastics with the fightling styles to create a form all her own. Despite Dr. Mya's best efforts, Trey's improvements were just not as impressive as Aros Inc. desired. She was merely 50 fold or so better, rather than the projected miraculous achievments. As soon as the doctor said Trey could physically function in society without causing unintentional harm to others, Aros Inc. shipped her back to the orphanage she had been abducted from. No word of apology for the lost years of her life. No recompense for the unasked-for agony that Trey had endured. Just a small note in her file recording her as cyberneticaly enhanced. And she never saw Dr. Mya again. The sweet doctor no longer even appeared in the city records. Trey left the state system on her eighteenth birthday, only nine months after she had been returned. Wanting to honor all the kindness and understanding Dr. Mya had shown her, Trey chose her career as a physical therapist to new cybernetic implantees. But, in the backgroundof her heart, she has never forgiven Aros Inc. for what they did to her and what they have done and continue to do to other countless people. She joined Caladbolg in the hopes of stopping such inhumane cruelty. She's been an active member ever since. ____________________________________ OCC: Hope this works. If you want me to change anything, just PM me and I will!
  7. ?Dante, this is merely your home. You did not need to keep it a secret.? Geni chided as the carriage pulled up his long drive. It was a wonder she could recognize where she was in the dark. ?Did the ruse make you smile?? He asked her. ?Well, yes. I suppose it did.? ?Then the secrecy was necessary.? He smirked back. Geni shook her head, then leaned into the back of her seat. It had been an especially long evening, and she felt worn and frazzled. Since her storm of tears had abated, she felt distanced from the whole incident, as if there were a invisible barrier between her and how frightened she had been. She could feel that Dante was a touch concerned over her emotional detachment, but she ignored it. She was just too tired to deal with it. With a small smile tacked on her face, Geni allowed Dante to take her hand and help her from the coach. He tucked the hand he had taken in his arm and guided her up the front stair. His butler, Faustus, answered at the first ring, proving that he had been waiting for his lord?s return by the door. ?There was an attack during the ballet.? Dante informed his man. ?Lady Geni?s father has placed her in my care. We are going [I]?there.?[/I] Make sure that I am contacted if any messages are left, especially if they are from Lady Ariana, Lord David, or the police. Otherwise, I think we both would prefer to be left to sleep. We will breakfast whenever we rise. Instruct the cook that a cold meal will be fine.? ?Yes, milord.? Faustus chimed politely as he took their coats, hats and gloves. He did not, Geni noted, follow them to where ever Dante was leading her. ??We are going [I]?there?[/I], Milord?? Geni queried in a humored tone. ?So mysterious.? ?I am a man of mystery.? He gibed back, but only with half of his attention. Dante led Geni into a room she did not recall ever seeing before. It was plainly attired, save for a nearly monstrous chair that sat, throne-like, up on a small dias. He guided her up and behind the chair, turning her to face it?s back. ?This has been here as far back as I can recall. I am not certain of the mechanisms, but they work nonetheless.? Dante stamped down on the floorboard located just below the center back of the chair. A sound like clockworks winding began, and the throne ? along with the floor beneath it ? slid to the side to reveal a narrow and steep stair. He went first, descending five or six steps before he turned and offered his hand to help Geni down. ?I don?t think whoever created this had gowns in mind when they designed it.? Geni sighed, and blushing slightly, she swept her skirts up in her left arm, exposing her legs to the knee. She gave her right hand to Dante, and prayed she did not slip. Her healed boots were just the thing for an evening at the ballet, but not so much for spelunking in dark corridors. Ever the gallant, the young lord kept his eyes steady on Geni?s face as they both made their way down the staircase. When they reached the bottom, Dante released Geni?s hand and lit a candle as she rearranged her dress back to it?s accustomed drape. Once he had a source of light, Dante pressed a small silver knob in the plaster wall and the trapdoor above slid shut. Geni looked at him for reassurance, then glanced past his shoulder at wonders. All sorts a brightly polished metal objects glittered in the candle?s glow. Buttons and triggers and a wide assortment of unusual gadgets gleamed at her, but she could not even guess at their purposes. ?Don?t ask.? Dante said before she could. ?Those have been here since the first time I found this hideaway, and I have yet to remember what they do. The rooms I use are a bit further on.? Geni nodded and followed without comment. She knew she should be more curious, but it was like her emotions were wrapped in wool and tucked away. She walked by the strange items and into another room. This one held a number of swords that shined from their stands. All looked exotic ? possibly Asian ? and well cared for. Dante lit a small candelabra that sat on alter-looking stone box. Gesturing around the room Dante smiled. ?These are my friends. They came to me during my travels. I always have one of their number with me.? Geni looked about her, dazzled despite herself. She stepped nearer to a blade and stared at the curved blade, being careful to resist the urge to touch it. ?They?re lovely.? She whispered. ?Come, there?s a parlor and a few bedchambers down here as well.? Again, Geni let herself be guided into another room. The parlor looked like something she might have found in any home of the ton. The walls were papered and the furniture was plush. Gratefully she sank into a small sofa happy to be off her feet. She looked about herself in the same detached manner as she had since leaving the theater. After lighting several more candelabras, giving the room a warm glow, Dante sat down next to her and took her hand. ?Geni, what?s wrong? What?s happened?? He asked her. She looked into his face, and the world sank into a memory flash . . . ?Jeni, what?s wrong? What?s happened?? Keitaro asked her. Jeni had attempted to find the smallest, most out of the way place to hole up in. She had barricaded every piece of furniture in front of the door. She didn?t want anyone to find her. She was worthless, and she didn?t want to inflict her presence on anyone ever again. She just never considered the idea that a teleporter might come looking for her. ?Just go away.? she sobbed at him, trying to curl into the smallest ball she could in the corner of the room. ?Jeni, your bleeding. What happened?? He persisted, crossing the room to her. ?Why can?t you just leave me alone?? she cried. ?Because that?s not what you want me to do.? He sat next to her on the floor, and despite her feeble resistance, he uncurled her and tucked her head under his chin and let her cry into his chest. The last two fingers on her left hand were mangled and bleeding. ?Jeni, where?s your ring?? ?I lost it.? She stammered into his chest. ?Give me a break. I?ve known you since you were seven. You?re a terrible liar. Where?s your ring?? He demanded. ?Bobby took it. I?m a worthless freak, and fortunately he found out about it before it was too late. He took it back and sent me home.? Her sobs doubled in ferocity and Keitaro knew without asking what had really gone on. He had never liked Bobby, and now he hated him. If it wasn?t for his strict code of honor he would have been tempted to teleport poison into that jerk?s drink. Gently he untied the full bow she had tied around her ponytail and used the ribbon to wrap her bleeding hand. ?You?re not any freakier than the rest of us.? He told her. She shook her head in denial and kept crying. This was very different from the wisecracking and strong face that she usually showed, but Keitaro chose not to comment on it. Jeni continued to sob his coverall soggy till she finally cried herself to the soothing calm of sleep . . . Geni blinked hard, trying to bring the parlor back into focus. Her hands were trembling uncontrollably and Dante gripped the one he held tighter. She could feel his anger and it proved to her that he had seen all what she had. She was about to tell him that she was all right, but then the invisible dam broke with a rush and all the fear and desperation she had bottled up from this evening as well as the newly remembered pain of the past hit her all at once. She began to shake all over and the tears came unbidden. ?I ? I was so scared for you.? She managed to get out. ?If I l-lost you to J-jack or anything, I ? I ? wouldn?t . . . I?m so selfish. R- rufus was sta-stabbed and I was more worried about y-you.? She lifted her free hand to her face and sobbed, just like in the memory. Also like the memory, Dante pulled Geni to him and tucked her head under his chin as she cried into his shirt. Slowly he maneuvered the two of them so that he was leaning into the corner of the sofa as Geni allowed herself to be encircled by his arms while she continued to soak the white linen her wore. Uncertain what would help her, he just let her cry as he held her. ?My poor Jeni.? He murmured into her strawberry hair. ?I won?t leave you alone. Not then, not now.? Geni eventually cried herself to sleep. Decently comfortable in the sofa corner with her slight weight pressing on his chest, and not wishing to disturb her, Dante continued to hold her close till he, himself, dozed off.
  8. Geni's eyes went wide. "Uh - I would prefer that my father stay alive. He's very dear to me." She stopped herself from getting angry. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "I understand that you are just trying to make me understand how vital it is for who and what we are and what we are doing to try and stop 'Jack' to remain secret. But my father has been an officer in Her Magesty's Army, and he understands the need for secrecy. "Geni, I know you love him, but --" Dante began. [I]: Dante, I'm trying to be objective. Please listen.: [/I] She waited for his nod before she went on. [I]: We do not need to tell him everything. At least -- not all at once. He does not need to know about the memory flashes or our "other lives". We can simply tell him that people with similar talents have gathered together - which is true - and are doing our best to use our abilites to investigate "Jack." If we tell him that Sir Nathan is - uh - supervising our investigations, he shouldn't balk at the thought. I think we should also tell him that "Jack" knows who we are. I am positive he will want to offer his services in any way that is helpful if he knows that this is a real and on-going threat rather than a one time occurance.:[/I] [I]: But what if he tries to take you far away from here to protect you? You are his precious little girl, after all. What if he drags you to, say, India, in an attempt to keep you safe?: [/I] Dante countered, a frown that Geni could barely see in the ill-lit gloom of the streets was darkening his face. [I]: He wouldn't do that. Would you take your crack sharp-shooters from the field in the middle of the battle?:[/I] Dante quirked a questioning eyebrow at here. [I]: My father was a military man before he inherited his title. That's the way he thinks. In fact, he was going to make the army his lifelong career before his brother, my Uncle Andrew, contracted Tuberculosis while touring the mainland. He died just after I was born, and since he was still a batchelor, my father inherited. So, to get to my point, father always approaches everything from a strategic view. If we make him see that my leaving will benefit "Jack" and cause a lot of trouble for you and the others, he will do his best to protect me as he can right here.:[/I] "Milord, where are we going?" Geni asked out loud, trying to change the subject. "Your father gave me strict instructions as to your welfare before he left with Lady Ariana." He smirked at her, despite her obvious ruse. "So, where are we going?" She repeated. "Someplace safe." was his answer. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" "No. I'm not." His smirk turned into an evil grin. [I]: Not nice, Keitaro.: [/I] Slipped out of her mind. [I]: Never said I was. :[/I]
  9. Sophie sighed. Namiko seemed keen to have help, contract or no contract. At least the demon girl appeared to be good company, if nothing else. This room wasn't terribly accessable, anyway. Going with the girl would make Sophie more visible. "Well, I don't want to upset your visitors. If you have something for me to do that will keep me from offending them, I'd be pleased to go with you. I never sat still very well, to be honest." Yuu Baba cackled. "I don't know how well your captors will like having you out and about, but it's free labor and I don't like being ordered around in my own establishmet. Just be sure you keep your head down and your nose clean." She cackled again and vanished. "Well, come on, then." Namiko hurried her. Both girls exited the small room and headed down the stairs.
  10. This sounds like a lot of fun! Character #1 Name: Darian Age: 23 Class: Court Diplomat and swordsman Appearance: See pic 1 below (the guy w/ the long black hair) Bio: Raised in the court of the Pirate Lord, Darian came to admire all that Cervantes seemed to stand for: honor, friendship, trust and leadership. Though he was born the lowest class of noble, he was never treated as if he were beneath notice. Because of this, he did everything in his power to be worthy of any attention the royal family might pay him. He studied academics as well as sword-play as hard as he could. By the age of twenty-one, Darian excelled at diplomacy; and though a master of both defensive and offensive blade work, he could never assume to the ranks his prince has achieved. currently, he is often used by the royal family as one who diffuses volitile situations, either by words or by blade -- whatever his king commands. Personality: The quintessential leigeman, Darian is loyal to a fault to the king he idolizes and the prince he serves. He tends to keep to himself, socially, unless he is in his capacity as a diplomat. While he understands the necessity of social niceties, Darian is not one to dither or mince words. He continues to read and train, trying to stay in top form for whatever he might be sent to do next. His greatest fear is failing his king or prince. Darian tends to be a touch awkward around women in social surroundings unless he is in negotiations for some political point. He has been so focused on being the best servant he could be thoughout his life, that he had never learned the knack of understanding flirting or anything of the like. Character #2 [COLOR=SeaGreen]Name: Kaylara Age: 17 Class: Sorceress (specializing in healing magic) Appearance: See pic #2 below Bio: Till the last few months Kaylara had been raised and lived quite happily in a cloister attached to a hospital. When she was four or five years old, her aptitude for healing magic was discovered, so her parents sent her away to learn and help those around her. Her origins are as common as they come - her father was a woodcutter and her mother raised a family garden. When it looked like the hostilities between J'Ron and J'Ren seemed to be coming to a head, Kaylara's headmistress sent several healers to the royal guard to help if the war madness spread to thier country. Though never in fear of her own safty, (she innocently believes that no one would harm a healer) the ravages of battle are quite a shock to Kaylara. Reguardless, she is doing her best do whatever good she can. Personality: Kaylara is sweet and bubbly, and more than a touch naive. She believes that everyone has good in them, they just need to find it inside themselves. She's one who would befriend a "lost cause" kind of person just because she felt they could use the companionship. She smiles easily, is very determined when it come to easing the pain and ills of others, and loves to be around people. She isn't a chatterbox, however. She doesn't rattle on and on about mindless subjects. She does enjoy a witty or deep conversation, and despite her youth, tries her best to understand everyone around her.[/COLOR]
  11. Lord David, Duke of Salisbury, prided himself in being a down-to-earth, practical man. It took a lot to shake his faith in the here and now. But after what he had just experienced with his daughter's companion and escort, Lord Dante, shaken didn't even come close to describing how he felt. The demand for an explaniation slipped out of it's own volition. Seeing hurt cloud Dante's eyes, Lord David decided that lengthy journies to understanding could wait till a time when tact and calm words could be used. "Never mind. At least we are here." he said to the younger man. Leaving all pretense of decorum behind, Lord David kicked the door loudly to knock. Then without waiting for an answer, he leavered a hand free and thrust the office door open. The surgeon, Dr. Lancaster, was halfway to his door and look quite surprised to have visitors bursting in on him at this time of night. "By all that's holy! What do --" He cut himself off when he recognised Lord David's face. The doctor snapped to attention with a smart salute. "Sir! What's going on?" "There's been an attack at the Queen's Ballet. A maniac took a knife to this man. Cut to the face, puncture in the left arm, and a nasty slash in the right leg. He needs your skills immediately." Lord David spoke sharply, in a military manner. Dr. Lancaster nodded, then led them through his office and passed another door into his surgery. Everything was pristine, white and shining metal. The table had a fresh white linen covering it and the large tray of cedar sawdust below it used to catch the blood was fresh. The doctor shed his waistcoat and put on a white smock. As the two lords placed Rufus on the table, he grabbed one of his sharper knives. Crossing to the wounded man, he glanced at Lord David. "I hope his taylor will forgive me." With that, he slashed away the patient's pantleg and shirtsleeve to reveal the wounds. "If his taylor will not forgive you, his wife will find a new one." Lord David reassured with a slight smile. Taking a strip of gause, Lancaster wrapped a band around the victim's forehead, pulling his hair up and out of the way. Then he turned to the young man. "I have to take the tourniquet off his arm or we could lose it. I need you to apply pressure bandages to the puncture continually. Once one has soaked through, don't remove it, just place another bandage on top till you have six bandages. Then you take the top four off and start again." The young lord nodded and gabbed a large stack of the bandages off a nearby table. The tourniquet snipped off easily and Dante hurridly busied himself following the doctor's orders. Lancaster took a deep breath, then started on the worst of the wounds, the leg. On closer examination, the doctor found that no major arteries or veins had cut, but the muscles were a mess. "Sir, if you would, watch the patient and if he starts to come around, give him a dose of ether." Recieving a nod from the older gentleman, he set to work. Lord David had seen Lancaster at work more times than he cared to count. The man had served as a surgeon under his command in the army. He was a talented surgeon. He had been wasted in the meatgrinder surgeries of the local hopitals. That was why Lord David had recommended Dr. Lancaster when he had heard rumors that the club was looking for a discrete doctor. David's mind began to wander away from the task at hand as Lancaster began to stem the flow of blood and repair the damage as best as modern medicine could. What had Dante done to get them here? They were on the street one second and inside the club - that had been a block away - the next. Dante had looked reluctant to speak on it, and had been hurt at the accusitory tone that David had used when they had re-appeared. As prickly as the young man was, Lord David liked Dante. He was honorable to a fault, resoursful, honest and seemed to have a connection with his daughter that no one else, including her own father, had been able to accomplish. Geni had always been a loner. She never had any close friends as a child, and tended to enjoy reading in the library over picnicing or attending parties with other of her age group. She was an accomplished rider, but would never go on hunt parties. But this summer had been different. It had started on the same note as always, Geni attending whatever her had mother nagged her into. But after the party at thier home, things had changed. This young lord had entered his daughter's life, and so had smiles and outings and luncheons and other activities. It had delighted David to see his daughter so happy, so even when the biddies had begun to speculate, he had held his tongue about the ammount of time she spent in his company. That was when a memory of Geni as a girl of ten or eleven came to him. He had been so excited with his purchase of a new horse for his daughter, that he could not wait to give it to her. The entire trip back to the estate, he had imagined her surprise at the gift. Unexpectedly, however, Geni had met them at the front door. When he had asked his girl why she was there, she had said somthing peculiar. "Father, your mind was so loud, it spoiled the surprise." Other memories of similar themes came to mind after that. Geni explaining that she didn't like groups because the thoughts were too overwhelming, or that she was never excited at Christmas because everyone's mind had already shouted to her what her presants were. He had never paid them any mind before this, believing she was just being precocious. But now . . . The surgery went well, almost textbook, considering the violence of the attack. Lancaster's sutures were tiny and neat. There would be scars, especially on the leg and across Rufus's left eye, but the eye was intact. The doctor believed that Rufus would be able to walk again, but he would always have a distinct limp. The man would live, but it had been close. Lancaster even had a room for family or duelest's seconds set up near the patient's room so others could be near as his patient recovered. The doctor said he would clear Ariana's presence while the lords went to fetch her. The two began the walk back in silence. Dante was watchful, but he never looked in David's direction. Finally, Lord David sighed heavily and broached the subject. "You have abilities like my daughter has." It was a statement, not a question. "I never really took her seriously when she attempted to explain them to me, but I cannot ignore your display earlier." Dante stopped in his tracks and just stared at Geni's father, incredulity painted in broad strokes across his young face. "How did --" "I may have been startled witless earlier, but I am no simpleton, my boy. When I can see with my own eyes someone do something that is hitherto unexplainable, and have heard my daughter also make claims of other unsusal abilities, and then add the fact that this said person and my daughter are becoming close, even I can reach the sum conclusion. So," David took a breath, "Does my Genieve also have the ability to transverse from one place to another instantly?" "Uh -- well, no. She's a telepath -- that is -- she hears other's thoughts. The more open a person's mind is, the easier it is for her to hear them. I think she is also a bit of an empath, someone who senses another's emotions -- at least with me she is. I am the only one I know that does what I do." David was taking this with much more calm than Dante could have ever expected and it was leaving Dante off-balance. "Well, it's nice to know that there is someone in this world who can understand what she can do. I'm sure that means a lot to her." David nodded to Dante and gave a half-smile. "You probably saved Lord Rufus's life with that little trick of yours. I apologize for reacting the way I did." With that, the elder gentleman resumed his walk back to the theater. "Apology accepted." Dante whispered, then joined him. Now that speed wasn't so urgent, Dante noted that it really wasn't a large distance from the club to the threater. There were police everwhere, still, but Dante did not see Nathan among them. Perhaps he was making his report. Some of the officers recognised Lord David from the first attack in April, and waived them inside to where the ladies were waiting. They had to push past both officers and press people looking for tomorrow's headline, so the women did not see them till they were only a few meters away. "Madam, your husband is alive and stable. The doctor wishes you to join Lord Rufus at the club." Lord David announced to the mass in general and Ariana in particular. All three women who were seated on the floor snapped their heads up look at whomever had spoken. When they saw Lord David and Dante, the younger two of the group jumped to their feet with as much alacrity as their binding attire would let them. Ariana found new tears, this time of relief, in a hidden reservoir, and they fell in full force as she raced to Lord David. The gentleman offered his hankerchief and placed an escorting arm on the lady's shoulder. Geni also burst into tears. She had been putting up a brave front for Ariana's sake, but she was deeply terrified by what had happened this night. Someone had been horribly injured in this attack. Not like last time. Somehow Geni had come to the conclusion that they would always be able to thwart "Jack's" attemps with no harm coming to anyone. Then she had been hit with the knowlege that Dante and her father were out there with Rufus. What if "Jack" sent the attacker back? What if they were all three dead in some alleyway? Guilt wracked her because she was more worried about her dear ones than Rufus, not that she wasn't worried about the gentle lord, because she sincerely was. Her thoughts had kept retruning to the danger that Dante was in, and her fright continued to grow exponentially. When she saw Dante, and knew that he was well, it all spirialed out of her control. Uncareing about who saw her, she threw her arms around Dante's neck and cried into his shoulder as if her whole world had come to an end. She was so frightened, and she was so happy that he was all right. Stunned, Dante gingerly put his arms around the sobbing girl in an awkward attempt to comfort her. He could feel her fright, relief and happiness; he just wasn't sure what to do about it. He heard a masculine chuckle just behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Lord David wearing a smirk. "Lord Dante, I must get Lady Ariana to her husband and then answer these fine officer's questions. I place my trust in you to escort my daughter to a safe place once she recovers from her vapors. In light of the fact that this seems to be the same attacker as the man who attempted to cause harm to my wife, I do not think that our home will be the safest place for her. I know that you will devise a location that will keep Genieve from danger." His smirk spread into an honest smile. "I trust you with her." With that, Lord David turned and escorted the sobbing Ariana out of the auditorium and out toward the street. ___________________________________________ OCC: Wow! This took forever to type! :animesigh I hope it helps move the story for everyone. Yay! Geni's dad has a name! :animesmil
  12. Sophie dearly hoped that the girl was correct, and Howl was indeed searching for her in this general area. As close as she had become with the wizard, she still was unsure of the extent of his powers. What if he could find no trace of her? What if the ones who had brought her here got in his way? What if everything was going all wrong, and she had no way to know it. Shaking her head to clear it, Sophie tried her best to hold tightly to her hope. "What if's" would drive her insane. She had to hang on to the knowledge that Howl would know what to do. "I thank you for the warning." She addressed Namiko. "I fear I have become used to being reguarded with a bit of suspicion. When you live in a moving castle, most people tend to think you strange, even in the nicest instances." "So why live there? Sounds like a hassle to me." Namiko replied. "Because it's home. Everything and everyone I love is there." Sophie answered. The moving castle was the first place besides the back room of the hat shop where she truely felt she belonged. And right now, she would do whatever she had to in order to get back to it.
  13. Checking their invitations as they entered the auditorium, each of the attendees of the ballet found their assigned seats. The greater your influence and reputation within the ton, the closer to the center front or the grand boxes you were seated. None of the six friends rated box seats, but they were all placed in the prestigious center section. Arianna and Rufus had the convenience of isle seats, while Dante and Geni were a few rows further back and several seats into the row with Geni?s father seated directly behind them. Because of Eclair?s notoriety within society as a lady of quality, she and Nathan were seated in the very center of the coveted seventh row. Only the boxes had a better view of the stage than row seven, and no other row was as visible to the rest of the theater. During the first two acts, Geni was captivated by the grace and elegance of the dancer?s performance. They seemed to be figures out of a fairy-land dream enchanting nearly all who beheld them. At the first intermission, she was amused to note that Nathan looked a touch bored, and her father was trying to hide a yawn or two. Dante looked as stoic as usual, but at least he wasn?t covering yawns with the back of his gloved hand. She caught a glimpse of Arianna, and she looked as starry-eyed as Geni felt, but since Rufus never turned her direction, she couldn?t draw an opinion about his level of enthusiasm and enjoyment. The third act began just as gloriously as the first two. The dancers began to weave their tale through movement without a step out of place. Suddenly, the curtain that was drawn to the edge of the proscenium arch began to move unusually, like someone had grabbed it and was pulling it up into the stage left box. Then, a figure leapt from the box, and using the curtain, swung down onto the stage. The performers tumbled to a halt with the trespass of this strange person into their fantasy land. Dramatically, the unknown man took a page from a recent American tragedy and bellowed, ?Sic Semper Tyrannus!? He drew a large dagger from a belt sheath and brandished it, shining in the stage lights. With a great show of athleticism, he raced to the edge of the stage and jumped over the orchestra pit. Some in the audience, misunderstanding the man?s intent, applauded as if he was all part of the show. [I]Dante! That man has no thoughts![/I] Geni cried out into his mind. ?What?? He asked her increadulously. [I]There is no thought in his mind! Just numbers . . . all I can hear is a stream of numbers.[/I] Geni was more than confused, she was terribly frightened. Never had she ever encountered any living person that had a complete absence of thought. Dante shot to his feet at the same moment that Nathan did. Nathan must have sensed the same anomaly in the man?s mind that Geni had. Unfortunately, both men had seated people ? some with voluminous skirts ? between them and the armed man racing up the isle. Skidding to a halt, the intruder looked down at Rufus. ?Sorry mate, me boss don?t seem ta like yer grandkids.? Arianna screamed as he raised the long knife and slashed it down at her husband?s seated form. Unbelievably, Rufus managed to deflect the attacker?s blade to the side with his bare hand. Instead of piercing his heart, the dagger cut across the left side of his face, over his eye and then punctured the triceps of his left arm. Shreiks of panic erupted throughout the theater. The dancers raced off to the relative protection of the wings while the spectators leapt from their seats and began to crush into the isle opposite the attacker. The man again brought down his knife, and again Rufus did his best to deflect the attack. This time the blade slashed into his right thigh rending fabric, skin and muscle from hip to knee. Arianna screamed once more and threw herself over her bleeding husband. Frustrated with his inability to push past the crowds driven insane with fright, Nathan stepped up onto the armrests of each seat and took the high road as quickly as he could manage. Taking his cues from the officer, Dante also went across the armrests in an attempt to reach the newlyweds. Drawing a sword that Geni had assumed to be merely ornamental, the young lord jumped the last few seats and raced down the isle. Sliding like a college cricket player across the plush carpet, Dante blocked the descending dagger with his own blade only a hair?s breath from the Arianna?s spine. ?Drop it!? Nathan shouted. The man glanced casually over his shoulder to see the officer with a small pistol pointed at the criminal?s head. The attacker glanced up the isle toward the exits, but that way was blocked as well. ?I would?na try to run if I were you.? The Irish officer dressed as an usher lilted, He was also armed with a pistol aimed at the perpetrator. Geni?s father reached the group, but wisely stayed out of the sights of the guns. Shaking his head, the man opened his left hand and a small envelope with a red ?J? written on it fluttered to the floor next to Dante. ?I guess I shouldn?t ?ave took a knife to a gun fight. Just another innocent life on your ?eads.? He muttered. He took a step away from Arianna and Rufus, gave a cocky grin, and vanished. Arianna raised her head to make sure the immediate threat had gone. Then she looked down and saw the large amount of blood staining her evening gown. Going even more pale in pallor her eyes went wide with shock. ?Rufus?? ?Are you all right?? he whispered. ?Yes, my love. I?m not hurt.? she answered, desperation evident in her voice. ?I am so glad to hear it.? With that, Rufus?s eyes closed and he went limp in his chair. ?Rufus!? Arianna called in a panic. ?I believe he had passed out from the immense pain, ma?am.? Geni?s father spoke up. ?He needs medical attention right now. His eye seems to be intact, but we need to stop the bleeding. My club, Whites, has a crack surgeon. He lives at the club as a resident to attend the gentlemen who are foolish enough to duel. He?s a gentleman?s surgeon ? every thing is always neat and clean. I?d stake my life on his talents.? ?Whites is just down the block, I believe.? Nathan looked to Geni?s father for confirmation of his memory. He received a nod of agreement from the older gentleman. Geni and Eclair finally managed to make their way to the group. Fortunately, none of the ladies were squeamish at the sight of blood. Without a second thought Geni began tearing strips off her silk petticoats and handed them to Dante and Nathan, who were trying their best to stem the flow of Rufus?s blood. ?We don?t have time for all that.? Geni?s father announced. Grabbing a long strip of cloth from his daughter, he tied a tight tourniquet high on Rufus?s right leg, just above the top of the gruesome cut. ?We have to get this man to Whites as fast as possible.? Following suit, Nathan tied another above the puncture in the left arm. ?Sir, the street be flooded with carriages from all tha folks leavin?.? The other officer told Nathan. ?They?d get there faster on foot.? ?If Lord Dante will assist me, we will carry him to the club.? Geni?s father instructed. The two men gingerly lifted Rufus into their arms, being extremely careful to not make his injury any worse. ?Geni, stay here with the lady and help her to answer the officer?s questions.? ?Yes, father.? She agreed. ?But . . .? Arianna began to protest as the two gentlemen started up the isle toward the auditorium?s exit. ?Arianna,? Eclair placed a restraining hand on the young wife?s shoulder. ?You cannot go with them. They do not allow ladies into gentlemen?s clubs.? Looking at Eclair, then to the door her bleeding husband had disappeared through, and back to Eclair, Arianna burst into tears and sank down to the carpet sobbing. Wishing she could comfort her distraught friend, but not wanting to offer false hope, Geni did not know what to say. Instead, she simply sat down next to Arianna and held her close, letting her cry herself out. Eclair watched as Nathan picked up the dropped letter and carefully placed it into his coat pocket. ?Excuse me, ladies. I must make sure the queen made it to her carriage without incident. I shall return momentarily.? Then he turned to his junior officer. ?Make certain that no one comes anywhere near these ladies.? ?Yes, sir.? The officer saluted Nathan, then took a watchful position next to the three stunned women. ?Why did he choose Rufus?? Arianna cried softly. ?Why?? ?I don?t know.? Geni whispered in her ear. ?I wish I did.? __________________________________________ OCC: I Promised more blood and chaos... There you go. Now, what does everyone do?
  14. Sophie threw back her shoulders and drew herself up to her full height. "I appreciate your offer, but I already have a job. And it isn't here. I would like you to return me home, if you please." The old woman cackled with delight. "You've got spunk, girl. That's certain." "What is wrong with working for me?" The other girl asked, slightly affronted. "It's certainly better than rotting here in this room." "I refuse to sign away two years of my life after I was forced here against my will. Someone very dear to me is out there, and he's probably worried. I will do whatever it takes to get back to him -- now. Like I said, I am greatful for all your attemps to secure me a more comfortable position than the one I have found myself in. But I won't give up on Howl just to make myself more comfortable, not now, not two years from now." Sophie was close to tears, but she stood her ground. Yuu Baba cackled again. "She's a wizard's girl, alright. She'd have to be stubborn clear through to put up with one." Sophie was angered by the crone's words, but did her best not to let her fear, desperation and worry show. She just wanted to get back to Howl and go home to Clacifer, Markle and her happiness.
  15. Sophie shook her head, trying to rid heself of the haze that was wrapping her mind with wool. What had happened? She remembered shopping, remembered the banter and bickering for prices that she enjoyed so much . . . then nothing. Slowly, bracing herself for the pain the light glare would cause to the headache she could already feel building, she opened her eyes and looked about, trying to take in her surroundings. It was definately not a room she had ever been in before. It appeared to be completely wood panneled and floored, and she was laying on a few piled blankets. Sophie could feel the magic all around her, just like home, but different. This place held no familiar traces of Howl or Calcifer. No inviting warmph for the likes of her. She had the distinct impression from the atmosphere that enveloped this room that she was an unwanted, albiet unwilling, guest -- where ever she was. First things, first, find out where she was. Then, get back to Howl and the castle. Gingerly, she rose to her feet, mindful of the everpresent throb in her head. She crossed the humble room and gipped the sliding door. An electric shock sent Sophie staggering back, leaving a few small burns on the tips of her fingers. "So eager to leave, are you?" An old crone's voice echoed hollowly from the door. "Sit down and relax, girl. You're going to be here for as long as it takes."
  16. Name- Sophie age- 19 gender- Female Race- Human Job- cook, housekeeper, hatter, generally keeps Howl working Personality- Determined and singleminded, but not at all vain. In fact, she has a few self-esteem issues. She loves Howl dearly, but realizes that neither of them are perfect. She is fun and sweet when not focused on a single goal. appearance- See picture below bio- After being cursed by the Witch of the Waste, she found Howl -- the rest is history till she was kidnapped. Abilities- She's human with no magical abilities except her capacity to love and believe in people.
  17. The cheerfully chirping birds in the Sycamore tree outside her window awoke Geni to a warm and bright spring morning. She felt as if the warmth of the day had soaked into her body and rejuvenated her completely. She hadn?t felt this well in ages. Reaching for the pullcord beside her headboard, she rang for her maid. Anna was not long in coming, and she brought a crisply folded sheet of Geni?s family stationary with her. ?A message for you, miss.? Anna said, keeping her eyes primly lowered, but Geni did not miss the smile the maid was struggling to keep off her face. There was no doubt that Anna had already read the note, but at least she was being discrete about the contents. Thanking the girl, who couldn?t have been more than a year her junior, Geni took the paper and gingerly unfolded it. [I]My Lady, I await your earliest convenience in your front parlor. There is much I would speak to you about. Dante [/I] No wonder Anna was squelching a grin. If one did not know Dante, a person might read any number of meanings into the short message. Geni opted to ignore the one that Anna had obviously chosen to believe, but did not argue as the girl dressed her in her prettiest day dress of blue muslin and french lace. The maid even took special care to style Geni?s hair as stylishly as possible for a day look. Geni was amused, but again, did not argue. She had no idea if Anna?s hard work would even be noted by Dante. Still, a lady likes to look her best, even if she?s the only one to notice it. She descended the stairs as quickly as decorum would allow, and entered the parlor with only a light tap on the door to announce herself. Dante sprang to his feet as he saw her. He looked tired, like his headache had kept him up most of the night. He ushered her to a couch, made sure Anna was there - close enough to keep a watchful chaperone eye on them, but not close enough to ease drop on their conversation - then seated himself near enough to speak with her out loud. ?Good morning, Milord.? Geni began a touch loudly, for Anna?s sake. [I]:What troubles you, Milord? The minute I came down the stairs, I could sense your unease.: [/I] ?Yes, your father was kind enough to extend his hospitality and offered me a room for the night.? Dante replied, also loud enough for Anna?s benefit.[I] :Will you listen to me? Or will you just shrug me off as being paranoid again?:[/I] [I]: Dante, you wound me. I have never discounted your words. I may not always understand your feelings, but I would never take them lightly.:[/I] Geni was not being coy. His flippant words had stung. Dante meant a lot to her, and the idea that he believed she wouldn?t or hadn?t listened to him hurt her inside. She saw at once that he picked up her emotions and regretted his harshness. [I]:Geni, I?m sorry. But I want you to believe me. I?m worried about you.: [/I] Dante did his best to show that he was in earnest. [I]:I can feel that. What have I done to make you worry so?:[/I] [I]:You give your trust so freely. Not everyone deserves it.:[/I] Geni was about to tease him as she had done the night before, but as she picked up his complete seriousness, she thought better of it. [I]:What would you have me do?[/I]: [I]:Just ? just don?t . . .:[/I] Dante had trouble articulating his answer. [I]: Don?t worry. I?ll be guided by you as each day arrives.:[/I] She squeezed his hand, then rose to her feet. ?Breakfast should be served soon. Will you join me for the meal?? ?Yes, thank you for the invitation.? Dante took her arm and escorted her to the dining room. Anna stood and began to follow when she was waylaid by the butler, James. ?So, how did they do?? He asked her. ?I?m not sure.? She answered conspiratorially. ?They said good morning, sat together, stared at each other?s eyes for a short while, then she invited him to breakfast.? ?Sounds like everything went well, then.? James smiled. Geni looked happy with this young lord, and that was all he cared about. * * * The spring and summer flew past for Geni in a whirlwind of evening parties and afternoon rides in the park with Dante. She knew the biddies of the ton whispered over the amount of time she spent with the young lord. There were even bets being taken at the gentleman?s club, Whites, over whether or not their engagement would be announced this season. But as long as her father never said anything about it, she intended to be with him as much as she could within the strictures of polite society. Not only did it make her happy, but Dante seemed more at ease whenever he could keep a watchful eye on her. Geni did not see a lot of Eclair and Nathan or Ariana and Rufus. Their ranks in the social pyramid were so varied that they crossed paths but rarely. When they did, they always updated one another on the small memory flashes that occurred, but nothing monumental in discovery came to any of them. The letter had said that ?Jack? would return in the late summer, and the time till then was not idle for the group, but they also did their best to keep up in their normal lives of the London ton. That was, after all, why most of them originally came to the city. Then, in August, they were all six invited to attend the opening of the Queen?s Ballet at the London Opera house. The queen sponsored a ballet performance each season, and to be invited was an honor. One was expected to donate to the queen?s favorite charity, of course, but it was all worth it for the notice and notoriety it brought one inside the ton. The dancing was always beautiful, too. Geni waited to meet up with Eclair, Ariana and the others with great anticipation. Dante was again her escort, and there was twittering over that fact. Geni didn?t mind. She was happy, and at the risk sounding flighty and school-girlish, until ?Jack? reared his ugly head, that was what mattered.
  18. Dante sat, lightly dozing, in a plush chair. Not usually one to sleep under strange circumstances, his head still ached from earlier and the muffeled quiet of the second story was soothing in a way that complete silence never was. Fortunately, even in his partially asleep state, he still heard the approaching footsteps. He jerked to his feet and raked his hair out of his face with his fingers. The person approaching was Geni's father. "Good evening, young lord." The tall gentleman greeted Dante. "I am happy that you find our furniture so accomadating, but I am certain there are more comfortable spaces than our upstairs hallway to rest your eyes." The slight smile on the older man's face took the sting out of the words, but the impled request for an explaination remained. "Sir, your daughter took ill earlier and I brought her up to her chambers. Her maid saw to her comfort, and I assume, put her to bed. The servant, however had to leave to attend to this evenings guests and I did not feel right leaving your daughter alone with no one to call on if she became distressed." Dante could feel his cheeks warming a touch, and the greatly amused expression spreading across her father's face wasn't helping his discomfort. "So you had the maid bring a chair out of Genieve's sitting room and you have been sitting the guard's post ever since." The older man chuckled softly. "Why did you not simply inform my wife or I of Genieve's condition? We could have relieved a servant from the festivities to sit with her." "I - I did not want to cause a commotion or create an upset in the way the services were arranged if it were not nessisary." He explained. "You didn't think of it." her father challenged. "I didn't mind." Dante tossed back. The older lord luaghed out loud. "I just bet you didn't. No, I don't question your propriety. The maid, I am sure, will validate your story. And just by looking at your state, I can tell how long you have been sitting out here. Please, Lord Dante, the party is over and Geni's maid is once again free to attend her. But, the hour is late. Why don't you make use of one of our guest quarters? I will send a message to your house and have a set of fresh clothing sent over for the morning." "There is no need . . ." Dante bagan to refuse, but was cut off. "Of course there is need. Look at you, man. Your dead to the world. It's frigid outside and you would catch your death if I let you leave in your condition. No arguments, I will show you to your room myself." Her father spun around on his heel and started down the hallway in a way that would brook no further argument. Sighing heavily, Dante forced his feet forward and followed the gentleman. [I]:He likes you.:[/I] Was the muzzy thought Geni sent him. She was warm, comfortable, and well pleased with the state of the world at that moment. That, more than anything else, helped to put Dante more at ease as he entered the guest bedroom and he readied himself for bed. [I]:Goodnight, milord: [/I] Geni whispered in his mind as she drifted back off to sleep.
  19. Geni found herself on her hands and knees, staring at the patterned persian carpet runner that streached the length of the hall. Her knees had missed the rug and smacked the hardwood floor when she collapsed, bringing her to her senses. [I]I will not faint! I will not faint![/I] She chanted to herself in her mind. [I]I am not going to turn into a wreched damsel in distress again![/I] She took as deep a breath as her stays would allow, twisted, and sat unceremoniously down with a thump in order to return to something that resembled an upright posture. Dante was still on his feet, but was leaning heavily on the wall behind him. He looked to have a headache of monumental purportions. His hands were covering his eyes, his hair tumbling forward in the most disheveled manner Geni had ever seen it. It was odd to see him so discomforted. She could sense his confusion and wanted to ease his pain, somehow. Since she couldn't reach him physically, she reached out with her mind. [I]:Milord? Are you well?:[/I] It was a silly question, but it was all she could think of to say. [I]: Did you see?:[/I] He thought back to her. [I]:Yes. It seems you drove yourself to achieving perfection just as roughly as you do now.:[/I] She tried to convey a light tone, tried to let him know that everything would be all right. He harumphed a response, but she got the smile she was striving for. "Aren't we pair?" He said aloud. "Yes, weak as kittens and just a silly. If you can manage the equilibrium, and help me to rise, my room is the next door on the right."
  20. Geni stepped away from Dante, toward the widow she had gazed out at the gathering throng earlier. She didn't notice his distress, not at first, anyway. She watched as late guests arrived and hustled in through the cold night air and other guests scurrying out of the front door and into their conveyances, taking their leave - probably to make appearances at other social functions in town. The greenish gas lights that lined her drive were so pretty at night, flickering their illumination as moths danced around them. They gave everything an etherial, ghostlike appearance, even casting eerie shadows through the curtains of unlit rooms upstairs. Geni realized that a melancholy had settled on her, spurned on by her feelings of self-doubt. She had become such a feather-head maiden of late - fainting, blushing, and struggling for breath at a drop of a hat. Even her guests had to endure the rudeness of her abandonment this evening because of her weaknesses. What was wrong with her? Then she heard Dante's sharp intake of a breath. She whirled to face him, then was struck with disorientation as her mind filled with memories that were not her own. OCC: Sorry this post is short, too. I didn't want to step on anyone's ideas. Hope this is okay!
  21. "Milord, I'm sorry." Geni apologized to Dante as he escorted her up the stairs to the second story and the private rooms of her home. "It seems that I have become more of a hinderance than a help. My constitution has become paper thin. You would never believe that I would race my father's jumping horses at breakneck speeds back on our estates the way I've been fainting and swooning lately." She sighed and looked miserable. Geni was having a tough time dealing with some of the memories that had surfaced outside in the gardens, though she would never admit it aloud. The idea that someone she had cared deeply for would brutilize her physically and verbally pruely because of her talents had shaken her. Her confidence had certainly taken a blow, not that she had much of it to begin with. The more she brooded over the revelations, the more hurt and insecure she felt. She only hoped that Dante wasn't picking up on it. OCC: Sorry so short guys, my lunch break is nearly over. Aaaaarrrgh!
  22. "That is very true." Rufus agreed, rubbing his ribs where his wife has elbowed him. "I wonder if in your original time, telepaths were common?" "Actually, I think you would find talents like any of ours uncommon in any time." Dante answered. [I]Uncommon talents? Why does that sound familiar to me?[/I] Geni mused to herself. Then another memory slammed into her consious mind. She reeled forward and Dante's jacket slipped from her shoulders, but she did not loose her seat. Her head dropped into her left hand while she gripped Dante's hand with her right. * * * * "She's a projecting and recieving telepath, rated 8 on each." A man in a longish white coat told someone in a gray coverall. The room smelled of antiseptic and musty air. Geni was wild-eyed, but for the first time in her seven-year-old life, the voices in her mind had dulled to a quiet background murmur. "That makes the fifth P n' R we've found. We have her shielded, and her parents have signed over custody to the Psytech corps." "P n' R huh?" The man in the coverall repeated. "Don't find both very often. 'Bout as likely as a teleporter, as far as we've seen. Well, let's get this little 'un packed up and off to the dormitory. They'll assess her education and skills so she can get placed with the proper learning group as soon as possible." Then the scene shifted . . . The slap to her face stung like her cheek was burning. Her eyes were wide and confused. "What was that for?" she asked the man that had struck her, a man Geni didn't recognise. "I got a look at your file today." He spat. "A GOOD look." "So?" What was Bobby getting at? "So?! You're a damn P n' R! You're a mind invader and you never told me, you bitch!" The curses hurt more than the slap had. "I told you I was a Psy-tech." She protested. Hot tears began to spill down her face. "I thought you were a shifter or a porter. You knew I hated P n' R's and you kept the crucial fact of your 'talent' from me! You're nothing but mind parasite bitch!" Bobby screamed. "You never asked me what I could do, so I didn't think it mattered to you." Geni was trying not to blubber. She would not give him that satisfaction. "NOT MATTER!" He roared. He grabbed Geni's left hand and wrenched the engagement ring off her finger, breaking her ring finger and slashing her pinky with the diamond in the process. She cried out her pain, but it landed on deaf ears. "Now get out of here and never contaminate my air again!" Cradling her hand against her chest and tears blurring her vision, she turned and ran out of the apartment she had thought would soon be hers, too. Another shift . . . It was the same small room that had been in Eclair's memory earlier. Eclair was in her chair looking unimpressed as a puffed up elderly gentleman ranted and raved at her. Geni stood to one side of her and someone that Geni couldn't quite see in her peripheral vision stood on the other side of Eclair. "How dare you presume to assign my rarest talents to this suicide mission!" The man bellowed. "It's not like there's a ready supply of you just lying around! Can't you take a few of the recievers? There's bunches of them!" "You know the mission requirements." Eclair said cooly. "You're one of the board members that approved them. We need teleporters, telekinetics and P n' R's if we're to succeed. Besides, the team is made up completely of volunteers. I have no right to deny them this mission if they are so inclined to go. The system here will run just fine with those that will remain here, and you know it. You might have to walk to your car from your office instead of requiring a teleporter to do it, but it will be a sacrifice in the name of civilization's continuation." With that, Eclair pressed a button and the door behind the man slid open. Eclair went back to the paperwork on her desk in a obvious sign of dismissial. The man puffed out his chest and stormed from the tiny room. "Tonight." Geni declaired to the other two. "We go Victorian tonight, before they can find any other loopholes to stop us." "Yes," Eclair agreed. "It must be tonight. Those board buffoons simply don't grasp the seriousness of this whole mess. Spread the word to the others, we go tonight." * * * * Geni came back to herself slowly, fighting off the haze of the memories as she did. She found herself with her head leaning on Dante's shoulder and Ariana and Eclair standing before her, lightly tapping her cheeks to help her come around. Sitting up straight and blushing slightly, she tried to take in how long she had been 'away'. It didn't look to be long at all. "I - I'm terribly sorry. I - had a . . ." "Yes, we know." Ariana said in a soothing voice. "Dante, Nathan and I picked up the whole thing from you. We shared it with Rufus and Eclair. It just took you a few minutes to wake up after it was over." A teasing smile graced the lady's lips. "Don't shield much, do you?" "Acutally, I do." Geni defended herself. "I just have problems when large crowds are around. They tend to amplify me. I'm sorry if I caused anyone any undue stress." "That would explain your reputation as being shy at social gatherings." Eclair concluded. "I didn't understand it till now." Ariana took Geni's available left hand. "I didn't mean to doubt your abilities. I'm just confused as to why Dante can see your memories. Since he isn't a telepath, it does not logically follow for me that he can receive you as well as he seems to." Dante replaced his jacket carefully onto Geni's shoulders. "We do not fully understand it, either." He said to the group. "But now is not the time to question what Geni's abilities can or cannot do. It seems we have more to discuss now than we did just a few minutes ago." Geni nodded her agreement, but she couldn't help but visualize the thin white scar on the smallest finger of her left hand that her glove currently concealed.
  23. Geni smiled and let what could have been an eyebrow raising statement about Nathan in Eclair's bedroom slide un-commented on. "In my mother's defense, Milord, she has been planning this evening for weeks. She's toom much a determined hostess to let something like an attempt on her life postpone her events. I just wish she would have let me understand the size of the gathering sooner than as everyone was arriveing." Politely she looked across the table and addressed Sir Nathan. "It sounds, sir, as if you and Eclair's late lord were great friends." "Yes, we were. Lord Vincent and I knew each other for a very long time. He is the reason I can even claim an aquaintence with Milady." He glanced at Eclair, then went back to his meal. Course followed course, mountains of delicasies flowing past as they made thier rounds up and down the long oak tables. The six of them spoke of the weather, upcoming social events, and other inconsequential topics. It was all too obvious that this was not the most ideal place to discuss topics that could be easily misunderstood. After enough food had passed before Geni to feed all of Calcutta for a week, her father rose to his feet. Long and lean, his barritone voice was easily heard above the conversational din. "My wife and I would like to thank all our friends for joining us this evening. There will be more dancing just as soon as the musicians get their wind back. There is also cards in the front parlor for any who care for that diversion. For any who would like a breath a fresh air, despite the chill of this Spring evening, our gardens are yours." He lifted his glass of sherry in a toast. All others followed suit with their own beverages. "To friendship." Everyone echoed his short toast and drank. The meal began to break up after that as everyone went chasing their preferred entertainments. "If it wouldn't be too much of a bother," Geni volunteered to the group, "I thought we might withdraw to the gazebo in the garden to 'stargaze'. It's a clear night, and the city lights do not dim the stars too much when viewed from there. Besides, it is an excellent place to talk without the worry of being overheard." "It sounds enchanting. What a wonderful idea." Eclair gushed in her I'm-making-fun-of-social-air-heads voice. Her smile, however, let Geni know that she was only teasing again. As one they exited the glass doors of the ballroom, each gentleman taking a lady on thier arm so they could not be claimed for an unwanted dance, and entered the open air of the manor gardens. Ariana and Eclair pulled their wraps tightly about them, and in the brisk spring night air, Geni found herself wishing for such a luxury. As a deb, nearly bare shoulders and light fabrics were the rule. Sometimes being the youngest just wasn't fair. They reached the open structure of the gazebo after a short walk over groomed gardern paths. Each lady was offered a seat under exotic asian paper lamps before the gentlemen seated themselves. Once they were reasonably comfortable, if a touch chilled, Eclair opened the discussion. "So, Lord Dante, what was it that you so vocally declared last night that you would speak to us about here? I must say the curiosity is killing me."
  24. "Milord, I think you might be a little over-cautious." Geni smiled softly. "It is quite difficult to lie around a telepath. We tend to pick up intent to decieve rather easily when we have our wits about us." She looked him in the eye as they swirled around the dance floor, trusting him to lead through the crowd of other couples. She squeezed his hand lightly and then contunued. "You, however, are keeping something from me. I would dearly love to know what you are 'protecting' me from. What happened yesterday that you are not telling me?" "I am not sure what you are referring to." Dante temporized. "We can discuss yesterday when the others are assembled. "What do you know about Officer Nathan and Lady Ariana?" "Sir Nathan was made a knight of the realm for valor. He is a telepath, and he appears to have his heart set on Lady Eclair, which I think is sweet. Since she is a widow, her marrying to a slightly lower social class is usually quite acceptable. I wonder if [I]he[/I] knows that." Again, the soft smile appeared on her lips as she glimpsed the topics of her statement dance by over Dante's shoulder. "Lady Ariana married Lord Rufus only a few months ago. Most of the mothers of unmarried girls in our social set hate her for 'catching' his heart after only dancing with him once. She is known to be shy, but warms up to people as she gets to know them." Geni stopped short and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you asking me this?" "Because you trust far too easily, I fear." Dante murmured back. Geni laughed brightly at his statement. "You are not the first to tell me this." Merriment twinkled in her green eyes. "I think, between the two of us we create a person who trusts just the right ammount." Then she sobered slightly. "Never feel that I discount your warnings. Quite the opposite, in fact. But I cannot stop being who I am - much as my mother might wish I could." "Your mother wouldn't know her head from a hand basket." Dante replied sardonicly. "Yes, well, I would be foreced to agree if she was not my mother." The sparkle returned to her eyes. [I]:I really am quite happy you came this evening. It's cliche, but I [B]do[/B] feel safer with you here. Besides, I quite enjoy your company.:[/I] Geni blushed and looked down at Dante's crisply pressed black linen shirt. Dante smiled, but did not comment. He didn't need to. She could feel that her declairation had slightly suprised him, but it pleased him, too. The waltz ended, and Dante took Geni's arm and escorted her to the tables piled with food. He sat her opposite where Eclair and Nathan had seated themselves, then took the chair next to the young lady before anyone else could claim it.
  25. Geni looked out an upstairs window at the line of carriges and hacks that were slowly flowing down her front drive to disgorge thier passengers at her front steps. "Mother! I thought you said a few guests. This is far more that a few. Did you invite all of Almack's?" Geni was taken aback. She was prepared to face twenty new faces tonight, not two hundred and twenty. "Of course not, dear. That would be unseemly. Where would we put everyone?" her mother answered. "Now finish your preparations. You will enter fashionably late, as is expected for a debutante." With a smile and a whirl of her skirts, her mother disappeared down the stairs to greet her -- many --guests. Geni's insides were beginning to knot up. She was never comfortable in large crowds. There were just too many minds pressing in on hers. At least she had recovered from her faint yesterday. After a night of sleep, she felt right as rain, or at least as right as a person who knew that all of her memories were probably false and that a psycho-killer was out there plotting his next attack. She just wished she hadn't had to leave Lord Dante's manor so unceremoniously last night. What she had wanted to do was go to him, calm him, and help him to understand that Eclair only teased him because she knew his honor was above all reproof. If there had been any question, Eclair never would have mentioned it to anyone. If only she hadn't been so ill. If only she could have stayed. If only she hadn't told him how much his anger was hurting her. She knew how much he regreted that - knew it because she still sensed it in her mind - and she wished she had kept her thoughts to herself. Sighing, she placed the last pearl pin in her strawberry curls and surveyed the resulting look. She was in pastels - again. Much as those pale colors made her green eyes huge and her skin a ghostly white, they were the only colors allowd a deb at social functions. This night she had dressed in a pearl white silk with light blue trim. Her elbow gloves were also light blue. Geni couldn't wait till she could wear real colors again. With a shake of her shoulders she left her rooms and headed for the top of the stairs to wait till her mother motioned her down. At least this way she was able to watch most of the guests arrive without having to say anything to them. As the que of people streamed past, Geni did her best to stay out of direct line of sight. Then Lord Dante entered. Just as at Almack's, he looked emaculate in his all black tuxedo and tails. He was perfectly tailored and looked supremely confident. But looks were decieving. She could feel his own unease. [I]:Milord, I am so glad you came!: [/I] She spoke into his mind. [I]:Why wouldn't I?:[/I] He thought back with a lift of an eyebrow. [I]:After my rudeness yesterday evening, I didn't know if. . .:[/I] [I]:You were never rude, milady.:[/I] He interupted [I]:I would speak to you further about last evening, but when we are face to face, rather than shouting toughts across the distances.:[/I] She nodded her agreement to him. [I]:I am still glad you came.:[/I] Dante withdrew his attention so he could properly greet his host and hostess. He followed the flow of guests into the ballroom and Geni went back to people watching. She 'heard' Ariana's greeting in her head before she saw the lady and her sweet husband. Again she stepped out of the shadows long enough to be seen and smile a return greeting to them both. Nathan and Eclair were not far behind the newlyweds. Geni suddenly began to feel better about the evening now that she knew that she would not be facing it alone. And maybe a few answers to all her questions might surface. Her mother finally signaled Geni to decend, and she gracefully crossed to the lady. Her heeled slippers weren't the best for walking much of a distance, but they added a touch of elegance to her youth. "Your father and I have decided to have a bit of dancing before supper, so enter and find yourself a partner among all those handsome batchelors I have invited for you." Her mother was a matchmaker of the worst kind - a determined one. "Yes, Mama." she whispered. Gripping her lace fan, she painted a pleasant smile on her face, entered the ballroom and faced the crowd.
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