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"You look like a man who has skipped a few meals recently" Shea'ann said to Ky as she flowed across the room. She had watched his detailed search of the floor and his despondant slump into his seat. "May I sit with you?" At his shrug, she sat across the table from him. From behind her appeared two serving wenches with food piled on platters. They spread them across the table, then set a place setting infront of both Ky and the cleric. He raised an eyebrow at her. "I hate eating alone. Besides, I couldn't eat all of this by myself if I tried." she waived at him to begin, then dug in herself. After several fork-fulls of eggs she asked him, "Was it my imagination, or was last night fairly busy in my neighbor's room?" "That's what I gathered, lucky bastard." Ky replied. He looked at her increadulously. He couldn't believe this girl he hardly knew would buy him breakfast, and a huge one at that. "You're not eating." she chided the rogue. "Look, I won't hold your pennilessness against you if you don't hold my accidental heritage against me. And since you haven't seemed to have a problem so far, it sounds like a sweet deal on both sides." Shea'ann grinned at him and returned to daintily eating the rest of her morning meal.
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Veronica (don't call her Ronnie) Bird Descended: Phoenix Gender: Female Age: ? This incarnation looks 23 Occupation: Private Investigator, specializing in missing persons Weapon: Whip, can flame burst at the tip on command Physical Description: Reddish long hair and violet eyes. She tries to dress trendy, but doesn't always succeed. She had fitted Maxamillian Armor in her closet (you never know when it might come in handy), and her kimono is hanging next to her kilt, chiton, and sideless dresses. Then come the sweaters, turtlenecks, bellbottoms, flapper gowns, power suits and blue jeans. She's been a dress size 8 for millenia and her shoe size has been a size 7 1/2 for just as long. 5'7" tall with enough curves to get complements -- what am I writing this all for? Just look at the pic below! Personality Description: Confident, but not overconfident, Veronica is very good at seeking people out -- she's done it for countless generations. She knows how to use a gun, but prefers to get a bit closer to the ones she is facing off with. Death at a great distance is too cold and heartless for her. Thus the whip. None are better with her chosen weapon . . . she's had long enough to perfect each move and attack. She's always polite, but will never lie to you, not even a little white lie. She abhors deception of any kind. She's been searching for this incarnation of Dove since the death of his/her predessor, searching for other lost people for money on the side. She tries to be hip and young, but anachronisms in her speach and mannerisms do appear from time to time -- come on, she remembers Masada and the Crusades for starters -- that tends to color a person's past.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Shea'ann was on her way up to her room when she bumped into Ky. She had been down in the main room eating supper (after a bath) when the attack happened. Fortunately, she had gotten a few bolts off before the clan had made it's way up to the rooms where Jura and the rest had finished the job. At least she felt a little useful getting rid of two foes before they started in on everyone else, much as she didn't like harming anyone. "I remember you." she smiled at him. "You're one of the men on the ship who helped pull me out of the water." He grunted noncommittally. Ky looked a little unsteady on his feet, and the smell of alcohol was obvious. He also appeared to be feeling a touch guilty over something. "Well, to repay your kindness . . ." she touched his nose with a fingertip. The pleasant buzz in his head from the drink and smoke he had indulged in remained, but the wooziness and slight headache disappeared. "You can remain happy, without the hangover tomorrow. Pleasant dreams." she playfully kissed him on the cheek, then breezily swept into her room and softly shut the door behind her.
[I]Not a people person, hhmmm? Well that seems very Druidic.[/I] Shea'ann thought to herself. [I]Of course, I'm hardly one to make generalizations. Most people would take one look at my dark skin and assume I worshipped the Spider Queen.[/I] She shivered at the thought, then continued into town. She had been rescued, sure enough. And, remarkably, after taking one look at her holy symbol and being asked her destinaltion and purpose by a man named Hedron, everyone had left her alone for the most part. No accusations of evil or hissing of intaken breath as they saw her skin color. It was refreshing. Of course, having a Tiefling on board made a good half-dark elf look normal by comparison. Not that she worried about the poor winged girl being evil -- Shea'ann could detect that she wasn't. But still . . . After her rescue, she had withdrawn to a quiet corner and done a calling spell, bringing her thin blade, crossbow and quarrel of bolts, money pouch and her bag of clothing to her from the bottom of the sea. Now she was extremely grateful that her temple master had insisted on placing the spell on them for her. She was nowhere near strong enough in her magic to place the spell herself, but any child could activate it if it is keyed to them. Unfortunately, she could only do it once more before the spell was exhausted. It seemed that the others that had been onboard had the same destination and goal as herself. She just hoped she could be of some use. She had healed what wounds she had seen, but the cleric was quite aware that not everyone who had been injured had come to her. She just hoped she could eventually earn everyone's trust. Shrugging her shoulders she made her way into town for provisions.
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
missrelena replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Rayne's gaze went from the pistol to the officer's face, and back to the pistol. Well, if he wanted her to have it . . . so she tucked it into her denim jacket's side pocket. She knew she should check to see how many bullets it held, but she didn't know how. She remebered this officer's face. He was special ops, so she had never worked with him, but she did remember his face, if not his name. She had been intoduced to him once, but that was nearly a year ago, and right now she was fortunate to know her own name, let alone anyone else's. "Well, I canna guess at the state it could be in right about now, but if we can get one floor up, the holding cells are empty and the only guard that was stationed up there is not there now. If we get the barred door to the cell's hallway closed, it could buy us some time while we get to the roof right above it." Rayne replied thoughtfully. "What makes you think the guard is no longer there?" Jack demanded. "What's left of him is still in me darkroom. I smashed him with me camera, breakin' me lens, I might add, then poured all me photographic etchin' acid over him. He was gettin' rather gooey when I scampered off." "Good reason for assumption, then. Why the roof?" The girl was spunkier than Jack remembered. Of course, he hadn't said more than a handful of words to her before this. "Because the catch for the fire escape is up there." "Now how on earth would you know that? I didn't even know that and I've been here for far longer than you." What kind of paranoid goes around looking for fire esacape latches? Not that Jack wasn't grateful for the information, but he wanted to know what kind of person he had here. Rayne blushed. "I watch the sunsets from the roof. You canna see it from me apartment, so I go up on the roof here each evenin' to look at the colors. I found the catch a few months ago. Now can we go?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCC: I hope no one is offended by the forced accent -- it's the only way I know how to write a lilt without phoenic spelling. -
"Gobins are not my favorite creatures. Goblins are not my favorite creatures, Goblins are not . . ." Shea'ann repeated over and over. She knew she mustn't hate anyone or anything, but these lousy pirates were coming very close. There she was, minding her own business on her ship, traveling toward Ten-Towns of the Icewind Dale when, wham!, goblins everywhere. She had been hit over the head as she had tried to Heal a wounded sailor, and the next thing she knew, she was waking up chained to side of a ship's hold. And the ship wasn't the one she had started in. She was cramped, hungry and angry, but she couldn't get her hands free so she could work her spells. If it hadn't been for her dusky skin, she knew she wouldn't have made it this far alive, but she also knew that they planned to sell her as a plaything to the evil elves of the the underdark. This notion did not appeal to her at all. All of a sudden, there was a large commotion on the deck above. Lots of running and grunting. She would have givin her front teeth to know what was happening. Then, the floorboards above her began to change -- to stone. [I]This may or may not be a good sign.[/I] she thought. As a precaution, she set a shield spell about her. That one, at least, she could do without needing her hands. Not a moment too soon, it seemed, because just as she had completed it, the ship splintered under the deck's new weight. Taking a deep breath, and praying her spell held, she closed her eyes and left everything up to the Dawn Lord. Just as she began to run out of air, Shea'ann felt herself being tugged upwards by her wrists. Beautiful daylight surrounded her, and she gasped in huge breaths of air, trying to ease her burning lungs. Increadibly, she had been saved by the hunk of the hull that she was chained to. It had floated to the surface and taken her with it. One of the brackets of her manacles was in the center of a crack, so with a few minutes work, she managed to work it loose. The cuff was still attached to wrist, but as least she could move one arm freely. Shea'ann looked about, and saw another ship, probally the one the goblins had been trying to attack. She attempted to sense magic, and then chuckled to herself. [I]Duridic Magic. They chose the wrong vessle to take on. [/I] She sensed a few other types of magic, but nothing she could pinpoint from this distance. She threw up a large, rose colored light spell as a distress signal, and prayed to Lathander that they would see her as a friendly and rescue her.
Name : Shea' ann Age: 105 (about 23 in human terms) Gender: F Race/Subrace: half-elf (the elf part is dark-elf) Personality: Chaotic Good (if you're a D&D player). She's generally good natured, but not holier-than-thou. She's not much of a missionary. She believes that her good works will speak more loudly for the goodness of Lathander than any speach. She despises the evil dark elf dieties, but that's okay, they despies her. While not very strong, she always does her best to back her companions up in a fight. She's not timid, but becase of the general unpopularity of her father's race she tends to be quite wary of people until she gets to know them better. Apperance: Dusky-black (but nor true balck) skin and silverish hair (has just a touch of blonde in it.) Her ears have small points to them and her green eyes are slightly almond shaped. It's obvious that she has dark-elf blood in her veins, but is not wholley elven. She's thin and flexible. She tends to wear reds, golds and rose colors in her holy robes and she is never without her holy symbol. She's even had a copy of her holy symbol tatooed onto her chest over her heart, so that none can take it from her. (pic to come soon . . . I hope) Bio: Her human mother was raped by a maurding dark-elf of the underdark. Shea'ann was the result. Not being able to bear looking at her daughter's dark skin without reliving the nightmare, she gave the girl up the the temple of Lathander whlie she was still tiny. She was lovingly raised by the clerics there, and she was overjoyed when she began to feel the preasance of the Dawn Lord in her soul. That was when her divine magical abilities began to manifest. They trained the girl to know that her powers should never be abused for person gain or to harm others for any reason than self-preservation or to help her companions or her god would strip her of her abilities. She truely hates hurting others, anyway, so that was not hard to follow. For the past five years, she's been journing the Realms, doing her best to help those who's needs are greatest. That is what has brought her to the Icewind Dale. Weapon(s): elven thin blade, hand crossbow Magic(s): healing, light, and fire Class: Cleric of Lathander the Dawn Lord
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
missrelena replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
"Uh. . . it's Rayne -- the CSI photographer." she softly called out in her Irish lilt. She wasn't exactly sure who had shouted down the ventilation shaft. The echoes were terrible. She [I]thought[/I] it was one of the officers, but she wasn't certain. She didn't know many of them very well, but they all called her "Irish", so she sort-of stood out of the crowd. She hoped her lilt would reassure the cop - she hoped it was a cop and not just some zombie that had miraculously re-learned to speak - that she was who she said she was. "Then come around the corner nice and slow." her ordered. "Slow be the only way to move in these tiny boxes." she shot back. "Just come here." he barked. Rayne shrugged her shoulders and made her way as quick as she could to the voice. -
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
missrelena replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
The ventilation shaft echoed Rayne's ragged breathing. She couldn't help it. No matter how hard she tried to be completely silent, her heart still thumped out a loud tattoo and her breathing just wouldn't ease. She'd never been so scared in her life! Rayne had been chased by undead police officers all over this building. She had believed she was safe when she had locked herself in her darkroom, but it hadn't lasted. The undead had finally broken down the door. She had escaped though the only other opening in the room, the air vent in the celing. She'd been scrambling through the system for what seemed like days since then. In all the rooms she had been able to peer into, none of them had anything that she would consider alive. Rayne was terrified -- and she'd cracked her favorite camera lens when she had scrambled into the vent. She'd even forgotten the contraption had been around her neck till then. She'd never be able to afford to replace it . . . arrogently assuming she lived to try. -
Sign Up Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem (m for violence and language)
missrelena replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Name: Rayne (pronounce Rain) O'Conner Age: 23 Occupation: Crime Photographer Starting point: Raccoon City Police Department Infection status: T-virus - Bio:Rayne is originally from Ireland. She came to the states, first as an Exchange Sutudent, but has now immigrated to find work in photography. She settled in Raccoon City because she found a job there as a Crime Scene Photographer. She's only been here a year, and at first every thing was daisies. The worst thing she had to take pictures of was a breaking and entering where the perp had slashed himself on the window he had broken. Now, after all the death and carnage, she's not sure she ever wants to look through a lens again. After all she's seen, she's build up a tough-talking facade, but she's ready to shatter inside. Appearance: Yeah, yeah. . . it's Rinoa. Get over it. -
"How interesting." Kagome thought aloud. "In all our dealings with Naraku, he never ONCE underestimated a natural ability of a pureblood anything. He would have researched out all the abilities of the angels if he had truely planned to subvert one." "Indeed." Miroku agreed. "I've also never known him to leave an enemy, captive or not, unattended. There are always watchers surrounding his targets. Some are just more obvious than others. Trust us on this matter. We spent many years attempting to defeat this foe." "So what they're saying, in layman's terms in case you missed it," said Riyuna, "is that he knew what you were both capable of and [B]LET[/B] you go. No hoity-toity-god-like escape, just another rung on this bad guys ladder. He wanted you to tell us whatever he told you. Now, the thing for us to do is discern [I]why[/I] this nefarious demon wants us to have said information. This is a bait to a diabolical scheme, one that we as a group do [I]not[/I] want to fall prey to." Kitra sighed and looked at her new friends. "I must agree with Miroku and Riyuna. I don't want to lessen your accomplishment, because escaping from Naraku -- planned or not -- is always an accomplishment, from what I've heard of him. But no matter how you look at it, no matter if he underestimated you or did not, we [B]must[/B] treat the information you gave us as if it were meant to be a trap. Riyuna has read more battle histories than anyone Master Hiten had ever known, and Kagome and Miroku have been in direct confrontation with Naraku before this. We have to trust their judgement in this." "We know you've been though a lot." Sango spoke up. "Many of us have suffered beyond endurance at the hands of that monster. But right now, I can't help bu feel that he is using this as a ruse to keep us from hunting down the missing elemental jems. We must focus on our original objective, because the last thing anyone on this world wants is for Naraku to get his miserable hands on those sacred jewels." The rest of the group agreed. They needed to find those gems if Gaia was to remain free.
Kana was about to greet the newly awakened Satsuke till he turned toward the nearby bushes. He called out, and Kana perked up her pointed ears, listening. "I don't sense demons, but that doesn't mean much. I've been wrong before." she said. "I'm not sure what it is, but I hear it, too." InuYasha added. "There's no more reason to hide. We know exactly where you are. Just make it alot easier on everyone and come out!" Satsuke yelled. OOC: Sorry this is short, too. Welcome back! Missed you Satsuke!
Kitra's face lit up. "I [B]do[/B] remember you. You were the head scribe at Master Hiten's shrine! You made the most beautiful illuminations." She smiled at Riyuna, and then Kitra began to look confused. "But I've never heard you speak before today. All the noviciates thought you couldn't speak. I guess that's why I didn't recognise you immediately. Sorry about that." Then Kitra turned to Kobe. "She smells of demon because a number of things that she transcribes are spells for demon warding and friendly-demon summoning. It takes a drop of demon blood in the ink when writing the spells down or the scrolls are useless. We used to have all sorts of sweet demons come to the shrine to donate a drop or two." She again smiled at Riyuna. "You must have been on your way to the Fire Jewell shrine to bring me this scroll whe the Earth Shrine was attacked. I'm sorry you have had to play catch up since then. Now, I do apologise to you all, but I think I'm going to go sit down before I read his message. You have all seen enough of my tears to last a lifetime, and I'm afraid that more will fall before I finish this." She smiled softly at all of them, then walked way. She came across Heero and his mother. The son was sleeping, and Kagome was just watching him, pride bright in her eyes. "Do you mind if I sit here?" she whispered to the older priestess. "I just recieved a letter -- at least I think it's a letter -- from my old master. He wrote it just before he died, and I need someplace quiet to read it. As loveable as the rest of the group is, quiet they are not." "I don't mind. Pull up a rock, there's lots to choose from." she whispered back. Then Kagome said, almost to herself as she looked down at her son, "You know, her really is quite like his father." "I see you in him, too." Kitra replied, then cracked the seal on the scroll and began to read.
Name: Gabrielle La Croix Gender: Female Age: 21 Power: wind Side: The Nine Personality: Gabrielle is the quiet one. When she isn't trying to master her powers of wind, she's a paramedic with a touch of healing powers. People in her care who shouldn't have lived often do. She tends to be soft spoken and slow to anger. She's book-smart, but not worldly-wise. She tends to take people too literally, and if you joke or tease her, she frequently needs to be told that you're just kidding before she knows to laugh. She has a big heart and a soft nature. The one thing she cannot abide is people causing harm to others, person or animal, on purpose. This is why she will always stand strong against evil. She is quite shy around men, not having much experience with them; but she does her best to not let that get in the way of helping others. Appearance: See picture below . . . reddish brown, long, waivy hair & green eyes. She's 5' 7" tall and curvy. Weapon: Long Bow & Arrows Ancestor Bio: Her ancestor died in childbirth a few years after the king was defeated, but she made certain that she had written all she could of the magical account in her journal. She locked it, her stone and her bow away in a steel case with a spell. None could open it, save a decendant with a good heart and the determination to control the powers therein. Bio: Gabrielle grew up in a convent. Her mother had died in childbirth (as women in her family are prone to do) and her father had been overwhelmed with the task of raising a baby alone, so he gave her to the sisters to raise, forsaking all claims to her. She was named for the Reverand Mother's favorite angel. Her last name was her mothers (according to her father). She went to school there in the convent with girls of privlage and wealth. Being a foundling, she never really fit in with them, and so turned to books and animals for companionship. The only athletics she ever excelled in was the archery team. She's an excelent marksman, but not much of a runner or jumper. Upon graduating from school at 18, the Reverand Mother bestowed Gabrielle with her "birthright" from her mother. It was a long steel box. Her father had left it with the sisters, swearing that it MUST be given to her whe she became an adult, as was the ancestrial tradition of her mother's family. He had also told the sisters that Gabrielle's mother had never been able to open it. When the Reverand Mother placed the box in the young woman's hands, the lid sprang open and it's contents, a bow, a stone and an ancient journal, were revealed. The journal was written in an archaic script that Gabrielle, three years later, is still trying to puzzle through.
"Hana, next time you want to do something like that, warn those of us with dark-vision that you are going to be flashing extremely bright lights in our faces. All I can see are multi-colored spots now." Kana rubbed her eyes, trying to get them to clear. "What is that, anyway? And why flash it at us? Why not flash it at the attacking-thing and blind it? That, at least would be helpful." "This [I]is[/I] helpful. It helps us all remeber what we looked like tonight. Come here and I'll show you." Hana motioned everyone to gather around her. Satsuke was still out, so it seemed like a good way to spend the wait. Kana looked at the shining square on the back of the little silver box. "Hey! That's us! How did you do that?" "It's a camera, idiot. That's what they do." InuYasha scoffed. "You only know that because Kagome told you about them a few months ago." Miroku chipped in. "Didn't have to tell her that." the half-demon growsed. "Um, Hana, you might not want to save that picture. It's isn't very flattering for Satsuke." Kagome put in, diplomatically. "I'm sure once he wakes up and you asked, he would be more than happy to be part of a group shot." "Well, I [I]could[/I] do that, but it wouldn't be as much fun. Sssssooooo, I'll save this one [I]and[/I] get another one after he comes around. Like a before and after shot." Hana grinned at the priestess and they all began their vigil over Satsuke. "Did anyone else notice that the creature left as soon as it got posession of Satsuke's sword?" Sango asked quietly. "Yes," Miroku agreed, "it was a rather blantant retreat. As a matter of fact, it seemed to target InuYasha and Satsuke specifically. It could have easily knocked Kana out of the tree after she shouted and gave away her hinding place, but it didn't. It focused on the two with the magical blades. Very curious." "Look." Kana walked over to the prone young man. "He's starting to come around." Satsuke groaned as he opened his eyes. He felt battered and bruised. Fortunately, his body had already started healing. He wasn't going to feel like tap dancing anytime in the near future (not that he ever did) but it wouldn't be as bad as it could have been without his demon blood. "How ya feelin'?" Hana asked, the image on innocence. "Like I was run over by a bus. Did you get that guy's licence plate number?" he muttered as he heaved himself upright. "What?" Kana didn't get it. "I'll explain later." Hana tossed over he shoulder at the confused wolf-girl. "Acutally, we didn't get him." She continued to Satsuke. "And he got away . . . with your sword." "What!?!" Satsuke roared increadulously.
Kitra was too tired to move an inch farther, but she didn't want to seem ungrateful or lazy, so she mustered something out of the dregs of her energy reserve and began to help set up camp. Kagome and Sango were twittering to themselves, and Heero and his father had gone off hunting -- food or firewood, she wasn't sure which. Everything seemed to be in a bit of a fog for her. As she set up the fire ring for the cookfire, Kagome approached her with a small bundle of wood and tinder. "You did great back there in the village." The older priestess told Kitra. "Honestly?" Kitra wasn't so sure. She was as exhausted as she had been after her flight from her destroyed shrine, but she knew she should have done more. Too many people had gotten hurt. At least no one was dead. "Honestly. I certainly have never been able to pump [I]that[/I] much spiritual energy into one arrow. You did it over and over. Actually," Kagome did her best to look as sincere as possible, "I'm completely surprised you haven't passed out yet." Kitra gave her a tiny smile. "Wouldn't that be just like me?" Kagome sat back, a little take aback by the girl's self-depreciating attitude. "I am curious, though." Kitra changed the subject. "Why do you try so hard to change who your husband and son are?" "Because they are loud, rude, abrupt and one-track-minded. Isn't that obvious?" "But I thought that was why you loved them . . . for who they were. Would you want InuYasha to be meek and mild? Would you want Heero to bow and scrape to everyone?" Kitra was confused. Hadn't Kagome thought about this before now? "Well, no." Kagome said softly. "So why punish them for being themselves? InuYasha may be abrupt, but her loves you very much. You can see that in every move her makes. He is an honorable man. What more can you ask?" Kitra smiled a bit warmer. "And your son is sweet, too." "Hey Mom!" echoed across the camp. "Speak of the devil - or demon in this case." Kagome looked up at her son as he crossed to the priestesses with a number of fat rabbits in hand. "You won't believe how I got these all at once. I've cleaned and skinned them, already. So, soup or roast?" Heero seemed so pleased with himself. "I've got some herbs in my pouch that I collected a few days ago. They might be a bit smashed, but they would help make a very tasty roasted rabbit or three." Kitra looked up at him, and her weary smile brightened even more. "I'll just go get them." Kitra stood up, and her depleted body and spirit completely rebelled. Her world spun, and she blacked out, falling in a heap at Heero's feet. Suprised, Heero hadn't even gotten the chance to try and catch her. He looked from the girl on the ground to his mother and back again. "She keeps doing that. Is it something I do, or am I just lucky?" "Just lucky, son. Just lucky."
Sign Up Star Wars: Knights of the Galactic Alliance [PG-13 V]
missrelena replied to Gavin's topic in Theater
Name: Callinda Morea Age: 22 years Gender: Female Race: human Homeworld: Correlia Affiliate Order: Old Jedi Order Rank: Jedi Knight Class: Jedi Sentinel Lightsaber: Single Lightsaber Callinda's light saber is an aqua-green color. Not quite blue, but not quite green, either. It really reflects her jack-of-all-trades abilities. The hilt is silver with a bronse pommel-nut and a bronze cross quillions -- much like an archaic sword. It's about the length of a bastard-sword hilt, shorter than most, but perfect for her one-to-two-handed style of fighting. All of the knobs are recessed into the hilt, and arranged where her fingers usually rest. Only the activation switch is obvious. She likes her saber to appear sleek and smooth, like the force as it flows through all life. Lightsaber Style: Ataru - Level Two Lots of acrobatics and leaping Force Powers: Improved Heal, Improved Revitalize, Knight Speed, Force Jump, Improved Battle Meditation, Force Whirlwind, Advanced Throw Lightsaber Appearance: See thumbnail at the end. . . yes, I know it's Amanda Tapping as Carter in SG-1, but work with me. Callinda is human, 5' 7" tall, with short-ish, brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. She weighs approximately 120 lbs. She wears the traditional jedi garb in tans and greens instead of tans and browns. (Except the boots, they're brown.) She prefers lighter-weight fabrics, such as linen and homespuns because they promote freedom of movement, but her dark green cloak is of a waterproof, wool-like material. She never wears the cloak unless she's outdoors -- just too heavy and cumbersome. She's very comfortable in her body and does her best to remain in top physical condition. She's not extrodinarily strong when not being augmented by the force, but she is light, quick, and agile. Biography: All Callinda knows is that she is from Correllia. She was given to the Jedi Order at six months of age. She barely remembers a few images of her mother's face, soft and loving. She grew up in the tunnels of Dantooine, and was taken as a Padowan when she was 12 years old. Her master, a Defel named Rin'dr, was kind, but very strict to the traditions of the Jedi Temple. This caused a few rifts between them, but what Padowan doesn't disagree once and a while? Callinda was often right on the border of defiance, wanting to learn things for herselfand trying to understand the readons behind traditions rather than blind faith, but never going that last step too far. Rin'dr felt it was extremely appropriate that the crystal Callinda chose for her saber was not a pure color, but a greenish blue. She felt it reflected Callinda's mish-mash of strengths and weaknesses. Callinda never enjoyed a tight bond with her master because Rin'dr wanted to teach her that relying on attachments was foolish. Wanting that bond, but never truely finding it left the young jedi with an emptiness inside that she is unsure how to fill. The night she became a Knight is extremely memorable to Callinda, mostly because of the honor bestowed on her, but partly because it was the last time she ever saw Master Rin'dr. Late that night, after the ceremony, her master left in search of more younglings, and never returned. Callinda never felt Rin'dr's loss in the force, but she assumed that was because they were never close. She has been kept busy with the younglings. She adores children, and always volunteers to work with the youngling groups. Still too unsure of herself at times to have taken a Padowan before now, she has started to believe it might be a wise move forward in her life to find a promising eligible youth soon. Now, with the New Order entering the temple, she wants to study the new-comers force techniques -- trying to find the best of both worlds to teach to the young ones. She's not above snitching a move or two from other styles if they work and are easier for the children to understand. She teaches basic lightsaber drills as well as tumbling and force jumping to those younglings with the talent for it. That was what she was doing, in fact, when Master Skywalker appeared with the remains of his order in tow. Personality: She is truely a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. She is decently good in combat and force-use but there are many who are better than she is in both. She's okay in a pinch as a diplomat, but shouldn't be anyone's first choice. She's never been the top of her class in just about anything, (except tumbling - there she excells) but that really doesn't bother her -- she is who she is. She loves to excercise, both physically and with the force. She is always setting new goals for herself in each -- she doesn't always reach them, but it's the effort that matters, and she will always keep trying. She can be spontaneous and has a sharp sence of humor when appropiate. Because her master was a defel, which are night creatures, Callinda tends to be a night-owl. She likes the night watches for the contemplantive time it gives her. She does her best to schedule her classes with the younglings in the afternoon, if she can because that is when she is at her best in the daylight hours. She is never surly in the morning, just not the cheeriest. The one flaw that she has - and to the Old Order, it's a major one - is that she has trouble not forming attachments. From puppies to yearmates, she is in constant need to need someone -- and possibly to be needed in return. She had been warned many times that these feelings could lead to the dark side, but try as she might, she just couldn't ignore them or make them go away. Now the New Jedi Order under the Skywalker Jedi has appeared, and they have no qualms about the whole love and attachment idea -- as long as it serves all in the relationship in a positive way. This has really sent Callinda spinning. All this time her order has brow-beat her with one idea, while another order has been doing the exact opposite and been very successful. She just doesn't know what to think anymore, so she's walking softly between the two belief systems till she makes her own mind up. She's fairly new to her Knight status, and is trying to have a more open mind than some of her elders that might be more entrenched in their traditions. Other: I haven't played any of the games, but I have read all the books. Does that help? Final Question Loved it! I knew exactly what info you were looking for. It helped me more than I can say. Thanks! -
"Listen to me." Kitra caught Kobe by an ear, and just hoped the tone of her voice would catch Heero. "These things can't be killed by swords and strength. Why do you think an army of angels buried this place instead of destroying all the undead in it?" Kobe looked up at her, annoyed. " 'Cuz they were too weak? Who cares?" Orikal shook her head as Kitra released her grip on his ear. "An army of my people would not be anything you would understand as weak. Trust me." "It took the magic of the Earth Jewel to bury this place. . ." Kitra's voice became hushed, "it would take the Earth Jewel to un-bury it. Whoever took the jewel freed this place and all it's unholy inhabitants." "That's what it looks like." Orikal said. "So you're saying we're useless." Heero looked disgusted. "No, I didn't say that. I would take a lot to make the members of this party useless." she relpied. "But you just said --" "I said," she cut him off, "that swords and strength won't kill them. They will, however, slow them down quite a bit. Even the undead have to stop and pull themselves back together if you hack enough pieces off. Even sacred arrows only kill them till the next full moon. After that, they just rise again. I just don't have enough arrows. . . or enough spiritual energy to get rid of them [I]all[/I] for the next week or so." She hung her head. "Sorry about that." "Well, this is just another good reason why it sucks when evil idiots get ahold of powerful objects." Orikal added. "Fortunately for the world in general, it's told that these zombie menaces can't get more than about ten miles from the city. That's why dropping a mountain on them worked in the first place. Something [I]that[/I] big was bound to get them all." "We just have to get those gems back." Kitra's whisper was full of resolve. "But until then, anyone have a plan for getting past this place. Like we have recently found out, some of us aren't great at cliff scaling." she blushed a bit, then continued. "Besides, I don't have any rope with me. I'd fly, but as Orikal would most definately know, there is an enchantment that is said to be over the skies of this place to keep anyone from flying over. Something about not wanting anyone with power getting too close. It obviously didn't work, but I can still feel the enchantment in place." "Luck just isn't with us today." Miroku sighed. "Anyone got ideas? I'm open to a few suggestions, too."
Kana was trying to keep focused on the massive demon. She knew Koga had told her about one that was sort-of like this, but she couldn't remeber what he had said about weaknesses. What a lousy time to be foregetful. "Wind Scar!" InuYasha shouted, and warned, all his comatriots fell back to watch the four energy blades slice through the air and ground. The attacking beetle demon dodged, but was still hit with two of the cuts. It's green blood oozed out like poisonous icor. "Poison! That's it!" Kana shouted down to the defending half-demons. "The blood is poison! All insect demons have poisonous blood. Be careful!" She didn't know if they heard her. They didn't even nod or look at her, not wanting to divert theri attention away from the giant bug. [I]I hope that helps.[/I] she thought as she went back to wracking her brain for any knowledge on this thing's possible weaknesses.
Kitra wasn't happy. She knew that the next logical step was to travel to the city of the Metal Jewel. It wasn't one of the five Sacred Gems: Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Love, but it was still a holy item. Orikal was right. It [I]was[/I] the closest item of power. She just wasn't keen on trying to enter the city. It was well known throughout Gaia the inhabitant's views on those of mixed blood. She also knew that she wouldn't be the only one in the group who wouldn't be welcome. Humans, Demons, Angels, good or evil . . . all could enter freely. But those who weren't [I]pure [/I] were not on the approved list. And the priestess of the Metal Jewel was the worst. It was her magic and her prejudices that kept half-bloods out more than anything else. When her master had journeyed there a few years ago, a number of students, encluding herself, accompanied him. When she had attempted to cross the boundry of the front gates, however, a magic barrier had flung her back a good fifty feet. The jolt she recieved from it wasn't something she cared to repeat, either. Master Hiten had tried to get the priestess to let Kitra pass, and when she had refused, the whole group had left without ever seeing the Jewel they had journeyed so far to study. A few of the students had been bitter toward Kitra, but mostly they were saddened that someone so powerful could be so filled with misplaced hatred. Kitra knew she should mention the city's polocies to those who had only a little knowledge of her world, but she just couldn't bring herself to admit to them all another failure on her part. . . even if it was just failing to enter a town. She just hoped that Orikal would say something before Heero tried his luck at the gates. The going was rough, and the traveling days were long. The slopes up to the city were rocky and slick with tumbling gravel. It took concentration to keep from slipping on the loose and rather sharp stones, but it was possible. It wasn't all hardship, either. It was fun to watch Kobe's antics around Orikal, as well as watching Miroku getting slapped for being a bit too forward with the angel. Frankly, Kira was suprised she let him keep his head. Maybe she was just being generous this once to the priest who obviously didn't know how dangerous that could be. Miroku had kept any romantic advances toward Kitra to himself. The priestess wasn't sure why, but she was grateful. After a day or so, she seemed to snap out of her shock and began asking her new companions about themselves. They seemed so diverse in speech and dress. "So, Heero, your mother is from the present of [I]Japan[/I]," Kitra tripped a bit on the strange word, "and your father was originally from the past of the same place. Now the three of you go back and forth between times. That would be confusing to me, I'm afraid. Miroku and Miss Sango are from the past era, and everyone else either comes from the present or past, too." "That sums it up." he replied. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Even Orikal seemed confused by the nature of the people they traveled with, and Kita knew the angel had experienced more in this lifetime than she ever had. "So if your mother is from the present and your father is from the past, how was it possible for them to meet?" "That is a [I]long[/I] story." Heero and the others started to tell their Gaian friends the tails of the Jewel Shards and Naraku. They didn't get too far into the stories before Kitra, distracted by the vivid images their words conjured, slipped on the loose stone and began tumbling down the steep, rocky slope. Agile Kobe leaped to her rescue and caught her before she had slid far. She had banged her head a bit and had bruised herself in places, but nothing like the trouble she would have been in if Orikal hadn't healed her. "I'm sorry." She apologised to the group as she got back to her feet. "I guess I'm not much of mountain climber." Unfortuantely, battle, flight, blood, gashes, being torn into bandages and a tumble on sharp rocks was just too much for her once white kimono. As Kitra stood, it fell to pieces. . . held up only by the tie at her waist on her blue hakama pants. She whirled and sat back down with her back to the group, blushing furiously.
Kitra ran forward into the rubble of the village. She knew this place. It had been her home for four years as she studied under her master, the priest of the Earth Jewel and the one of the most respected men in the realm. The villagers just stared at the approaching group, stunned and dazed. "Master Hiten? Where is Master Hiten?" Kitra asked the nearest of the gathered people. They just stared at her like she hadn't said a word, then went back to rummaging though the remains of their ruined houses. The destruction was complete. Not one building remained standing. When the group reached the shrine -- there was nothing left. Not one stone or tile remained. Kitra whirled around and ran back to the villagers. "Please, tell me where Master Hiten is!" she begged, close to tears again. "SHE ASKED YOU WHERE THE PRIEST IS!!" Heero roared in full voice. No matter how in shock a person was, they couldn't have missed the bellow. His bared claws might have added to the whole impression of not-someone-to-ignore. Timidly, one of the elders approached the group. Kitra knew him, but no spark of recognition touched his face. He just shuffled over to Heero, then pointed toward the village square. Then he walked away, never meeting anyone's eyes. They followed the direction of the elder's pointed finger, and in the center of the square was a pyre of bodies, just waiting for dusk to be lit. They were all the young men and women who were studying under the great priest. At the top of the pyre was Master Hiten himself. "No one else was killed." a voice said from behind them. It was a girl, not more then ten years old. She was the one who had brought meals to the shrine every day since she was old enough to walk the path by herself. She had been hoping to start on the path to becoming a priestess in the next year or two, but now. . . at least she remembered Kitra. "A few broken bones when the houses collapsed, but everyone at the shrine and any priest or priestess in the village or in the woods was killed." "Who -- who could have done this?" Kitra stammered, not taking her eyes off the body of her mentor and friend. "No one knows." the girl replied. " I was on my way to the shrine with the afternoon meal when a large shadow fell on me. Then I remember a flash of bright light and then waking up to see all the mess and the dead bodies. One of the priestesses was right at my feet, but I don't remember her getting there." she shuddered, bobed a bow to the group and began walk away. Abruptly, she turned around and stared at at all of them, like she was measuring their strengths and weaknesses in her mind. "The Earth Jewel is gone. I don't know who has it, and no one else does either. Good Luck." Then she wandered back to her dazed family and resumed the salvage effort. "I'm sorry little one." Orikal said. "I assume you were going to seek guidence from this priest. Even [I]I[/I] can't bring someone back from the dead." Kitra shook her head, bewildered. Master Hiten was the best of them all. How would she ever be able to return the missing gems to where they belonged. How were they even to discover who had taken them? She looked at each of her new companions, loss haunting her face, ending with Heero. She looked into his eyes and whispered, "I don't know what to do."
These strangers were going to help her? Kitra could hardly believe what she was hearing. Hadn't she told them about her mixed angel blood? Didn't she say that she was a failure? This was the first compassion anyone had shown her since she had left her master's care when he had given her the Fire Jewel. Before, the true angel healed her, now this. It was more than her shattered emotions could handle. Without even thinking, she burst into tears and dropped into the silver-haired half-demon's arms. Startled, he grabbed her before she collapsed completely onto the ground. She gripped his kimono and sobbed uncontrollably onto his shoulder while trying to mumble her thanks for his outrage on her behalf and the willingness of the group to help. Akwardly, Heero let Kitra cry herself out while the others stood around, watching bemusedly. Eventually she pulled away, looking quite embarrassed. She blushed a deep red and stepped away from Heero. "I -- I apologise for that. I'm never like that. At least, I think I'm not." she stammered, feeling silly for the histerics. "Since I don't know which way whoever took the Fire Jewel went, the best idea I have is to go to the shrine of the Earth Jewel - since it's the closest - to see if all is well there. The priest at that shrine, who was my master till a few months ago, might be able to give us an idea of who or what took the jem and maybe even why. I'm not sure about all that, but at least it might be worth a try. What do you think?" she asked, hoping that no one would hold her tears aginst her.
"IT'S GONE!" the village elder wailed. Tears of anger streaked down her face. Her small settlement in the land of Gaia had held the honor of hosting the Fire Jewel for time immemorial, and now it was gone. She cast an accusatory glare at the so-called priestess who was supposed to be keeping and guarding the sacred gem. "How could you?! How could you let something take it from us?!" she shouted at her. The gathering crowd began to forget that the young woman had given every ounce of power she held, given blood, was near to giving her life to protect the holy relic. They only remembered that the jewel was now gone, and she had failed. "Who took it?" a huge man, the village bully, roared at her. Kitra looked defeatedly at the ground and stared at the growing pool of blood gathering at her feet. "I don't remember." she whispered. "It's like the whole thing has been stolen from my mind. The last thing I remember is crushing herbs to make a medicine for the children, then a flash of light, and next that I recall is the elder shaking me." She looked at the shrine, her home. It was a ruin. It was plain, at least to her, that whatever had come had been powerful. Despite her best efforts, it was also plain that the Fire Jewel was not anywhere in the ruin. "That is the worst alibi I have ever heard!" the bully shouted to crowd. "She most likely just handed it over to whoever has it, then cut herself to make us think she wasn't in league with them! That's what we get for relying on a make-do priestess!" The villagers began to murmur angrily, becomeing more agitated as the terrible situation spun horribly out of control. "No! No, I would never do that." the priestess tried to defend herself. "The sacred elemental jewels are important to the whole of Gaia. How could I possibly ever consider giving it to anyone for personal gain?" Unfortunately, the crowd-turned-mob, lead by the bully and the furious elder, were no longer even willing to listen to her. They wanted someone to blame for the tragedy, and she was the perfect scapegoat. Shouts of "Kill Her!" and "Stone Her!" rang out. "Yes!" the bully encouraged them on. He despised the priestess, anyway. When she had first come to their village, he had been quite blatant that he desired her and all the power that came with her as his own. She had snubbed him, quite publically. When he had tried to force his will on her, she had driven him off with a sacred arrow. The whole town had seen the flash of spiritual light followed by the sight of him running away from the shrine. Everyone had figured out what he had been about, and his cronies had mocked him for his failure. He had never forgiven the arrogant Kitra for that. "She's not even a [I]real[/I] priestess! Just a place-holder till the real one comes! Who would miss such a failure! Kill her!" His words were like pouring oil on a hot blaze. The mob of villagers surged forward and tried to pull her to pieces with their bare hands. "No!" she cried out in agony. Silver feathered wings sprang from her back and she desperately fought free of her once-friends. The villagers had never seen her manifest her wings, and so were taken by surprise. They loosened their grips, startled, and she surged skyward. "I swear." she called out to them. "I swear I will find whoever took the jewel and I will return it to the village. I swear on my dripping blood." With that, she fled. She flew as far and as fast as she could till her body gave out from bloodloss and exhaustion. She had just enough energy left when she landed in a small forest glen that held a dry well to staunch the worst of her bleeding with make-shift bandages and a bit of recovered holy power. It was just enough to keep herself from bleeding to death and to start on her way to healing the physical damage. She then leaned against the well and blacked out. All she had with her was her ever-present bow and quiver of arrows, and the bloody blue and white priestess garb she had fled in. It didn't matter. All that mattered was she get the Fire Jewel back and prove to everyone, especially herself, that she really was worthy to be a priestess. __________________________________________________________________ OCC: Sorry it's so long. I guess I just had a lot to say. ;)
Kana hadn't reacted to the new demon presence. She grew up in a pack of demons, so she had nearly stopped registering their approach. [I]Gotta work on making that awareness sharp again, I guess. Where's paranoid Koga when you need him?[/I] she thought to herself. She bounded lightly into the nearest tree to see what type of demon was causing Sasuke to pale like that. She hopped noislessly from tree to tree, trying to get a better look. Being light and waif-like had it's advantages every-so-often. She got as far as InuYasha and Sasuke and froze. [I]Flea-bitten Hell! What [B]is [/B] that thing?[/I] Her heart banged inside her chest with the force of her astonishment and fright. She'd never seen anything like this before.
Sign Up Inu-Yasha: Ties that bind [M - V, poss S]
missrelena replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Yay! A totally new kind of InuYasha story! Count me in. . . Name: Kitra Race: 1/4 angel, 3/4 human Era: Gaia, during the time of the story Bio: A priestess of the same powers of Kagome and Kikyo, only she was a caretaker of the jewel of fire. She was badly hurt (physically and spiritually) when it was stolen, and she's just managed to heal enough to go in search of the lost jewels. She always felt a bit inadiquate as the priestess of the fire jewel, because she just isn't very firey. She's a little shy, and tends to be non-confrontational. However, she has been known to get really passive-aggressive at times. When she was called as the priestess for fire, she was told she was just a placeholder till the stone she was destined for needed a new priestess (she still doesn't know which that is) and the new 'true' fire priestess is made known. Thus, she carries a touch of an inferiority complex when it comes to her powers. Everyone on Gaia knows she was a fill-in, and many blame her 'weakness' as a priestess as the reason the jewels could be stolen. She's very determined to prove the masses wrong by helping to win back the elemental jewels. Appearance: She's about 5' 6" tall with waist-length brown-black hair and green eyes. Her priestess garb is alot like Kikyo's, but blue and white instead of red and white. She is never without a bow and a quiver of arrows. Her skin is creamy white. She does not have the ability to shape-change, but she can call her feathered wings into exsistance every-so-often. She usually doesn't use them unless she needs to travel very fast.