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Everything posted by missrelena

  1. "While not the way I would have rousted everyone, it was entirely too much fun to watch." I'sha grinned madly. "Dwarf, I think you are my new hero." Thorn grunted, but kept prodding the sleepy adventurers with the handle of his axe (sword? I'm not sure which one he weilds, so add correct weapon here) to keep them moving. Once everyone had been caught up on the particulars of the who, what and why of the journey, Lanin kissed them all on the cheek and thanked them for their willingness to come to her aid. "I've made sure your packs are full of provisions -- which ever are your favorite. Don't loose the packs I gave you. For as long as you are in my service, they will never run out of the rations you desire and your waterskins will never run dry. Wine, you're on your own for. But I can at least provide you with something to drink." Lanin sighed heavily. "I wish I could be doing this. . . or at the very least, going with you." "We know, Lady." I'sha said. "We'll get sweet-tall-and-loveable back for you. Never fear. We'll also do our best at a little revenge exacting while we're at it. Just keep your eyes on us when you can and give us any information that you come across." Again, Lanin bid the group farewell. After she made sure everyone was ready, she gave a small wave of her hand and they were all teleported away from her temple and on their way to beginning their adventure. :animesmil
  2. ?Hey!? Kagome?s voice came from beyond the dividing rocks. ?You might not mind what you?re seeing, but some of US mind you seeing it!? ?Yeah!? was the agreeing chorus of feminine voices. Then several female hands -- attached to long, lithe, bare arms ? grabbed various parts of Tao and she vanished behind the rocks with a loud splash. ?Besides, the guys can see anything coming toward us from where they?re at,? Sango added, ?so the only thing we need to watch for is them. Some of us are quite practiced in that. . . SOME of us more than others. So while your offer was ? um ? kind, it really isn?t necessary. InuYahsa whispered to Miroku, ?What do you think they meant when they said they minded her seeing something?? ?Never mind!? came the shout from the other pool. ?If you don?t know what they meant, InuYasha, you need more help than I can give you.? Miroku snickered. ?And I like him that way!? Kagome responded. Shrugging at the mysteries of the females of the race ? any race ? InuYasha shrugged out of his clothes and joined Miroku, Satsuke and Shippo in the smaller hot spring. He had had a few scrapes when it came to hot pools and Kagome, and he was determined that nothing like that would happen this time. He was tired of being told to ?sit?. And besides, things had been going rather well between himself and Kagome lately, and he didn?t want to spoil that. Suddenly Kagome screamed. ?There?s something furry swimming around my ankles! There?s something in here with us!? Kana then let out a shriek of pain to add to Kagome?s panic. ?What! Are you okay!?? Almost predictably, the men of the group jumped the rock divider, sans clothing, and came splashing down in the midst of the ladies. InuYasha took in the tableau before him and knew what was coming. Kagome was out of the water on one side looking both apologetic and shocked. Kana was out of the water a few feet from the priestess nursing her throbbing tail. The other girls were staring at the male intruders, and they didn't looked pleased. A few slapped faces later everyone had settled down and continued their bathing. "When we want you're help, we'll call." Kagome grumbled loudly at the boys. "But. . ." InuYasha knew a losing battle when he saw it, but he couldn't just sit there and take abuse that was undeserved. At least the 'sit' command hadn't been used. That was something. "You did call." Kana pointed out. "What?" Kagome wasn't sure she had heard the wolf-girl right. "You did call them. You shouted out. Why would you do that unless you wanted help. Besides, I think we owe them an apology." Kana went on. "Apology?! For what?" Sango wasn't about to apologize to Miroku. He had found a reason to sneak a peek like this too many times before. "Well, you would think that with as much time as Kagome has spent with Shippo, you would think she would remember that some of us come with tails. Instead of calling out in a panic, she could have asked if anyone else had felt something or realized that I was sitting next to her and it was MY tail she was feeling. She did shout for help, and all of the guys came to our aid instantly. I think that's really admirable and heroic. I'm sure they knew what would happen to their faces as soon as the danger was over, but they came anyway. Granted, Miroku might have had a few alterior motives, but should Satsuke and InuYasha be punished for his foibles? Like I said, I think we owe them a big apology. Speech over, I'll be quiet now." "I guess I had never thought of it that way." Kagome sounded a little dubious, but at least she was considering Kana's point of view. That was more than InuYasha had ever thought possible. "I am sorry for calling out like that, guys. She's right. If I don't want you coming to our rescue, I shouldn't shout for one." "So, Kana, why did [I]you[/I] scream?" Satsuke asked. The men looked a bit molified, even if Kagome was the only one to apologize. "When Kagome scrambled out of the pool, she tried to smash her attacker. That just happened to be my tail." she explained. Then she turned to the priestess. "Did you really have to step down so hard, lady? I'm going to be bruised for a week!" Miroku chuckled. "Not having a tail, I do not personally know what that might feel like. However, I imagine it is quite uncomfortable." "Doesn't take a genuis to figure that out." InuYasha muttered. "She screamed, didn't she?" "Alright, I give." Sango said. "I am sorry that you came to help us and we slapped you for your troubles." She didn't sound happy about it, but she apolgized none-the-less. Though not one of the slappers, Hana added her own apology, too. "And despite what Tao said," Kana chimed in, "The view was extremely nice, too." "Kana!" "What? It was." :catgirl:
  3. "Well, I guess we ought to keep moving." Kagome announced to the group. "It's not that we're not happy that you're back," she smiled at Hana and Tao, "but we haven't got much time to spare now." "I don't know if you two have heard of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress." Kana said to the two cats. "I've [I]heard [/I] of her, and none of it was good." Hana affirmed. "Well. . ." Kana caught the two up on what had happened during their meeting of Naraku's spawn, with Satsuke, Kagome and InuYasha filling in details that she missed. "So now it's a three-way race, as far as we know, between us, Shesshoumaru, and Naraku's minions." Kagome sighed. Kana guessed that the girl was just wishing that her small group of close friends could catch a break. She sympathized, but there really wasn't anything anyone could do, so they just had to keep traveling forward and hope for the best. As evening drew close, InuYasha, Kana, Tao and Satsuke all sniffed the air in turn. "Does anyone else smell hot-spring stink?" Kana asked. She turned and grinned at Kagome and Hana when InuYasha confirmed her suspisions. "You know what this means?! Hot baths tonight! I won't mention anyone else, but my own nose can't stand the way[I] I stink[/I]."
  4. Kana sniffed the air. "Snake men. Their venom always stinks the forest up more than any other poison I know. I hope you killed him. It also smells like you found your sword. Hope it was worth all the hassle the cuts I see show that you went through." Kagome walked up to Hana with a spraycan of antiseptic. "Don't you spray that stuff on me." She took a few steps away from the young priestess. "What is the problem?" Miroku questioned. "Lady Kagome's medicines and potions always promote fast healing. Will they have an adverse reaction to your demon blood or something? They never seem to bother InuYasha." "No. It'll just STING!" Hana yaowled as Kagome managed to spray one of her cuts on her left arm. "I [I]hate[/I] that stuff. Man! It's worse than getting cut in the first place. My mom is addicted to spraying it all over me every time I go home. Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" It had nearly turned into a wrestling match untill Sango and Shippo stepped in to help keep the cat-girl still. Hana howled like a wounded - well - cat. "Hail the returning heros." Kana muttered to Satsuke. Then she spoke up. "How are you doing, Tao? With all the venom in the air, I can't smell if you're bleeding or not." :catgirl:
  5. "Humph. . . you, with your school of undead and paladins, call [B]us[/B] misfits? Who ever heard of litches, evil or not, studying with holy paladins? I definately think you're a pot calling a kettle black." I'sha was in a good mood, and no one's crabbiness was going to mess with that. She turned to Luna. "Little one, we definately need you with us. Not only are you wonderful at foreseeing everyone's needs, we need you because you ARE small. Many of us are so used to seeing the world with an eye on the grand scheme of things that we need someone exactly like you to point out the little details that we would usually miss. You can be the eyes and ears for us around people who would normally not speak to someone armed and in armor. So, whenever you're feeling insignificant or [I]'unworthy'[/I] of our not-so-grand company, just remember -- we [I]need[/I] you." For once, I'sha's smile was gentle and warm. She had a neice just about Luna's age, and she didn't want to frighten her off. Lanin had warned the knight more than once that she was far too intimidating and/or over-the-top for most to handle. She tried to keep those warnings in ming when speaking. "Well, My Lady, how long are you going to let those sleepyheads snooze? Finding themselves magically rousted out of bed might remind them of the purpose of our visit to your temple and the long journey we have ahead of us." The wicked grin was back. :naughty:
  6. I'sha took Lanin's hand in hers. "Oh, I don't think you're quite as alone as you think. You have [I]us[/I], after all. I know we'll never be as close to you spiritually as your clerics and priests, but we're still friends - right?" She grinned at everyone gathered. "Besides, the gratitude of a dwarf is never something to be taken lightly." Everyone chuckled and Thorn ducked his head. I'sha wan't sure, but she thought he could be blushing. . . maybe it was just the morning light. "Well, since everyone else seems to be sleeping in this morning, My Lady, why don't you brief those of us that are here, and after you zap us to where ever it is that you want us to start out from, we can catch them up. Besides, that's what they get for abusing you hospitality and skipping your meals for something as paltry as sleep." Again, I'sha smiled wolfishly and waited to hear what the goddess had to say. :catgirl:
  7. "Oh, she's worse than that!" Kana growled, not understanding some of Satuske's words, but recognizing cursing when she hears it. "She's a sadistic Murdress. She slaughtered over half the hunters in my tribe then turned their corpses on Koga. It was one of the very worst experiences of his life. He still wakes up with nightmares over it." Slowly everyone calmed down and prepared to continue with the day's journey. Weapons were sheathed and snarls were replaced by grim faces. "So it's a race." Kagome summed up, glumly. "Not to put everyone in a worse mood, but. . ." Shippo wasn't terribly happy to be asking this, "how do we know which direction to be looking for this sword-thing?" Kana shurgged. "I'm just following the group. Anyone else?"
  8. Kana cocked her head to the side. "You know her?" "Yeah," InuYasha growled. "She's bad news. . . usually of the Naraku kind." "Wait! Isn't she the one who went after Koga's shards?" Kana started to bristle and her tail began to wave angrily. "She's the one alright." InuYasha confirmed. "A few reasons why she might be here come to mind." Miroku spoke thoughtfully. "Either she's still after the Jewel of Four Souls, Naraku wants the sword we're after, we have something else Naraku wants, or she just missed me sooo much that she just had to come back for more." Sango rounded on him. "Everyone! Remind me that I owe him a slap or twelve when we're not so busy!" Kagome cut everyone off from the attack. "Hold it you guys. Why don't we see just exactly what she wants before jumping to conclusions. Kagura usually gives us a chance to come quietly. We never do it, but at least we'll then know the reason for her appearance." "But Kagome!" Inuyasha sputtered as he tried to get around her in order to charge the spawn of Naraku. "SIT BOY!" InuYasha and Satsuke smashed into the ground with an audible thump. "Oops. . . sorry about that Satsuke. I forgot it would get you, too." "Maybe if you specify them by name instead of just saying [I]boy[/I] the command wouldn't get them both accidently." Kana suggested. "Hhumph. You lot are just as rag-tag as I remember you, even if your numbers have grown." Kagura was at her condensending best, and it did not bode well for the outcome of the meeting.
  9. "Well, that [B]would[/B] explain their similar scents." Kana said to no one in particular as they set out. She didn't have any gear to gather up, so she offered to carry anything extra that anyone might have. Most people just smiled and shouldered their own luggage, but Kagome let her carry some of her foodstuffs. They smelled exciting. Kagome wandered up to Satsuke "So, how can you carry both of those swords at once? Don't the evil/good natures of the blades kind-of cancel each other out when one person uses them? I mean, I know that the Tetsusaiga is a protection sword used by half-demons like you and InuYasha; but isn't the other one nearly it's opposite, used to destroy and other evil badness?" [B]"THAT IS NOT THE TETSUSAIGA!!" [/B] InuYasha bellowed indignantly. "The only Tetsusaiga is right here on my belt, and it's mine!" "I don't know. Just look at the version Satsuke is carrying." Kana chipped in. "The wrappings are a lot more tattered and worn than InuYasha's, like it's been used for years by someone who never went anywhere without it. Sounds like a silver-haired someone we know. Besides, the smell almost alike." Kana jogged up to Satsuke. She continued her train of thought in a low voice so no one else could hear. "Actually, they smell exactly the same. It's just that yours has A LOT more of his scent worn into it. Like it's been there for many seasons. The other one smells like Sesshoumaru, too. . . so I believe you. . . if that's any comfort." :catgirl:
  10. "InuYasha!" Kana reproofed, "Show a little compassion. The boy just got dumped by two babes and you show up all 'Lemme see in your box.' If your nose can't tell what's inside, have a bit of restraint and wait till he shows us." She rounded on the now blushing Satsuke. "You ARE going to show us, aren't you? You've got all kinds of fasinating new smells in there." Satsuke shook his head at the increadible wierdness he found himself surrounded by, regained his composure, and walked to join the rest of the group. InuYasha glared at Kana, then followed Satsuke. "Was it something I said?"
  11. InuYasha had been grumpy all day, trying to establish his dominance in the new pack dynamic. [I]Okay, we get it. You're this pack's leader. Move on.[/I] Kana thought. [I]Sometimes, this young half-demon just tries too hard.[/I] Then Kana perked up. Her nose had found a few familiar scents on the breeze. She'd been trying to keep an ear open and her nose attuned for the three who had gone off for supplies. She stood up and bound off in the direction her scenses told her to go before anyone could question her actions. She came to a screaching, dust-scattering halt a few inches before Satsuke. "Hey. We were beginning to think Mr. Never-listens-to-anyone had yelled at you guys one too many times and you three had decided to ditch us." she smirked. She looked up at Satsuke's face and sombered immediately. "What's wrong? Is everyone alright? No one got hurt in your Tokyo place did they?" "No." Satsuke replied. "Tokyo was fine." "So what's troubling you? Where is Tao and Hana?"
  12. [I]Another dress outing? Again? Well, I suppose a bride needs a wedding tresseau, but this is a bit much.[/I] Melisande thought to herself. [I]We could feed a huge family for months on what Poppy has been incouraged to buy almost every day since I got here. [/I] She sighed heavily. Well, she couldn't exactly agrue with Marigold about the outing this time. It DID get Poppy out of bed and into public. Her father had announced her engagement to the general populace of the city that morning, and it was a bit awkward that Poppy wasn't there to smile and wave at everybody. As they were walking from the dress makers to the milleners to order yet another hat, the changing guard marched by. Captain Dartanian Lier was at the head of the line, and he saluted smartly at the Princess and her ladies and halted his troop. Marigold and Melisande curtsied as custom demanded, then faced the extrodinarily handsome Captain of the Guard. Poppy was transfixed. Her eyes never left Dartanian's, although he kept his own eyes down, as his station required. Everyone stood very still for a long, uncomfortable moment. "Highness," Melisande whispered in the Princess's ear. "No one can go on with thier duties till you tell the captain that you are well and dismiss him and his men." "Oh!" Poppy snapped back into reality. "Thank you, Captain, but I do not need your service." she recited the responce, like she had millions of times in her life, if a bit late this time. "You and your men please return to the barracks for a well deserved rest." "Thank you for your kindness." the Captain replied. He saluted again, called the step, and he and his men marched off down the street. Poppy sighed heavily, then sadly continued into the shop. Melisande felt terrible for her. It was obvious to anyone looking for it where her heart lay, but no one ever asked the lady who she wanted to wed. It was always arranged. Melisande's sister-in-law made that all to plain to her. That's why the young lady was so happy to be in the Princess's service. Now, no one but the royal couple, or Poppy if she ever thought of it, could arrange Melisande's marriage. And with everyone focused on getting the Princess wed to Meli's exclusion, that suited her just fine. [I]I just wish we could find a way for Poppy to marry whoever she wishes, or for Captain Dartanian to become a prince of somewhere. Come to think of it, I wonder what the Captain thinks of this whole wedding business. More to the point, I wonder what he thinks -- and feels -- about Poppy. [/I] Sighing, Melisande joined the others inside.
  13. Name: Melisande Gabriel Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Long, slightly wavy, golden hair - usually worn under a veil and circulet. She's slightly taller than average and willowy in stature. Deep green eyes with a thick fringe of dark lashes. A slight dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose which she hates. She never seems to have a hair out of place, unless the princess is pulling another vanishing act. She wears greens and blues usually. She seems to prefer long skirts and slipper heels. Position: Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Poppy Personality: Although she tries to always give off the aura of calm, the princess always keeps her on her toes. She might come across a bit prim-and-proper to those who don't know her well, but she has an adventuresome streak as well. She loves to ride, astride if she could get away with it, and is a closet accomplished equestrian. She has a spine, but doesn't let Poppy see it often. Melisande knows how to pick her battles. But she is very loyal to the princess. She hates the way the king treats Poppy as a tool rather than a person. If Poppy ended up galivanting off into a caper, after a moment of consideration and preperation, she'd stay by the princess's side and try to see them through to the end -- alive, hopefully. Bio: Melisande is the daughter of a count who has more land than money, and isn't terribly prominant in the royal court. Her mother died when she was three, and her father wasn't well versed in the needs of little girls. She ran around with her two older brothers, doing all that they did: caught frogs to put in the maids' beds, wandered barefoot in the fields and rode horses till it seemed like they were attached to their mounts permantly. She even began lessons in archery and knife work (the swords were just too heavy) when they began their weapons work. She loved her life. Then her oldest brother, who was six years her senior, got married. As heir to the estate and title, his bride came to live with him in their home. She was everything Melisande was not. She also resented Melisande's carfree manner as well as the idea of another nearly-eliglble aged maiden living in her family with - currently - no prospects of a future marriage. So the new sister desided to take matters into her own hands so she could someday get the girl out of her hair. For the past six years of her life (except the last, where she's been with Poppy) she was forced to learn ettiquete and manners, sewing and embroidery, courtly conduct and dance. Sometimes she was forced by humiliation, and sometimes with violence, but her sister-in-law never struck Melisande where a mark might show. She hated the younger girl, but no one but Melisande ever knew it. It was a relief when she was summoned to the royal court to serve as Poppy's lady-in-waiting. The sister was pleased because she got rid of the girl and felt that all 'her' hard work had been worth it. Melisande was happy because, although she received plenty of love and support from her father and brothers, they would never see her side of the story - figuring the eldest must know best. She was just glad to get away from it all. Then she met Poppy. . . and met a girl who didn't fit in her box any more than Melisande fit into her own. Unfortunately, between Poppy's not-listening attitude and the kings superiority-over-all complex, she knew there was nothing she could do to help the princess till circumstances changed. . . and now they're changing. She will do her best to get her charge where she's supposed to be - alive - but she will also do her best to find a happy ending for everyone involved. OCC: Sorry if I went on and on. . . this story sound like tons of fun, and I got a bit more into my character development than planned. Can't wait for this one to start! Smiles!
  14. I'sha tromped down the stairs. It was just too much effort to be delicate in armor. She knew Lanin understood. After layers of cotton, leather, chain and plate, graceful just went right out the window -- unless she was in battle, but that was a totally different story. She made her way into the dining room, once again missing Aranel and his so-cheerful-that-I-can-hardly-stand-it-this-early-in-the-morning greeting. He always had a kind word for everyone each morning, whether you wanted it or not. As she made it past the entryway, she saw that the goddess had a guest. I'sha wasn't suprised. She would pull every powerful string she had to get Aranel back. "Hey Lich-man. How are you this very bright morning?" she smirked as she slid into her accustomed seat. Galathon winced. "I have asked you not to call me that. I am a Balenorn, not a lich. There is a world of differance." "Yeah, yeah. One's good, one's bad, one is only elven, the other can be anything. Come on, dead and not sucking blood is dead and not sucking blood. At least you're not a vampire. I'd have to kill you on priciple if you were." "I'sha, you never change." the undead wizard sighed. "Disrespectful and snyde as the day I met you." "Damn Straight I am!" "One day that mouth of yours will get you into more trouble than you can imagine." The Balenorn prophesied. I'sha knew that Galathon's premonitions usually came true, but she wasn't about to let him know that his words could shake her, so she made light of it. "What do you mean 'one day'?" She did, however, stop needling him. "I'sha dear. I'd like you to still be breathing when the rest join us for our morning meal. Please stop teasing my guest and wait for the others to arrive. I know - I know, you don't do quiet very well. You're almost as loud as a dwarf sometimes, but for me, please." "Only for you Lanin, only for you. . . and maybe, one day, for Aranel, too."
  15. OOC: Meanwhile, back at the ranch. . . Kidding! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Um, Aren't we going to wait for the others?" Kagome asked the group in general. No one answered. "HEY! Aren't we going to wait for the others!?!" she shouted this time. "To what purpose?" Miroku asked her. "The sword isn't just going to sit idle while we rest. We know for a fact the Shesshoumaru wants it. We also need more information about Naraku's return, such as how and why for starters." "Well," Kagome stammered, "how will they find us if we just leave? Don't you think they'll be pretty ticked off if we just leave them?" "I could be wrong," Kana chimed in, "but I think they'd be shocked if we just sat around waiting for them. Tao has a keen nose, when she's back to normal, and so does Sasuke. They could both follow our scent trails -- Tao with her eyes shut, I'm sure. Besides, it's not like we're TRYING to hide our trail." "Yes." Miroku agreed. "If what they told us this morning is true, then Tao will return to her half-demon self when the day is over. I'm positive they won't daudle in the future when that happens. Tao and Hana are much too canny for that. They'll catch up shortly." "If you say so." Kagome didn't sound convinced, but she didn't want to wait for the three who had gone for supplies all by herself. Doubtfully she picked up her pack, grabbed her pink bike and followed the rest onward.
  16. "Well, I'm Kana. Nice to meet you." Again, she quirked her head to the side, slightly confused. "Did you know that your scent and InuYasha's scent is very similar? Nearly as similar as his and Sesshomerou's." "What?" InuYasha spluttered. "You're nose must be defective! You have some nerve!" "Sorry." Kana backed off a bit defensively. "I've only smelled the three of you. Maybe all dog demons smell that way to me." She looked back to Sasuke. "Hope I didn't offend you, too. Have fun in Tokyo."
  17. I'sha sat on the edge of her bed in her room, thinking. It was nice to be in her room again. She wasn't there often, but she always enjoyed it. She had the best of beds, big enough for her to splay her wings out and they didn't hang off the edges like most places. She also had a good armor rack, pretty tapastries and a thick rug to wiggle her toes in. Lanin was always the best hostess, and the best decorator. She was worried about Lanin, actually. I'sha knew how much the goddess depended on her high priest - from cooking to helping her laugh. Not many people could do that -- make her laugh. It figures that Feanor would kidnap one of the few beings in all the planes of exsistance who could accomplish it. It just wasn't fair! I'sha wished the shadow-wizard to the coldest level of the nine hells for this. Hadn't Lanin suffered enough already? To be the goddess of personal sacrifice and suffering couldn't be the easiest job in the universe, why pick on her? [I]'Well, hopefully the Lady will have a general idea of where we should go, or at least a direction to follow.'[/I] she mused to herself. No matter how powerful Feanor thought he was, he could never shield the bond between Aranel and Lanin. It just ran too deep. On that hopeful note, I'sha undressed and climbed into the only bed she had ever been comfortable in. [I]'The coldest level, Feanor! The very coldest!'[/I]
  18. Kana gave the cat-girl, Hana, a wolfish smile and placed her hand in Hana's - not familiar with the odd gesture. "Kana. My name's Kana. Good philosophy, by the way. Wish more people believed it." She tipped her head to the side a bit. "Not that I meant to overhear, but where are you going? I've never heard of a human villiage called 'Tokyo'." "Oh, it's definately NOT a village. Way too many people for that." Hana laughed. "It's where I'm from. Kagome, too. Just stopping by for food, toothpaste and the like. You know how it goes." "Yeah." Kana said, noncommitally. Since she had never left home before, she really couldn't identify. "Well, have fun, I guess. Hope to see you around." she shrugged, smiled again, then turned her attention to the dog-boy. "And you are?" OCC: You're right, I meant dog. Sorry!
  19. Kana was starting to get bored. [I]'Talk, talk, talk. That is all this group does, it seems'[/I] she thought from her perch in the nearby tree. Koga hadn't even shown up yet. She knew that her older brother had plans to track down Kagome and InuYahsa. He wanted to use them and their resources to help him locate and distroy that sword-whatever. She had followed him out of the pack lands at a descrete distance - so discrete that she had eventually lost his trail. Just before she had given up and turned back she caught a wiff of Kagome and headed off in the priestess' direction. That was where Koga was going, after all. [I]'Or so I thought. Where is he?'[/I] She'd been tailing the group ever since. [I] 'And what an eclectic group it is.'[/I] Suddenly Kana heard a shout from the girl keeping watch. She knew the sentury was from InuYasha's group, but hadn't been close enough to catch her name when they had visited the den. Then the most enormous weapon Kana had ever seen came whirling her direction. She dodged it easily, but in her haste to preserve her life, she forgot she was in a tree. She lost her balance, gained it, then lost it completly and tumbled from the top of the tree with a loud crash that just got louder with each branch she smashed into. She landed in a heep on the edge of the firelight's glow. "Sango wait!" InuYasha snapped before the demon slayer could thow her weapon again. "That sneak. . . he's mine!" He drew his Tetsaiga and rushed the intruder. "Koga! I've had it with you!" he yelled. He raised his sword over his head, determined to teach the flea-bitten wolf a lesson before Kagome gave the 'Sit' order. He wasn't going to kill him, just a bit of maiming for scaring Kogome out of a deep sleep. The wolf demon gave a token attempt at escape, but was obviously still dazed from the fall. "Say your prayers!" the half-demon shouted as he began to swing, then stopped his action before he had gone more than an inch into the down swing. He froze, then took a deep sniff. "Flowers? Not your usual style, Koga." Kana turned her face into the fireglow for the first time and stared defiantly up at InuYasha. Tears of humiliation welled up in her eyes. "I'm not Koga, I'm Kana. Koga's my older brother. Took your nose long enough to find the difference." she sniffed. She stood up and looked at the gathered group. Even the cats and the other dog-boy had come to see what the commotion was. She was ssssooooooo glad her brother hadn't seen that entrance. Despite a few bumps and bruises, Kana was rather pretty. She was waif-like and dainty looking, but she had something to prove, and she was going to do it. "So what are you hangin' around here for?" InuYasha growled. "Shouldn't you be home making pretty pelts for you to wear or somethin'?" "I'm here to help. Find and get rid of the sword I mean. I was traveling with Koga while we looked for your group, but - uh - we got split up." she tripped over the lie. She'd never been good at lying. "Well, go home! We don't need your kind of help!" "InuYasha, be nice." Kogome walked over to Kana and began to assess the cuts and scrapes on the new girl. [I]'Koga has a sister. Who knew' [/I] she tought. "But -- but look at her!" he stammered. "She looks like she should be at a teaparty. She'd probably break if you looked at her wrong." Before he could blink as he finished his sentance, InuYahsa felt a blade pressed firmly against his throat. She was fast, he gave her that. She managed to get behind him without even seeing her move. There seemed to be a lot of fast people around here lately. Where had the dagger come from? He hadn't smelled it on her. He was even too surprized to yell a pithy insult. Kana pressed the blade into his flesh just deep enough to draw a bead of blood. "Care to rephrase that?" She snarled. She HATED being judged for her appearance. Koga did it all the time! "Well, as long as you're already here, you might as well stay with all of us -- at least till your brother catches up with you." Kagaome spoke, trying to diffuse the situation. Kana moved her blade away from the silver-haired demon-man and walked back to face him. "Only if he says it's okay." she said with a growling undertone. She stared into his amber eyes with her blue ones and waited for his answer. "Come on, InuYasha," Kagome whispered into his ear, "We can't send her out into the dark by herself. She'll get eaten." "Feh. Whatever. But I'm giving Koga a piece of my mind about dragging his sister around and then dumping her in the middle of no-where so we have to take care of her." He muttered, sheathed his sword, and walked away. [I]'You just do that.'[/I] Kana thought. "Don't mind him. InuYasha's always like that." Kagome said, soothingly. "I know, I remember." She looked at the priestess that she had so greatly envied when the girl had visited the den. No one questioned her right to be a part of any group. It just wasn't fair. Miroku approached the girls as they spoke, but as he reached out to take Kana's hand, she smaked him across the face. "Do you really want me to tell my brother that you asked me what you're about to ask me?" she raised an eyebrow. "If the others of the pack aren't good enough mates for me in his eyes, how do you think you will rate?" She gave a wolfish grin at the startled monk, then turned back to Kagome. "I like her already." Shippo piped up. "So do I." Sango agreed. "Um - Kagome - do you have anywhere for me to sleep? I don't think I could climb the tree again tonight." Kana tried to streach out the kinks in her muscles, but stopped when it started to really smart. "Sure." she replied. "There's a spot by me - if you don't mind that InuYasha won't be far off, either." "I don't mind if he doesn't." "Great, now I have to smell a flowery Koga all night long." the half-demon grumbled as everyone returned to where they had setteled in for the night to get back to sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry to jump in late. Hope no one minds. :animesmil
  20. Name:Kana Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Wolf Demon Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown and quite long wears it in a tail like Koga, but it's braided. Height: 5'7" Weight: 115 lbs Weapons/Powers: Kana's main weapon is her ability to make people under-estimate her, espicially her older brother, Koga. She is quite pretty and fragile looking, but looks can be decieving. She's fast on her feet and wears throwing daggers in her wrist bracers that she can be accruate with to a milimeter's width if she chooses. She can only summon two wolves to her side when the need arises, but Raka and Rasha (male and female wolf) are fiercly loyal -- the only one they will listen to above Kana is Koga. Background: No matter how much she looked up to her older brother, Koga, she couldn't help but feel that he had cheated to get the position of pack leader by using the jewel shards to inhance his abilities. She knows he's good for the pack, but they often quarrel because he is constantly discounting her abilities and usefulness because of her looks. She was furious when Koga brought little Kagome to the den. . . not because of jealousy for her brother's attention, but because here was a girl who just waltzes in and is instantly considered a warrior in her own way, while Kana had worked her whole life for just an ounce of recognition. Again, after Naraku's "defeat" and Koga went in search of warriors, Kana was left behind. The others in the pack all call her 'huntress,' but never when Koga is around. Maybe he feels she's only good for decoration, so he goes all postal when he hears anything about her leaving the den or hunting with the pack. He even creams any pack member male who shows the least bit of interest in her. It just isn't fair in Kana's eyes. In order to prove herself to her brother, she decided to join his search for the sword. She didn't tell him this, though. She's been trailing the whole group in secret ever since her brother joined them. Mission: To prove herself a warrior and hunter to her brother, help him and his companions rid the world of the sword. . . and check out InuYasha - the half demon who defeated her brother several times WITHOUT using any of the jewel shards (and stole his girl to boot.)
  21. "Kaida, the answer should be plain to you." I'sha spoke up, for once with no sarcasm in her tone. "The Lady is a goddess and can see into your heart. There is something in each of us, whether a talent, ability, perspective or something yet undiscovered that will be needed in order for us to succeed. YOU might think we'd be better off without you, but Lanin - in her divinity - KNOWS that without you, we would never make it. Nor could we make it without young Luna, the dwarf, or any of us that have been chosen. We all have something to add to the party, one way or another. If you have troubles having faith in yourself, don't stress. We all have that problem form time to time. Have faith in Lady Lanin instead. Have faith that, as a goddess, Lanin knew what she was doing when she picked you. Now, I will get off my soapbox and eat." I'sha looked down at her plate, then sighed heavily. "No offence, Lady; but you just don't have the same flair with venison that Aranel does. That, if nothing else, is worth saving him for." She looked up at the group with mischief in her eyes. "You just don't turn over the most divine cook in the cosmos to the bad guy without a fight." She grinned, then sobered. "Besides, I like Aranel. He likes people just for who they are, and nothing more." The knight took Lanin's hand in hers. "Fear not, dear one, we will get him back in one piece. Too many care too much to let this go." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC-- Sorry if I got preachy. I'm just a sap at heart![/COLOR]
  22. "Now that you've gotten that out of your system, can we continue to the temple?" I'sha smirked as she settled her wings against her back, letting her sarcasm get the best of her. "Oh, by the way. . . I'm Lady I'sha Morgan, knight without a horse (thanks to our beloved goddess), faithful servant and all-around pest of Lady Lannin. Hope you all can live with me -- from the looks of things, we're going to be in each other's company for a while." I'sha made a flourishing bow, making sure to keep her very large axe away from anyone's anatomy. "Why didn't SHE say what pass we were in in the first place? Would have saved me a lot of confusion." she muttered under her breath. She started walking off in the correct direction. . . a way she had traveled several times in the past few months. After a few yards, she turned back to the party who were just standing, staring at her. "Coming? It's warm and not-snowy inside the temple." She then started off again. Eventually they were all on their way into a small, narrow box valley where the temple marble shone softly in the setting sun. Trudging through the snow, she heard someone grumbling, probably the dwarf, about the creapy guy that threatened the goddess. "About him," I'sha jumped in. "He's Feanor. Dark, dank and all around dreary guy. Half-shadow something, I think. Magic powerful and oozing a whole lot of 'I-hate-the-world-so-I'm-going-to-blow-it-up-or-take-it-over'. Really mad at Lannin about something. Not sure what the whole high priest thing was about. Last time I was here, his-loyal-cuteness was still here, happy, and worshipping the ground Lannin tread upon. Hopefully we'll get some answers inside." As they reached the temple, I'sha pushed the door open because the normal door-keeper had appearantly been kidnapped. "Welcome to Lannin's high temple, everyone."
  23. "Lannin? Where is this? Another mountain range? Haven't you ever heard of telling me BEFORE you teleport me somwhere freezing cold?!" I'sha was a touch indignant, she thought she could count on the goddess to be a bit more curtious. Then she heard the little girl's scream. All thoughts of discomfort vanished as she sent her mind forward to assess the situation and unhooked her lochbarre axe from the center of her back. Spreading her gray-feathered wings, she took flight and raced the wind to the darkness she detected ahead.
  24. Name: I'sha Morgan Age: 119 (human equivilant: 23) Gender: Female Race: Half-Elf/Half-Celestial Class: Psychic Warrior Height: 5' 10" Appearance: Honey Brown Hair - Knee length and straight, usually back in a braid. Sectional Plate Armor, Swings a short handled lochbarre axe as her primary weapon and a bastard sword as secondary. Feathered Wings - Dove gray. Violet Eyes and pale-ish skin. High cheekbones and a slightly pouty lip. She is toned and physically fit, but in a whip-cord kind of way rather than in a bulky muscled way. She loves to wear greens and blues. Personality: I'sha has a quirky sence of humor, but would never dream of using her telepathic abilities to invade a friend's privacy. She would rather use diplomacy than fists to come to a peaceful solution to problems; but if it comes to violence - she lets her axe do all the talking. She is well-born but attemps to not be snobby. She is open and friendly, but tends to be quite sarcastic when annoied or stressed. She loves working with others and does far better battling in a group. She is never afraid to go first in a dungeon crawl, but wouldn't be offended if you asked her to go last in order to watch everyone's back. She's trained in tactics and strategy and will never go charging blindly into something if she thinks its a bad idea -- and she has no qualms telling you if she thinks its a bad idea. She's scared of spiders. :eek: Background: I'sha is the second child of two born to Lord Morgan, a middle-ranking elven noble of the land. Her mother was a lovely celestial that Lord Morgan had rescued from an evil cleric who was going to sacrifice her to something even more evil and nasty. Moved by his heroism and generosity, the celestial vowed to stay with him as long as possible. As a widower, he was not exactly opposed to the arrangement. Lord Morgan's son, Sean, nearly grown himself, was a bit jealous of his father's new lady, but never begrudged them them their happienss. Unfortunately, four years ofter I'sha was born, her mother was summoned back to the upper plains but the goddess she served, and Lord Morgan was left to raise his daughter in a house-hold of men. Tom-boy to the max, she could climb trees, ride horses and practice weapons just as good if not better than the boys. At about 56 years old, her psychic master came to her. She said I'sha's potential "called" her. She trained her, not only in the way of a psion; but as a lady, diplomat, and strategist as well. It seemed to I'sha that there wasn't anything her "Lady Master" didn't know. This went on until not long ago, her "Lady Master" popping up once in a while to give her more training. She incouraged I'sha's use of the axe, calling anyone who said it was 'unladylike' closed-minded and backward. She was also extremely uspet whenever I'sha's rambunctious-ness would put her in lift-threating situations. She would often (often because I'sha was never known to be meek or reserved when challenges arose) say: "I have use for you. . . don't throw all I've done away." Six months ago, she had a vision of her "Lady Master" - in the middle of arms-practice no less. The Lady apologized for decieving I'sha. She then revealed herslf as the goddess Lannin - the very goddess I'sha's mother was in service to. Lannin explained that her mother had begged the goddess to keep tabs on her girl and to train her to be the best at what-ever Lannin would need her for. I'sha wasn't sure she would be best at anything, but she was willing to try anything she was told by the goddess at that point. The goddess then told her of Feanor and her search for Fingolfin. I'sha set out in service of Lannin the next morning to help her with her search and has been following the divine guidence ever since.
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