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  1. [quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue']As far as movies go, you can't go wrong with Samuari X: Trust and Betrayal. I think it's also called Rurouni Kenshin: Reminisence. It's got action, drama, LOVE, a stupid teenager, and a little philosophy. It's very sophist when it comes to that little bit of philosophy, but most popular philosophical animes are.[/COLOR][/quote] Rurouni Kenshin is a good series and movie. If you ask me maybe he would like Inuyasha movie 1 and 2. The 3rd is coming out this summer or fall. Any way does any one know where you can get the Rurouni Kenshin movies and how many Rurouni Kenshin movies there are?
  2. [QUOTE=gendou ikari]The character designs (in my opinion) were rather nice, the only problem I have with Full Metal Alchemist is the fact that the plot is a bit orthodox. The alchemy theme, on the other hand, is very original. I love how the alchemists have to draw the alchemic signs(with chalk), and the weapons they can create from alchemy is also pretty neat. Does anyone know where I can download episodes?I only imported the episodes I saw. FMA (Full Metal Alchemist) is a very good series, from what I saw, in a way it reminded me of Inu-yasha (the way the characters are, "grouped") FMA is a series that you don't want to miss, it is inovative and clear, this is an absoloute must-see. Here is my rating of the new series Full Metal Alchemist. Good=+ Bad=- Strange= :confused: +Good character development and emotions. -Average plot + Original use of magic,in the form of alchemy ? Why is Ed Elric so serious at times, when at other times, he is the funniest character in the show? Favorite character- Ed, strikes the perfect balance between drama and comedy Favorite aspect- The alchemisc weapons creation, definatly. Favorite saying- Alchemy, science of the devil.[/QUOTE] I think Ed is realy cute. Does anyone know how old he is?
  3. [QUOTE=dark kitsune]I'm wondering if any of you watch it. I just finished watching episode 7 and damned if it didn't make me cry.... So anybody into this particular anime as much as me? From what I've seen so far this anime is incredible. The character development, plot and artwork are great. If you haven't seen it yet...then get busy![/QUOTE] I love this anime! Inuyasha is my top favorite though.
  4. [quote name='-Cindy17-][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I got it the first day it came out and i loved it...! I thought it was better than the first one way more funny... [/SIZE] [/FONT'] :animesmil [/COLOR][/quote] Inuyasha movie 2 is better than Inuyasha movie 1. They said so in the anime magazines. It was like if they didn't make the first movie nothing realy wouldn't change.
  5. [QUOTE=Dagger]Wow, it's really starting this Saturday? How time flies... I don't know much about Zatch Bell, other than the fact that it's a comedic action series (or is it?). So I'm not terribly excited about seeing the first episode, but I guess I'll watch it all the same. If I recall correctly, Zatch Bell was one of the first anime licensed directly by ShoPro, so fans of Naruto might have something of a vested interest in seeing how it turns out. And I still find it incredibly amusing that they changed the title. :animeswea ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Zatch Bell is a great show. Even though when they put it on the air they got rid of Yu Yu Hakusho. Will they put it back on the air?
  6. [quote name='-Cindy17-][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I got it the first day it came out and i loved it...! I thought it was better than the first one way more funny... [/SIZE] [/FONT'] :animesmil [/COLOR][/quote] inuyasha movie 2 is way better than inuyasha movie1.
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