[QUOTE=gendou ikari]The character designs (in my opinion) were rather nice, the only problem I have with Full Metal Alchemist is the fact that the plot is a bit orthodox.
The alchemy theme, on the other hand, is very original. I love how the alchemists have to draw the alchemic signs(with chalk), and the weapons they can create from alchemy is also pretty neat.
Does anyone know where I can download episodes?I only imported the episodes I saw.
FMA (Full Metal Alchemist) is a very good series, from what I saw, in a way it reminded me of Inu-yasha (the way the characters are, "grouped")
FMA is a series that you don't want to miss, it is inovative and clear, this is an absoloute must-see.
Here is my rating of the new series Full Metal Alchemist.
Strange= :confused:
+Good character development and emotions.
-Average plot
+ Original use of magic,in the form of alchemy
? Why is Ed Elric so serious at times, when at other times, he is the funniest character in the show?
Favorite character- Ed, strikes the perfect balance between drama and comedy
Favorite aspect- The alchemisc weapons creation, definatly.
Favorite saying- Alchemy, science of the devil.[/QUOTE]
I think Ed is realy cute. Does anyone know how old he is?