My last boyfriend admitted, after almost two years of dating, that he didn't feel like he really knew or understood me. I actually agreed with this statement, because I didn't feel like he knew me or understood me either. This is one of the many reasons we are no longer together.
That's what I want. A man who will try to get to know me, the real me, and not the person I present to general public. A man who will at least try understand that there is a reason for me to think the way I think and do what I do. He'll probably have to be patient and persistent, because getting to know the real me isn't very easy. It's not that I'm overly complex, I'm just quiet. If I believe that someone really isn't interested in hearing what I have to say, normally I won't say it. Who I am has to be dragged out of me with a relentless string of questions.
I also consider myself to be a very open-minded person, so I would like to meet a man who is as open-minded as I. I'd like a man who can confront his problems with a calm, rational demeanor. (How are we supposed to discuss the issues that are sure to arise if he can't stop yelling?) I would like him to be honest, in a gentle way. (I believe that no matter what you have to say, there is a nice way to say it.)
I would like to meet a man who wants a relationship and understands what love really is. I've played the games, and I've decided I'm a little too old to play them anymore.
I could probably sit here and write a sixteen page letter. But I won't. I've listed the essentials.