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About kairi007

  • Birthday 01/15/1991

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  1. I just heard that Kingdom Hearts 2 will be released on MArch 2006!!! GAH!! I was hoping of getting it this Christmas T-T. Now I have to wait another five months for it. NOOOOO!!!
  2. Which is better Xbox 360 or PS3??? I don't know!!!! They're both cool, but PS3 is like really expensive (most expensive console ever!). Does that make PS3 better? Which would you people pick??? Xbox 360 or PS3???
  3. What Video Games had the worst/disappointing Sequels? Here's some sequels you can choose from: +Final Fantasy X-2 +Devil May Cry 2 +Xenosaga 2 These are only examples. Ok, later!
  4. [quote name='Burori']Actually rumors are going around that it is being moved into the year 2006 :([/quote] I know it's either Kingdom Hearts 2 or Final Fantasy XII that's going to be moved to 2006. I hope it's not KH2! :(
  5. Square said that Kingdom Hearts 2 might be releasing sometime in September of 2005. I think it's Sept. 22, 2005, but I'm not sure. I'm so excited! I hope they don't change the date again, though.
  6. I'm new to the Otaku Boards so if this post has been done before, sry I didn't know. Anyways, what is your favorite Squaresoft/Enix game? For example: +Final Fantasy VII +Final Fantasy VIII +Final Fantasy IX +Final Fantasy X +Final Fantasy X-2 +Kingdom Hearts +Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories +Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls +Final Fantasy Tactics Advance These are only some of the games to help you choose.
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