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Everything posted by Tri-my-Gun

  1. The Flcl soundtrack is awesome. I like the ending of The Big O.
  2. This one is from Night of the Roxbury or Roxberry forgot, but you look at the tag on the shirt of the girl and say"Just as I thought made in heaven.' Another one, "I heard they changed the alphabet and put U and I together."
  3. I did say something about proactiv, and for me it didnt work at all. I was on it for over a year. But I had kind of bad acne, if you had moderate acne, it might work. But it is pretty expensive.
  4. Yea well i've had bad acne for a while now and also tried a bunch of stuff that didnt help. Proactiv didnt work at all and i was on that for over a year. But if your acne is moderate it might work. I went to the dermatologist and he said that my acne was too bad that the pills wouldnt help. But he said to try [B]Accutane[/B] , but when i looked at the side effects of accutane, it was not worth it, like depression and extreme dryness of your body. So I didnt do it but, its up to you. The doctor said the depression was rare, but dryness was sure to happen. You can get retin a micro, which kind of helped, but you have to go to dermatologist to get. Other than that just wash your face and keep it moisturized, which helps more than you think.
  5. Ninja Scroll has to be my favorite anime, just great fighting sequences and It's just cool how the all charcters had some sort of cool power. A awesome main character in Jubie.
  6. My favorite has to be Vash, because he's just a cool dude. He's got to be one of the nicest anime characters ever. At the same time the dude could be take out someone at a blink of an eye.
  7. I like Vash, Wolfwood and Mugen from Samurai Champloo. They are just some cool dudes. I hate the 2 girls from Trigun, they were just annoying.
  8. Well i was wandering why would anyone pay for ring tones, i get all my ringtones free.
  9. My favoriet ringtones is ONe call away from Chingy. The one from The Game, THis is how we do is pretty cool too.
  10. My favorite of all time has to be Ninja Scroll, im really into the sword fighting and super powers which it had a whole lot of. I think it had a real good story too and a cool main character in Jubie. I like how violent it was too, might be wierd to others but i know im not the only one. I like Perfect blue too, I didnt think a anime could really creep me out which it did. But what got me watching anmie was Akira, it was amazing animation considering it was done in the 80's. Great story and a lot of gore.
  11. I would have to say Legato from trigun he's just too cool to hate, plus he has some sweet powers.
  12. I just got the samurai champloo's first 2 dvds and I seem to have rewatched like 10 times, it never seems to get old.. I watch trigun alot too.
  13. [QUOTE=boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed]How's this look? I tried to keep it in theme with your banner... [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/vashavi.gif[/IMG][/COLOR][/QUOTE] awww that is awesome thx a whole lot, it looks great. It was better than i imagined to be. Thx soo much :D :D
  14. I wanted to get this Vash pic as an avatar, but I dont want the background pic of the other guy just vash's picture. I wanted the words Tri-my-gun to be animated ont the bottom of the avi. If someone can make the words Tri appear then My then Gun and lastly the words Tri-my-Gun to show up. I want the pic to include vash and his gun. If the animated part cant be done Tri-my-Gun can just be at the bottom of the avatar. thx in advace.
  15. [QUOTE=duoikari]Hey everone i'm back!! (people run out forum) oh, well... Any way i wanted to talk about my boys, how could blink 182 split up Noooooooooooooo!!!!! :animeangr (Look at signed picture of blink on wall) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!, whya did they do this if anyone has a sane reason why they should of quit then please tell me it now!! :animecry: Plus who's your favourate and Why? 'Mark i love you!!'[/QUOTE] I heard that they were mis quoted and that they are not splitting up, unless they just decided to really split up. They are just on a long break, thats wat blink said :animesmil
  16. [quote name='Sanada']A bit offtopic, but Elfen Lied is a anime series of 13 Episodes ;)[/quote] THX, sorry to be off topic but series sounds intresting :D
  17. I dont have much anime but the ones i've seen that was alot of gore to me was probly Ninja Scroll and Akira. But one question, Elfen Lied, is that a anime series or a movie? :animesmil
  18. Im addicted to TV, forums, and adidas shoes. Wish i was addicted to school so it would be more intresting. :D
  19. I have Trigun set-huge trigun fan thats why i got it, FAmily guy first set of dvd will get 2nd soon-for $20 i had to buy it, umm the whole ninja scroll series- :D love ninja scroll the movie so thought it would be as good, not really but it was coo, south park season 1-wish i didnt, and arrested devolpment season 1-great show. My favorite has to be arrested development hilarious.
  20. awww hellll yea thats awesome man thanks a whole lots man i love it :D :D
  21. thx for the info retribution.. but i kind of knew that having photoshop doesnt mean i was gonna get a cool sig right away.. but thx anyways :animesmil
  22. I like Cowboy bebob's fight scenes the most, but FLCL is pretty impressive visual wise..
  23. depeding on his age i would say Ninja Scroll the movie is one of the best, but there is a sex scene and nudity and alot of gore, soo its about his age.. but something not so bad age wise would be "X" the movie :)
  24. thats very nice but is there anyway u can include vashs gun in the banner if not its still awsome thx much :D i really like the way u did my name but i dont mind if anyone else had a better pic and used it, it really doesnt have to be the pic i used but would like to have the gun in the banner :D
  25. i was requesting a trigun banner wit this pic if u can and can u put my name in it too
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