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Everything posted by RanmaFreak

  1. I know most people would shoot me for saying this, but compairing it to the Manga, Inuyasha was a major letdown. Also, Trigun starts off slow but gradually gets better as it develops further. I hate the way that the series ended though.
  2. I think of myself mostly as Shadow. I have a very dark, depressed personality. I also shay mostly in the shadows of life, watching things change and doing nothing about it. I also sometimes think back and realise how bad my life was so far and go into anime to get my mind off certain things. I think my secondary Element would be Fire. I'm a partial Pyro and love destruction and for some strange reason, whenever i take a quiz on what Mythical beast I am, I always end up with Pheonix.....creepy?
  3. I've heard good things about it but I've only read part of the first Manga. I Was addicted to the manga until my friend took it away from me.....I wish I could learn more about the Series, it seems interesting. :animesigh
  4. I have to agree with Morpheus on this one. In my opinion this is just a competition on which company is really better, and Nintendo wins in the Portable department. I've only heard bad things about the PSP. I've seen some Gameplay Movies and I think the Graphics for the system are REALLY choppy and there aren't many extras on it. Playstation fans will be storming to buy them at the store, only to be demanding a refund in a month or so. Good luck in finding a good use for it....It may be entertaining at first but eventually they will be used as the new Universal Paperweight. :animesigh
  5. I have to say that most all Anime shows have good replay value. My favorite anime so far has to be Ranma 1/2. I watched the anime around 7 times :animeswea and read all of the Manga around 5 ( It's too long.....I'm usually not up to reading 38 volumes). It may be old but I like it. I was first introduced to Ranma 1/2 when I read the back of my Inuyasha Manga. I also like Trigun. I own the perfect edition box set and Watched it 4 times. I think that the show is Hilarious and kept me glued to my seat, but the Manga, for some reason, was not quite up to par with the show. I bought Trigun Maximum and brought it back for a Refund. It was horrible. Anyway, enough of my Ranting....
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