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Everything posted by gundampali23

  1. I think that gundam should calm down with their games.The only good one i seen is never ending tomorrow. It still needs some work but it was the best out of all.The problem is they are milking teir cow to fast and need to make one good game(gundam series has good potential).They need to think quality over quantity.
  2. [QUOTE]To even insinuate that the current death-rate of Muslims brought about by Americans could possibly rival that of the holocaust is a sick and gross overstatement. There is no genocide occuring in Palestine and Israel -- a few American (torturous, granted) jails cannot be considered commiting genocide on a grand scale.[/QUOTE] Wait, Wait. Who said anything on comparing. I dont remember that. I said i consider it genocide.Just by the last statement you are the one comparing, my friend. [QUOTE]So, if Iran gets nukes, then what happens? Well, first off, it would severely alter the balance of power in the region. Politics would completely change. More than likely it would prompt an arms race and, left unchecked, would lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the middle east. Some have argued that this would actually stabilize the region, given that only madmen would lead nuclear-powered states into direct conflict with each other (rather than fighting through proxies). I'm not convinced. First off, the states in the region with nukes would not always be democracies (e.g. the U.S., India) or self-interested oligarchies (e.g. the former USSR): rather, they'd often be autocracies, theocracies, or even worse, states of loose affiliations between regional warlords. This is not a good environment to have WMDs floating around in, or one that lends hope to MAD theories of peace.[/QUOTE] come on man there isnt any power in the middle east anyway , it is all Isreal running the show.And look at it his way when Iran announced that they are enriching uranium, who was going nuts and wanted to fire their "weapons of mass destruction".You want to talk about unbalance what about Rice saying that to stop a nucleur crisis that they will draw up plans with India. You got to be kidding me.Thats like saying forest fires are bad and then throwing a match into Yellowstone Park.
  3. [QUOTE]Just which people are you referring to? Who is supposed to have made you violent? Your whole statement here is extremely vague. Are you trying to say that everything is America?s fault?[/QUOTE] Sorry about being vague, i dont post much. And i meant Isreal. This whole thing started becuase of Palestine and Isreal. [QUOTE]Now I?m even more confused, what gives you the idea that Muslims are in next in line for genocide? I hardly think that the death of two children means that all Muslims are going to be murdered. [/QUOTE] Listen if you think these two children were the first you are very mistaken.Isreal owes Palestine many lives.Even though me personally, i dont believe in a eye for a eye or revenge,but i cant change a whole other nation's views or belief ,espiaccally the nation of Palestine full of fathers, mothers, sons and others that were lost.I mean that is what they started suicide bombing for.Listen they believe that they will go to heaven and that they are doing holy work , even though i am a muslim i dont believe that is right.They lost there loved ones that is what pushed palestians to this.If you do not believe on the genocide theory,then go look up the death count of muslims for the past 10- 100 years and see if i am only talking about 2 kids.Come on man, have you ever heard the term Abu-Gharib camps.If you havent look it up. [QUOTE]So now America is an enemy to Muslims everywhere? Since when was America their enemy? It?s foolish to blame an entire nation based on the current government. I would hardly consider all Muslims my enemy over the actions of a few. It?s this kind of thinking that turns me off on such subjects. Each side gets so busy blaming the other that they start to overlook their own mistakes.[/QUOTE] Sorry about that it is another case of being vague again. When i meant America i meant the government and there allies. We all make mistakes, but it is the first one the counts, like taking Palestian land and giving it to Isreal. Then America(the government )gave them weapons. What do you expect us to do.We are a simple religious,poor people. We cant combat the tanks or air strikes Isreal has slaped us down with.
  4. Sorry aryanna.Won't happen again about the english. When i said in the news i meant currently in the news for all those who were all confused. In about 1956, Isreal obtained petrolium from France.In 1965, a Isreal scientist fled from his home to tell Iraq about their nuclear warheads.Till this day Isreal has 200 nuclear weapons. Weapons of mass destruction as Americans like to call it. Where was America in 1965 I have to ask. Even after all that America backed Isreal on everything in the UN. Now I am Palestian myself and very optimistic and forgiving, but let me put it this way . If people came into ur home took your belongings, would you stand for it. When the people come in for dinner and soend the night , doesnt it get akward.This is why the Islamic world is very hostile.This is way Iran and Palestine are very violent because your people pushed us to be violent.Do you expect Iran to sit quietly while Palestian is beaten up. No they armed themselves and told the world what they were going to do. And maybe Iran leaders got a little carried away, like saying that the holecaust was fake.That is probably because they are in denial that the muslims are the next race in line for genocide. I mean look at all the things they out us through. Just the oyher day Isreal killed two 8 and 9 year old palestians and then they had the nerve to say they were looking for rebels. Chabichou, I sympatheis with you, from one brother to another.Did you know that America wanted democracy in the middle east very badly?They got what they wanted. As you know Palestine became a democracy.Then when Hamas Party got ellected they went crazy as did Isreal.Well guess what guys that is what u get, so why did Isreal pull Palestian authority checks because it didnt go the way they wanted it to.And Chabichou, the current Iranian president is very moral.He is very poor and he is the president. You know why he is poor because he is generous to his country. Do you know how every president of every country has their own jet plane.Well he told them he didnt want them because he could use the money for his country instead.I mean they guy is paranoid right now because America( a enemy to Muslims everywhere) is sitting next door. Please forgive any spelling mistakes. And post more in the subject .Iwant to her your opinions.
  5. Has anyone read whats goin on in iran and america.This is a serious topic and it could fire up another war. What r ur opinions on this thing. Explain by telling me if u like a side and why. Tell me if u like Americans/Iranians/Isrealis and tell me why u do choose their sides. And please people absolutly no discrimination or racism.
  6. Ya but even in the gunadm universes they are not even ready for Gundams. The death is a message sent by them. When u think about it thats not a good example t follow. Now what i previously meant in my last post is not only the environment, but the inhabitants would be affected even worse.Look at our world. War in the middleeast, starvation in Africa, and overpowered governments. New weapons will not help.
  7. 1.this is all very interesting but do u think and believe our world is ready for that kind of technology.Earth isnt know for quietly cooping with each other. This is the question i have for all of u. Is the world ready for gundams or even gundam weapons?
  8. sorry, well let me explain a long time ago some1 at this website gave me a website 2 listen to any music u want onlline. I think it was called musicblogs.com but it s not the same when put it in. I like to listen 2 gundam seed and destiny songs and a lot of music sites dont have them. So since this is a anime website forum i thought some1 would no what im looking 4 or something close 2 it. And again sorry if i confuse u.
  9. gundampali23


    Does any1 know a site 2 listen to music i had a blog site but forgot it?plz help me mostly anime music though like the gundam seed songs and dectiny songs
  10. Does anyone know where i can listen to the ending theme of gundam seed online? If u can give me a link that would be cool. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Linking to copyrighted songs is not allowed here. Please do not ask for links to any copyrighted material.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  11. To me the most important thing in anime is the animation.For example, Gundam seed and fullmetal alchemist compared to mobile suit gundam and Escaflowne. The art is what first attractsme. Good luck with the report.
  12. Im a fan and I want to ask if anyone knows when the new episodes will come out on cartoonnetwork? In the second game they give you a dvd containing the next 2 episodes and I loved them. They got me thinking about them.
  13. [quote name='ThoraxtheImpaler']Please tell me you've played other Gundam games, because Journey to Jaburo is the worst. I have Federation vs. Zeon, and its pretty good. The controls are SIMILAR to Zone of the Enders, and you can use pretty much every mobile suit available at the time. Not to mention it takes place in the one year war. And what do you mean series that don't deserve it?[/quote] I love gundam so much that I did play the other games but, they weren't good .I mean look at the series its one of the best, so shouldn't the games be the best. and what I meant by deserve it is that the stayed on the Universal Era too long. Its time they got a game on a different Era. In september they are coming out with Gundam Seed: The Never Ending Tomorrow thats what I mean by deserve it. Seed was a great series and if they make the game right it will be a great game too.
  14. Im a huge gundam fan and when I get a chance to play a game about them Im excited .But most are bad like Journey to Jaburo.They had a great concept (a great story mode that follows the series) but the controls sucked. The Zakus were more mobile than the gundams.And they base the games on series that dont deserve it.For Example, if they came out with a game based on Wing with the controls of Zone of Enders that would be great. Last problem I hate the most is that they dont give each gundam detail. If the gundam has a special weapon let them use it the right way instead of making it look like the weapon and then letting it have the effects as the others. I'd like to hear other peoples opinions on this.
  15. whats EVA. I keep hearing about it. but i still know gundam will win Listen war is fought to bring peace. Even if pacifism was logical it couldnt work. There is always a evil guy that triggers warfor whatever reason. Some people use pacifism as a form of war so that they dont have to get their hands dirty. [color=#503f86][size=1][b]I merged your two posts together. Please don't double-post. If there's something you want to add ot your original reply, use the 'Edit' button located underneath it. [/b][/size][/color] [color=#503f86][size=1][/size][/color] [color=#503f86][size=1][b]Also, with regards to your first poat, please try and add more detail to it- the first section of this post on its own was spam. Try and make sure that your posts are coherent, too. -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
  16. whats with the storyplots ? Are they from the anime or a manga.
  17. This is easy. It was told in episode zero that Hero was raised by an assasain . Technichally he was under contract but he was raised by him. Its also kind of ironic because they killed the real Heero. Next who killed Toll in gundam seed?
  18. Isnt the laughing man a combo of the cheifs war buddy and his son.
  19. Listen you guys can keep fighting about or we can end it here Kuwabara is weak without his sword and Ed isnt. Ed can killllllllllllllllllllllllll him in a HAND TO HAND fight. Then with alchemy and spirits. Alchemy is stronger. DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  20. There are two series? Can you explain th laughing man to me. I dont mind spoilers.
  21. This is a Q about not about the series in particular so I thought the other thread isnt in this topic. Does the :Stand Alone Complex mean there are other series.
  22. I think that scrye is overrated . It had great elements but the storyplot sucked. Im not saying it is bad but it didnt live up to its potential.
  23. This is a Q and A for gundamwing and seed. I believe that there is a thread about this but this one is only wing and seed only.Please keep itwing and seed that is my only rule.Oh if you dont like spoilers than dont read this thread. In wing which one of the five pilots wasn't intentionally suppose to command a pilot?
  24. i dont understand what this is about but i think it is a rating. If it is then fullmetal alchemist is #1 before samuria champloo
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