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Everything posted by gundampali23

  1. I want to hear others opinions on what anime world u would like to be in.I would love to be in a gundam universe,because I love it. I would love to pilot a gundam. I crave it and desire it .If they invented a gundam I would do anything to get it. Another world I would like to be in is fullmetal alchemist. I guess I just crave power.The thought of being a famous state alchemist makes me freak out.
  2. 1st Edward from fullmetal alchemist 2nd Kira from gundam seed 3rd quatre from gundam wing
  3. Whats the story on parania agent?
  4. Does anyone know when seed destiny will come to the U.S ?
  5. i havent seen gad but for a nebie ill pick gundam anyday thats what got me into anime. Sure sometimes the story plots are identical(war between colonies and earth, one boy who stumbles on a giant robot and fights guys with weird masks) If its so bad y do they keep making gundam. Get my point.
  6. when will this schedule air? because im a big gundam fan and i want to no what date will this start?
  7. i think gundam is popular because it reaches out to the teens and makes them believe they can be part of something important,something worth fighting for. As for the mechs i think that symbolizes companionship in ur goal. -The Palestian Knight
  8. quick question to all the fullmetal fans Ive been hearing rumors about a 2nd series of it . Is there anyainf on this
  9. I havent seen many anime for a newbie to the anime world but one that i have seen is Helsing . This had a lot a blood and gore
  10. ok ok this new timer wants a say in this . Listen i love gundam games and this thread is really more of a question Which is better gundam:encounters in space or Gundam:battle assault 3
  11. sorry i didnt finish.Those great minds i wwas talking about must have been thinking like us in this thread. But overall i think anime is about the writer. ur probably thinking what does this kid mean well let me explain. Sometimes people want a adventurer about anything. It could be love, companionship, or even saving the world. So this writers put it down on paper. this is where reality blends into imaginary
  12. sometimes in school i think about anime a lot. u see anything is possible .reality and imaginary can sometimes blend in.DONT THINK IM CRAZY BUT roaming through school i imagine over body i see as a anime character . I also think that what i said before about anything is possible. i think it takes a great mind to come up with great stories like gundam or fullmetal,etc. Id like u all to think about what i said
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