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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. Seriously. The last thing that I want when things are going terrible for me is people telling me that they sympathise. It just feels so... cheap. Same with praise for every little accomplishment. I hate that too. Just smile (or not) and keep your mouth shut.
  2. Holier than thou attitude? I can't say that I remember anything even resembling that with Naru. Could you give me an example?
  3. They can't very well be the favorite if they're not well known. If someone happens to really like one character and not know the other, its cool if they push the character that they like along. The reverse is also true for characters that they don't like...
  4. [quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed']Where did you get 20 meters from? That's pretty freaking long. I thought that Lucy's vectors were only 2 meters long. Nana's were a bit longer, and then there was Mariko. I won't talk about her for those who haven't seen it.[/COLOR][/quote] You're right. I blame it on the tiredness and too much caffiene!
  5. To many flashbacks! They have a few episodes that do nothing but flashback, and then they waste 5-10 minutes in most of the episodes after that explaining the exact same thing that the flashbacks explained! I hear that there are some shows that are worse with flashbacks (Naruto), but none that I've actually seen.
  6. The mysterious chick with a big... errr, "helmet" vs. the needlessly brutal diclonius and the knight that says "nyu". My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Who'll win? Probably Helba, unfortunately. She was a popular character in the .hack games, or at least she seemed popular on the Game FAQs boards. Maybe my argument will sway a few people? (or maybe this board has enough Elfen Lied fans) Helba (.hack//SIGN) [img]http://img263.echo.cx/img263/3699/helba9zz.jpg[/img] (if anyone's got a better picture, feel free to post it or PM me) vs. Nyu/Lucy (Elfen Lied) [img]http://img263.echo.cx/img263/6793/anime45sz.jpg[/img] (Big Round Eyes = Nyu; Small Intense Eyes = Lucy) This isn't a hard choice at all. Helba really didn't even have a character. Her character was being mysterious and talking to people as if she looked down on them. That's it. There was never a huge revelation of her character, never a look at her orgins, nothing was done to tell you anything about her at any point in the main series or the games. The only thing that you can figure out is that she's the head of a group of hackers. (see Liminality) As you might have guessed, Nyu/Lucy are two personalities living in the same body. Nyu is one of those characters that start off with the mind of a child and slowly develope. (I'm guessing that she developes) If you've seen Chobits or Najica, you know what I'm talking about. She's one of the few anime characters that I'd actually classify as "cute". Lucy, on the hand, is a killer, and a really brutal one at that. She's made a habbit of tearing off people's limbs with her vectors. (vectors are basically high-frequency invisible hands attatched to 2-meter long arms) Not that I mind! :D The only thing that the two have in common is that they both seem to have feelings for the main character. Maybe looks might have been harder to decide if Helba wasn't wearing that stupid waste bin on her head. Besides, how can you resist that cute face? Nyu's way better loolking! Nyu/Lucy, hands down!
  7. The pink haired brat vs. Keitaro's abbusive girlfriend! Go!!!11111 My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. I'm hoping that Naru wins, and I think that she will. I've only ran into large Anita fanbase at the G4 forums... hopefully they don't exist in mass here too. Anita King (Read or Die the TV) [img]http://img269.echo.cx/img269/760/untitled31ac.jpg[/img] vs. Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina) [img]http://img269.echo.cx/img269/5199/leaves3004bh.jpg[/img] This another case where I really like one character and don't like the other at all. Naru may have an abbusive side, but when she's not beating up on Keitaro for exposing her in public or walking in on her when she's naked, she's usually really nice to everyone. She also happens to be the smartest character in the series (in some respects), as well as Keitaro's motivation to keep going whenever he felt like he wasn't going to get into Tokyo University. Sure she had her bad points, but that's just the trait of a well developed character... Anita on the other hand reminds me a bit of a (severely) toned down Chibiusa. (better known as Rini to the people that watched Sailor Moon on Toonami) She's always disrespecting her older adoptive sisters, who really had no obligation to bring her in or look out for her. She's obviously there for a bit of a cuteness factor too: a role that she doesn't play too well. On top of all this, she has a really stupid reason for hating books... ...and she's a little girl, you damned pedo wannabes! Naru looks better by default!
  8. Washu: 12 votes Haruka: 5 votes [b]Here is your winner... Washu[/b] So the genius beats the Misato rip-off! Naw, just kidding. Haruka sounds like a cool character.
  9. Winry: 13 votes Chi: 7 votes [b]Here is your winner... Winry Rockbell![/b] And mechanical orgasm girl wins! On the afterthought, I wonder if she gets turned on by Chi? She's an android, right?
  10. "Speak for yourself" is another way of saying that I disagree. I didn't mean to imply that he thought that he was speaking for all of us. (seeing as how he disagreed with somebody else here, that kind of disqualifies him for that) Don't tell me that you've never heard that phrase used like that before!
  11. I hated Reign, but I liked its opening. I wouldn't mind American anime companies changing the theme songs on their aquired shows if they didn't change them into these poppy pieces of crap. I hate Rave Master's closing. I forgot to say which theme song I really, really hate. Its a tie between Rurouni Kenshin's opening and Elfen Lied's opening. RK's OP fools me every time into thinking that a cool song is about to start, then that dumb b*tch starts singing and it just goes downhill from there. EL's OP is just depressing. If you ever need help going into a state of depression, listen to EL's OP.
  12. [quote name='Takuya']The two least important elements of a game. It could be the worst game made, but as long as it looks good and has a good story, you'll like it? I just don't get it.[/quote] Speak for yourself. Storylines and length are [i]the[/i] selling points when it comes to turn-based RPGs. [quote name='Takuya]]One of my favorite games would have to be [i]Drakengard[/i'], also for PS2. Some people find it repetative, but I don't really care. There are three different gameplay modes in the game, and even though the three don't really change any durring the game, it's enough variety to keep me interested. But sinse you don't care about that, let's get to what you do care about. The game looks really good, especially during cutscenes. Oh, and don't skip the cutscenes or 'events' (these advance the story, but use the same character and area modles as when you're actually playing). This game has the best storyline I've ever seen in a game. Doesn't look too special at first, but later on it becomes excellent (just wait until you enconter child priestess Manah, or the giant killer babies. Yes, giant killer babies).[/quote] Dude... TYPE NOT THE WATCHERS! (Manah was a pain in the ***)
  13. Anime is short for animation. Technically, any piece of media that's hand-drawn or made with CG programs is anime. But the way that we use it in America, anime is another way of saying cartoons from Japan or as they apparently used to call it before it got popular, "Japanimation".
  14. And you forgot to mention Saturn! (yeah, yeah... Mistress Nine... but still Saturn>you) *shoots ChibiHorsewoman* On topic, favorite would either have to be Fullmetal Alchemist's first closing (I loved that siren sound at the end of those episodes) or Neon Genesis Evangelion's opening. Both of those rocked.
  15. I'm lucky. Pretty much all of the anime hating that I've heard comes from one of the big cities next to the little town that I live in. Most of the teens and preteens here at least play videogames and have an idea that not all anime anime is cartoon porn or Dragonball Z rip offs or Pokemon rip offs. Only one in fifty teens around this town actually care if other people have geeky hobbies. And last time that I was in regular school (2-3 years ago), most adults in this town hadn't seemed to have even heard the word "anime" before.
  16. [QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]Jazz. It can be used for almost any situation. Fighting, hanging out, relaxation, sex, TGC's, Video Games, etc.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] So can various kinds of rock. I use it when I'm doing my school work to help keep me focused, when I'm on the net killing time (I've got Rammstein blasting right now), when I'm hanging out and wrestling with my friends, and just about every other situation. I think that if you really like a music genre, it probably works for everything just like jazz works for you. (except I have realy hard time imagining anybody getting pumped for fights over classical music or something soft)
  17. [quote name='ChemAngel']Jade empire: I hear good things about this game from other people. I'll start playing it as soon as I get enough money.[/quote] Just rent Jade Empire. You'll be able to beat in a couple of nights. It fools you into thinking that its going to be long at the beginning, but as soon as you get past Chapter 3, the game quickly rushes to the end. [quote name='ChemAngel']DOA 2: the one for the Xbox live is very fun to play. It also has a nice feature of tons of costumes. Some of which are...umm....fanserviced...to say the least[/quote] Its worth mentioning that DOA2 is much faster paced that most fighting games. I've heard one comparison basically saying that if Tekken is the old fassion tea house with a traditional setting and lots of needlessly complicated conversation, then DOA is the strip bar where the music's blasting, everybody's partying, and the girls at the dancing platform are hot! I'd actually have to say that that's one of the better analogies that I've heard. Where as Tekken and Virtua Fighter are more "thinker's fighters" that rely on the player memorizing combos and where to use them more than anything, DOA is more like a game of rock paper scissors... it relys on you meeting your opponents holds with strikes, throws (counters) with holds, and strikes with throws. Its fun if you're looking for a fighting game that sports fast paced flowing action as compared to combo memorizing. Edit: Damn, typo central.
  18. ^So you would stay with somebody that held you back? Its like I said, if she truly loved you, she'd never put you in a position where you had to choose between her and your dreams. She'd never say that either you quit chasing after that medical breakthrough and get yourself a man's job or she wouldn't have you. Likewise, she'd never tell you to stop chasing after the MMA championship of your division or face divource.
  19. I'm a hard rock, heavy metal kind of guy. A bit of modern soft rock mixed in with the hard stuff compliments it. I hate gangster rap. All of these wannabes living in the suberbs rhyming about life in the hood, and gang wars, and pimping out their families and girlfriends, when they probably haven't even so much as even fired a gun before, much less at another person.
  20. We already knew about Kagome's skirt. Its one of the anime laws of physics. Gravity has no effect on skirts, unless the anime is a fanservice title, in which case the skirt is magnetically drawn towards the girl's stomach. The animation in this movie sucks. What a downgrade from the norm.
  21. [quote name='IceRose']I will choose neither, I mean, if you fall in love you end up hurt, and if you try to follow your dreams you will end up hurt the same way. I know is a pessimistic point of view but for my knowledge I will rather live without the pain of dissapointment.[/quote] The loser's philosophy. If you're not willing to take risks, you'll forever be stuck in the purgatory of middle class. Unless you get extremely lucky, but the chances of that are what?
  22. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]Say I were to stop WWIII from happening before it even started, only no one heard about it. Would that not still be the most god damn heroic thing thinkable?[/QUOTE] An unsung hero. But if people did hear about it, I'm completely sure others be inspired and would feel a new obligation to prevent war as well. [quote name='kaisha']A hero is simply someone you look up to, admire. A leader is someone who will pave the way for other peopl to achive things the never thought they could. There is a great diffirence, in some cases a leader becomes a hero though.[/quote] When you look up to someone, do you not aspire to be like them? To share the traits that they have? When you truly like something, you inevitably want it for yourself. They inspired you to want whatever it is that you liked about them. Maybe you're not willing to go through whatever it is that they went through to get there, but the seeds are planted.
  23. A hero does something so great or lives in such a way that it inspires others to follow in their footsteps. How is that not a sort of leadership?
  24. How about choosing a love that doesn't clash with your dreams. You shouldn't marry someone that will hold you back and force you to give up your life. That'll only bring you trouble in the long run. If they really loved you, they wouldn't want you to do something that you might regret for the rest of your life. If they want you to give up your hobbies and the career that you've spent the last X number of years building, you should tell them to get lost. That pain will probably be temporary compared to the dispair of throwing away your dreams for a person that ultimately turned out to be a selfish b*tch.
  25. I don't have anybody that I look up to, much less anyone that I consider a hero. There are certain aspects of certain people that I strive to obtain (my dad's common sense, my old friend's laid back attitude, etc), but there's nobody that I look at and say "I want to be like that!". Because all of those people have big gaping flaws... in the case of my dad, he can be a bit uptight at times and has a tendency to take his anger towards his wife out on other people. And my friend, he often leaves some of his other friends behind without even realizing it.
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