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Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
In other words, aside from Teen Titans, Megas XLR, and the occassional good episode of Dexter's Lab and Jonny Bravo, its not worth watching. That sucks. Maybe you could write a letter explaining that if anime was popular in one part of the western world maybe it would be popular in another... its not much, but its really the only thing that a normal person with a normal sized bank account and no real connections can do. -
[quote name='Lord Dante']star ocean till the end of time for the ps2. good story, good graphics, and the FMV's are few and far between (makes a nice change compared to some other games) plus you get to have blue hair![/quote] Unfortunately, "the plot twist" kind of ruins the story for me towards the end. It pretty much completely discredits everything that you'd done up until that point. Well, at least its one of those plot twists that you can look at and say "I didn't see that one coming!" Its still a good game, with some of the best gameplay that I've seen in a long time. Not to mention a lot of hours of gameplay... On the subject of blue hair, Fayt's in my party and I usually control Maria. Gravity Bullet > most of the other attacks in the game [quote name='James']My first recommendation would be Ico for PlayStation 2. The story isn't especially deep, but it's charming and adds to the experience. And the visuals are pretty incredible, in terms of the atmosphere and sheer scope of various environments.[/quote] I didn't like Ico. I hate escort missions, and Ico was one giant escort mission... [quote name='J2Assassin']Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube. That has both incredible graphics and an amazing storyline. Grab it now and paly it like mad.[/quote] Yeah, if you consider cell shading to be amazing graphics and absolutely love stories where you can see every plot twist a good 5-20 hours before it comes around. Anybody that didn't figure out the twists with Mythril and Kratos has either not been playing RPGs and/or watching anime for very long, isn't paying close attention to the story, or is just plain stupid. Don't get me wrong, I liked ToS, but there wasn't anything "amazing" about it. It has generic characters, a generic story, generic plot twists, and generic gameplay... its just that it carries out those stereotypes well and its very good at using those generic things to throw together a game that's ultimately very enjoyable. Good games... the Metal Gear Solid series deserves its repution. Eternal Darkness rocks, even if it isn't exactly bone chilling. The Legacy of Kain games are always good, and have one of the best stories around. (especially on Raziel's end of things) GTA is good if you're looking to kill a good 40-80 hours. (not that there are many gamers that haven't gotten around to playing those yet) Ninja Gaiden is good if you're looking for a great action game, and a challenge. Digimon World 1 is the most underrated of all time. (don't waste your time with the other two though) And if you haven't played Morrowind, pick that one up for Christ's sake prepare to be overwhelmed! Lots of exploring and leveling up and side quests in that game... a few hundred hours worth!
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
They have Cartoon Network in Japan, but not in England... weird. -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
What's up with all of you people that have never watched Fullmetal Alchemist!? Do yourself a favor and tune in at 1:00 am on Cartoon Network if you ever get the chance! Or record it! FMA is too awesome to pass up! (while you're at it, watch/record Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex at 1:30 am) -
The funny thing is that if you actually look at it, most people do fit one stereotype or another. Of course they've all got their individual querks and personalities, but as far the general outlines for those stereotypes, you might be surprised if you looked... (certain types of people associate themselves with certain hobbies and groups)
[quote name='Shinmaru]Nothing will change in this country unless people actually [i]do[/i'] something about it.[/quote] The only something that can change anything is for someone famous to use their influence to get the mass media to give a lot of publicity to whatever third party group. Most people aren't going to recognize them as anything more than filler unless the mainstream media "tells" them otherwise. That's just how most people in this country are... Until that happens, you're better off using your vote to try to keep the worst evils away from the top tiers of our government.
Would you risk your life for something you don't believe in?
Bloodseeker replied to sakurasuka's topic in General Discussion
Even if they don't agree with the war itself, maybe they agree with money, military benefits, medals, and an experience that they won't find in too many other places. I'm a bit more of an idealist, I won't help fight a war that I don't agree with. But a lot of other people look at things in a different light. -
A vote for a guy that you know isn't going to win is a vote wasted. Mere principals don't count for much in America. At this point, the only two parties that the general public really recognize are the republicans and democrats. If you only have two people that are likely to win and a bunch of others that you know don't stand a chance, its best to give your vote to the one that shares at least some of your views and give the scum a tiny bit more resistance, if that makes sense.
Every forum gets n00bed eventually. But really, I've seen maybe 10-20 n00bs here at the most. That's nothing compared to most forums. OB isn't exactly the kind of place of where n00bs flourish, thanks to the rules that basically prohibit posters from thoughtless posts.
As the topic title asks, what's your view on politics? Any strong opinions on current policies, domestic or otherwise? How about certain political parties or groups? Your view on nationalism? Liberal or conservative? I believe in a sort of moderation in all things political. Its true that if we put our complete trust in the government and let them do whatever they ask, they'll take the opportunity to remove most of our rights. I've been hearing rumors flying around lately that they want to pull a Russia and filter our newspapers. That's a clear violation of the first amendmanet, the most important entry in the bill of rights. Same thing goes for the patriot act. If people didn't say anything, there probably wouldn't have been enough appeals to make them even consider lessening the power of the patriot act. But on the other hand, how are government programs supposed to do their jobs if nobody trusts them enough to use them? Or what about the law? If the average law-abiding citizen didn't trust the police, how would they get the eye-witness accounts that sometimes lead them to more tangible evidence in a crime? Likewise, both extreme left winged and extreme right winged views on things are pretty stupid. Yeah! Let's throw all of our money on those WMDs so that we can kill anyone that messes with us or has something that we want! We can turn the whole world against us in the process! Bring it on losers! Hu-wah! Wait no, the other guy's right. Let's just disarm our military and become a bunch of passifists that wouldn't have the ability to act effeciently if somebody attacked us, as well as put hundreds of thousands of military personel out of the job. Actually, you both suck. I've got a better idea. Why don't you keep the military about the size that it was when Clinton left office, make an easily accessed program that helps discharged soldiers find jobs, research those weapons, and make a small supply of them just in case something does happen? There's no good commonwealth-benefiting reason to be throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars that could be being used to fund our schools, hospitals, and even our police forces.
You forgot a few other common groups. Preps: These might be considered the "norm". If the popular kids and pop culture are the leaders, these guys are the followers. They're like a mix between the popular kids that you described and posers. The average stupid guys that everybody that doesn't fall into their group hates. Mall Rats: You know the girl that walks through the mall with her friends, having the world's most incoherent "conversations", and won't even wait for her friends to stop talking before she pipes up? And then when you walk past their group, you can tell that there's probably a grand total of 50 I.Q. points between them? Yeah. They could be considered preps, but they're even more annoying than the average prep and therefor deserve their own group. Minority Fanatics: "Beaner" Mexicans, "black power" black guys, "Asian pride" Asian guys, and the like. These suckers refuse to hang out with anybody but people of their race and are often truly hateful of other races. (as in they'd assualt them for being white, black, or whatever) We have a lot of Mexicans around here that fall into this catagory... Jocks: People that are seriously involved in one sport or another, be it basketball, skateboarding, or something else. My experiences with them tells me that they're usually more laid back during social situations than others. Geek: A technology and videogame loving person that usually hates physical activity. Most are fairly smart in acedemics, though not so smart on the social ground. Nerds: The more extreme geek. Where as geeks are still at a point where they can function normally with society when the need arises, nerds are at a level where they can no longer be considered anywhere near normal. They've usually got a huge collection for some sort of geeky hobby (figures, posters, comics, etc), and enjoy things such as programming and cosplaying. I've noticed that a lot of these guys are extreme liberals... possibly the stupidest and most unrealistic group around next to extreme patriots. (Violence doesn't solve anything... that's a giant load of ********... history will tell you otherwise, as will that time that you or your friend gave up their lunch because the school bully wanted it) As for me, I guess that I'm a geek. I don't really like any sports, and I usually hate people. (though I'm nice enough when I'm around them) My hobbies include surfing the internet and playing videogames. Also, most of the television that I watch is anime. But while I'm a geek, I happen to be on the good side of a lot of the legit cool guys in town. I very rarely had to deal with the antagonizing that a lot of my geekier friends had to put up with. And whenever I did, it never lasted long.
Anime What two characters would make the best opponents for a fight?
Bloodseeker replied to a topic in Otaku Central
^Leon from Zone of the Enders. It looks like he shows up in the anime... and everybody wants to see him cut to ribbons! -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
If you hate Chi with a passion, vote for Winry so that Chi has less of a chance of winning. I think that Dagger managed to explain why I like Winry. -
I did respond in "the right way". I answered your question and explained my answer. You asked which live-action movies I want to see made into anime, and I said none. If I've already seen a good live-action movie of it, I don't see why I'd want to watch a version that stars cartoon characters.
[QUOTE=Godelsensei][b]No.[/b] Sorry, but that's completely untrue. Animation can be far more effective when it comes to portraying certain ideas than live action could ever hope to be. High quality animation and voice acting are really more appreciable than high quality acting and special effects, a lot of the time. I mean, who the hell would want to watch "My Neighbor Totoro" if it had been done in live action? The Animatrix? Toy Story? You can reach a very unique level of coolness with animation, since you're not held back by physics.[/QUOTE] But if it worked good in live-action, physics obviously weren't a problem. And when you've got special effects people like the ones that worked on LotR and the more recent Star Wars movies, you can say that they look almost real at times. As for emotion being portrayed, that's up to the actor. Sure you have crappy overactors like that guy that played in that last Star Wars movie and underactors like Keana Reaves, but you've also got people like post-Last Samurai Tom Cruise, Russel Crow, and Mel Gibson that portray a character better than animation can ever hope to.
One of the big advantages of anime is that its a medium that can effectively tell stories that would otherwise cost millions to tell in a high quality live action movie. If the story has already been told effectively through live action, I really don't see a good reason to animate it. Top Quality Live-Action > Animation Real People > Animated Characters
Has anyone else noticed that bish-anything seems to be more of a girl term? I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the first (and only) guy to respond to this topic. (And I'm responding just for the reason of saying that.) Its probably because bishoujo is such a broad term in anime... it covers about half of the anime girls from the shows that I've seen, if not more! But since I'm responding, I guess that I'll answer the question. Favorite bishoujo? Right now, that would have to be Asuka. Its kind of hard to make the point well when I'm not arguing with someone... lets just say that she's got a lot of spunk (I'm not so sure that attitude would be the right word), that she fights the coolest fight in the series, that she makes a comeback in a big way, and that she's a whole lot better than "I don't have a personality until the last 5 episodes" Rei. Favorite bishounen? If you could classify Onizuka as a bishounen, he's definitely it. The guy's reactions to each of the situations that pop up are nothing short of perfect to keep the show going. That character is ultimately the reason why GTO never hit that dreaded "slow point" that most series longer than 15 episodes seem to almost inevitably have.
3 years sounds about right. Maybe 4 if they really try to milk all that they can from the individual DVDs. Funi really is a penny-pinching corperation.
That's not going to happen. I'd bet everything in my room on it. Evangelion was 26 episodes long on 8 DVDs. Inuyasha is 167 episodes long and will probably be on 55 DVDs. There's no comparison here. I've never seen a box set contain more than 50 episodes, and Funi is always content on milking their shows as much as they can. (Thus the 3 episode, $25 DVDs) The best that you're going to get are the season box sets. They might drop in price in about four or five years, once Inuyasha has faded out of the spot light. And even then, its a slim chance. Are you willing to wait that long for a maybe?
Not even close! Episode wise, Case Closed(nearing 300 episodes), DBZ, Pokemon, and even Digimon are longer! On DVDs, I know that DBZ is longer. Its on DVD #85, and they're still in the Cell Saga. My reccomendation to you is that if you want Inuyasha on DVD, you buy the season box sets as they come out. The season 1 box set is already out. It contains the first 5 DVDs and costs about a hundred bucks. That saves you about $25. Its still ridiculous, but its better than paying full price. (Buying the entire series this way will save you about $300 in the long run)
167 episodes 3 episodes on each DVD 167/3 = somewhere between 55 and 56. So if they keep releasing at this rate, they'll have either 55 or 56 DVDs. Though that would be pretty cheap to make the last DVD have only two episodes... so I'm going to say that there's probably going to be 55 DVDs when its all said and done. Damn, that's a lot!
Why wouldn't there be? I don't think that Viz has any reason to stop making new DVDs. Inuyasha's still popular, and they still have the license.
29 DVDs. 30 and 31 are being released next month.
If you ever want to know anything about an anime's DVD releases, VAs, episode count, companies involved, related projects, etc, [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=159][color=red][u]Anime News Network[/u][/color][/url] is the first place that you want to check. It will usually have all of that information.