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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. ^They're the same person. And just regular ol' Darien isn't cool either. Not completely stupid, but not cool. He's still got his lame romantic air about him too. "Cool" male characters don't have that, except for in very special situations. And since his alter ego is probably the stupidest gimmick in the history of anime, Darien, who still isn't cool, sucks.
  2. Equal rights, equal benefits, equal responsibility, equal punishment. If they want to be on the same level as us guys, they need to get the same thing that we do in all professional and legal related things. Its only fair. If they can keep up with and perform at or above the level of the rest of their squad, I say let them go. Gender alone shouldn't be a factor here. Edit: My mom just brought up the point of female hygine issues. All I've got to say is just rinse yourself off like they did in the old days! They didn't have all of these special hygine products until the last century or so, and they got along just fine!
  3. Again, this isn't a question of who would win in a fight, its a popularity contest! But you obviously like Washu, so I guess that this really wouldn't change anything. Anime Haruka definitely sounds as different from manga Haruka as the screenshots would suggest.
  4. Pretty much any of the times that I've accidentally "geeked out" over new videogames that I've been looking forward too or awesome anime that I'd just seen. There was also that time that I accidentally wandered into the girl's bathroom at Arco Arena and had about 70 people laughing at me as I came out. I actually wasn't embarrased at all (I was laughing at myself too), but I think that most people would have been.
  5. Michiru and Haruka from Sailor Moon. Enough of this "half way between sisters and girlfriends" crap. Go full blown lesbian NOW! Just kidding. Sango and Inuyasha. I've always been a fan of that pairing. (I'm not the only one either)
  6. Calling Tuxedo Mask cool... Its a sad, sad day for the world when a man that fights with a rose and wears a masquerade costume becomes an example of coolness. *spits apple at Tuxedo Mask's face*
  7. Saiyans can beat the crap out of any non-DBZ character. That's why they're not usually even considered for this sort of thing. What chance does Inuyasha have against a character that can blow up a planet with an energy ball from his hand? And that was towards the beginning of DBZ, when Vegeta was still relatively "weak".
  8. For those who didn't get what the last guy just said: Casual Nudity =/= Porn Porn = Sexual Intercourse In order for it to be classified as porn, it must have penetration. If there's no sex, its not porn.
  9. Lucy from Elfen Lied vs. either Ed or Roy from Fullmetal Alchemist. Alchemists seem to be able to tell when something changes in the air. (How else would they be able to tell how seemingly invisible attacks work and be able to dodge them?) They'd probably be able to sense the vectors too. I could see Ed loosing another limb in that fight and possibly Roy losing his first... but I think that the alchemist would out-wit and defeat the diclonious here. Guts from Berserk vs. Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Strength and almost infinite stamina vs. pure speed. Kenshin would have to turn his blade to win this fight. Even then, Guts is still really fast and really skilled, even with that giant of a sword that he uses. This fight would go on for a while. I think that it would end when Kenshin gets the bright idea to try to block one of Guts' attacks and ends up with half a sword and big gaping cut from his shoulder all the way through his rib cage.
  10. No, but lust at first sight sure does. [i]"Goddamn, look at that rack! And that ***! Nice figure! She's got a nice face too! And from what I can see, she doesn't have the air of a complete ***** either! I think that I just wanna..."[/i] I don't think that its possible to deeply care for somebody when you haven't even so much as said a word to them yet. Maybe something about them atracts you (probably the aforementioned traits if you're a guy), but as for any sort of deep emotion concerning them, its not going to happen right away.
  11. Everybody here seems to love/like Sango and hate/dislike Kagome. So it turned into a Kagome bashin' fest.
  12. This is a popularity contest, not who would win in a fight... I'm not counting your vote as changed (like I said last time, people could abuse that if I made it a regular thing), but keep that in mind next time.
  13. Match 12! Ancient pink haired genius vs. *silence* ...what's Haruka all about again? My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Washu will win. She's probably the second most popular Tenchi character next to Ryoko, and most people haven't seen Rah Xephon. Washu (Tenchi Muyo) [img]http://img262.echo.cx/img262/2545/washu1us.jpg[/img] vs. Haruka Shitow (Rah Xephon) [img]http://img262.echo.cx/img262/8932/rxp051024x7687db.jpg[/img] Again, I'm going to give my vote to Washu because I haven't seen RX and I happen to really like Washu. She's the only Tenchi character that cracks me up on the regular basis! (As well as the only one that I'd be afraid to live in the same house as... experiments on my balls? No thanks.) I've read the first volume of the RX manga, but from what I've gathered, it looks a lot different from the anime. Haruka doesn't have the look of a clumsy almost-incompetant secret agent from the screenshots that I saw. I'd say that Haruka looks better easily if we were going off the manga, but since this is the best [i]anime[/i] girl tournament, I'm going to have to say that Haruka looks rather plain and that Washu looks better.
  14. Angsty blond vs. mechanical pre-teen! Match 11 is here! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Winry might have lost some popularity on episode 26, but I think that she's still popular enough to pull this one over Chi. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist) [img]http://img265.echo.cx/img265/1935/save030714ij.jpg[/img] vs. Chi (Chobits) [img]http://img265.echo.cx/img265/6020/allabout4zv.jpg[/img] I'm going to give this one to Winry. I haven't seen Chobits, though I've heard her compared a lot to Nyu (Elfen Lied) and Lila(Najica). I liked both of those characters, but its still not enough to say whether I'd like Chi or not. Also, I happen to like Winry. This is the second time when I can't really explain why though... Looks go to Winry as well. Chi looks like a 12 year old in most of the screenshots that I've seen.
  15. I didn't tell anybody this, but I made a note on boxybrown's change in sides. This is only a one time deal though, since people could abuse the hell out of it if were a regular thing. (vote for the character that they liked, then say that they accidentally voted for the character that they don't like and, in a sense, vote twice) Rei Ayanami: 7 votes Faye Valentine: 5 votes [b]Here is your winner... Rei Ayanami![/b] That's one character that dislike out of the next round!
  16. Kagome: 2 votes Sango: 15 votes [b]Here is your winner... Sango![/b] Kagome: *squish* Sango: Oops, sorry Kagome. Didn't see you there. Kagome: :animestun Sango: :sweat:
  17. Wrong board... I hope that he not only completely blows you off when you ask, but that he goes and reveals all of the embarrassing photos lieing around your house to the entire school! That will show you, you harlot! Just kidding. I don't see what the huge deal is. If you're as close to him as you claim, he should be more than happy to take you out on a few dates and call you his girlfriend. Hell, he might even be happy about it! Just don't get weird when you ask, stay casual. "Do you wanna go out with me? :catgirl: " The real problems won't come until you try to elevate it to the next level. BTW, this goes in the Otaku Lounge.
  18. [quote name='sbrebaby']Human nature differs and i know quite a few scolars and will tell you we are know much better than animals. And totell youthe truth must be very stupid when my ex beat and raped me. I couldnt have done anything and neather could my freind, who wwere there at the time, for this man is 6'7" and 250lb. So next time try a subject that actually cant be disputted. :animesigh i hope this little coverstaion :D can open your mind as i have said before my opion does not change so don't persuade me to change my mind and i know a few who would agree with me that kagome is better. that is our perspective. you have yours and we have ours. :gulp:[/quote] Every man has the same weak spot: The nutsack. Nail him there, you'll bring him down or at least stun him and loosen his grip. Then you could've grabbed something hard, blunt, and durable or something sharp from around you (unless you were on a residential street, you should have been able to find something) and nailed him. It was your fault that you didn't use your head. Even if you weren't in a position where you couldn't possibly do anything at the time, its your fault if you didn't get even, for giving in to fear. "But he would have come after me!" "The law would have come after me!" There's fear talking. The jury would have let you go for that case, I'm sure. And he can't do squat behind bars. But that's irrelevant to Kagome vs. Sango. Relationship flaws can be overcome if you put your mind to it. And that adaptability is the other half of what makes us superior.
  19. If you're an open anime fan, chances are that you've heard plenty of digs at anime in the past "OMG you watch cartoon p0rn!" "So you watch Pokeman? ***." "I hate DBZ and I hate Pokemon!" What are the worst insults aimed at anime that you've ever heard? It can be aimed at you as an anime fan, at a single anime, or at anime in general. "Oh, you mean Fooly Gay-y?" "That stuff's for little kids, preteens, and losers. *plops down and watches reality television on MTV*" "I've got a level 100 Lionard! I watch Pokemon too!" Yep, those take the cake.
  20. [quote name='sbrebaby']It doesnt seem dumb to me to be human. And dont want to spoile the movies. watch them and mabey you can really see what i mean. Kagome has tried to to show inuyasha that she loves him. Sango should have fell for moroku a long time ago. I mean whenshe first started getting feelings for him she should have told the perv how she felt insted of always slapping him. :animesigh[/quote] Knowing the shallow nature of Inuyasha, I doubt that the movies will change my perpective change much, if at all. And "being human", following your instincts and emotions, is often considered being stupid. When you hear about fiteen people sitting there in one room and allowing themselves to be held hostage while two out of three terrorists are dealing with the polics and the terrorist that's supposed to be watching them dozes off, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? "What a bunch of idiots! They could snatched his gun from him and started fighting back! 15 of us and 3 of them are good odds!" But they were too busy giving in to the emotion of fear to fight back. Its also human to make stupid mistakes, but does that stop us from considering those mistakes as stupid? And does that prevent it from being any less discrediting when they make similar mistakes over and over? They were being human. So they can't be stupid right? By your logic, that's right. No, just because its human nature to freak, doesn't make it any less stupid. The ability to do something other than what our instincts tell us to do, the ability to think and plan, is what supposedly makes us the superior race. Stupid people follow their instincts and emotions. Smart people use their head. Kagome is stupid. I think that the time that Sango began to show signs of faliing for Miroku was perfect. She'd come to love his little quirck of groping her (despite her attempts to deny it), and in real life, bad quirks take time to get used to. Also, those sorts of feelings don't develope right off the bat. Sango had only been around for about ten episodes when she started falling for Miroku. I don't see why that should have been rushed.
  21. Inuyasha/Kikyo isn't a regular factor in current episodes. I haven't seen either movie, so I can't speak on that, but Inuyasha hasn't shown favor for Kikyo over Kagome since episode 20-something, when they were in the miasma pit. And what doesn't seem dumb to you? Her teasing Koga "without knowing it"? Inuyasha makes sure that she knows it. That's when Kagome tells Inuyasha to sit and runs home. There's somebody that can't face their own problems.
  22. Yeah, I kind of figured that. Something about [spoiler]Yuka wanting Kouta to squeeze her tits. But incest is fairly common in anime, anyways.[/spoiler] She's still a retard for getting so upset over Nyu, though. Don't say anything more about how Kouta's family died... Edit: You know that link that I put up that lead to the comic strip? Try taking a look around that site. Especially at the "Intro Art" section. I can't say that I ever would have guessed...
  23. I've got some interesting family members myself. My step-mom has the most unhealthy lifestyle that I have ever seen. She's a major alchoholic. And I don't just mean that she spends half of the day drunk. Within five minutes of waking up, she's already chugged down a bottle of hard liquer and is going on #2. She eats lightly about twice per week, just enough to keep her dieing from starvation. She also smokes. Her blood doesn't even flow normally anymore, her feet are purple and apparently they hurt 24/7! On top of all this, the alchohol has turned her two faced. She's got her suck-up side, where she compliments you and blows your accomplishments out of porportion so much that you wnat to punch her just to shut her up, and her extrememly bitchy side where she's... a real *****. Neither of those sides appeared much before she started drinking. After much arguing, my dad finally managed to convince her to see a doctor, and the doctor pretty much said that she could drop dead within the week with the state the her body was in. She's lightened up the drinking a bit, but she still has a huge problem, and nobody, no argument, can convince her to restore herself to a healthy or at least normal way of life. And she lives on a property where she's the only one that can't talk reason. Well, one person probably could, but the weak fool won't pipe up to save his step-daughter. Sorry Dwaine, you're a nice man and a fun guy to be around, but you're nothing short of weak to be so afraid of your step-daughter's reaction that you won't give her a lecture on the consequences and voice your own anger directly at her. Then there's my uncle. The man is a great "philosopher". He can tell you what he thinks of life and how things are, and his advice is great and he's usually right. But right now, he's living with my dad and not paying any rent. He can tell people how to get things done, but he doesn't have the drive to get them done himself. Then there's my mom. Again, she a great woman, but she's ignorant in so many ways. She's apathetic to politics for starters, and blows off clear infringments of the first ammendment... the very thing that makes us "the land of the free". She believes that a dictatorship in America is near impossible. She also allows people to rip her off in business deals. That's for starters. I'll list some more later.
  24. [url=http://www.robarnieanddawn.com/MonsterTeachers.htm][color=blue][i]Those monsters![/i][/color][/url] (That's a link!) Yes, they are evil indeed. I believe that this is one of those rare cases where the hosts and the audience completely agree with one another. Despicable people! They need to be thrown in a tub and covered in mud and forced to wrestle until they're completely covered in sweat!
  25. [quote name='sbrebaby][COLOR=Purple']Inuyasha is pig headed and picks on kagome and she is young and does not understand men. i cant clame to know men either but that is irrelevent. She cannot react to Inuyasha because she does not know how. You are right though My sister is niave but then again she has never been in love either. I have been unfortunate enough to have and it is a scary deal. Kagome is just a girl Sango is a women and therefore knows men better. I like kagome because of her life. The story is about her and inuyasha. Sango is not in every single eposode or in every manga. So why then do we argue so? When in all reality i like Sango to and I like Kagome. ;) [/COLOR][/quote] I don't think that there's any official source that says this directly, but it didn't seem to me like Sango had moved out of her father's house when the demon slayers left for their fatal encounter with Naraku, especially not when it showed her hanging out with Kohaku shortly before they left. Sango's just a girl too. Just because the story focuses more around Kagome does not make her the better character. Who's more popular in FMA: Ed, the main character, or Roy? Or Hughes? Ed can't touch either of them in popularity because their characters are so much coolor than Ed's. Same deal for Kagome and Sango. Sango might not be the main character, but she's still a whole lot cooler than Kagome. Inuyasha's a jerk, but Kagome shows that she understands his way of thinking and that many of his insulting comments are just his way of protecting and encouraging his friends and keeping the group moving after their goal. Despite this, she still chooses to get angry over it. She also teases Koga. Flirting with other people of the opposite sex is a [b]huge[/b] no-no when you're already seeing somebody. One thing that all of my friends and I have sworn is that if any of our girlfriends starts flirting with another one of us, we're giving a warning, then if they continue we're letting each other know. BAD KAGOME!
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