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Everything posted by Bloodseeker
Yeah, its easy to point at Rei and say that she's the mysterious enigmatic one and point at Asuka and say that she's the fiery and spunky one. You can't group Misato like that. I never cared for Ritsuko though. She was barely given a character to care for. All we knew about her was that she willing to sacrifice a little for the mission of destroying the angels, and that she didn't like being thrown in the background. (if you've seen the series, you know what incedents I'm talking about) She acted like more of a plot pusher than a character to herself.
[quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']Oooh, good. Since you read the manga, do you think it was porn-ish or not? I asked another kid (who is an anime and gaming fiend, so he watches anime, reads manga, and plays games because they're good), and he said it was porn, too. :/ Bloodseeker, do you think they're exaggerating, or are they right, since I've never read the manga myself. [/color][/quote] Sorry to have not responded sooner. No, it doesn't have any porn. Casual nudity is pretty common though, and Keitaro keeps on accidentally doing stuff like pouring water on Naru's shirt or walking in on her when she's naked. They don't take it any further than that though.
So Dagger doesn't like Rei or Asuka?! That's a rare one. But come to think of it, the first time that I watched Eva, Misato was the only one of the three main Eva girls that I liked. I should have nominated her instead of Sango... (hindsight being 20/20) Not that Sango isn't cool in her own right. (Speaking of Asuka, I'm about to see if Nana really is the better character of the two, like some of you claimed a few matches back.) boxybrown305: Rei's the more mysterious and poetic of the two. That's why so many people are drawn to the character in the first place. (that and looks) I wish that I could discredit Faye, but again, I've never quite been able to put my finger on why I don't like her.
Not me. I [i]might[/i] buy the Platinum version once the complete box set comes out, and I probably will someday, but I'm not going to buy all of the DVDs for full price when I already own the original ones.
Match 10 *insert witty comment here*! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. This place seems to be filed with the type that would vote for Rei... I say that she'll win. Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [img]http://img126.echo.cx/img126/1664/rei124ca.jpg[/img] vs. Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) [img]http://img126.echo.cx/img126/5157/cbfaye00697bu.jpg[/img] To be honest, I never liked Faye that much. Something about her has always rubbed me the wrong way... maybe its because she smokes or something. Rei's my least favorite of the three main Eva girls, and I've got an argument as to why she's not that great of a character when she's put next to Asuka and Misato, but I'll save that until I actually want to see her lose. (which is going to be a while) Despite that, Rei's still pretty cool, and she gets my vote. Did I mention that something about Faye's looks rubs me the wrong way as well? (though she looks awesome in the pic that I posted)
Here's Match 9! This is the step over the half-way point for Round 1! Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Two Inuyasha characters! How about that? Who'll win? I'm gonna say Sango, because she's a kick *** demon slayer while Kagome is just an ignorant little girl. Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha) [img]http://img157.echo.cx/img157/3678/iykagome0017wi.jpg[/img] (good Kagome pictures are really scarce, and it seems like any good pics that I find are either tiny, on a non-existant page, or throw Kagome [i]way[/i] out of character. I had to blow that one up a bit, if you can't tell. In other words, if you find a good Kagome pic, feel free to post it) vs. Sango (Inuyasha) [img]http://img232.echo.cx/img232/2299/faceoff22al.jpg[/img] I could throw in a huge list as to why Sango kicks *** and Kagome sucks, but I wouldn't be telling you anything that you don't already know. (they really need to re-hire Shawn O' Hare) Maybe I'll give you that list later. For now, I'll just lay down the basics. Sango is a cool demon slayer with a huge boomerang, and Kagome is a posessive tease that happens to be a little too nice. Sango being a lot hotter than Kagome and also has better fasion sense than Kagome. How could you resist that tight demon slayer body suit? Edit: Wow, I really screwed up on that last sentence. OMG MY ENNER RIF HQZ FINELY ARISSON! GOD HELP ME!!!!11111
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M8: Akane(Ranma) vs. Kanzaki(GTO)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Akane Tendou: 4 Urumi Kanzaki: 8 [b]Here is your winner... Urumi Kanzaki![/b] That's the outcome that I was hoping for! At least I know for a fact that one of my favorites are progressing! I got to updating a bit late because I had a friend over last night. He was in a really annoying mood too. He always has these gimmicks that he does for several months on end, and he wouldn't shut up with them last night. "...HELLO! MS. QUACK-QUACK! ...HELLO! MR. QUCK-QUACK! OOOOHH, QUACKITY-QUACK QUACKITY-QUACK QUACKITY QUACKITY QUACKITY QUACKITY-QUACK!" He's lucky that I was too tired to go grab the dust off and spray him down with it. That stuff freezes things over if you flip the can upside down. -
I never really got why so many people find Ayeka annoying... She has a stupid accent, but that's the fault of the VA, no the character. --- A tie, huh? Well, you know how this goes. Check the thread in my sig if you don't. Sorry about the late update, BTW. I explained why its late in the other thread.
[QUOTE=IceRose]Most surprising moment in Blue Seed was when [spoiler]people found out that Kaede was not dead.[/spoiler] Or in Cowboy Bebop when [spoiler]Spike and Julia died[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Now if I ever see Blue Seed, I'll already know when [spoiler]Kaede "dies" that she's not dead.[/spoiler] Use spoiler tags! Like this: Text goes here, but replace < and > with [ and ]. When you use it, it'll look like your quoted message above, and people that don't want to be spoiled won't accidentally catch the spoiler. Also, be sure to specify which series you're spoiling. I can only think of one anime that has characters named Spike and Julia.
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M8: Akane(Ranma) vs. Kanzaki(GTO)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
^Eh, that pics okay. There's really not a whole lot of good Kanzaki pics floating around the net. Jahjah, you should pick up GTO and Ranma 1/2. They're some of the more worthwhile anime that I've seen, and GTO is one of my top 3 favorite anime. A bit of random information for you... the original Ranma manga was written by the same person that wrote Inuyasha. It suffers from some of the same problems (I hear that they start rehashing storylines after season 4), but its much funnier than Inuyasha, and I personally like it more. -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M8: Akane(Ranma) vs. Kanzaki(GTO)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
(minor spoilers and the reason to why she seems that way) [spoiler]She's putting on an act there. She was called in by Miyabi to get Onizuka fired, and the first part of her scheme was to make it look like Onizuka was stealing her clothes from the laundry mat. She was luring Onizuka in at that point.[/spoiler] -
Gaming What is the best Final Fantasy couple?
Bloodseeker replied to Sea Of Chaos666's topic in Noosphere
Come to think of it, I've never been a big fan of any of the Final Fantasy pairings. And that long, annoying, and unskipable scene right before the calm lands pissed me off enough that I can't bring myself to like Tidus/Yuna. -
[quote name='"Jahjahwarrior17"']...pigtails are a real knockout for me too *ding ding* [/quote] She looks like a 12 year old, man! ...You need to stay away from little kids! You should see the Tenchi OVA too, if you consider yourself a Tenchi fan and haven't seen it already. Ayeka dimwitted? Naw, she's no genius, but I wouldn't call her stupid either. More like average I.Q. And she's definitely not clumsy. Are you sure that you don't have Ayeka confused with Mihoshi? --- BUMP! Come on, guys! Its not like either of these two are unknown characters! You've got to have an opinion on at least one of them!
Pretty self explanatory, I think. List anime stereotypes that you think are overused or just plain stupid. [b]The abbusive anime girlfriend...[/b] I really hate this one. Do Japanese men generally find abbusive women attractive or something? Sure they have that here, but it usually takes the form of a really small and generally shunned hobby called S&M. If my girlfriend smacked me in the head with a mallet for a non-offense like not being a complete asshole to/completely ignoring another girl or not going to the grocery store, I'd have her sorry *** arrested... on a good day. On a bad day, the mystical might of the baka hammer might just fall into the hands of a male for the first time in history. [b]The all powerful teenager protagonist and friends...[/b] I wouldn't mind this idea if it were an occassional thing, but most action anime stars a group of teenagers. Because we all know that teenagers are going to have their hidden powers closer to the peak than those that have had a few more years to refine them. You'd expect someone that's had time to fully learn their powers and develope strategies for using them to lead the assault against whatever dark organazation or kingdom is stirring up trouble. Instead, the adults always take the back seat and are always somehow weaker and less capable than their younger counterparts. I could keep on going, but I need leave some for you guys to list!
I'm about to fit the "no friends" and "no life" parts of that stereotype. All of my friends either have moved away or are in the process of doing so. And they're taking my social life with them! Its cool though, since we're all planning on staying in contact with eachother. There's a chance that I'm not going to be living in the gay *** little town for much longer myself. I imagine that I'll be gone and out of California (and possibly out of America) by this time next year. But I do know big anime fans (really wouldn't call them my friends... more like friendly acquaintances) that have a large group of friends. One of them has a car trunk full of anime. Kinda sad if you think about it.
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M8: Akane(Ranma) vs. Kanzaki(GTO)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Its nice to run across other Kanzaki fans! You mention GTO at most places and the most that you'll get is "Tat sho sownd gay." -
Trigun: [spoiler]Wolfwood's death. He was the coolest character in the show![/spoiler] That really sucked. Neon Genesis Evangelion: The increasingly bad situation that took place towards the end. That was a welcome set of WTF events. End of Evangelion: [spoiler]Misato's death. She's always gone back and fourth with Asuka as my favorite NGE character. That death really pissed me off and sealed my eternal hatred for Shinji![/spoiler] Tenchi Muyo OVA: Not so much a WTF event, but I wondering where the hell Kiyone was when Mihoshi showed up. She was one of my favorites in Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo!
[quote name='x kakashi x']Onimusha has a lot of, well, not good characters lol. The story is alright, and the gameplay is ok I guess, but theres really nothing to hold on to. 3 games is more then enough for this series.[/quote] And yet, #4 is on its way. [url=http://ps2.ign.com/articles/610/610036p1.html][color=blue][u]Onimusha 4[/u][/color][/url] I like the Onimusha games, so I'll probably buy the fourth one too.
Anime What is your favorite anime character
Bloodseeker replied to sbrebaby's topic in Otaku Central
Good guys: Onizuka from GTO. He's probably the funniest anime character that I've ever seen, and besides that, he's just cool. Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. Take Vegeta's attitude, some funny one-liners, Kenshin's speed, and actually let him kill semi-major bad guys. (unlike our glorified DBZ jobber) You get Hiei. Bad guys: Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist and Vicious from Cowboy Bebop. They're your steroetypical badass bad guys, yet for some reason, they don't seem stereotypical. I can't quiet place my finger on why, though.... -
Anime If you could be in one anime show which one would it be?
Bloodseeker replied to IceRose's topic in Otaku Central
Tenchi Muyo is a close second, but only if I were a Jurian or had access to the Galaxy Police's arsenal. It wouldn't be that cool to be an average civilian in the Tenchi universe. -
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M8: Akane(Ranma) vs. Kanzaki(GTO)
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
...Do you just like see the one that I vote for and give the vote to the other one? [quote name='"J2Assassin"']Damn......a tough one. MY anime fandom grew up with Akane and Ranma 1/2, but My personality matches with Kanzaki's really well......Arrgh, the choices......Since GTO is only one series while Ranma has gone through 7 seasons, I'll give my vote to Kanzaki[/quote] I don't really see logic in that one... (I like Shampoo and Nabiki more than I like Akane) -
What's going down, dawg? Match 8, that's fo sho! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. I'm not too sure who'll win. I'm sure that anybody that's seen all of GTO will be voting for Kanzaki over Ranma's generic abbusive fianse. However, I'm not sure as to how many people here fit that bill or how well liked Akane is amongst Ranma fans. Akane Tendou (Ranma 1/2) [img]http://img173.echo.cx/img173/1821/akane092uy.jpg[/img] (if anybody has a bigger version of this, do me a favor and post it) vs. Urumi Kanzaki (GTO) [img]http://img110.echo.cx/img110/1679/greatteacheronizukas1954wg.jpg[/img] (this will do until I find a screenshot program that works well) Urumi get's my vote. Hell hath no fury like Urumi Kanzaki scorned. The way that her character's designed should pretty much tell the story. She's a vengeful sadistic genius. (she does have a friendly side, though) Not only does she knows how to make explosives and pyrotechnics, but she knows how to screw over people over with the best of them. On the other hand, Akane is, like I said earlier, a generic abbusive anime girlfriend. I don't hate Akane, but I really don't see any reasons to really like her. Urumi's also one of the more unique-looking anime girls, and is better looking than Akane.