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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. Match 6, and the deal's still the same: My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. As much as I hate to say it, Kaola's probably going to win here. Characters like her and Ed fom Bebop seem to be well-liked for some stupid reason or another. And people seem to find Ayeka annoying... Ayeka Jurai (Tenchi Muyo) [img]http://img110.echo.cx/img110/591/ayeka011im.jpg[/img] vs. Kaolla Su (Love Hina) [img]http://img110.echo.cx/img110/7691/lhkaolla0012tp.jpg[/img] This is the first case in this tournament where I love one of the characters and absolutely despise the other. Ayeka's really one of those characters where I can't really explain why I like her... maybe because she's lady-like (when Ryoko's not involved) without being a clingy push over. I'd be rooting for her to take Tenchi [spoiler]if she weren't Tenchi's great aunt.[/spoiler] On the other hand, Kaola always got on my nerves to the extreme. (Except for when the red moon showed up, then she looked cute and acted normal. But I can't really count that as part of character, since it was such a rare occurance.) I'd teach that little brat a lesson if she tried to wake me up by kicking me in the face. Not to mention that she kept on trying to eat Tama-chan. I was hoping that Motoko would eventually get tired of her and cut her in half. Her and Sarah. (I knew that it was in vein.) Did I forget to mention Ayeka looks 1000X better than Kaola? Stupid lollicon fanatics...
  2. Like I said in the other one, I there's a very big chance that I won't have time to update this on Monday, so I'm ending this match now and putting things back to Thursdays. Kagura: 4 votes Lina Inverse: 3 votes [b]Here is your winner... Kagura![/b] That's that! I don't either one beating either Asuka or Nana in a popularity contest though... Edit: I'll just say that the same rule applies here. If Lina can get two votes on Kagura by Monday, I'll change the decision.
  3. There's a good chance that I won't have time to update this on Monday, so I'm just going to go ahead advance the tournament now. This will get it back on the every Thursday schedule anyways. Asuka Langley Sohryu: 6 votes Nana: 4 votes [b]Here is your winner... Asuka Langley Sohryu![/b] But since Nana fans seem to like her so much, I'll just say that there's a chance that I might change the decision if the tables have turned in a big way. (let's say... a 2 vote lead) In other words, keep voting on this one. Asuka fans, keep her around! Nana fans, push! I'll post regardless of whether I change the decision or not.
  4. I live in a little crap town that's a mixture of residential streets, farms, and a dusty uptown. There is no "best place in town" here, or if there is, I haven't found it yet. We don't even have any arcades or the like! What crap...
  5. As others have said, everyone has a different definition of friend, because everybody looks for something different in their friends. Some pople want a "brother" or "sister" in their friends, somebody that they can confide in and trust in any situation, while others just want somebody to hang around and talk to. Most people want something in between. Personally, a friend is somebody that I can trust and that shares my interests. I'm not going to poor my problems on my friends and demand their help, but I want my friends to help out a bit if the problem is right in front of them. I also want them to be able to come to me for help if they can't handle things alone. Friendship can't prosper without trust.
  6. I just thought of the absolute worst! (I can't believe that I didn't think of him earlier!) Daggoth Ur from Morrowind! If you have a Daedric weapon and are above level 30, have a levitation spell ready for the last part, and he anywhere near kills you, you suck!
  7. I actually have a habbit of losing interest in a game right when I know that I'm at the end, especially with RPGs. Bad habbit, I know. (that's why I still haven't beaten Xenogears or Final Fantasy 8) That's not to say that I haven't beaten a lot of games, though: [b]All of the Metal Gear Solid games[/b] Every videogame fan should play these games. They rock, and the story is a great one. [b]All of the .hack games[/b] They get a bit repetetive, espcecially when you start running into monsters with physical tolerance, but they're still good. [b]Final Fantasy VII, IX, X, X-2, and Tactics[/b] Final Fantasy is worthy of its reputation. [b]Ninja Gaiden[/b] This is about as hard a game as you're going to get with this generation of gaming. [b]GTA 3-SA[/b] Another set of games that are worthy of their (positive) reputation. I'll have to come back to this thread, too.
  8. I've never seen the anime, but I've read the whole manga. I can't decide who I like more, Naru or Motoko. Motoko's got the whole "tough swordswoman in training" thing going for her, but Naru's... why do I like Naru again? Eh, I'll just say that I do because I do. I hate Keitaro's adoptive sister! Keitaro should have given her a full taste of his martial art skills when she wouldn't stop bugging him.
  9. [quote name='Xy GGu']AND OH YES! The whole Aeris revival thing. Classic American bull right there. I'll give you a hint: You cannot revive Aeris, but you can Aerith...Fine I'll tell you then. Apparently, in the Japanese version, you can bring Aeris back. But to compensate for the "American Monsters" (Ruby and Emerald), they killed that little scenario off. Believe it or Not (Ripley's quoting anyone?). It's a little too unbearable (for the American audience) for a dead character to come back to life after such a touching scene of her death. You can thank unrational censoring for that one.[/quote] That's not the way that I heard it. I'd heard that it was just too anti-climatic to bring Aeris back from the dead after that emotional scene at the end of disk 1, so they decided to throw the extra monsters in there instead.
  10. [quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed]As for Asuka, [SPOILER]yes it is true that she put up quite the valient effort against the mass produced Evas, however i have to dissagree that she lost only due to power shortage. Had she had unlimited power, the other Evas had the ability to regenerate, and they would innevitably defeated Asuka anyway.[/SPOILER'][/COLOR][/quote] [spoiler]She was fighting as well as Shinji ever had, if not better. If she still would have been defeated even with the addition of an S2 engine, I'm pretty sure that neither Shinji nor regular Rei would have been able to defeat them either. (I wouldn't exactly call what happened to Shinji there a victory) But I think that she still would have been able to beat them. That battle would have gone on until she noticed their cores or some other weak point, and she would have been able to put two and two together and bring them down. And even if she couldn't, well, I don't think that there's any need to repeat myself.[/spoiler]
  11. My old friend had a million of 'em. His first thing was the "ogre sword" in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which he said was the strongest sword that you could get as a kid. After that, he went on about a hidden banshee in the Silent Catographer (sp?) level on Halo. Or in Morrowind, he was trying to tell me that there were 9 hidden gods that you could only fight after you'd defeated Daggoth Ur. What was really sad was that there was a kid that actually believed him. Idiot. (I'm talking about both of them)
  12. I remember finding a Final Fantasy IV rom a long time ago that actually had a good translation. I did find another translation, but it was written in lazy English. Do U get what I mean, or R U missing my meaning? Anyways, I was wondering if any of you knew where to find it.
  13. Pokemon... come one, the show may suck, but you know that it would be nothing short of awsome to have a bunch of super-powered gladiator beasts waiting to tear another person's gladiator beasts apart at your command!
  14. I wouldn't want to go after the world domination thing. Are you aware of how many responsibilities you'd have?! Food control, money control, solving social problems, etc. And if you didn't want millions upon millions of people with thousands of different types of weapons knocking down your door, you'd have to take care of those responsibilities. And if you left it in the hands of others, they'd just eject you and take it for themselves. It sounds like too much trouble for unlimited acess to the world's anime supply.
  15. Death and Rebirth is a boring waste of time. If you want to hear the characters scream and then go and play classical music on their instruments, go pick up D&R. Seriously, the only worthwhile thing in the movie is the first minute or so when they recap the second impact. You might as well stop watching after that.
  16. I always saw Asuka's delima differently than that. [spoiler]She relied on a mixture of her own personal pride and ability to achieve better than everbody else. When Shinji started constantly topping her in everything, she cracked. Everybody was ignoring her. When she was no longer the best, no longer the center of attention, it destroyed her pride. On top of that, the guy that she had a crush on went for another woman, and then turned around and died. Those two things combined made her loose her focus, and in turn made her incapable of piloting Unit 02.[/spoiler] And then, in EoE (you really need to just pick this one up, Dagger) [spoiler]she regained her focus when she realized that her mom's soul was in Unit 02 and that somebody still cared. She then proceeded to have what I consider to be the best and most vicious fight in Evangelion. And she only lost that fight because she didn't have enough battery power to finish up. It wasn't do to lack of skill or focus on her part. I'm pretty sure that pre-S2 engine Unit 01 would have lost that fight too.[/spoiler] So in a way, she did overcome what hindered her ability to pilot.
  17. That was the pig woman right? That was one of the few videogame characters to truly gross me out. She made me feel sorry for Nobunaga.
  18. I was serious when I said that Kagura has Lina beat hands down on looks. Why do you think that I was reconsidering? But I like Lina's character, and I haven't seen Kagura's character yet, so I choose Lina.
  19. [quote name='Jahjahwarrior17']:animestun Oh man...this one is hard...they both look appealing this time...Hmmm....I'm gonna need a little time to think about th--Ok, I'm done...I vote for Nana...Sorry Asuka, loved you in Evangelion, but what can I say...I'm a sucker for pink haired girls :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil Plus, the ribbon in her hair makes her look so..so..KAWAII!!! :animeblus[/quote] You seem to consider yourself an Asuka fan... You're a disgrace! *clubs Jahjahwarrior to the ground and ties him up* How dare you choose pink hair and a ribbon over the awesome second child! Now fall, traitor! Your soul shall be tortured for all eternity! *draws pentagram around Jahjah and begins ritual sacrifice with knives and fire*
  20. Last time I checked, DBZ was almost as disliked on AS as it is on the rest of the net. Its rare to see them praising it. And what's wrong with loving action? Even the deepest anime gets boring if there's no action or comedy to keep the story moving. But yeah, this is a good forum. (I'm still here, right?) Thanks to the rules here, you rarely run across posts that contain little to no substance. People here tend to keep their mouths shut unless they actually have something meaningful to say. And while I wouldn't call this place a hot wire, this anime forum isn't near as dead as some of the others that I've ran across.
  21. With the topic question, none. It would be torture to only have one anime to remember anime as a whole by. I'd rather just forget it. But if you're looking for good anime, I can recommend a few. For comedy, watch GTO. The humor is the type that you really have to see to get, so I won't try to explain any of the jokes. But I will say that its on of the two anime that made me laugh so hard that I started crying. Another cool thing about GTO is that there's also great drama and character developement thrown in. Onizuka ties with Guts as my favorite protagonist ever. Lastly, I think that its worth noting that this is the only somewhat well-known anime that I've never ran across haters of. Just do yourself a favor and pick this up. For action, I recommend Berserk. You wanted blood and guts? This shows got blood and guts, and a great story to go with it! If you can make it through the mediocre beginning episodes, you'll be in for a real treat as you get to know the characters better. The first episode is actually the farthest along in the Berserk timeline. It flashes back at the end of it. One of my favorite things about the Berserk anime is watching things evolve and get better and knowing what's going happen to all of it eventually. Again, just pick this one up and keep watching. For some dark drama, see Neon Genesis Evangelion. This anime is considered to be required viewing by many fans, and for good reason. For starters, you won't find better character developement in any other anime that I can think of. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I'm not alone with having gotten really attatched to Misato and the three main Eva pilots. It seems like nobody is completely indifferent to any of the major characters by the time that they're done, and that alone says something. Once you hit the later part of the series, I can guarantee you that you'll be depressed abou the crap that the main characters go through. The downside to this series is that, much like Berserk, it takes a long time to hit the meat and potatos of the series. The first three DVDs are basically light-hearted character developement episodes with lots of action and humor... a typical mecha action anime. Like I said with Berserk, pick this baby up and tough it out. You won't regret. One more thing though. After you watch the series, make sure that you pick up End of Evangelion. I refuse to call the last two episodes of the series the true ending after watching EoE.
  22. On the subject of "cute" female characters that are much more annoying than they are cute, I think that Peppita from Star Ocean takes the #1 entry into the hall of shame. Seriously, there wasn't one scene that she was in that I didn't want to clobber her. They introduce her by having her draw on Fayt's shirt for Christ's sake! And that pretty much sums up her character... I don't see any problem with any of the Final Fantasy main characters. I don't think that there's anything that I can say that others haven't already said about the Playstation Final Fantasy protagonists. Both Cloud and Squall were pretty badass throughout most of their games. Zidane was yet another example of how to make a difficult character type work. He was curious and friendly, yet they made sure that you took him seriously as a protagonist when bad situations came up. Tidus might not be my favorite character, but I think that he's crapped on by gamers unfairly a lot of times. He really didn't whine a lot, and unlike many other whiners, he was put in a bad predicament and had a good reason to complain. [spoiler]First he was thrust into an unfamiliar world, which he doesn't like, but doesn't complain about either. Later, he finds out that his friends had been keeping Yuna's And Jecht's fate a secret from him, and suddenly he was put in a situation where he was forced to either chase his dad down and kill him or sit on the side lines and watch as Yuna went to her death. On top of that, he saw signs that Jecht had regrets about how he'd treated Tidus when he was a kid.[/spoiler] And yet despite that, he only complains about it a couple of times. For the most part, he stays focused on keeping his friends safe and chasing after and destroying the problems.
  23. [QUOTE=shinji172]Cowboy bebops world scares me simply for the following reasons (im not sure if youd call these spoilers so i shall use the tags just to be safe) [spoiler] For one thing the only way to make a decent living would be to become a crimonal, bounty hunter or both- Id be terrible at this and would probably have my *** kicked by the competition (there is also WAY to much crime in that series). The other worrying thing is those stuck on earth (which I would probably be one of) would have few resources to live on and fear the contantly changing landscape. One more would be with all those smokers in bebop, You'd be hard pressed to find anyone that wasnt developing some form of cancer :D [/spoiler][/QUOTE] Bebop is basically today's world with more technology. Just because its focuses on bounty hunters chasing criminals and shady characters doesn't mean that that's all there is. Those things exhist here too, but much like with the Bebop universe, there are other ways to prosper. Let me put to you this way: If that's all there was, none of the locations in Bebop would have been well kept, nor would there be any order. People would be too busy trying to watch themselves to help others, and the criminal system would die out quickly if it became as common as you're making it sound.
  24. Whoops! *smacks self* I was thinking if I wanted to rethink my vote and ended up typing in Kagura next to Lina!
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