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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. [QUOTE=Kairi][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Let's put it this way...as humans...yes, we all are one like Gelgoog Pilot said. But in our day in age, especially with how things are regualted compared to looks and appearances...I highly doubt that it will be so. Wouldn't that be a perfect world huh...I mean yea...Americans (no not all) seem to be intimidated for some reason by people of other cultures and ethnicities. Instead of comparing ourselves to other people...why not look inward. Living in England, Italy,Japan, China and Thailand...with me being a white male, 6'1'' with an American accent... I stuck out like a sour thumb. Some people loved me...some people didn't...tis how the world is unfortunatley. As much as you try to please people...not everyone is going to like you. With blacks in America...not all are like that...a lot of friends of mine who are black and of other minorities couldn't give a rats ***. But some people are like that to where they hold onto stuff like that...and you really can't do much about it. You can't force anything on other peoples ideals...just doens't work like that. Hopefully in the future these kind of issues will subside...till then...can't worry too much about it...part of life I suppose. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] That's exactly what I was trying to say.
  2. Take this as you will. I've had black friends in the recent past, and I don't align myself with bad people, but I'm really beginning to get fed up with the black community in general. I live in an area where a lot of different nationalities gather. We have large numbers of Whites (from various regions), Blacks, Mexicans, Asians (I've noticed that the Asian population here is really jumping), and Arabs all living in this area. And out of all of the different races here, black people are the only ones that have at least 1/4 of them complaining about rascism and using their race as a constant excuse to justify going off on people for stupid reasons. This is despite the fact that the Arabs and Mexicans get it much worse with discrimination than they do. And it seems like every other young black guy in the big city next to our little town is a wannabe gang banger. Its really annoying to have to listen to some decked out black guy talk loudly about how he cut up some other guy the night before every time that I go to see a movie. That's literally happened the last three times that I've gone to a movie theatre. If you ask me, the modern day stereotypical black guy is a disgrace to their heritage and are doing a good job of helping to ruin the good reputation and standing in society that their dads and grandpas worked so hard to build. In all honesty, I think that the Klue Klux Klan and others that share their ideals would consist almost completely of hillbillies and red necks with an I.Q. of 20 (yep, those same guys that show blind support to our government without any thought as to what they're doing or what their motives are) and would be their way to decay right now if it weren't for them. [quote]Quote: Originally Posted by Gelgoog Pilot You want my feelings on race? I think generally that people have messed up the meaning of a race of people...My definition is simple, we are the human RACE, not a culmination of different ones. That assumption is asinien. The differences in peoples are not different races but rather different adapted traits. Those who lived in more tropical areas have the darker skin to guard against the sun, those of us from the northern regions never needed such protection. I believe it as simple as that. I think people have just simply confused rascism with ethnical prejudices. Now do I agree with your statements...Hell yes, I'm sure most people know there is a double standard with racism. You can either discriminate against a seperate group, or you feel and complain that your particular 'race' has it worse than any other. It should stop, not to sound cold or anything but, if you start playing the race card and a sob story, I stop listening and taking you seriously.[/quote] Its stupid to see it as one big human race so long as minorities here continue to see themselves as Blacks or Mexicans or whatever. So long as that's there, and so long as the people continue to hold onto their heritage and keep their traditions, there will always be ethnical different ways of thinking and acting between the different races. The only way to eliminate that is to force everyone to modernize under one banner and brainwash them out their traditional cultures, and that's not exactly a happy thought either. [b]Edit: I feel the need to explain myself a bit further here.[/b] Do you think that people are ever going to stop hating each other so long we hold on to our traditional ways of thinking and acting? If we're going to rid of hatred, we need to get rid of individuality between races and groups. Redneck: "White power! Burn 'dem blacks! Screw you too, ***! We still haven't forgotten about Pearl Harbor! God bless this great nation! Yee-haw!" This guy needs to go. So long as he's here, there will never be peace between the races in this nation that he claims to love so much. Wannabe Gang-Banger: "Get lost, white boy, unless you me to cut yo sorry ***." This guy needs to go too if people are ever going to respect the black man. Beaner Mexican: "I'm gonna go get my familia and my eses and we're gonna beat you good." Ever wonder why some people really hate Mexicans? These guys are to blame. Arab: *puts on turban and praises Allah* As harmless as this may seem, two cultures so different from one another can't live peacefull side by side. Until he throws away his turban and either becomes an athiest or starts praising his new lord and savior Jesus Christ, there will always be people here that will never be able to accept him. If everyone was open minded and open to people with differences, this wouldn't be a problem. But seeing as how there will always be idiots (both in and out of minorities) that won't be able to accept those that are different from them, the only way to elminate problems relating to that is to make everyone the same.
  3. What a bunch of pricks. Destroying random people's computers isn't exactly self-beneficial. You probably don't get any money out of it. And since they don't get to see their victim's pissed off reactions, I can't see how it would even be gratifying.
  4. My other computer is so bogged down with viruses and spyware that I can barely use it for anything asside from word documents and gaming. (and it takes a really long time to load the latter) I've even got spyware programs and viruses that prevent me from getting rid of other spyware programs and viruses. A fully updated Spybot and a fully updated McAfree can't even detect what's preventing them from getting rid of the problem. I want to wipe out the hard drive to get rid of everything and start from scratch, but my mom's insistant that I don't pull out the old backup disk and get to work. What a pain.
  5. It would be cool if the writer swerved the romance part and paired Inuyasha up with Sango. I always thought during the parts that focused on the interaction between those that they made a better couple than InuyashaXKagome or SangoXMiroku. Incidentally, I also like MirokuXKagome more than I like SangoXMiroku or InuyashaXKagome. Edit: BlackTigerGirl, replace your last quote with [/quote].
  6. It really does varry from day to day. There are some days when next to nothing can get me upset, not even my grandma's constant whining. On other days, things like startling me or being intentionally annoying can get you glares, cuss outs, and eventually a punch in the face. I'm almost never so hot tempered that my fuse runs short with the everyday problems, though.
  7. If he hasn't seen either series, how is he supposed to know what Caska's character is like? Going off of looks, I'd vote for Katsumi too. Caska's awesome though. That romance was the most interesting that I've seen in anime. Much like everything in Berserk, it was cool to watch the evolution of that relationship. She slowly gave up on Griffith (who she viewed as almost an angelic figure) for the man that she used to loathe.
  8. [quote name='celestialcharm']Okay, I'm gonn feel really silly writing this but... I met Bill Nye the Science Guy Before!!![/quote] Luke Skywalker rip-off: *stares at plate* "I can't move it!" Obiwan rip-off: "Use force, Luke!"
  9. [quote name='Momo][color=darkred']My greatest fear is that one day I will lose all my sanity and will to live...that I'll take the cowards way out and cease to exist leaving my loved ones to morn and ask why without wanting an answer.[/color][/quote] Sounds like what my cousin did. That guy had some problems in his last months.
  10. The fairy and the elf from Drakenguard. "AHHHH, MY CHILDREN!" "HAHAHAHA, SO PRETTY!" I really wanted to sock that elf in the face. And to any Rikku haters, please die. She's one of the best examples of how to make a giddy and goofy female character cute instead of annoying. I think that the vital points are that she didn't have the high pitched voice that drives most people mad and she didn't act oblivious to the surrounding situation. She was cheerful, but she didn't go around ruining the more serious scenes of the story with a the "Cheer up everybody!" attitude that you see with so many of her sort.
  11. [quote name='Ragnarok']Becominf the master of every guild in morrowind was the hardest thing I ever done. thats about 70+ hours right there. Mage was easy but thieves was annoying[/quote] How did you become master of both the fighters and the thieves guild? It won't let me do it. (and yes, I did join both)
  12. Does Stone Cold Steve Austin count?
  13. This may sound like pointless BS to you, but I've always been afraid of being possessed. Can you imagine how much that would suck? A demon inhabits your body, strips you of your will, and tortures your mind while he does with your body whatever he pleases? *shivers*
  14. [quote name='Sage']Well you can hope as much as you want, but ultimately all the Pokémon games are the same with slightly different names on the critters and the towns. Young kids are such an easy target for money milking; you can sell them the same stuff over and over again...[/quote] But each new generation of Pokemon games brings something new to the table. In Gold/Silver, you had the addition of of night/day, room decorating, and berries. In Ruby/Saphire,they added Pokemon breeding. I haven't played Fire Red or Leaf Green yet, but I'm sure that they did something new as well. I really don't care what people say about Pokemon. The show may suck ***, but the videogames are still pretty tight.
  15. That's Ranma 1/2's drawing style for you. Most of the teens in Ranma look like that.
  16. Like others have said, it depends on the situation. With most things related to technology, I'm smarter than both of my parents. I know how to run through technology and figure out problems without having any but the most basic of knowledge of the situation aside from the rescources set in front of me. On the other hand, my parents are better with most life skills, like job hunting. If I had listened to mom, I would have got a job much sooner.
  17. A bit late, guys. That's too bad... I would have liked to have seen The Major continue on. Edit: I'll paste this here too (even if its not suffering from the problem in question), since this thread is towards the top: [b]Listen up! If these things don't start getting some posts soon, I'm going to have to shut this down.(And the mods would if I didn't.) Like I keep saying at the beginning of each thread, it doesn't have to be long or complicated! You don't need to go into plot twists or examples or anything like that. I won't get irritated with you if you just say "I happen to like Katsumi's character more. She's more charismatic than Caska, and cuter." Just so long as it has more substance than "Katsumi" or "Katsumi's better", its fine. In other words, if you want this show to continue, pipe up and say something when you go to vote![/b]
  18. O.o Well-traveled, are we Japan? (lucky son of a *****)
  19. Shippo hasn't made an impact on anyone. Its been a long time since I've watched those episodes, but I'm pretty sure that Inuyasha felt some sympathy for Shippo's problem when he met him. Even if he didn't, human emotions were always part of his character. (seeing as how he's only half-demon) And I don't see how anyone can say that he's effected Kagome at all. He draws her pictures and hides in her hair. That's it. The only effect that he's had on either is giving Inuyasha a way to vent his frustrations and giving Kagome another excuse to yell "SIT!" at Inuyasha. He's completely useless to the overall plot.
  20. Match 4! I only have one rule. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated, it just needs to be more than a one or two word answer. Nabiki's gonna win. She's seems to be a pretty well liked character in pretty well known anime. Not near as many people have seen Escaflowne. Merle (Vision of Escaflowne) [img]http://img243.echo.cx/img243/9018/escamerle0030vh.jpg[/img] vs. Nabiki Tendou (Ranma 1/2) [img]http://img243.echo.cx/img243/3408/nabiki0110244tg.jpg[/img] I was originally going to vote for Merle, but come to think of it, Nabiki is actually a pretty cool character. In the first season alone (as far as I've seen), she blackmails both Ranma and Kuno. I like those sorts of characters. I can't say much on Merle, other than that she looks like a cute character. Nabiki's still cuter, though. Edit: I'm pasting this here too: [b]Listen up! If these things don't start getting some posts soon, I'm going to have to shut this down.(And the mods would if I didn't.) Like I keep saying at the beginning of each thread, it doesn't have to be long or complicated! You don't need to go into plot twists or examples or anything like that. I won't get irritated with you if you just say "I happen to like Katsumi's character more. She's more charismatic than Caska, and cuter." Just so long as it has more substance than "Katsumi" or "Katsumi's better", its fine. In other words, if you want this show to continue, pipe up and say something when you go to vote![/b]
  21. Alright, match 3! I only have one rule. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated, it just needs to be more than a one or two word answer. I'm not sure who will win. I used to think that Katsumi didn't have a fanbase (Silent Mobius fans were more about Kiddy and Yuki), but I've seen hints of one since then. Caska (Berserk) [img]http://img246.echo.cx/img246/3741/caska27uw.jpg[/img] vs. Katsumi Liquer (Silent Mobius) [img]http://img246.echo.cx/img246/1936/silent1uq.jpg[/img] I've got to give this vote to Caska. I like Katsumi too, but Caska is more of a character. Her past was more troubled, and her romantic story with Griffith and Guts was an interesting one. I like Katsumi more with looks, though. Edit: I said this elsewhere, but I'm going to copy and paste it here: [b]Listen up! If these things don't start getting some posts soon, I'm going to have to shut this down.(And the mods would if I didn't.) Like I keep saying at the beginning of each thread, it doesn't have to be long or complicated! You don't need to go into plot twists or examples or anything like that. I won't get irritated with you if you just say "I happen to like Katsumi's character more. She's more charismatic than Caska, and cuter." Just so long as it has more substance than "Katsumi" or "Katsumi's better", its fine. In other words, if you want this show to continue, pipe up and say something when you go to vote![/b]
  22. Motoko Kasanagi: 3 votes Lacus Clyne: 6 votes [b]Here is your winner... Lacus Clyne![/b] Damn. Lacus isn't terrible, but I like Motoko a lot more.
  23. Sailor Venus: 6 votes Najica: 1 vote [b]Here is your winner... Sailor Venus![/b] I expected as much.
  24. Despite my goal to see as many cultures as I can during my lifetime, I haven't been to too many places. [b]Washington state:[/b] I went there when I was younger. The only thing that I remember is that Washington was where I got my first black eye from a baseball hitting me in the face. [b]Reno, Nevada:[/b] I've gone a few times. Had an alright birthday there. But Circus Circus is way overrated. As you might expect, it's a small desert town with a few big buildings. [b]Portland, Oregon:[/b] I visited my aunt there. The most memorable thing was my grandma having her second "heart attack", both of which were just anxiety attacks brought on by her fear of death. That place had a lot of trees, and that's about it. [b]Honalulu, Hawaii:[/b] That was an interesting experience. I was over there during 9/11, so a lot of places were locked down. We stayed at a military hotel. They had to check our I.D.s whenever we entered or left. I like the environment there. In ten minutes time, you could go from a beach to a desert wasteland to a forrest. I'd never seen so many different climates in such a short distance. [b]New Mexico:[/b] My dad lives there. That household has some problems. (alchoholic step-mom that never eats and a freeloading uncle... looks like they might have the step mom's suicidal little brother moving in soon) I didn't get to see a whole lot of it, because nobody wanted to take me around to see the state. I was pretty bored and pretty ticked both times. I liked what I did see though. It was like a cross between a desert and a forrest. The hills didn't look fertile, yet quiet a few trees and desert plants grew on them. [b]Los Angelus, California:[/b] I didn't get to see the ins-and-outs of this city either. Had a great birthday at Disney Land and Universal Studios, though. [b]Yosemite, California:[/b] Very nice place. It deserves its status as a national park. If you ever want to see cool rock formations and nature at its best, go there. That's all of the areas of note. I've caught glimpses of San Diego, Mount Shasta, and Pheonix, but never stopped and looked around them. I'm going to Tokyo in September, that should be awesome.
  25. You could always import them from Japan, or if you want them in English, you could import them from the States. But just look at the bright side of living in England: at least it isn't flooded with fat chicks.
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