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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. I decided that to write a mixed anime CYOF. People that hang out on the GFAQs boards might be familiar with the term. Here?s how it?s going to work: I?m going write a story. At the end of each chapter, I?m going give you several options, as well as the option for the story to do something that?s not on the list. Each time before I start a new chapter, I?ll count the votes from the previous chapter and use the option that got the most votes. I?ll be making some changes to the characters to make them fit my story, but I?ll try to stay somewhat loyal to their original counterparts. Its not really an RPG, but its not really a normal fanfic either. And since the anthology board is practically dead, I thought that I?d put it here. BTW, be sure to vote at the end of each chapter. I?m not going to waste my time on a story that nobody?s reading, and I?ll have no idea that you?re reading if you don?t vote. Also, don?t be afraid to give feedback. If there?s a big flaw in my writing style, or if something about the story is really bugging you, or if you?re just really enjoying the story, let me know. This first entry is going to be a bit long, since I want to get the beginning over with, so bear with it. [B]Chapter 1: Enter Eric Martin[/B] [i]It was great to finally have a chance to relax after so many weeks of being on the move. True safe havens like this one had become a rare find since this whole mess started. It was a nice mansion? the walls and much of the furniture was made of obviously old yet very well kept wood (looked like mahogany). Many things were made of marble, including the kitchen and bathroom floors. The extremely powerful incantations on the walls and gates kept the average individual from even perceiving the mansion, and kept the stronger-than-average individuals out. You sunk comfortably into a black leather couch that formed a crescent moon around a big, round, wooden table.. ?So what?s your deal anyways?? You looked up across the table at Tessa, who looked quiet comfortable sitting on her end of the couch. ?You really are an odd case. You?re obviously pretty strong, yet I was unable to find any information on you? not even a brief mention in the Paladin database! And they have information on everyone and everything related to the supernatural! Honestly, I?ve never seen any group or individual of any significance that didn?t have a full file in the Paladin database!? ?Well I?m relatively new to the game, and I?ve been trying to stay under the radar for obvious reasons. Add the two together, and they probably haven?t had enough time to collect any worthwhile information on me, much less file a full report.? A maid sat a cheeseburger and a Dr. Pepper on the table. You laughed. ?I would have thought that such a nice place would serve rich people food!? ?The young mistress informed me that you prefer this cheap food over expensive food, so I assumed that this would be along the lines of what you wanted. Bu I can use a good dinner if you don?t want it.? ?Nah, your assumption was right. I would have turned down dinner if it were that expensive crap. Honestly, how can people make a diet out of expensive alcohol and fish eggs? ?Speaking of ?the young mistress?, where is she exactly? Or Yusuke for that matter?? ?Yusuke seems to be enjoying the arcade and the young mistress has secluded herself in her room. She?s probably resting.? ?Yeah, that?s probably it.? More like hopefully it? Tessa interrupted. ?It looks like we?re going to have a little free time on our hands, and I?m really curious as to how you got involved in this situation. I don?t see where this should be between anybody but Mythril and the Illuminati?? ?Circumstances demanded that I step in. I guess that I?ll start with my life directly prior to becoming something other than ?normal?.?[/i]
  2. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Red]First of all, Aaryanna only said she saw no reason to discuss bra sizes and SunfallE said she ?knew? women who were offended, not that she was, really try to read before making your statement. They were talking about you listing the bra size and not that you like "busty women" And why did you respond? If they are offended, why do you even care? It's just their opinion. Something that they are entitled to, just as you are entitled to prefer "busty women"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]And yes making sarcastic comments over other people's choices [B]is [/B] picking apart their choice. As for not seeing why people might be offended? Well your opening post is on the sexist side, you may not have intended it to be so, but it is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]Anyway, I think I am in agreement with Pumpkin at this point so like she said: "That's my end of the subject because I'd rather not create a flame war over a subject that?s pointless to argue with you.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Cyan]Hell no. You attack me, then you back off because you don't want to start a flame war? It doesn't work like that![/COLOR] [color=red]SunfallE's exact words: [I]I don?t know how other female members of this community feel, but I know quite a few women who find guys discussing what bra size they want their ideal woman to wear very offensive. I also find women who discuss how they want certain aspect of a man to be a ?certain? size equally as offensive so it goes both ways.[/I] She's trying to tell me why I'm wrong for saying what I said. The way I see it, it looks like she's agreeing, but even if she's not, she's still trying to tell me that I shouldn't have said that. Aaryanna's exact words: [i]Are you sure you aren?t talking about Barbie? Seriously I hardly think we need to know what size bra you think she should wear. Such a description is unnecessary, I know I won?t be getting as graphic when I describe my idea of a perfect man. For starters, I think perfection sucks. For one thing perfection is an illusion. It doesn?t exist. But for the sake of argument I?ll pretend it does.[/i] In that second part, she's taking an agressive tone towards me. Add that to saying that I'm describing Barbie (which is never a good thing... I don't go around asking women about this, but from what I've seen, it seems like many of the types that are in here see Barbie as a negative figure that lowers young girl's self esteem) I was wondering why she was taking offense to me liking girls with fairly big breasts and blond hair. They both thought that I was wrong for liking the look that I like, so I went on the offensive back.[/color] [color=orange]And liking white blond girls with big breasts and a nice figure is SOOOOO sexist, I'll tell you what. I get really offended when girls talk about liking dark guys with big d*cks and a toned frame that I just want to go up to them and deck them! Its evil! (that was all sarcasm, in case you have your sarcasm detector turned off)[/color]
  3. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I think that the person who needs to chill here is in fact you Bloodseeker. All SunfallE and Aaryanna did is state that they felt you were being a bit too descriptive, neither one of them said that they were offended. SunfallE only said she could see how others could be offended by such a statement. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]And other than the soft skin, it does kind of describe Barbie, that?s the first image that came to my mind when I read your post. Anyway, I say we all should leave out the nitpicking of what other people consider perfect out of this thread, which by the way you yourself started, as unless I am mistaken it?s not the reason you started it in the first place.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]No, SunfallE siad that she was offended because I said about what the perfect breast size was, and Aaryanna took on an agressive tone, as if liking busty bleach blondes was a bad thing. I'm not the one getting offended here.[/color] [color=red]And when did I do that? I made a sarcastic comment about Cloud, because I'd think that some unstable emo guy [spoiler]that's just a clone of some psycho[/spoiler] would hardly make the perfect partner for anyone, but its not like I went around picking apart other people's preferences. (unlike two other people that I can think of) I don't see why people are attacking me just because I described my favorite physical features.[/color]
  4. I think that my two word post got my thoughts on the matter across as well as any five paragraph essay. Hell no, I don't want to see two guys get intimate with one another.
  5. ^You and me wouldn't get along. You get offended to easily. You need to learn to chill... it should only piss you off if its going to do harm to you, your friends, or your family. Its not worth it to get offended over the other stuff. That'll only cause headaches. (Wow, the name Bloodseeker doesn't really fit me at all anymore, does it?)
  6. [QUOTE=Aaryanna]Are you sure you aren?t talking about Barbie? Seriously I hardly think we need to know what size bra you think she should wear. Such a description is unnecessary, I know I won?t be getting as graphic when I describe my idea of a perfect man. For starters, I think perfection sucks. For one thing perfection is an illusion. It doesn?t exist. But for the sake of argument I?ll pretend it does.[/QUOTE] What the hell are you getting all b*tchy about? I like busty blond girls, I don't like toothpicks, I don't like them too muscular or too chubby, and I prefer softer facial features. So my perfect girl would fit that description. (I'm not that picky in real life... this is just describing what perfection would be for me) And my perfect girl's skin would be softer than plastic, so no, I'm not describing Barbie. [quote name='Pumpkin][size=1][color=#336699]Exactly what I was thinking. It's suprising to me that most people consider all blondes beautiful because of this barbie figure, which is not true at all because there are plenty of attractive brunettes. I was a blonde and I dyed my hair dark drown awhile ago and I noticed I got different attitudes from people. I just found that interesting....now anyways....since there is no such thing as "perfect" I'll list the qualities that I like in a man... [/color'][/size][/quote] You think that people treated you better when you had blond hair just because of Barbie? Idiot. Some girls look better with lighter hair, and other look better with darker. You're obviously the former. There are some girls that just look wierd with blond hair, and I've seen some pretty hot brunettes, so its not a universal thing. [color=DarkGreen][b][size=1]Come on, Bloodseeker, you've been around long enough to know you're not supposed to double post. Merged them, but annoyed I had to. [/size][/b][/color] [right][color=DarkGreen][size=1]-Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right]
  7. You want an emo [spoiler]clone[/spoiler] for a boyfriend?
  8. ...that great bands like Trivium and Rammstein lay in cult following purgatory here in the US, while ******* bands like Nine Inch Nails, Greenday, and The Darkness get to shine. Honestly, what's wrong with these people? How could you possibly call up and request Nine Inch Nails when there are so many great bands to choose from?
  9. Remember, this is perfection... be picky. Looks: white, blond; c-cup; nice ***; some fat and some muscle (toothpick women are fugly), but not so much as to make them really chubby or too hard; soft facial features Personality: not too outgoing, but not so lazy that all she's willing to do is sit at home; bit on the nerdier side without being a full fledged nerd; good conversationalist; isn't completely apethetic to politics Dos: Likes anime, videogames, and weapon collections; enjoys cuddling and sexual stuff; knows a fine balance between liberal and conservative policies Donts: tries to drag me along on two hour shopping trips through the mall every week; anti-sexual (I'm not just looking for a sex toy, but I want a girl that will let me mess around with her... she gets to do it back anyways; without the contact, she might as well be just a good friend); won't even shut up long enough for me to make a comment on her thoughts, stories, and experiences (conversation is a two-way street) Other quirks: Some people might find this wierd... my perfect woman wouldn't be perfect. I'm somebody that likes to be needed, so I'd prefer to hook up with a girl that needs a capable boyfriend. I wouldn't want a girl that turned to me to take care of every minor problem (why do you care so much about Ryan talking trash about you?), or a drama queen that takes small problems and blows them out of porportion (if your dad punched you in the face last night, then why don't I see any bruises?), or a gold digger that exploits my will to help her by making up stories about people that she doesn't like (Josh is my best friend, I've known him for six years, and he's extremely loyal... I seriously doubt that he's trying to steal you away from me); I hate people that do these sorts of things on the regular basis more than anyone else. But I'd like it if she had a legit reason to turn to me for help, or if she felt the need to confide in me.
  10. If you stick your wang into a giant plushie of your favorite anime girl every night, you're too obsessed. If you don't have money for food because you couldn't control your anime shopping sprees, you're too obessed. If you spend $50,000 on an Evangelion motorcycle autographed by everybody involved in the making of NGE, you're too obsessed.
  11. None of my all time favorite or near favorites are on that list... As for the question, Naruto, because it hasn't hit a 50+ episode filler ark yet, and it doesn't seem like its going to have Inuyasha's annoying romantic situations...
  12. I like the 50-episode length animes. A lot of times when I watch a 26-episode-long series, I'm left wishing for more. 26 episodes is just too short for a really good set up like Berserk or Outlaw Star. 50 or so episodes is perfect to give people their fill of the story and the characters without having it drag on to the point where everything becomes repetitive and dull. Of course, if they can manage to keep the series fresh throughout 300 episodes, I say go for it.
  13. I'm a huge fan of Soultaker, but I was disappointed by this show. I kept on hearing how funny it was, but the only parts that made me laugh were hearing Shiro call Komugi a "piss-ant little girl" and watching them make fun loli fans. The rest was meh.
  14. It would suck, but it wouldn't be unbearable or anything. I could get by with just videogames and the internet if it came down to it. And even if those things dissapeared, I'd just find a new way to keep myself entertained. There's always something else...
  15. Tenchi, assuming that I was able to find a way to change my combat wardrobe. There's no way that I'd wear that light hawk suit unless there was no other way for me to get out of the situation alive! And even then, it would still be a tough call...
  16. I'm not in the mood to read, so maybe this has been said already... I think that 9/11 might be the single most low-risk day out of the entire year as far as terrorist attacks are concerned. Its the day that everybody remembers 9/11/01. As such, people are more likely to notice terrorist activities on that day than on any other day of the year. Even the terrorists, who were so stupid that they couldn't even figure out to effectively capitilize on 9/11 (it would have been as simple as using a few car bombs in several small cities across the country to plant an even bigger feeling of unrest in everyone), aren't so dumb as to try an attack on the day when every other person is going to have something like that on their mind.
  17. WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE GREY HAIR LIKE AN OLD WOMAN?! :flaming: Its not fair... :bawl:
  18. I'm pretty sure that I've heard them say "*****" on ATHF before... why do they always feel the need to crack down harder on anime than on American TV shows...
  19. [QUOTE=After*Glow][COLOR=red]Best Weapon- does a Gundam count as a weapon?[/color] [color=royalblue]Best Fighting Tech- the fighting style Spike uses, I forgot what its called[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=red]Depends on the show... if its like G Gundam, where the Gundams themselves use special attacks, then yes. But it its like Gundam Seed where the Gundams only fight using beam sabers and really, really big rifles, then not really, since the Gundam itself isn't what's dishing out the damage. Its like attatching rocket launcher on top of a car and calling the car a weapon.[/color] [color=royalblue]Jeet Kun Do... Bruce Lee's style.[/color]
  20. Technique: [url=http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/4606/hieidragonflame4xl.gif][color=red]Dragon of the Darkness Flame! Hiei rocks![/color][/url] Weapon: Tough call... [url=http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/5037/ggvhs23mk.jpg][color=red]Triela's shotgun[/color][/url] (if you can't tell which one has a shotgun, you don't deserve to know... Is Clause using a brace for her pistol?! That's kinda pathetic...) looks really cool... but [url=http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/926/outlaw110243ci.jpg][color=red]Gene's caster[/color][/url] would kill any shotgun in effectiveness.
  21. It varies from day to day. Some days it would take somebody killing one of my friends or close family members to piss me off, and other days I'll get pissed just from losing on a videogame. I never have a day where I get pissed just by people making a joke about me, though. I haven't been that defensive for at least five years.
  22. I'll post a picture of it once it gets here. (we sent some of stuff that we carry back to our house through the mail)
  23. The camera sucks in the dark, even when I have flash on and have the settings set for a dark place. I took a few pictures of the insides of shrines, and they always turned out dark and blurry, as did the picture that I took of the Disneyland castle at night. [img]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9392/picture0538vo.jpg[/img] Why I haven't deleted that yet, I don't know.
  24. As some of you already know, I just got back from a nine-day trip to Tokyo a few days ago! It was an excellent trip, definitely one worth talking about. [b]Things of Note[/b] Japan was different from where I live in many ways. For starters, many people over there walk from place to place and take the subways and trains instead of driving. It doesn't really stand out in any of my photos, but trust me, there are more people walking and riding bikes than driving. Second, when it was raining EVERYBODY was carying umbrellas. There wasn't a raincoat in sight. It makes sense though, seeing as how Tokyo was still pretty hot, despite the rain. Not to mention humid. (that was the one thing that I hated about Tokyo) Look at this guy's stylish pink umbrella: [img]http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/7294/picture0055od.jpg[/img] Eastern-style toilets. Thankfully, they also have western bathrooms there too, so I never had to take a dump in one of these. Looks awkward: [img]http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/2011/picture0272fq.jpg[/img] THE VENDING MACHINES ARE EVERYWHERE! I swear, it seemed like every block had at least five of these things! Most of them just had drinks, though there were also quiet a few with ciggarettes: [img]http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6836/picture0105rr.jpg[/img] Lack of trashcans. Trashcans were near impossible to find in some parts of town. With all of the vending machines around, you'd think that there would be more trashcans to throw your trash away in. My mom and I walked around for fifteen minutes looking for a trashcan before eventually shoving the soda cans into the hands of an employee at Starbucks and walking off. This sign drives the point home perfectly: [img]http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/1373/picture0425nx.jpg[/img] Noisy bugs! Those locuses and cicadas (I think that they were cicadas) would be extremely annoying to have outside your window if you were trying to sleep. How to say "thank you for coming" in Japanese: "Die, dumbass." I couldn't help but laugh when I first heard that one. For those of you that don't know (all three of you), in Japan, you drive on the left side of the road. The steering wheel is on the right side of the car too. I noticed that lots of the bigger cars there had TVs in them. I'd say that about one in every seven or eight people that we ran into spoke enough English to help us out when we needed it. Not terribly surprising, given the English-friendly environment of Tokyo. As for currency... there's about a hundred yen to a dollar. I remember someone saying that the exact amount is $1.07 = 100 yen, but I never bothered to confirm it. Coins come in the variety of one yen, ten yen, fifty yen, one hundred yen, and five hundred yen. I might take a picture of the coins when my mom gets back... she went to visit grandma and she brought the camera with her. The food there is alright, though I wouldn't trade it for good ol' American food. I never want to see another cold half cooked egg again. I could go the rest of my life without fish eggs too. Sushi actually isn't as bad as you might think it is. Its not something that I'd eat on the regular basis, but its not bad. There's also a lot of "western" restaurants in Tokyo too, but they're not as good as American counterparts. I remember trying to order extra crispy chicken legs at KFC. Me: "Two extra crispy chicken legs." Him: "So you want two chicken legs and two extra crispy?" *points at crispy chicken strips* Me: "No, I want two extra crispy chicken drumbsticks." Him: "So you want two extra crispy and one drumbstick?" Me: "No, I want TWO EXTRA CRISPY CHICKEN LEGS!" Him: "You want two chicken legs and two extra crispy?" Me: "TWO EXTRA CRISPY DRUMBSTICKS!" Him: "NO EXTRA CRISPY DRUMBSTICKS!" Me: "....I'll have two regular drumbsticks, please." They picked some wierd areas for some of the subway entrances. One time we came out in a cosmetics shop, another time, we came in a place with a Starbucks and several small shops, and yet another time, we came out in a bakery: [img]http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/3673/picture0333iy.jpg[/img] [img]http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/426/picture0358ob.jpg[/img] There are two main religions in Japan: Buddhism and Shinto. Naturally, there are a fair number of shrines for both. The easiest way to tell them apart is the Shinto shrine always has one of these gates: [img]http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1783/picture0152mg.jpg[/img] Also, most buddhists shrines have swastikas all over the place. [img]http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5922/picture0564bi.jpg[/img] That's right, Jews. Buddha hates you. Naw, just joking. Its too bad the Nazis had to take a sign of peace and give it such a bad name. Japanese fassion... I noticed that a lot of the girls wore jeans under their skirts.That's just cold, teasing us guys like that! A large amount of the men walking around wore identical black business suits with a white undershirt and black tie. How boring. I'd wear a white suit just so that I wasn't identical to everyone else. Aside from that, the fassions didn't seem too far off from what you'd see here in America. I'm probably forgetting something... Oh well, let's get to the actual tour! I had too many images to post, so I turned them into links. [b]Day 1[/b] This was pretty much just a traveling day. My mom insisted that we get to the airport early "just to be safe". We spent about fifteen minutes checking in our bags and going through security and about three hours waiting for boarding time. Thanks a lot, mom. I spent about two hours of the ten hour flight sleeping, two hours watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith (7/10), and the rest of it either trying to sleep or playing my new DS (Mario 64 DS and Advance Wars: Dual Strike). I wasn't watching the clock, but I'd say that it took about half an hour to get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo. We were staying at a 4-star military hotel. I wouldn't give it four stars, but I'd say that it was a solid three. (the rooms were nice, but the food wasn't anything special, and they didn't have a lot of the modern hotel features like the ability to order movies from your room) [b]Day 2[/b] We visited Ueno Park and Roppongi. The subway system is pretty easy to get used to, especially if you ask the information desk for a map. Just look for your destination, how much it costs (190 yen is usually a safe bet), put the money in, grab the ticket, and go downstairs. Ueno Park is the spot with all of the museums. They've also got a fairly nice shopping place too. My mom picked up a (fake) pearn necklace there. Lots of arcades. They need more shopping areas like that in America. We entered one of the museums (I don't remember what it was called). It bored me to tears for the most part. They had some interesting statues and blades, but aside from that, meh. They also have a pretty big Shinto shrine there too. (At least, I think that was in Ueno Park...) I didn't visit it during my first full day in Tokyo though. I took the picture of the umbrellas right after leaving the museum. It seems like it would be an ideal place for a picnic on a sunnier day. Here are the pictures that I took while in Ueno Park: [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/9625/picture0021gg.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/6222/picture0035ev.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/2427/picture0047xk.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/3313/picture0064rk.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/5978/picture0075cz.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/2171/picture0084ld.jpg[/url] [url]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/3029/picture0099fq.jpg[/url] (She looked a lot cuter when I was standing right in front of her...) We actually only saw a bit of Roppngi, but it seemed like a nice commercial area. Not too much to say about it other than that was a nice mall that we went to. This was my mom's favorite section of the city. Some pictures: [url]http://img287.imageshack.us/img287/4583/picture0112re.jpg[/url] [url]http://img287.imageshack.us/img287/9639/picture0135zl.jpg[/url] [url]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/881/picture0126ak.jpg[/url] (that's Tokyo Tower, if you didn't know) [b]Day 3[/b] We took a guided tour around parts of Tokyo. First, we hit a Shinto shrine. I actually wanted to zoom in on the door on the far side of the main shrine, but a security guard stopped me. He didn't know why when I asked. Dumbass. The shrine was in a nice foresty area. The rest... just look at the pictures: [url]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/5353/picture0140lw.jpg[/url] (These are sake bottles donated for rituals... how much you wanna bet that the monks party after the shrine shuts down for the night?) [url]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/9550/picture0166bo.jpg[/url] Next, we went to the Imperial Garden. The castle grounds themselves are forbidden to the general public on all but two night a year, New Years Eve and the emperor's birthday. The guards were practicing their martials arts inthe one of the restricted areas that we were walking past. It was pretty funny. It sounded like someone was being tortured! "WAAAAAAAHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHH! OOOH! OOOHHH! OOOOOOOOH! AAAAAAAAAAAH!" The gardens themselves were nice, even if there were a lot of noisy bugs there. See for yourselves: [url]http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/8808/picture0188hy.jpg[/url] [url]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5190/picture0193ux.jpg[/url] [url]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8633/picture0210jk.jpg[/url] Next, we went to Asakusa, which is a big buddhist shrine with a shopping strip. We wanted to take a longer look at this place, so we parted ways with the tour here. There was a politition promoting his election campaign. I guess that the elections took place while we were in Japan. My mom picked up some souvenirs for her friends. [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6721/picture0234og.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/184/picture0242os.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/5483/picture0251wz.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/1396/picture0260od.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/5448/picture0308ds.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/2996/picture0322rv.jpg[/url] [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/2996/picture0322rv.jpg[/url] After Asakusa, we headed towards Ginza, which was supposedly the best shopping area in Tokyo. What a let down. All it was were high end cosmetic, jewelry, and clothing shops. We got bored pretty quick. So, went to visit Akihabara (for those of you that haven't heard of it, its an electronic, videogame, and anime shopping area), but we went in the wrong direction and ended up back in the Ueno Park shopping area. We went to the Tokyo Tower after about an hour in Ueno. Its just a bunch of souvenir shops, an elevator, and two observation rooms. We spent a little extra to go to the upper observation room: [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/3747/picture0360qx.jpg[/url] [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/5482/picture0375pt.jpg[/url] [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/7676/picture0386jf.jpg[/url] [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/8281/picture0397mw.jpg[/url] [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/4396/picture0404cp.jpg[/url] [url]http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/9900/picture0416mv.jpg[/url] [b]Day 4[/b] My mom insisted that we just rest in the hotel room for a day, so nothing really happened here. We rented Hostage (another 7/10), and I spent the rest of the day playing my DS and reading the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Yawn. [b]Day 5[/b] We were going to head over to Akihabara at night to see the neon lights, but a thunderstorm his and we ended up staying inside. We rented The Aviator (8/10... better than I thought it would be), and once again, I ended up playing my DS and read HP6. [b]Day 6[/b] We took a tour to Mount Fuji (which looks surprisingly dull at this time of the year), hitting several small rest stops along the way: [url]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/1008/picture0432pc.jpg[/url] [url]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5262/picture0455vi.jpg[/url] [url]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/2278/picture0468uw.jpg[/url] (those clouds were really cool) We also took a tram ride over a sulfer mine. Why they would put a tram for tourists over a sulfer mine if beyond me. It didn't smell good. [url]http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/6493/picture0476gf.jpg[/url] [url]http://img273.imageshack.us/img273/5313/picture0488ex.jpg[/url] We also took a boat ride later, but I wasn't particularly intersted in staring at fog and trees, so I just chilled inside. [b]Day 7[/b] We went to Tokyo Disneyland! We spent the majority of the time standing in line. (80 minute-long lines... das not cool) They redecorated the haunted mansion to a "Nightmare Before Christmas" theme. It actually worked better, which is surprising, seeing as how I don't like Nightmare Before Christmas. The Halloween Parade was so bad that I started laughing. "Its a pump- pump -pumpkin party!" Give me a break! Not to mention a bunch of Japanese people doing the chicken before the parade. I wanted to get a picture of one of the monkey guys in a ridiculous position (one of them couldn't dance worth *****... he was over there flailing his arms and kicking his legs), but every time I took the picture, he was in a "normal" dancing position. Then there was the electric parade... my camera did NOT agree with it. It made the lights look really dull. (some of those female dancers had next to nothing covering their thighs... in America, protective moms everywhere would be getting pissed) [url]http://img270.imageshack.us/img270/8039/picture0490yi.jpg[/url] [url]http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/6712/picture0511qn.jpg[/url] [b]Day 8[/b] We made a return trip to Asakusa. I picked up a shuriken, and my mom bought some more gifts for her friends. You'll notice that the red lantern is actually down this time... [url]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2508/picture0546yg.jpg[/url] [url]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2917/picture0556yo.jpg[/url] Once we were done in Akasuka, we finally made it to Akihabara. I was a bit too preoccupied with geeking out over all of the anime shops to care about taking pictures. We ended walking into a hentai shop... walking into a hentai shop with your mom, that's awkward. We kept going up stares expecting to see something different. Nope, just more anime girls sucking more anime cock. My mom had this "WTF?!" expression on her face the entire time. Like I said, awkward. I ended up grabbing an Evangelion Unit 01 model set. I'll have to get started on it soon. [b]Day 9[/b] Another traveling day. We got on the plane at 5 P.M., flew for nine hours, and arrived at SFO at 10:30 in the morning. My mom was extremely cranky the entire drive home. We both crashed when we got back.
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