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The best way to learn anything is through necessity. See if you can move to Japan for a while. Maybe your company has some business partners over there that you can help communicate with. Or maybe you can be an exchange student, or something.
[quote name='Gemini_Phoenix']There is, however, such a thing as too much fanservice, as the anime Ikki Tousen demonstrates in every episode.[/quote] The only one that I've seen that pushed the limit was Najica. You could actually ignore Ikkitousen's fanservice when you got tired of it, but Najica basically forced you to focus on it if you wanted to watch the action. Ruined a potentially good show, it did.
I suppose that I'm addicted mostly to internet message boards right now. I spend most of my nights on them, and seeing as how I'm nocturnal, that's a fair amount of my time. My anime and videogame collections haven't gone through a major expansion in quiet some time. Since the beginning of the year, I've got the first Fullmetal Alchemist DVD, The Sims 2, and I'm pretty sure that that's it. The funny thing is that my obsession with both is as big as it was a year ago. I guess that I just haven't seen too many things new and interesting so far this year
G4 is trash.The only good shows that they have are Icons, Filter, and Anime Unleashed. The rest of them are dumb shows divided between shows aimed at the average "hip" teen (which aren't the type of people that would watch a videogame channel anyways) sporting celebrity appearances and cute women (not that cute women are a bad thing), and shows with bad humor, interviews with boring people that nobody is going to care about, and bad reviews. Even X-Play, one of my old favorites, has gone straight to hell. Adam Sessler keeps it from turning into Judgement Day with Morgan Webb's rack, but without the ingenious review writers, its just not as funny as it used be. Not even their forums are worth hanging around on anymore, what with the overly-tight rules and censorship. It used to be my internet hang out, but I left on account of stupid rules The strictest mods have been de-modded, but I know that they were just scapegoats. The problems lie with the administrators that make the rules. They're the ones that tell the mods to lock anything that critisizes G4, regardless of how well thought out or valid their points may be, or how well it was presented. And their also the ones always laying down new rules and making the place less fun.
Where's the love for Scar?!
Anime Poll: What Yu-gi-oh Character do you like best?
Bloodseeker replied to PikaSurf's topic in Otaku Central
Yu-Gay-Oh! I'm not fond of any of them. Some of the cards look cool, but you really can't count them for characters. -
I'm about to ask the woman i love to marry me
Bloodseeker replied to Lightwing's topic in General Discussion
Give her an RKO. -
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? He's right, you broke rule number one of skipping school: never show your face to anyone that would tell your parents. Don't loose your cool and show your face to those that would punish you for your truancy. I've found that the best way to skip school is to check in for homeroom and get to walking back instead of going to your next class. They won't usually say anything if you skip individual classes. Unless they're keeping track of you (and why would they unless its a regular thing for you to skip), or unless your in an extremely small school, how would they know that its not a simple error in role call or if you were just late to class?
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament: Qualifiers *56K warning*
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Consider this a last call. If you want to nominate or change your nominations, hop to it. I'm setting up the bracket tonight. Edit: Here's the cut off! I'm setting up the bracket now. Any added or changed nominations past this point will not count. Seeing as how that makes this thread pretty useless, I'd say that its necessary to lock it. (hint hint) -
Gaming Nintendo...the final nails in the coffin?
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Zidargh']The XBOX would've been deemed a failure had it's price not dropped significantly. The sales of the XBOX were so low in Europe, that it had to drop it's price down by £150. That's a ridiculous amount of money within the first two months of it's release[/quote] I don't know anything about that. All I know is that it did okay here in the US, and that Xbox sales were better than Gamecube sales in Europe. [quote name='Zidargh']In case you hadn't of noticed, Halo is an incredibly overrated game. And now the gamer public who can see past the superificialities of graphics for example, (Though in my world, they don't rock my boat) are starting realise this.[/quote] I don't care much for Halo 2 myself, but there's no denying that it sold extremely well, as did Halo 1. And when it boils down, [i]that[/i] is what determines what sticks around and what goes down the tubes. [quote name='Zidargh]Mario and Link were never butchered. Super Mario Sunshine and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, sold very well in Japan, Europe and the US. [i]Jeez.[/i'] It's Mario and Link for crying out loud. Yes there was a section of the market that hated the changes made to them, but there was also a broad market that loved these. I personally find the two games very enjoyable. Yes, they have their flaws. Such as the ending of SMS or the Triforce quest in TWW, but so does every single game.[/quote] I don't know any fans of either LoZ:tWW or SMS, nor do I know anyone that owns either except for myself. And I regret buying the latest LoZ game. [QUOTE=Zidargh][i]Never[/i] create a generalised thread that is supposedly factual by you, be dictated by just your opinion. You need statistics and other articles to back up your argument. As far as I know, the Nintendo DS has sold very well. And you cannot say the PSP is going to be a stellar-hit in comparison to the DS: - .The Nintendo DS was released much earlier than the PSP. .The Nintendo DS has introduced ground-breaking elements, what with a touch-screen and in-built connectivity into a hand held console. .The Nintendo DS is also more affordable than the PSP. Just because you don't enjoy the titles, or don't like the looks of them, doesn't mean other people do not worship them.[/quote] I suppose that I should have included my other basis for saying this at the beginning. My mom was a bit more keen to check out the DS than I was. Whenever she asked if they had any stock, they always directed us to a half-emptied cage/shelf of DSs. We even asked within the first week of release. The touchscreen was a turn-off for me. Only one of my friends has a DS, and he's going to return it. I myself have been more interested in the PSPs. Whenever I've asked if there were any in stock, the anwer has always been that they were sold out, and that hasn't changed. That's enough to lead a person to the conclusion that the PSP has sold better than the DS, and that the touchscreen was part of the reason why. [QUOTE=Zidargh]Oh and... There was actually a Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's much more different to your typical FF, but there was one.[/quote] Chrystal Chronicals doesn't count. It was a sideshow, and everybody knew it. [QUOTE=Zidargh]Sorry, but I feel it's not quite the end for Nintendo. You've forgotten Greatest Hits like Metroid Prime for example. Get some real information before you write another argument like this.[/QUOTE] I've never been good with finding old links that I found my info on... -
Its no secret that the Gamecube didn't sale too well in the US or Europe. With nothing huge, exclusive, and promising like Halo or Final Fantasy on the Gamecube, and with Nintendo superstars Mario (with his new water pack) and Link (with his new cartoony look) butchered, its no wonders that Gamecube sales were less than Xbox sales and abysmal compared to PS2 sales. In all honesty, I think that Super Smash Brothers Melee, Animal Crossing, and Metroid Prime were the only things that drove anybody outside of hardcore Nintendo fans and a few exceptions to buy the system. Then along comes the DS, which was just a bad idea. I don't know how sales have been doing for the DS, but I'd be willing to bet that with the awkward touch-screen/traditional button mixtures and a less-than-steller selection of games, sales haven't been doing too well, especially when compared to Sony's hit PSP. While in another industry altogether, I think that Nintendo's failures can be directly compared to that of the former top superstore, K-Mart. Just like the big fish that was K-Mart wasn't able to modernize with their customers by providing an up to date fashion sense or an adequate and well-organized electronics section, Nintendo hasn't come to realize that family-friendly gaming is not what gamers are looking for anymore. The age where platformers are the top dogs are gone. Much like K-Mart was lost in the information age, Nintendo is lost in this relatively new stream of high-interaction sandbox obsessions among gamers. The DS, Nintendo's attempt at making all of their handheld games an interactive sandbox, is proof of this. Nintendo should have known that a touchscreen combined with the traditional buttons would be awkward, but in their confusion, they seemed to forget common sense. And like K-Mart, unless Nintendo can bring their merchandise up to date, they'll be the superpower that [i]was[/i].
Gaming Online Morals....have we lost them?
Bloodseeker replied to Gelgoog Pilot's topic in Noosphere
Who cares? If the guy's being an asshole, nobody ever said that you have to respond or even read his messages. I've never been big into online games (seeing as how most MMORPGs cost additional money to subscribe to, and I'm not too big on RTS or FPS), but the times that I've been on (Army Men, Star Craft), I found that beating them is the best way to get the ******** to shut the hell up. And even if you lose, once again, you don't have stick around and talk to your opponent. -
Anime What kind of bishounen do you drool over?
Bloodseeker replied to ukoku's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=r2vq]Bloodseeker, I'm also pretty straight, and I understand your concern. But remember who the series is directed to. Remember who the characters were made for. Tuxedo Mask wasn't ment to be appealing to you, but to girls. XP It's apparently trend in Anime that the most attractive guys are the most effeminate. That's why a lot of a Bishounen/J-Rockers look like girls. I'm not sure why that's popular? Can anybody explain that? I was always partial to the quiet, friendly, powerful type. Like this guy. He's the best bishi ever. ^^ hey.. he's pretty effeminate too... -ArV[/QUOTE] Reminds me of a new trend that I've been hearing about over in Japan. I keep on hearing that in some parts, its become the new fashion for guys to dress like girls. Come on guys, have you no pride?! Retain your masculinity, for Christ's sake! -
I know that its from PS1/N64 era, but I had to bring up Legend of Dragoon. It would be awesome if that made a prequel that takes place in the era of the original dragoons. It would be cool if they continued Dart and company's story or moved on to the next generation of dragoons, but it would be even cooler still if they went back and explained how dragons and humans came to make an alliance against the winglies and how the original dragoons became dragoons if the dragon spirit was still in dragon. Were they gifts from the dragons or what? How did the war go down exactly? Sure, the humans and dragons ultimately won, but how did they shut them down?
The DOA series is my favorite as a whole, with DOA2 being my favorite of the series. The fast matches make playing longer easier, and the lack of projectiles is a plus. (I have a friend that goes crazy with those in other fighting games... he almost never hits, but its still annoying) The only downside to DOA is that the reversals do too much damage. I hated Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, but I had a lot of fun with Deception. I can't quite explain why, but lets just say that I never got bored with multiplayer matches on that and that the story mode was a great addition. Unfortunately, it was missing some of the old classics with Reptile, Jonny Cage, and Jax. However, you also see the return of some old favorites in Liu Kang, Noob Cyboot, and Smoke. (too bad they couldn't make those last two two seperate characters)
[QUOTE=Xy GGu]Ahhh. Might as well. Everyone is right about it being a state of mind when it comes to knowing whether you're an Otaku or not. Sometimes there are those who can't really explain why. The relevance of this question reminds me of another. "How do you know if you are [B]cool[/B] or not?" You just are; Or you just are not.[/QUOTE] Just like with coolness, and all other lables, other people decide if you're an otaku or not.
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament: Qualifiers *56K warning*
Bloodseeker replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=melovemiroku-ku]My fav anime girl is Akane Tendo! :animesmil She beats up the boys in her school , so do I. She's strong & cute. She's just like me.[/QUOTE] I've known girls that liked to beat up on guys and thought they were cute. One of them was the fat girl at school that thought that she was well-formed enough to wear a tube top. (Bleugh... why did I have to remind myself of that?!) Double wammy. Naturally, she was hated for it. There was another that was pretty cute, but having to keep out of the way of her agressions was a pain. The other one had enough T&A to make up for it initially, but never had any long-standing relationships that I know of. I knew a couple of guys that went out with her for a short while, and they got tired of the violent temperment and left. For most guys, at least around here, violent tempers are not an attractive trait. Najica? Its a bit of a surprise to hear a name from a fanservice anime. But yeah, she was an interesting character. Najica was one of those cases where excessive fanservice ruined what would have been a good show. -
This is about to be three tournaments going on at same time! :laugh: That's pretty rare for a non-Game FAQs board! 1. Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist) Great mix of bad-assness and sympathy. He's got a cool air about him rivaled only Mustang, and how could you not love a guy that attacks by blowing up people's brains? On the other hand, he's also a guy that's had everything that he grew up with destroyed, and he blames the same elite group in the military that the protagonist just so happens to be a part of. 2. Griffith (Berserk) The ultimate betrayer. Throughout the series, the bond between him and the main character Guts becomes stronger and stronger. Guts helps Griffith lead the Band of the Hawk to many successful campains, and goes out of his way to help some of Griffith's schemes within the courts to go off without a hitch. [spoiler]In the end, this man deliberately sent not only his best friend, but all of his loyal soldiers and companions within the BotH to their deaths in exchange for power and a place in the God Hand.[/spoiler] 3. Legato (Trigun) Both this guy and his boos are examples of how to do the extreme psycho villain idea right. He's obsessed with killing, he slaughters entire villages just because he likes killing people. Its a refreshing break to see someone like Legato play a frontman role in a good anime like Trigun. 4. Naraku (Inuyasha) I don't think that you can get much more despicable than Naraku at the core. He crosses the main characters in downright terrible ways (especially Inuyasha and Sango), turning their own allies against them, slaughtering all that they cared for, and taunting them with ticking time bombs like Miroku's wind tunnel. Then rather than face the pissed off main characters, he runs and hides in the shadows while sending his incarnations to do his dirty work for him. I can't think of any other bad guys that I care enough about to add to this list. If I think of another, I'll edit this and throw him/her in.
(at the risk like a typical internerd) Don't get too concerned with mere lables. Think more about your base reputation and how you present yourself. Its the bottom line that counts. Do you like anime? Cool, same here. Do you like manga? Awesome, be sure to check out Berserk, Love Hina, and GTO. You don't want it to take over? More power to you. Do you rant about it nonstop to everybody that you meet? Stop, it annoys everybody. Unfortunately, thanks to a bad and fairly suddent turn of events, I'm about to be stuck as an otaku until I get a job. I think that I'll make a thread about that just for the hell of it.
Anime What kind of bishounen do you drool over?
Bloodseeker replied to ukoku's topic in Otaku Central
N/A I'm a straight guy and I intend to stay that way. I'm just coming in here to say that I hate the pathetic super-romantic bishounens like Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) and that blond guy from Silent Mobius. I also hate it when they make guy characters that have almost limitless coolness potential and turn them stupid by making them look like girls. Sesshomaru is a good example of this. -
The woman was in a coma for what, 15 years? What would it matter if you were alive or dead in that state? You're just wasting hospital funds at that point. Its even worse if she consious of her surroundings. Can you imagine how badly that would suck? You hear voices, you know people up and about, you know where you are, you're aware to extent, and yet you can't do anything? It sounds like it would be better to have your life cut off than continue to spend another decade in that state. She should she have been starved? Probably not. She was aware, right? That means that she would gotten pretty miserable before death. I think that they should have brought out the axe. Not clean, but cheap and quick.
I don't know what's been wrong with me over the past year. I've turned into one paranoid mother f*cker. I remember the other night I was in a gas station on the way home from a boat party. A bunch of young guys dressed like gangsters and decked out in blue came walking into the store, and I noticed that at least three of them were packing. I had to resist the urge to "get them before they got me". Sure enough, they bought their stuff and left. Or when I noticed a guy with a black bandana over his face running off, I found my adreniline pumping and my fists clenched. I was ready for a fight. I didn't used to be like this, and I don't know what triggered it. I used to be able to talk to and hang out with all types, no problem. As a matter of fact, I used to go to a school where my only options were to befriend thugs and gangbangers or stay a loner. (stupid school board took my pointing a finger and saying "bang" a little too literally) Hopefully, I'll be able to kill this paranoia soon...
Moral? Definitely not. There's nothing moral about stealing and handing out people's intellectual property.You might even go so far as to say that it breaks one of the ten commandments. Justified? To an extent. Some media is just too hard to get your hands on, and some media is overpriced. I haven't seen Sailor Moon seasons 1-2 in stores for month, and season 5 was never even liscensed in the US. It may not be legal to download them, but frankly, if I want to see them, I either have to download them or take my chances at getting ripped off by some guy on Ebay. Its not too hard to decide which one is the more desirable route. Same goes with the unedited editions of One Piece and DBZ. If I want to see them truly uncut, the only way to do that is through pirating. With FLCL, I don't have $90 to blow on less than two and half hours of entertainment. Hell, its difficult enough spending $25 on two hours of entertainment when I could be spending $20 on 20+ hours of entertainment through old yet great games like Soul Calibur 2 and Splinter Cell 2. When you overprice stuff like that, you're just begging for people to take the alternate route by downloading it.
... and suddenly you get tired, your brain shuts down, and you lose your ability to say what you're trying to say effectively? That happens to me far too often. Just a few minutes ago I was trying to give a detailed point as to why HHH shouldn't be allowed to stay in the main event scene 365 days out of the year and my brain suddenly shut down and wouldn't reboot until I clicked the back button and left the place. This happens to me far more often than it should. Like the last time that I tried to write my rant on internerds (the bad type... you'll probably see it in the near future), the time that I was complaining about how black teens present themselves to the community and then wonder about prejudice, the time not too long ago when I was trying to write a review for NGE, and far too many other occassions to count. This ticks me off with all forms of writing, but its especially bad with forum posts. With word document material, you can save the thing, eat dinner, watch TV, play videogames, maybe even sleep, and get back to the thing later. With forum posts, its both unreasonable and unsafe (viruses etc) to leave the unfinished post on the screen until your brain has had time to recuperate enough to continue typing effectively.
I beat it in one night, it was VERY awesome while it lasted. I reccomend that everybody hear that enjoys the action genre at least rent this. If you're worried about the basics, don't be. The moves are awesome, and the controls are the smoothest action setup since Ninja Gaiden. Also, lots of gore! You can't get enough of that in a game like this! Well, yes you can, but this one has a perfect amount! GoW also has a pretty good and solid storyline and a well developed main character. Check this out!