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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. So there's no option to edit submitted works as of yet? A new version is coming around soon right? Maybe that might be a nice addition.
  2. The good: Edward Elric or Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist, assuming that they'd be willling to teach me the ropes of alchemy. That would be pretty cool to be able to transmute stuff. The bad: Naota from FLCL. I'd get tired of fixing the house every time that a giant robot sprung from his head. The ugly: The perverted teacher with glasses from Azumanga Daioh. Can you imagine bringing your date home to have him start making blunt and untactful comments about seeing her naked? That would be embarrasing. Not to mention that I'd get tired of looking at the guy.
  3. Is there a way to edit an already submiited review? I realized that I forgot to include info on the dub in my Berserk review. The thing hasn't been posted on the site just yet.
  4. Kanzaki's one of my favorites too! *blows up the boards*
  5. I belive in ghosts. It doesn't sound too far out to believe that there's a plane beyond this one and that sometimes creatures that are supposed to be on that plane end up fading into this one. As far as dragons go... I believe in komodo dragons.
  6. For social events and the like? Definitely friends. They relate to me on more levels than any of my family members do. For instance, none of my family members are really into anime, videogames, pranks, or any of that other fun stuff. But my friends and family are about equal on what I'd trust them with. I tend to choose my friends pretty carefully. I don't allow myself to get close to those that seem like they'd be disloyal or those that are particularly close to authority in general. My family is all trustworthy as well, with the exception of my step mom.
  7. Stupid seems to be "in" right now. If a girl or guy isn't loose sexually, he or she is gay. Same thing if they turn a hot member of the opposite sex down because they don't like their personality. If a guy chooses to show discretion when people piss him off a little, he's a *****. Same goes for choosing to not have a "power hour" the night that he turns 21. So yeah, I've noticed not only a slip in morals, but a slip common sense in some areas as well. The cause? Its not only the media's fault, but also the fault of increased education as a society. As a society learns more, they usually become more liberal. When a society becomes more liberal, they usually become more sensetive. When a society becomes more sensetive, some members take that sensetivity too far and start critisizing the hardships that come with discipline. When discipline falters, so do people's work habbits. When work habbits fall, people find other things to do. Sometimes less-than-moral things. Some become obsessed with get-rich-quick schemes, which often include acts of questionable moral standing. (like taking advantage of laws to sue big companies for stupid reasons) The rise of capitalism can also be blamed. People are forced to take other people's financial happiness so that they can be financially happy. When you pay rent, the landlord's happy because he has an endless money supply from you, but your unhappy because you have an unending debt. When you move out and buy a house, that's one less person paying the landlord, but now you have your own piece of property and a payable debt, not to mention tax benefits. As such, people have learned that in order to get ahead in this society, you have to be somewhat selfish and take from others what you can. Also, the liberal view of decreasing the power of the church has played a large part. Religion encourages people to help their fellow man, and do whatever is morally correct in all situations. With that encouragement no longer practically forced on people, their morals are slipping. That's my view on it.
  8. I really don't have anything to write down, what with my life currently being the same thing day in and day out. Otherwise, I might've started a blog when I made my myotaku account. I'll probably just use myotaku to post reviews.
  9. This method of posting has been passed down the Armstrong family line for generations! *sparkles*
  10. Its a tie between Excel Saga and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I'd heard nothing but great things about Excel Saga. It was apparantly one of the greatest non-stop laugh fests ever. When I finally get around to watching it, I don't find myself amused. On the controary, I find myself very annoyed by the loud-mouthed blond girl on the screen. "Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! Get back here you doggy treat!" That was the first time in a long time that I'd rolled my eyes involuntarily. While the annoyance died down by the third episode, I still wasn't laughing non-stop. It gave me a couple chuckles, but not the full-hearted laugh-so-hard-that-I-tear-up comedy that I'd been promised. Maybe some day I'll watch the rest of the series out of curiousity, but I doubt that it will ever be high on my priority list. Its a similar story with GitS:SAC. I'd heard that GitS was violent, fast paced, and deep... my favorite kind of anime. While the episodes have gotten better somewhat, the first ten episodes or so always been me on the verge of sleep.Even now that its fast paced enough to keep me conscious, the show fails to be really gripping. I'm still going to check out the first movie though, because I've been heard a lot GitS fans complaining about the same thing. Other let-downs were Record or Loddoss War (typical D$D story) and the endings to Neon Genesis Evangelion and Berserk. (but those last two are still my favorite anime series)
  11. This has become somewhat of a tradition for me when I enter a new anime-related forum. Actually, the tradition is "Hottest Anime Girl Tournament", but I figured that I'd make this one more open to the ladies by changing "hottest" to "best". Remember, this [i]is[/i] a popularty contest. This is how its going to work. You can nominate up to 3 girls to take part in the tournament. This is to make sure that you only nominate your favorites. [b]Be sure to clarify what show they're from. I've had to exclude characters before because I didn't know exactly who they were talking about.[/b] You can include pics if you want (thus the 56K warning thing), but try to keep to one or two pics per character. About a month from now, I'll tally up the votes and begin making the bracket from there. As for my nominations... Ayeka Jurai (Tenchi Muyo) I can't really explain why... I've always just been partial to Ayeka. Maybe because she's a princess type that doesn't rely on the knight in shining armor to protect her. [img]http://img235.exs.cx/img235/9699/ayeka016vm.jpg[/img] (that's one of my favorite pics to date) Minako Aino/Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon) Her stupidity and misquotes play a lot of the humor in Sailor Moon. Yet when it comes down to business, she's one of the more competant members of inner senshi. She's also the hottest of the bunch. :3 [img]http://img235.exs.cx/img235/8831/sailorvenus33157tn.jpg[/img] Sango (Inuyasha) Seems that Asuka already has a few nominations, so I'll just go ahead and throw in another one of my favorites. Sango was my original favorite ***-kicking anime chick As such, she'll probably always be one of my favorites. [img]http://img232.echo.cx/img232/2299/faceoff22al.jpg[/img] Edit: I hear ya. Yeah people, try to include at least short summaries as to why you like the characters that you chose.
  12. I really don't care. But then, I don't really care if others share my hobbies. But since you obivously do care, remember that the only cure to ignorance is knowledge. Hand them a copy of Berserk volume one or whatever you think they'd like and force them to read the entire volume. See if that changes their mind. If they refuse, remind them that they don't have the grounds to make fun of your stuff when they haven't even checked it out. Also, remember your amunition. They probably have a hobby that you don't share. Every hobby is insultable, most even have stereotypes to go along with them. Use those insults and stereotypes to your advantage and to put things in perpective.
  13. You should start writing down your "visions" in the form of fan fiction. People with an active imagination are the best story tellers.
  14. I'd apreciate it if I could get straight and honest answers/opinions on these questions. 1. How's the moderating here? Is it strict? Do the mods have an obsession with locking anything that even barely breaks the rules? My experience tells me that 3rd party websites are generally more lenient than official forums, but this isn't always true. 2. I read the rules, but I want some more specific clarity on one of them. [i]Adult Images/Content: Posting of any adult materials (including directly linked images or indirect links to pornographic material) is prohibited by OtakuBoards.[/i] Define "adult". Does that mean no penatration, no full frontal nudity, no nudity, or no fanservice of any sort? Also, are there any other image restrictions that I should know about? I tend to like posting images, but if restrictions are too high, you won't see much of them from me. 3. Is this place troll infested?
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