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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. [url]http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050729/ap_on_hi_te/australia_video_game_sex[/url] I don't live in Australia, hell I've never even been there, but this news still pisses me off! I don't even get how that should work... mods are extensions created by fans. They weren't even part of the original game! Its just like banning a book because a fan adds an extra page of taboo information and puts it on the internet! Stupid *** soccer moms and friends... you're a bane on society! Why the hell anyone with a brain would even listen to your stupid ideas, much less change the world to fit your views and prevent you from whining while making everything less convinient for everyone else, is beyond me.
  2. Hello. My name is Elizibeth......... When I died in 1953, I was only ten. I was kidnapped by two rapists who skinned me alive. My corpse has been rotting in the ground, only to awaken when someone reads this letter. Post this message on five different boards and your life will be saved. otherwise, in one hour I shall stand right behind you, tap you on the back and suck out your soul to nourish mine. If you post it, your life shall be spared and you shall never be bothered again
  3. [quote name='magikpiggy']your quite right if you have enough or a fair amount of a collection start a new one and try somthing different :animesmil[/quote] That's not what I was trying to say...
  4. Pointless philosopher vs. pointless killer and her pointless (but very cute) blank slate alter ego. My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Rei will probably win. Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [img]http://img126.echo.cx/img126/1664/rei124ca.jpg[/img] [img]http://img159.echo.cx/img159/2781/hand4jc.jpg[/img] [img]http://img300.echo.cx/img300/1444/rei0051gc.jpg[/img] [img]http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/8076/evangelion5710249sk.jpg[/img] [img]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/6423/eva10240cb.jpg[/img] vs. Lucy/Nyu (Elfen Lied) [img]http://img263.echo.cx/img263/6793/anime45sz.jpg[/img] [img]http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/3097/coverelfenlied1cj.jpg[/img] [img]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6517/elfen2028np.jpg[/img] [img]http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/3182/elfenliednyu020am.jpg[/img] [img]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8568/untitled65oe.png[/img] This one's easy... Lucy/Nyu. I like Rei, but she's nowhere near as deep as her fans would have you believe. Like I've said, she starts off as mysterious, but after half of the series has passed and nothing about her has changed or been revealed, she's just boring, especially when you compare her to the other two Eva girls. Lucy/Nyu are two personalities living in the same body. Lucy, an extremely agressive and effecient killer, is supposedly the dominate personality, while Nyu, who has the mentality of a small child, is the lesser. I like both sides. Lucy's pretty cool (except for that one emotional outcurst when she was talking with Kouta), and Nyu is one of the cutest anime characters that I've seen. As you might have guessed, I like Lucy's and Nyu's looks more.
  5. Thanks to Dagger for ending the last two rounds last two matches on time! Kind spunky vs. Agressive spunky! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Hmm... Ehh... Asuka will probably win, though I see it being somewhat close. Minako Aino/Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon) [img]http://img235.exs.cx/img235/8831/sailorvenus33157tn.jpg[/img] [img]http://img221.echo.cx/img221/2015/ven1004zn.jpg[/img] [img]http://img221.echo.cx/img221/1373/smsenshi4303go.jpg[/img] [img]http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9907/smvenus1953la.jpg[/img] [img]http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/2751/av0108ax.jpg[/img] vs. Asuka Langley-Sohryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [img]http://img196.echo.cx/img196/4766/asuka00336ng.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/8780/asmaid4ez.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/7834/dresscute7mz.jpg[/img] [img]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/6078/asuka0332no.jpg[/img] [img]http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/9233/asukaplanche014rk.jpg[/img] This one is really tough! I know I said earlier that Asuka was my favorite, but I like Minako about the same... Do I vote for the underdog or stick with what I said before? This is a first. I can't decide, dammit! ...I'll go with Minako, because she's the underdog. I don't really have anything new to say about either one. Minako is the most spirited of the Sailor Senshi. Sailor Moon was actually a sequel to Codename Sailor V, which starred Minako going up against some "dark agency". I can see where it might have flopped... Sailor Moon would have sucked too if it were just Usagi, her two loser friends, and her even bigger loser boyfriend. A good support cast is almost vital to a good anime. Asuka also happens to be the most spirited Eva pilot. Not that that's saying much, with whiny Shinji and quiet off-in-the-corner Rei filling the roles of the other two main pilots. She has a really awesome fight with [spoiler]the mass produced Evas[/spoiler] in End of Evangelion, easily the best fight of the franchise. Its interesting to watch her progress later, too. Looks wise, I like them both about equal. That's usually how I'd decide something this close, too.
  6. Screw them both. Go start your Berserk, GTO, or Elfen Lied collection. Well, if you have to choose one, go with the DVDs. I haven't seen Please Teacher, but from what I hear, Tokyo Pop have all but discontinued the release of Ranma 1/2 comics.
  7. You get nightmares off of anime dubs? Yes, its just you. And yes, you do need some serious help. Here's my advice... when you watch a dub, go in expecting something different. Don't expect a clone of the subbed versions, because the new American voices and Americanization of the conversations are going to change the feel of it somewhat. (Think about how wierd it would sound if they didn't. Japanese-sounding voices and Japanese conversation flow... in English.)
  8. I've never actually been seriously involved with any sport, but I always have fun whenever I box or wrestle. Any sports aside from full contact sports are boring to play, and even more boring to watch.
  9. [quote name='Morpheus']This is pointless. I really don't care what my consoles look like, as long as they function.[/quote] Speak for yourself. I like my consoles to look good in my room. The current Xbox 360 design looks like a DVD player... how boring. Maybe a change in color schemes would help.
  10. You know the ones. The little brats that stand around and do nothing but whine, restate the obvious, and act like little bastards that are in dire need of their first serious *ss whupin'. Brats like Shippo from Inuyasha, Rini/Chibiusa from Sailor Moon, Sara from Love Hina, and Roger from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (not an anime, but it has an anime-ish feel to it). These characters are obviously intended to be cute, but at the end of it all, they always end up doing nothing but annoying everyone in the viewing audience, with the exception of a few fangirls. So with all of the "proof" that the formula doesn't work for what it was intended for, why do writers continue to use it? All it does is put a black mark on their product.
  11. I've noticed something a bit wierd over the years... people that I've known with certain names always share similar personalities traits. I've known several girls with the name Chelsea, and all of them have been really energetic social animals that love to joke around. The same deal goes for girls named Emily. Guys with the name Greg have always been people with a huge habbit of lieing unnecassarily, and they all love to use big words to try to make themselves sound smart. People with the name Ian are always really hard workers. Guys named Jacob have always been fat losers in the eyes of most people. Strangely enough, I always get along with them. Guys named Edward have always been tightwads that have a tendency to freak out over every little problem. People with the name Ryan are always *ssholes. (except for my literally retarded cousin.... GRRAAAAGGHHH DOGS! *curls up into a ball*) And all of these are 100% true. Wierd, huh?
  12. Psycho killer/extremely cute little girl vs. Blade bait (WHAT?! Hey, third time's a charm! You Ceres fans should be happy!) My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. I'm going with (and hoping for) Lucy/Nyu for the win. Lucy/Nyu (Elfen Lied) [img]http://img263.echo.cx/img263/6793/anime45sz.jpg[/img] [img]http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/3097/coverelfenlied1cj.jpg[/img] [img]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6517/elfen2028np.jpg[/img] [img]http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/3182/elfenliednyu020am.jpg[/img] (small eyes = Lucy; big eyes = Nyu) vs. Ceres Victoria (Hellsing) [img]http://img136.echo.cx/img136/5403/hellsing081024x7685hm.jpg[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1761/hellsingbg110246ix.jpg[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/5007/seras0025rf.jpg[/img] [img]http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/7172/hellsing036cb.jpg[/img] Lucy/Nyu, no contest. I really like that character so far, and I haven't seen Hellsing. I really need to pick up the second Elfen Lied DVD... that came out last Tuesday, right? Like I've said before, Lucy/Nyu are two personalities living in the same body. One of the personalities, Lucy, is a cold-blooded badass killer, while the other, Nyu, has a really cute child-like personality. (I mean child like, as in she doesn't know how to talk and she's still learning about the objects around her) Lucy is a diclonious, meaning that she can use four (or was it six) 2-meter long invisible high frequency arms that can either grab or cut through things. Those arms, vectors, also serve as sensors of a sort, giving them the ability to sense other nearby diclonious. From what I've gathered of Ceres, she sounds like more femenine version of your typical ***-whupping anime chick, complete with stronger emotions and just enough dependability on the main character, Alucard, to be noteworthy. In other words, cool, but not quiet cool enough to be badass. Lucy/Nyu blows Ceres away on looks...
  13. Charismatic enigma (yeah I stole that... SHUT UP!) vs. Mechanical orgasm girl My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Eh... I'll say Winry will win, because it doesn't seem like she's lost any fans here. Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [img]http://img126.echo.cx/img126/1664/rei124ca.jpg[/img] [img]http://img159.echo.cx/img159/2781/hand4jc.jpg[/img] [img]http://img300.echo.cx/img300/1444/rei0051gc.jpg[/img] [img]http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/8076/evangelion5710249sk.jpg[/img] vs. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist) [img]http://img265.echo.cx/img265/1935/save030714ij.jpg[/img] [img]http://img247.echo.cx/img247/5664/winryded16007sl.jpg[/img] [img]http://img247.echo.cx/img247/8711/15a6nt.jpg[/img] [img]http://img327.imageshack.us/img327/3829/10563ht.jpg[/img] This one's hard... Rei's a bit cuter, so I'll go with her. I've actually been watching Eva again out of anticipation for its premiere on Cartoon Network. It seems like every time that I watch Eva, it changes my opinions of each of the characters just a bit. Yeah, that means I like Ayanami a bit more than during the last round. And like I said there, she does get more interesting towards the end. Just take what I said last time and apply a more positive tone to it. Of course, the fact that she's not going up against Sango helps matters. She's still nowhere near as good as Asuka, or Misato, but she's a cute character. Just a nice little note for anime newbies... if you ever see a quiet, mysterious, soft spoken, intellectual anime girl, there's a good chance that this character was the inspiration. On the other hand, my opinion on Winry hasn't changed at all. Like Rei, she's a cute character, but for different reasons. Where as Rei is quiet and reserved, Winry's outgoing and emotional. Winry is a really cute character, but Rei's cuter still. (although Winry looks cuter in the pics)
  14. Asuka: 8 votes Kaola: 1 vote [b]Here is your winner... Asuka Langley-Sohryu![/b] [QUOTE=Lord Dante]Kaolla su gets my vote. My favorite (naru narusegawa) got knocked out by one of bloodseeker's favorites (i forget who), so i'm glad that two of bloodseeker's favorites got knocked out by Kaolla. Yay kaolla! :naughty: Kaolla cracks me up during the anime. not when the red moon shines :smirk: (j/k)[/QUOTE] :smirk: Good riddance, and thank god!
  15. Sailor Venus: 10 votes Nabiki Tendou: 1 vote [b]Here is your winner... Sailor Venus![/b] I wasn't expecting a complete squash here... but like with the rest of the squashes so far, I don't mind the outcome!
  16. No, you shut up. Nintendo Gamecube is easily my least favorite of the three current generation systems, but its not without its share of good games. Eternal Darkness (awesome, awesome game... you should play it if you can find it), Animal Crossing, Tales of Symphonia, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime... all of those games should keep the average gamer entertained for a while. And I'm thinking that Nintendo might be a bit more careful come the next launch time.
  17. Bloodseeker


    You're joking, right? Jack of Blades was easy! Do your stats really suck or something? Raise your strength and accuracy, get some decent equipment, cut him when he's on the ground, and shoot him when he's not. If you're really getting your *** handed to you, bring some potions next time.
  18. With the female characters, I almost always prefer the spunky and/or confident one over the soft-spoken and/or subdued one. Neon Genesis Evangelion: [color=red]Asuka[/color] > [color=blue]Rei[/color] .hack//SIGN: [color=red]Mimiru[/color] > [color=blue]Subaru[/color] RahXehon: [color=red]Megumi[/color] > [color=blue]Quon[/color] Outlaw Star: [color=red]Aisha[/color] > [color=blue]Melfina[/color] Ai Yori Aoshi: [color=red]Tina[/color] > [color=blue]Aoi[/color] I can only think of one exception, I prefer Ayeka over Ryoko for some unexplainable reason. Maybe its the purple hair and red eyes? I dunno. My top favorite male characters almost always have an intense attitude. Berserk: [color=orange]Guts[/color] Fullmetal Alchemist: [color=orange]Roy[/color] Yu Yu Hakusho: [color=orange]Hiei[/color] Gungrave: [color=orange]Brandon[/color] There are some exceptions to this one, including Onizuka and Wolfwood, but usually...
  19. Lucy deserved to win that one... Naru's cool, she's my favorite LH character (with Motoko trailing closely behind), but she can't tear people apart with invisible high frequency hands, she doesn't have an ultra-cute alternative personality, and she doesn't have Lucy's attitude! Don't want to stray too far off topic, but I just had to say that...
  20. A lot of animes don't follow that. RahXephon, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, .hack, Tenchi... I can only think of 4 busty villains throughout all of those shows, and two of them have had a lot of female villains.
  21. Pretend you're in a board meeting for 4kids trying to figure out a way to "Americanize" your favorite (or not so favorite) anime and make it "appropriate" for small children! Obviously there's going to be spoilers, so just be sure to mark what anime you're butchering before you start hacking away at it! Neon Genesis Evangelion: -opening is replaced by a rap video that wouldn't be out of place on Pokemon -Asuka Langley-Sohryu's name changed to Kate Rose -Shinji Ikari's name changed to Bob White -Rei Ayanami's name changed to Raymond Applebee -"angels" changed to "guardians" -Tokyo 3's name changed to Elevator City because it goes up and down -yellow smoke during second impact changed to baby blue because dark yellow is an unhappy color -scenes explaining Asu- er, Kate's past cut because they touch on potentially sensetive subjects -scenes explaining Raymond's past cut due to obscurity -scenes explaining what Evas really are cut due to obscurity -scenes with Bob's spirit in the entry plug following the battle with the sphere/shadow guaridan cut due to obscurity -scenes showing that Toji, no wait, Tony got his arm cut off removed -all guardians bleed green Your turn!
  22. ^Could this mean that we've actually found a forum that understands just how overrated Sepheroth is? Finally, eh?
  23. I wouldn't call Nabiki evil in the traditional sense. Greedy maybe, but not evil. And I'm also pretty sure that all of the Ranma girls had about the same bust size...
  24. I'm making the prediction now, Kefka's gonna win. Lloyd (Legend of Dragoon) [img]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4074/lloyd055gn.jpg[/img] Not only does this guy look cooler than Sepheroth, he's actually got an interesting character with a motive that's actually logical! I can't get too much into his motive without seriously spoiling a few plot points that are actually somewhat unpredictable, but lets just say that he manipulates a lot of the events in the game. This guy's just badass... some people hate him for a certain event towards the end of the first disk, but he's cool enough to make up for it. I also second Seymore and Kefka for the reasons mentioned. Talk about a couple of complete psychos! [quote name='ThoraxtheImpaler']2. Sorceress- Final Fantasy 8- Okay, honestly I haven't played enough RPGs all the way through to know how bad the villains are, so I pick her. That chick is crazy! She just... is! Im sorry, I really donn't know much other than that she wants to kill stuff.[/quote] Ultimicia.
  25. ^What Solo said. That's why I haven't asked him to lock these threads once the voting is done.
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