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Everything posted by Bloodseeker

  1. When have you found yourself rooting on the bad guys or antagonists in anime or videogames? [b]Ryoga (Ranma):[/b] As cool as Ranma is, I always found myself cheering on Ryoga whenever those two fought. I dunno, there's just something about the guy that makes him cooler than Ranma... [b]Ayane (DOA):[/b] Maybe not a full fledged antagonist, but Itagaki obviously intended for players to be on Kasumi's side in that rivalry. But how could I side with Kasumi on this one, when Ayane's 100 times cooler?! Kasumi's cute, but Ayane's got an awesome atitude! Intentionally pissing Helena off before their fight in DOA2, stating just about everyone's sentiments on Jann Lee, and seriously looking down on fighters after she's beaten them! Not to mention that she just looks cool. [b]Random Sailor Moon bad guy (during fights vs. Chibiusa):[/b] You can't truthfully tell me that you weren't hoping for a swerve at some point or another where a random Youkai would finally manage to stick its claws in Chibiusa's back and kill her for good! Disgusting little red-eyed hellspawn! Go back to the depths of Hell where to belong! [b]Yura (Inuyasha):[/b] Easily my favorite short-lived villain! She's the best example that I can think of a seductive villainess. Of course, I knew in the back of mind that this was just a fight to showcase Inuyasha's and Kagome's skills...
  2. Hey, I can't let this sink yet! Its only Saturday! Asuka looks scary when she goes into psycho mode. [img]http://img152.echo.cx/img152/886/evaasuka0299bt.jpg[/img] Tell me that look wouldn't startle you in the middle of a fight!
  3. I've only read the manga, but Su was just about the only character that never had a "LMAO" moment for me. She just annoyed me. I forgot about her when she wasn't in the spot light, and wished that she would shut up and go away when she was. I also hate Edward from Cowboy Bebop (similar to Su for those that haven't seen Bebop), and a lot of people like her, so I figured that I was in the minority here. I just don't see how anyone can like those annoying little brats...
  4. I was watching Ranma earlier (Yapapa! Yapapa!), and it reminded me of this. Have you guys noticed that a lot of times in the 2-3 episodes of a show, the voice acting is terrible, but then it suddenly gets a lot better? Like with Inuyasha. The voice acting in episodes 1-2 made me cringe. Kagome sounded like an elementary student reading a book, and Inuyasha's laugh was so fake that it wasn't even funny. Or with Tenchi Muyo... Ryoko's "stuttering" in episode one (How dare you call me a muh monster!) and Ayeka's bad delivery of pretty much every joke in episode 2. Or in Ranma, Akane's father couldn't deliver a joke for his life, and Akane sounded like one of those fly zapping lights when she was screaming. Yet in all of these, the characters were eventually portrayed at least believably (Tenchi), if not superbly (Inuyasha). The funny thing is that I don't really see this in live action as much. (probably because they ARE the characters, as compared to being just the voice) Its seems to be really common for voice actors to screw up their roles at the beginning.
  5. Yeah, I couldn't find too many screenshots that flattered her. (if I could find a program that I can get to work, I could take some good screenshots) But even from those, how could you say that Kanzaki looks like a crossdresser? I don't see it.
  6. System of a Down ties with (old) Metallica and Rammstein as my favorite band ever. I've never heard a bad SoaD song.
  7. It could get worse. The Darkness could gain the popularity that Metallica once had and become more than a short lived one-hit-wonder. Those guys are worse than the Backstreet Boys and N-Sync combined.
  8. [quote name='Jahjahwarrior17']Well, this is an easy one...I've never seen GTO and I don't know who the hell that girl is :animesmil But I have seen Love Hina, and Kaolla Su is...my other favorite character...my first is Shinobu Maehara...wonder why she wasn't in this contest -_- I vote for Kaolla Su[/quote] ...Why? She's annoying as hell!
  9. [QUOTE=Fly 4 Fun][color=lime][center]Last Exile!!![/center] I would be a fighter vanship pilot for the Silvana! My navi? Dio, of course! :p :D That would be awsome....since I've always wanted to fly in the Navy; I've been planning for that for a long time....I still got 2 years to go though... :animesigh Anyone else for LE??[/color][/QUOTE] Why would you want to live in the world of Last Exile when you could be flying more advanced ships in the more expansive universes of Cowboy Bebop, Crest of the Stars, Outlaw Star, or Tenchi? I like Last Exile, but it doesn't seem like it would be any more exciting to live in than our world. Dio wouldn't be my first choice for navigator if I lived in LE's universe either. He always annoyed me. I'd rather have one of the female navigators of the series in the back... (Seriously, I liked all of their characters more. I wouldn't be tempted kill any of them when they were giving me info.)
  10. Here's another good quick lunch for people that hate touching anything with any large amount of heat around it! This one's fairly well known, but there are enough people out there that haven't heard of it... Get a small can of tuna, some mayonnasie, and some relish. And be sure to drain the tuna! You'll want a little bit more mayonnaise than tuna, and about a couple teaspoons of relish. Throw it all in a bowl and mix it up. Put it on a sandwhich with some cheese. That's the only way to eat a tuna sandwhich! Speaking of mayonnaise, here's another severe wrong doing... using Miracle Whip! Mayonnaise is not supposed to be sweet! Disgusting...
  11. Another battle of the psychos! Annoying little psycho vs. cool collected yet vengeful psycho! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Last time made it pretty obvious that there are some GTO watchers around here, and I doubt that they'd pick Kaola over Kanzaki, so I'm betting that Kanzaki's going to win. Kaola Su (Love Hina) [img]http://img110.echo.cx/img110/7691/lhkaolla0012tp.jpg[/img] [img]http://img296.echo.cx/img296/5760/anihinav3cover9gb.jpg[/img] [img]http://img296.echo.cx/img296/20/paddle7fi.jpg[/img] vs. Urumi Kanzaki (Great Teacher Onizuka) [img]http://img110.echo.cx/img110/1679/greatteacheronizukas1954wg.jpg[/img] [img]http://img296.echo.cx/img296/108/urumi156hl.jpg[/img] [img]http://img296.echo.cx/img296/286/urumi190mz.jpg[/img] This one's not even a choice for me. Kanzaki all the way! Kaola and Sara are the only LH characters that annoy the hell out of me (I also hate Keitaro's adoptive sister, but she doesn't really "annoy" me). If some little girl woke me up by kicking me in the face, she'd get one warning, and if she continued, that would be one dead little girl. Plus, she kept on trying to kill Tama-chan... not cool. Kanzaki's just awesome. Like I said last time, and like I'll continue to say until Kanzaki is out, "Hell hath no fury like Urumi Kanzaki scorned." She manages to screw every character that annoys her over (even Onizuka), with the exception of those otaku dorks that Onizuka sticks her in the same room with when they go on a class trip. I can't get into the specifics without spoiling some good stuff, but lets just say that there's a good reason as to why just about everyone that watches GTO likes her. Su's a little kid, so Kanzaki looks better by default.
  12. Battle of the cool psychos! Fiery redhead vs. flat-chested redhead... *runs* My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. I don't see Asuka losing here. Asuka Langley-Sohryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) [img]http://img196.echo.cx/img196/4766/asuka00336ng.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/8780/asmaid4ez.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/7834/dresscute7mz.jpg[/img] vs. Lina Inverse (Slayers) [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/7579/fireball9ok.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/3483/cross0cx.jpg[/img] [img]http://img299.echo.cx/img299/8086/gummies7gn.jpg[/img] I like both of these characters, but I still like Asuka a LOT more than I like Lina. Asuka is the character that has to be at the center of attention. She's made out to be a loud mouthed dumbass in a lot of the earlier episodes, but she's actually really smart... she'd already graduated from college by the time that she joined up with NERV headquarters at 14. I can't really get into why I like her without also getting into spoilers... lets just say that she's spunky and that I liked every part that she played in the story. (except maybe the very beginning of EoE... stupid Shinji) I like it when Asuka goes into psycho mode! Asuka's Unit 02 is also pretty cool... I like it almost as much as I like Unit 01. I don't have too much to say about Lina... just like last time, I've only seen one OVA and read a couple of volumes of the manga. (and its been a LOOOONG time since I read the manga) She's a witty sorceress with a temper, and everybody keeps on making fun of her because she's flat-chested. Asuka has Lina pwned in the looks catagory! Poor Lina... forever destined to be looked at as a bug eyed kid. Well, until she grows older, then she's destined to be looked as a bug eyed old woman.
  13. I'm gonna be leaving for anywhere from 5 days to two weeks tommorrow to help my friend move. So, I decided to push this along before I left. (Yeah, I did just copy and paste that... I would offer to fight you if you had a problem with it, but seeing as how we've got cyberspace and possibly thousands of miles seperating us...) Caska: 3 votes Nabiki: 7 votes [b]Here is your winner... Nabiki Tendou![/b] Not quiet as close as I had expected. I liked both of them, so the outcome is good...
  14. I'm gonna be leaving for anywhere from 5 days to two weeks tommorrow to help my friend move. So, I decided to push this along before I left. Sailor Venus: 8 votes Lacus Clyne: 4 votes [b]Here is your winner... Sailor Venus![/b] Heh, glad to see that the unrealistic b*tch is of it here! And even better, Venus is still in! I wish that this thread would have had a bit more activity though...
  15. I think that duoikari was getting the blue/grey box next to the name mixed up with the blue box with the exclamation mark in it. You click that to send reports to the mods about the message.
  16. -Ghost in the Shell (manga) -Ghost in the Shell (movie) -Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) -Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (series) -Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Second Gig (series) Apparently, each of the GitS: SAC DVDs come with a few short stories that revolve around the Tachikomas... damn, now I've got to rent the DVDs! (Gotta love the Tachikomas!)
  17. I just read the first two volumes tonight. Some thoughts... -That would kind of freak me out if some girl that I didn't know (or hadn't seen since I was a little kid... same thing) had been watching me so closely that she knew all of my likes and dislikes. It would freak me out even more if I found out that the same girl had been spending the last 18 years practicing to [i]live[/i] as my wife. I'm not sure how I'd react under those circumstances... One thing's for sure, my immediate reaction would be a 20 minute long blank stare. -I wouldn't have been able to stand Miyabi's attitude for more than a few hours... I have a very short fuse when it comes to people that look down on me when I'm not under their authority. And even then, I at least stand up for myself. -On a related note, does Kaoru know the figurative meaning of the word "spine"? He didn't say anything to try to stop Miyabi from taking Aoi home, despite that she really didn't want to go anywhere, and that he wanted her around, then he lets Miyabi push him around and treat him like trash. -Oddly, the character that my friend told me that I'd completely despise is actually my favorite so far. I like Tina! So, just to annoy him, it looks like I'm gonna have to loudly cheer Tina on every time that Ai Yori Aoshi is brought up. -I'm glad that I got both volumes one and two, seeing as how volume one probably would have been it for a while otherwise. That's not to say that volume one was terrible, but I didn't really start enjoying AYA until the rest of the photography group was introduced. It just goes to show important supporting characters are... This series isn't bad so far. Its not another Berserk or Love Hina, but its seems like it migh be good enough to warrant a full collection. I'll just have to read on and see...
  18. Bloodseeker


    Its time for another random thread about whatever's on my mind. And in this case, I'm about to go to sleep. So on that note, what songs put you to sleep? For me, its Lost in Hollywood on System of Down's "Mesmerized" album and To Live Is To Die on Metallica's "...And Justice for All" album. Both of them are soft sounding without being depressing, and never get loud enough to wake me up. I could never get to sleep with those depressing old-school "soothing" orchastra pieces that you hear on CDs that are supposed to calm you down. Actually, I have fallen asleep to that when I was really tired, but like I said it depresses me, and the couple of times that I did I woke up with nightmares. Enya has the same effect. You can't get any more depressing than Enya.
  19. As far as cartoons vs. anime goes, its usually agreed apon that "cartoons" are western pieces of animation while "anime" is animation from the far east, or more specifically, Japan. As for what sets Japanese anime apart from the rest of the stuff that we see around here, its really a mixture of several elements. For starters, there's character developement. How many American movie characters do you really connect with? In my case, there's not very many. Maybe James Bond, the cast of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, and the main characters from Last Samurai and Gladiator. And that's about it. But the anime medium as a whole has a lot of characters that I connect with. Onizuka from GTO; pretty much the entire main cast of Evangelion; same with Love Hina; Guts and Caska from Berserk; most of the Fullmetal Alchemist cast, hell, I'm even starting to connect with some of the characters from Elfen Lied, and I've only seen the first 4 episodes... and there are plenty of characters that I didn't bring up here. The story writers in Japan seem to understand the importance of strong, developed characters. Second would be the focus on story and setting. Honsestly, I think that the general depth of anime storylines and the worlds that they take place in are severely overrated by anime fans, what with the constantly repeated themes and situations, but its still better than what we usually get here. How often in American media do you see a universe as grand as Cowboy Bebop's, Outlaw Star's, or even Inuyasha's or Tenchi's? Once, maybe twice, in a decade. Those grand scaled storylines and universes are almost common place in anime. Third would be that its simply a different breed of action. Have you ever seen a fight like Yusuke vs. Togoro in our media? I know that I haven't. Or how about the battle between Ryoko and Kagato? Nope, you won't see that coming from here. Or the last battle on Berserk? Nope. Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru? Nope. Kenshin vs. Aoshi? Nope. Unit 01 vs. Sachiel, or any of the angels for that matter? Hell no. Simply put, you won't find this bread of action coming out of America. I think that just about sums it up. Anime generally has more depth than American movies and television series, and that's what draws people to it.
  20. I read a biography on Miyamoto Musashi. Intersting guy. I think that a lot of anime uses him as a guideline for their samurai characters. He won his first duel against a ronin at the age of 13, using a staff to beat the guy to death. I loved his idea of doing whatever the fight calls for. Towards the end, he beat his opponents by blocking and dodging them until they gave up. That's true skill for you.
  21. It sucked so hard that its head blew up. Now its dead.
  22. [QUOTE=KKKEEENNN3]Dang. This forum has so much critizing, I just can't thiink what anime is bad. What a minute...X. Yeah, the X movie was so senseless, I don't want to try to read the manga of it. And may the light of Aether serves you well! (I hope) :sleep:[/QUOTE] This thread is about crappy anime... of course there's criticizing. What else is there gonna be? "I hate Super Milk Chan, but other people might not so I'm gonna refrain from ranting about it." That would make this thread pretty pointless. On topic, Ikkitousen isn't terrible (I liked the setting and the characters and what the show was about), but for an anime that revolves around fights, they could really work on the fight scenes. Somebody gets suplexed on the floor and a shockwave is sent out that shatters the windows? And when the suplexed person gets up, she's covered in blood? That's just corny. Of course, I've only seen the first DVD, so maybe it gets better... (the early fight scenes in Berserk sucked almost as bad)
  23. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']After hearing it a few million times, I must say this is one of my favorite CDs of all time. Radio/Video is quite possibly the greatest song ever. It has a very Final Fantasy 9 feel to it.[/quote] Comparing System of a Down to videogames.... *bitchslaps ThatOneOddDude* NO! THAT'S WRONG! GO TO YOUR CORNER!
  24. The Band of the Hawk's only female commander vs. Ranma 1/2's resident schemer! My only rule is to not spam up these threads. Don't just post the character that you voted for's name. If you're going to say who you voted for, then explain why you voted for who you voted for, even if that explanation is just quoting someone that shares your sentiments. It doesn't need to be complicated. Even something as simple as "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot more spunk than Rei" or "I voted for Asuka because she has a lot of spunk" will work. So long as it has more substance than "Asuka" or "Asuka's better", its fine. Hmm... I really don't know who'll win. Maybe Nabiki, because a lot of people love the smart schemer? Caska (Berserk) [img]http://img246.echo.cx/img246/3741/caska27uw.jpg[/img] [img]http://img229.echo.cx/img229/688/aad7sn1.jpg[/img] [img]http://img229.echo.cx/img229/2842/untitled34qw.png[/img] (Good anime Caska pics really aren't easy to come by... if you can find any that are better than these, please post them or PM me.) vs. Nabiki Tendou (Ranma 1/2) [img]http://img243.echo.cx/img243/3408/nabiki0110244tg.jpg[/img] [img]http://img229.echo.cx/img229/2716/nabiki0410247ap.jpg[/img] [img]http://img229.echo.cx/img229/1261/nabiki0210249qq.jpg[/img] I like both of these characters... I was planning on voting for Caska until she went up against one of my stated favorites, but when I rethought it, Nabiki is a really cool character too... Caska's cool because she kicks ***. [spoiler]She also takes up the helm as the Band of the Hawk's leader (and she's a good leader at that) towards the end, so that gives her some major points too.[/spoiler] And like I said last time, the would-be love triangle between her, Guts, and Griffith is one of the most interesting love angles in anime. Nabiki is a witty schemer who knows how to get what she wants. She manages to make a profit off of just about everything... ...I can't decide! Eh, Nabiki's cuter, so I'll give her my vote!
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