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Kel stared. He felt rooted to the spot. Jassk...was dead. A routine mission had gone horribly awry. Dead. He was dead. And Kel had done nothing to interfere he had merely stood there and watched as one of his friends was cut down by Kassius. He sobbed once and fell to his knees, gripping the earth with his hands. "No...No...This shouldn't have happened. What went wrong?" He stared down at the ground. He suddenly realized he was crying. He slumped back against a wall, sobbing. This couldn't happen. He slowly felt his sorrow beginning to turn to rage. Rage at Kassius for destroying a young being. [i]No! I am a Jedi! There is no emotion! There is peace![/i] He began sobbing again. He kept asking himself over and over again what he could've done to stop it.
Kel had been practicing with his lightsaber, twirling it around experimentally and deflecting some bolts from the drone. He had wroked up a light sweat and had decided to do some meditation. He went to one corner of the ship nad sat, mentally reciting mathematical formulas to strengthen his mind and keep concentration. Plus he just enjoyed doing it. [i]A squared times B squared is equal to C squared...X over T is...[/i] He gradually fell away from the ship, from the hum of the lightsabers and chatter of conversation. He was at peace. He felt his mind stretch out, joining the galaxy and examing the living force. He felt the other students on baord. Some were jumpy or nervous, others calm. He could feel the Jedi masters, beacons of light inf the void. He wandered further, towards the planet that they were coming towards, feeling...an void. An empty, dark spot on the force. He frowned...Powerful. THe dark sider was powerful. So much anger and hate was balled into this planet and shrouded it from the force. He felt something touch his own mind...He retreated from it, coming back to his own body. He opened his eyes, a cold sweat on his brow. So much hate. So much anger....He shook his head nad cleared his thoughts. [i]There is no emotion...there is peace.[/i] he recited to himself. [i]Control your emotions.[/i] He stood and walked back over to his chair. "I need a moment to collect myself." he muttered under his breath.
Kel smiled slightly as he listened to the two Bothans talking. [i]I have to admit, I'm a little bit excited myself.[/i] he thought, [i] Going on a investigative mission with the masters and all...[/i] He slowly stood up and stretched, reciting some formulas to keep his mind in shape. He took one last glance around the assembly hall before taking off at a rather sedate pace towards his room. He exchanged greetings with a few of the other students as he passed, some wishing him good luck others expressing their wish that they had been the ones to get picked. He keyed the door to his quarters and it opened with a swoosh noise. He setpped inside, the door sliding shut behind him. He began collecting stuff he woudl need. HIs personal datapad, some changes of clothing, some personal hygine items...his lightsaber. Kel lifted the lightsaber, weighing it in his hands and twirling it. He had completed it a few months ago and done training with it. It was made of smooth, untarnished metal that had a faint brass color to it. The griip was a piece of black leather wrapped around the center of the handle and the activation button was recessed into the metal. He set it down on his bed and changed out of his jumpsuit and into his robes, stowing the jumpsuit away with the rest of his gear. Kel clipped the saber to his belt, then slung his bag over one shoulder. He keyed the door again, heading for the hangar bay. OOC: Hope that works.
I really hope this is still open... [b]Name:[/b] Kel Lenan [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Kel is a quiet, calm, young man who is slow to anger. However, when he does lose his temper it awakens a tempest of fury. He is usually very quiet and collected and speaks softly. He works hard and tries to help others when he can. He loves numbers and often recites mathematical formulas or problems in his head while meditating or strengthening his mind. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kel is of average height, about 5'10" and has long black hair, which he keeps tied back in a pony-tail. His eyes are a bright bule and his skin is a light tan color. He dresses in the brown and white robes of a Jedi or Padawan when he isn't training or flying. When he does train he wears a dark blue jumpsuit, with several pockets for a variety of things. [b]Bio:[/b] Kel was born on Commenor to a middle-class merchant family. As the eldest of three brothers he was somewhat doted upon, but never spoiled. He was taught responsibility at a young age and that to succeed in life one has to work for it. He picked up an interest in math at a young age and by age thirteen was learning some advanced physics. As he entered his teens he was being groomed to take over the business from his father when he retired. This did appeal to Kel. He began going out at night, looking for interesting things to do and sometimes getting into trouble. As he grew older he began to feel as if he could "hear" the planet around him, sometimes even people when they hadn't said anything. One day, a few months after his fourteenth birthday, a Jedi showed up at his home and explained to him and his parents that he was force sensitive. He could train to become a Jedi Knight and learn the ways of the force. Kel was stunned. He could never have imagined that he could become a Jedi Knight. After discussion with his family he decided to become a Jedi Knight. He bid his parents good-bye and took his first few steps into a larger world. He has trained for seven years straight and is learning very quickly. Although he is not as powerful at using the Force as others, bnut he is learning quickly. He is decently skilled with a lightsaber, but not as good as some. His chief strength is in resisting influence of his mind, mainly because of his math resitals. He is eager and works diligently. He will not fail. [b]Lightsaber colour and type:[/b] Blue/single blade [b]Most likely to turn to:[/b] Light Side
Ken nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me...I just hope we don't run into any more of those guys." He started walking, glancing back for a moment to make sure everyone else wasn't just going to stand their and leave him walking alone into the unknown. Once he was satisfied he continued. Minutes passed. Rather unluckily there was another rustling in the bushes...There was a roar and a large, neon yellow skinned Ogremon leaped from the trees. Kenneth gaped at it fora few moments. "Woah! What the heck is that thing?" Wormmon jumped off of his shoulder and landed, ready to fight. Ken looked suprised and managed to yell "Wormmon, no!" just before Wormmon launched his attack. "Body slam!" he cied and rushed at Ogremon. Ogremon flicked his attack away like it was nothing, sending slamming him back into Ken. Ken picked himself up an set Wormmon own. "Are you alright?" "I think so..." Suddenly, Wormmon began to glow. "Wormmon digivolve to...Stingmon!" With a bright flash of light Stingmon appeared here Wormmon had been moment before. He shited into n attack stance. "ALRIGHT!" Ken yelled, "Let's show this big lunk what we think of him! Sic him Stingmon!" Stingmon launched into the air, doing a perfect lip an coming down straight towards the Ogremon. "Bone Cudgel!" shouted the Ogremon as he swung his bone club at Stingmon. Stingmon twisted in midair an oged the attack,conterattacking with one of his own. "Spiking Strike!" A blade of energy extended itself from Stingmon's right hand. The blade cut through Ogremon like a hot knife through butter. With an anguished roar the Ogremon disentegrated into thousands of point of data. Stingmon glowed and reassumed the form of Wormmon. Ken an up to him and scooped him up. "That was AWESOME! You were great!" he exclaimed as he perched Wormmon on his shoulder again.
OOC: Umm...what he said. Some of us can't post as fast due to RL. IC: Kenneth shook his head and took another look around. This world fascinated him. Purple grass. Strange creatures. A mission to save the world from total annihilation. "It's like something out of a movie..." he muttered to himself. He turned his head nad looked at the green caterpillar-like digimon riding on his shoulder. His partner or wahtever was apparently called Wormmon. Apparently Wormmon liked cold cinnamon instant oatmeal, because he had wolfed it down when Ken had offered it. He looked at the others, who were all ahead of him talking amongst themselves. He recognized one or two of them from his high school. Not that he knew them well. Just in passing. He shifted his weight to get more comtorable and then incrased his pace, one hand going up to steady Wormmon. As he approached the group he heard "...get something out of this wierd world." "Well," he said, "if you think about it our world is probably wierd to the digimon. IT's all in the eye of the beholder."
Ken wasat his desk, pulling an all-nighter. He had a major math test tomorrow andthere was no way he was going to fail it! He always got straight A's. Always. He groanded and leaned back in his chair as he recalled his math teacher's words: "This test will make up half of your final grade so you had better pass this one!" He rubbed his eyes sleepily, muttering to himself, "God, I hate Algebra II. The first class to ever give me this much trouble..." Try as he might he couldn't grasp some of the concepts. "Come on, you can do this!" He glanced at the clock. Well past midnight. He was about to get back to work when his stomach made a gurgling noise. He looked down and patted his stomach, murmuring "I guess I am a little hungry..." He stood up, stretched and walked into the kitchen. He pulled out a packet of instant oatmeal, ripping it open and dumping it into a bowl. He yawned and added some water, stirring it a bit before stuffing it in the microwave. He listened to the drone of the microwave as he waited for his food. A few minutes later there was a "beep-beep" and he pulled the bowl out, a sweet scent wafting from the bowl. "Ah, cinnamon instant oatmeal. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." He turned to head back to the living room when the lights flickered and died. [i]Great...[/i] he thought, [i] Just what I need. A power out-[/i] He suddenly felt himself being pulled irresstibly and everything swirled. A few seconds later he was standing in a cave, holding his oatmeal in one hand. In front of him was a very hairy...thing. "uh...Who are-" was all he got out before he fell asleep. OOC: Sorry about that. I was a little rushed this morning when I made it. I changed it around a bit to reflect his character and make it more interesting.
I could care less. He gets all this attention because he'sy. If he were just some guy no one would care. For the love fo god, report something useful for once! Not this stupid case...
Do you personally know that he actually did it? Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt? That's what is required in a court of law: beyond reasonable doubt. I don't think the prosecution did that. I think the jury was influenced by all the media hype and hooplah. You couldn't open a newspaper or turn on a tv without getting "And now the latest on the Peterson case!" I really don't think he did it. But that's just my opinion. If you're going to call me sick or something for thinking that way, so be it.
[b]Name:[/b] Kenneth "Ken" Lee [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Description:[/b] A young man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He is about 5'9" and has a friendly smile. He wears black jeans, black slip-on shoes, a light blue t-shirt, and a worn, old, brown leather jacket. [b]Crest:[/b]Reliability [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Light-blue and Black [u]Digimon[/u] [i]Fresh:[/i]Leafmon-Bubble Blow [i]Trainee:[/i]Minomon-Pine Cone Attack [i]Rookie:[/i]Wormmon-Sticky Net, Silk Thread, Body Slam [i]Champion:[/i]Stingmon-Spiking Strike, Moon Shooter [i]Ultimate:[/i]Phelesmon-Demon's Shout, Black Statue [i]Mega:[/i]Beelzemon-Double Impact, Darkness Claw, Primal Orb EDIT: Oo, didn't see that. It's changed.
People die. It sucks. Move on. I seriouly could care less about what happened half-way across the country to some one. It doesn't effect me. It's not national news. If anything it's local news. The media likes to headline murders and kidnappings because they are dramatic and it sells newspapers. Another thing that sort of annoys me was the entire Scott Peterson thing. People die and are murdered every day all around the country and the media decides to focus on this one slaying. Why? Because she was aw hite women living in suburbia who might've been killed by her husband. GASP! DRAMA! SUSPENSE! There were people outside the court room [i]cheering[/i] when the guilty verdict was announced. What kind of country is this? It's like the Roman blood sports! We cheer when a man is possibly going to be condemend to death! It's disgustin and I'll tell you we're noticing death more and more: because the media headlines it. If it bleeds it leads.