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About Uchiha-Itachi

  • Birthday 11/20/1991

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  1. In my Opinion there going to give this movie lots of hype with teasers and little snip its of the movie to get the fans moving and it'll probly be bad like most other Movies from games. But if they get the Hype and make a decent movie then i'll be very surprised. As for master Chief why not just use the regular thats his voice in game on movie The fans will feel better about hearing the same voice. Overall this movie is gunna make big on opening Night as for the rest of the week we have to see
  2. I'm Looking forward to the New Legend Of Zelda I'm a hardcore fan of Zelda with Electronic Gaming Magazine had the 4 page info of the game i jumped for joy to finally see new screenshots. The Gamecube has been underestimated because of the games it has to kiddish in some eyes Resident Evil 4 was a awesome game with an M rating only for the gamecube Lets hope Zelda will top the ratings of RE4 with a lower ESRB Rating :animesmil
  3. I can picture Faye Valentine in Lamborghini Countach , with her shades yelling at other ppl for staring at her chests. But sooner ot later she'll get pissed and just runn everyone over. Orochimaru wud be in a Dodge Viper driving with his feet spiting his snake from his mouth to anyone that looks at him funny.
  4. It sounds pretty good a nice unique story line but i think it'll be confusing without the names just reading ur little blog of it made me confuse. But other then that good luck i'm looking forward to it
  5. Hands Down it has to be Final Fantasy 7 its probly the best game for PS1 The story is just amazing and the Characters are awesome and its a long game one of the longest RPG's i'v ever played
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