I would like to thank everyone who replied to my post. I will take your advise, but I found a few problems with some of the statements many of you made:
You cannot build the LionHeart until you obtain Weapon's Monthly Issue 1. This I know to be true, unless you like to cheat and use a GameShark.
I hate trying to get things through card games. No offense, The TRIAD is a great game, but it suck when you have a bunch of cards and you get stuck with the RANDOM rule.
Zidane, the "Vessel" from Terra, was left on Gaia by Garland. Garland hoped that after Zidane met Kuja, they would create the great war and Soul Harvest for Terra's takeover. Zidane was Kuja's Replacement.
It would be nice if you could buy the Summon Materia. But my question is still unanswered. "Where do you obtain all of the Summon, Magic, and Command Materia." I have found a few but I notice alot of my inventory is still missing.
Aside from that, Knowing where and how to obtain better weapons in FF7 would help alot.