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Everything posted by Luminus

  1. [QUOTE=jblessing]Assuming you are talking about theOtaku commen'ts form, we have changed it so that you must have at least 50 characters or more in your comment. This is stated directly next to the comment box "50 Character Minimum". This is an attempt to stop one word comments or otherwise spammy comments as well.[/QUOTE] Okay, thanks. Didn't see it before.
  2. The "Submit" button is not working. I can preview my post, though. What's wrong?
  3. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]Oh, please. Stop whining--this isn't the Olympics. Besides, if you like your picture, you like it. And since there are no prizes or anything given away for having a high rating--other than more traffic to your myO--there really is no reason for things to be perfectly moral or honest, anyway. I tend to see the whole thing as a way of learning where to improve. And to show off, of course. And it's always nice to know you're doing that at least half decently.[/QUOTE] I ask a question and you pick this time to hurl verbal attacks? Pathetic. Anyway, I was just wondering about it. And there ARE prizes. The prize is the recognition of your work. I guess some people are too dense to realize that.
  4. How come you allow this? I suspected that people were voting for their own work based on how fast those votes were appearing in relation to how long the artwork had been available for viewing. I then clicked the button, ONCE, on one of my own works and it actually went through. Can't you guys do something about that? It's probably no big deal, but it's the principal of it all. No one should be allowed to vote for their own work.
  5. Thanks, but the picture of Goku on the cloud was updated, too. I only see the original version. Oh, well. Everything else is there.
  6. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] We have one of those buttons. It's the little exclamation mark in the top right of posts. ^_~[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh. Thanks! :D
  7. I deleted one picture so that I could upload a better version and both pictures I submitted to the Dragonball section disappeared. What's going on?
  8. Oh, okay. Thanks! I'll start submitting immediately.
  9. I have a suggestion. Create a "Notify Moderator" button at the bottom of each thread. That way, when anyone sees a spoiler without a tag, they can notify a moderator who can easily show up and edit the thread title with the word "SPOILERS".
  10. [B] [list] [*] Plagiarism: myOtaku.com members may not submit any content that they themselves did not author, draw, or otherwise create. For artwork, myOtaku members may not trace or submit another person's artwork, even with that person's permission. When creating a wallpaper or collage, members may use someone else's artwork if they get that person's permission.[/B] [/list] I'm new here and I'm curious about this. There are many instances on this site where artwork is clearly being taken from previously created artwork. In some cases, it may be just my suspicion, but I have visited MANY sites and there are very familiar, if not exact, pictures displayed here.) Examples: [list] [*][url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=64723[/url] [B]Found here[/B]: [url]http://templeotrunks.com/images/fan_art/3SAYINS.jpg[/url] [B]And here: [/B][url]http://templeotrunks.com/images/fan_art/trunkscgmc.jpg[/url] It looks like it was originally a television screen cap. [*][url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=64009[/url] [*][url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=62637[/url] [*][url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=61658[/url][/list] And many more. I don't have time to find the originals, but a quick google of those images will net you some "incriminating" results. So, with that in mind, I was wondering how the rules worked in recreated work using Illustrator or Photoshop. I have some drawings that I did in Illustrator, based on official pictures for the Dragonball franchise. I registered because I wanted to post them, but if I can't, I have no need to be registered.
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