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  1. I agree with Generic NPC #3 on the fact that Screensavers had gotten lamer. But all together it's a good channel. I still find X-Play to be funny, and I love Icons, so what if I have to suffer a few bad shows, they make it all worth while for me
  2. The game that got me into gaming was Legend of Dragoon. Until then I had thought that video games were just a waste of time. After I first tried it I was hooked, I even skipped school a few times just to play it.
  3. Tetris, you just can't help it can you. Is it the simplicity, or maybe the very pretty colors. Either way it's one of the most addicting games ever created. Oh, I can't forget Animal crossing. I found I had more of a life in that game than in real life (Sad ain't it :animecry:).
  4. I hated Slippy I didn't just feel the need to shoot him, I did. It was the first thing I did when we came to a planet. His voice just grated my nerves. But no matter who much I hated him I hated that pig guy a lot more. Tingle on the other hand I liked. When I talked to him it made me feel a lot better about myself, I kept telling myself at least I'm not him. For the fairies, they both sucked. I wanted to catch them in a bottle and throw them to the bottom of an ocean.
  5. Not all Manga books are read backwards. I have seen a few that are made like American comics, which doesn't diminish the quality by no means. I used to have quit a collection of manga's before my house caught fire, with all my st uff in it. So now all I do is read my friends.
  6. I like soul caliber II. I just love taking Link's big Goron sword and beating the snot out of you opponent's. But really I love any arcade fighting game, but only if it's in the arcade. To me it doesn't seem right to be playing them at home to me.
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