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About Havokio

  • Birthday 07/19/1985

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  • Biography
    Large, Black, enjoys a good throwdown.
  • Occupation
    Construction, and Fast food (2nd job)

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  1. [COLOR=Indigo]This happens to be my luckiest find. I bought a few dvd's the other day, and decided to go random. I was disapointed in my purchased at first, then realized the gem that was Requiem. Anyone else hear of it/have it? I've got dvd 1, and I need, NEED the other three. ...best...intro....evar[/COLOR]!!!
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd do something stupid and get famous for it. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo]Football, Martial Arts (armed and unarmed), and Rollerblading. Unlike what it may seem, the last one hurts the most...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]I just said, "I'm done with you", then walked off without care. This is after I'd seen her tradin DNA with some random guy. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]Requiem: from the darkness. Anyone ever hear of it? Not to be confused with the other Requiem, this show is insane, great animation, effects, and the coolest intro ever. I've only stumbled onto it while buying DVD's. I went random, hoping something pops up. This gem is what I've gotten. This anime is, for some reason, not on the otaku boards. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]Sort-of like Scar from FMA. That's the closest.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo]Those are just like comics to me. I'm a huge fan of Marvel and DC. I've read entire saga's on my favorites (anything with Dr. Doom, Deadpool, Captain Marvel (DC version) or Parallax (Hal Jordan). I find both manga (japanese, chinese, and korean (manhuah) and american comics quite entertaining. It's sometimes better to read a manga or comic, rather than watching a show (with the exception of manga-only titles, or really good fight scenes). What-ever I've read (if it's interesting) usually gets' stuck in my head. And most back-stories can only be found in manga or comics. Berserk is a perfect example. To get the full story, you need to: 1-watch the anime 2-play the game (only on dreamcast) 3-read the manga This concept goes for others as well.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]I've read 1 to 11. There are more, but I've yet to find them. And Kal is the man. He reminds me of griffith from Berserk, after Kal goes nuts (not a spoiler, you see what happens in the first book). Civilized-insanity.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]Whenever I listen to or even THINK about the song: Inner Universe (Ghost in the shell, stand alone complex), which is most of the time, I think of the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (writer of DaVinci Code). I clearly picture every single scene in the book, all at once. I also think about sex alot. TOO MUCH, in fact (especially with a girl that looks and acts like either Sakura from Street Fighter Alpha, or a punk-rocker/goth girl). The only other "random" thought that comes to mind is whenever I get bored or pissed, I think of fighting one of my adversaries in a greuling, grotesque manner (stabbings, ant that sort of thing).[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Lord Dante]ok, ok, time to share a great secret dish of mine. it's greasy, unhealthy and full of crap - but that's what we all like to eat, isn't it? grate a lot of cheese, and cook some sausages. get a pie dish, and place some lasagne sheets on the bottom. then put some cheese and sausage pieces down, cover with lasagne strips and repeat untill dish is full. cover top with motzerella and jam it in the oven.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]I bow to you, almighty salty one. I first make an omlet with sausage, beef and chicken bits. Then, I add peanuts, and finally some y(h)aleppino. Try this... Bite and eat two mints slowly (you should feel the "mintyness" in your throat) then, as fast as you can, drink a cold lemonade soda. BIGGEST non-drug induced thing someone can do without risking your life. Also, chocolate and peanut butter is the best food combo in EXSISTENCE![/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]Bounty Hunter, Porn Star, Fighting, and the genocide of all roaches (don't have a roach problem, but I hate them all).[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Lord Dante]after legal, i'd buy myself a katana, and get a crash corse in Iaiato (quick draw sword). then drink myself sick in a bar somewhere.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]You need to be 21 to legaly buy a sword right? WRONG. I'm 19, and two years ago, I could've bought a sword. Probably not legal, but you wont get arrested for having it, and it won't get confiscated. And drinking would be fun. I'd do it in the Red Light District (legalized prostitution).[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo]Yesterday was pretty stupid... I was out with a few friends, and got bored, so we decided to act a fool, rather then looking out windows like normal, civil folk. I was laying across a train car on the top rails, arms on one pole, legs on the other, as if no one were there. I also remember asking if "ANYONE SELLING PORN?", at the top of my lungs, on rooesvel (VERY CROWDED AREA)tIf that wasn't enough, some guy came up to me with porn tapes... I had to buy one . :rotflmao: [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo]People call me "the one from NYC". That's the area. Queens, where it can be either really beautiful, or really crappy, depending on where you are.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Thanx alot. I don't have access to a cpu, so I couldn't do it myself.[/COLOR]
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