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Everything posted by Havokio

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]I went through a few themes: Orochimaru's fight theme (too similar to his theme) Guilty Gear: Noontide (gets monotnous) Hellsing: song with the name "survival" (Taken) Gungrave: Gunlocked overdrive (great beginning, got stale) Berserk: Fear (I'm not that evil) Chaos Legion: Boss fight 2 (Works for fights, and nothing else) Some stage, sounds dark, but not evil. Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex intro was (and still is) my reading theme. So I finally found one... Cowboy Bepop: Piano Black. The baseline is menacing, The sax play is cool, the overall theme is good, and it's under 3 minutes, also it works for most of the situations I've been in (replayed them in my mind).[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]Jazz. It can be used for almost any situation. Fighting, hanging out, relaxation, sex, TGC's, Video Games, etc. Cowboy beebop has some VERY good songs for jazz. I also like other types as well, including (but not limited to) Rock, Techno, Trance, J-pop, J-Rock, Guiilty Gear (in a class all it's own, dammit), and Anime music (ofcourse).[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo]I wasn't on for too long, but there may be some "Newbish-ness" going on... But, Why the hell should we care? Before commenting on the newb-aspect of the newcomers, weren't we all newbs at some point? Why should we criticize them for not having the same experience that we once lacked? Think about it, things get borring after some time. Everything dies, and these boards might, eventually. People leave this site on a daily basis, only to be replaced by a newb. If those newbs don't show up, then this site WILL DIE.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]Keep robots doing only simple things. If they go out of control, think of Ghost in the Shell or Matrix. That's why robots shouldn't have A.I. Gundam-style robots, OK. Jetsons-style chore/maid robots, OK. Robots who do the maid thing, and has simulated private parts (just for sex), Hell YES. But I stick to no for ones with A.I.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm grateful not to fall into any of these chatacteristics. Punk, goth, "thug", popularity, Nerd, I fall into none of these groups. I'm a loner who has friends. Can anyone tell me what category that falls in?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]Isn't it obvious? Why should anyone die for something they didn't believe in? where's the logic in that?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo]Man, that show was GREAT! WHY THE HELL DID THEY CUT THIS SHOW OFF? Dib's father is the man! "It's a good thing I exsist!"[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Retribution']Ehh... that's pretty hard not to do. You are what you do, generally, so how could they judge you except off of your actions? Is there some other angle I'm not seeing? I suppose 'judging' and 'basing opinions off of' don't always have to be different things.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo]I mean that they don't look down on any of my intrests. I like anime, which is supposed to be a "geek" thing. I know alot of people who would never hang out with people that watch anime. These are the types of people I'd like to avoid. In example... Don't think that someone's a bad person if they like fighting. Not weapons, or gang, random violence, but controlled. Basically, I want women who can keep an open mind.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]The government already has cures for everything, as they've introduced these extravagant ailments. I'd buy the government. Force then to spread the vaccines. If the world were hooked on anime... demongirlamaya has the right idea. I'd turn this world into an interactive anime (like .hack//, but not optional)[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]This is new. I just want a decent looking girl who doesn't judge me for what I do. Also one who can get a little crazy. And if they get into what I do, the better. My ex-fiance called it off (I was to be married at 21), she had to go back to Japan. She didn't even tell me good by. She called me the next day to tell me it's off. Sorry for the rant, but she was, indeed, my type.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]You're right, it isn't attractive. But... Sometimes I get so stressed out, that a few buddies, along with myself, just let go. Alchohol is used as a means to let go without any illegal drugs. It can also get someone laid (man and woman). I don't get drunk all the time, but It's good to let go every now & then. It takes alot for me to get really drunk. 8-12 beers start to get me tipsy. I lose count afterward. I'm 6'3", and 234 lbs. I can hold 'em down for a while. Either Sex on the Beach, or straight vodka: in response to chibihorsewoman's question.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]Look, it isn't that hard a thing to deal with. Guys are generaly not shy. If he really liked you, you'd get signs. If you loved him, then you would've asked him already. If you're past 18, then you wouldn't be making this topic. If below 18, then you should double check your feelings for this person. If I sound like an asshole, then sorry, but I sugar coat nothing.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo]Welcome Deathangel. Just search around, you'll find plenty. It also doesn't hurt to check out adult swim on cartoon network. That was my start.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo]My brother is three years older than me, but I'm much bigger than him. I'm the "bigger" brother. We've had disputes about that, till he put me in my place. I have two little sisters, and I'm the oldest sibling in the house. Kinda sucks, as I still have no elderly power.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Hah! Mine, I believe I was 12, was getting my *** kicked by someone half my size (he knew tae-kwuan-do, I knew nothing) , then having my pants removed, and having to walk 13 blocks home. Not in a dream, this accually happened.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo]Who here drinks? I mean REALLY drinks? And what happens when you do? As unstopable as I am, I become as ferocious and as insane as a bamboo starved fuzzy panda.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]I don't know. I just try to think about nothing. I do, however detect when I may get hit in the balls. Never works, as I get hit there regularly. :animecry: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd go straight to the Red Light district, and probably stay there.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]Yeah, I caught someone in my house. I beat him near to death. I got stabbed in the leg in the prossess. His *** is still in prison, and I'd like it no other way. I always keep a few daito (or bokken) (wodden training sword) around, in dark corners of a few rooms. There was another break in not too long after. I put those thing to use. No breakins since. That was 3 years ago.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo]I agree with ChibiHorsewoman. You're going WAY too fast. I'm engaged to be married on my 21st. birthday. I'm 19, and my life will be in order by 21. Even then, It's still too early. Anyway... You shouldn't try to plan something life this at so young an age. Trust me, You may love this person now... but temptations are everywhere. For the both of you. If you both are serious, then give it WAY more time. But don't rush. Love and marrige is like a house. If you rush, it'll hold for a week or two, but when it tumbles, "That's your *** Mr. Postman!!!" (quote from the movie, Firday) Give it time.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Indigo]I'll do Delacroix. The name? I've heard something similar. Dante in pink, that's so oxymoronic, it just might work. Probably a cool, badass girl, right? If not, then you deserve a village of monkeys humping you in the morning. Or you waking up with a raving lunatic who happens to be a correction officer for a mental ward. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo]I kicked a wrestler in the balls. "Grand Master Sexay" is what he went by. He was in the tag team "Too Cool", when the WWE was the WWF. I ran into the crown and boated. It was frickin sweet![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo]Mangas don't censor themselves, and you could take them anywhere (school, bus, bathroom, bedroom (if hentai), etc.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Indigo]Go for it. The story picks up REAL fast.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]It's both. Anime is an easy was to kill a day off. We do it cause we like it. It's a hobby. We have lives, but this is a main focus of entertainment. Others thing it's a waste of time... those who sit home all day watching MTV. Both sets of people go to parties, hang out, work, and do other randomness. We both have lives, or the same amount of lifelessness in us. List... Anime: Cop Drama: Ghost in the shell Kung Fu movie: Half of it. Porn: Hentai Everyone else: Cop Drama: NYPD BLUE Kung-Fu movie: Kung-fu movie Porn: Porn Our entertainment is slightly varied. We substitute bad actors with squigly lines. Our Kung-fu movies have fireballs, and our porn has a good storyline. I think we're bettter off.[/COLOR]
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