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Everything posted by Havokio

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm not sure what the hell kind if alchimist Scar is, but it's straight to the point. I'd do that.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]19 and I'm 6'3", 243 lbs. (bigger when I watch porn... ;) YEAH!!! I'm one of the biggest here!!!! PH34R M1 R34lI7\/! l[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd invest in an appartment building in manhattan. Money would then flow endlessly, giving me more money, which I'd put into another appartment buuilding. etc. etc. Afterward, I'd do the coolest cosplay outfits I could think of, and make that my wardrobe. :cool: [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]It should be illegal, whether or not it's the immediate family, or distant relatives. But it also shouldn't. Why? Adam and Eve. I'm not religious, but I read the bible. Eve was made from Adam. They bore children, and they bore children. If any of this is true at all, then aren't we all byproducts of incest? On a scientific standpoint, we were also byproducts of incest. If so, then we are all commiting incest when having sex with ANYONE. So, if we use this technicality, then having sex would be illegal. So, yes in normal terms, no in technical.[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker] 1. Are we having too much sex? 2. If so, is it bad for our relationship? ( keep in mind we are each others first so we are still kind of reveling ion the novelty of it.) 3. Should people only have sex if they are in love? 4. Should i try and cut down?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]1- HAH! I doubt it. You aren't having enough. 2- Not at all, as long as the relationship isn't just 'bout sex. 3- No... I don't think so. 4- Why?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]Hmm... lets see... Resident Evil 4 is NEAR PERFECT. But as a whole, I'd go with Silent Hill. Resident Evil: More "Boo", More Action. Silent Hill: Better story, MUCH crepier. Much more disturbing. I chose Silent Hill cause it gives me a high sense of ineasiness, I feel imense pressure when playing that game. Something Resident Evil lacks.[/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Jahjahwarrior17']Once again, I don't think either of the girls are very appealing, and I've never heard of these animes...so I voted for the Silent Mobius girl, because I don't really like short hair on a girl :animesmil[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo]What's wrong with srout hair on a girl? I happen to like it. I also find both attractive. Caska wins out. She's hotter than the other in my opinion, and she (I'm not yet accustomed with the tags yet.) That gives her extra points. I also just like her more as a character.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]Fist of the North Star. Thousands of people get killed a day! (good and bad). And if you don't join the bad side, you'd get killed even sooner. That to me would be the worst.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd go for Lina Inverse on this one. She's pretty cute, in my opinion, but is kinda insane. A HUGE plus in my book (if i had one) Kaguras' ok, but I don't care too much for her.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]Big O is also a good (great in your case), at the end, (pm me for the spoiler). This makes it reason enough to watch it over and over. Cowboy Bepop and Naruto are also great.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm suprised anyone didn't mention Fist of the North Star. (I didn't read the whole thread, though... correct me if I'm wrong) I agree with the ones mantioned. Berserk needs to be on the list. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]My Sinkler. My eighth grade teacher. Same birthday, and we sparred a bit (I always lost). He was the coolest teacher I'd ever had. He was like Onizuka with restraint.[/COLOR]
  13. Havokio


    [COLOR=Indigo]I'm black, and don't find this subject offensive. I can't stand the steriotype that looms over black people. I'm GLAD for the fact that I don't follow "that" (loud, pot smoking, pants sagging, "yo yo, hows it goin doin in the hood") garbage crowd. I agree with Kakashi completely. I LOVE being black, just not the steriotype associated with being black. BTW... Egyptians were the first people to have slaves. Slaves from europe. 4000 years worth. So, to my fellow black people, don't give me that garbage of slavery, cause as far as I'm concerned, they got VERY little payback. L8R.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm finished with High school, but really liked it when I was there. I know, now it feels crappy to be in high school, but later on, you'd find yourself thinking about it, Reminicing about past things. I loved being a loner. No one ****ed with me. (the stupid ones do, they usually get destroyed). I had gotten a FEW friends(by choice, I stuck to a few, I hated my school) , I still have them. High School isn't so bad, college and the job afterward is when you'll get stressed out. (college is still fun an hell)[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Who the hell cares for blood type?! That study is purely rediculous. Blood is blue until it hits oxygen. Then it turns red. It's the same for everyone. Now,what happens if I were to be with one of those "blood loving hipies" (not being racist) and we loved each other? I tell her that I'm blood type "B". Now, it's... OH NOOO! BBBBB! RUN FOR THE HILLS! See my point? Caring for blood type is beyond pointless, it's stupid as hell.[/COLOR]
  16. I [COLOR=Indigo]agree, Violence without cause is unacceptable.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]Momo means the right person for you. Damn, this is a hard question to answer. I'd say when you find yourself thinking too much about them. When you've said something wrng, and feel terribly guilty. When you attempt to help them in any way possible. Those things gradually take hold, and you sub-conciously do things you would not normally do for this person. When you feel jealous when the're with some one, and at the same time, feel happy that the're happy. This is how, in my opinion, is when you've found the "right one".[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo]My old addiction was video games. Now it's reading. I've read the entire gentleman vampire series by P.N. Elrod. Angels and Demons, The da Vinci code, and Holy Grail, in the past two months. Manga still keeps it's hook on me, though. Sparring is the other. I spar with a few friends of mine atleast 4 times a week, for hours on end. I guess that's why I'm always tired for work. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]You are very welcome. Don't fret, you will find that "someone". Everyone's given that chance. Keep looking.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo]I don't think throwing a party would be the best idea. Anyone would go to a party, even if ther hate the host. You could definitelly do without some of the more annoying people you see. You have about 6-7 friends, right? That's a great start. (I hadn't more then three before high school, and I couldn't care less) What you should do, it to be introduced to your friends'... friends'. You have something in commoon with your friends'. Their friends' have something in common with them. You've gota have SOME common ground to work woth, right? I was known as someone who used to spaz out randomly. The friends I have now don't seem to mind or care.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm only popular to the people I know, as though they accually give a damn about me. That's all the popularity you need. Don't worry bout everyone else, the'll just get in the way (of your life). L8R.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo]April fools day wasn't big here either. Some girl got shot near Jamaica high school, probably for something stupid. I thought that was the end of it, but a week later (today) there was a gang riot in a park near the schoolsJamaica and Edison. Me, being bored and unimpressed, decided to walk through it. There was one april fools joke... Some guy faked pissing on himself on the bus, and pleaded that he didn't even though there was wat stains all oner himself. There was a water bottle nearby, and the fact that I'd seen him pour it on himself. That was a good one, I guess.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo]This one was a good one, but ended abruptly... I probably died in it. I was in what I'm wearing today (blach dress pants, white dress shirt, with a black one overlaping that, no tie and shoes) and one of my sparring buddies were there as well. We got into a fight in my backyard (big, has a large square patch of grass, enough to fight in) and we were doing insane DBZ style things. Then... I had hit him towards the outside of the "ring" and he bounced back, electrocuted. I touched the perimiter and got shocked. Some RANDOM guy in a day-glow yellow hoverboard showed up and bombed the area, and we couldn't escape. The last thing I remember seeing was a bomb saw coming to my face. I woke up afterward... wasn't the first time I died in a dream.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Indigo]Hell even those who AREN'T adolecents tend to want to sleep late and sleep in. Everyone would like to, but responsibility prvents people (such as myself) from doing such things MOST of the time. Given the opportunity, anyone would try to sleep late or in. And to Retribution... The first (sex) and last (wealth-gambling... I could say all three, seeing how gambling is a drug.) choice.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]Fire, Ice, Light, and Infinite stamina with insane fighting skills .are all good choices. Fire- If hot enough, cannot be drowned out. Things would melt by getting near it. Can destroy anything. But... without oxygen, fire cannot exist. Ice- Nearly impenetrable, can form into anything, and can also shelter. More usefull than fire in my oppinion. Light- Cuts through anything. Period. Aren't Lasers highly condenced Light? Infinite stamina (w/ Insane fighting skills)- I thought of this the other day while sparring with a friend of mine. We were tired and couldn't do anything too extravagant, but it would be cool to fight forever good as new. I'd never get bored. AT ALL.[/COLOR]
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