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Everything posted by Havokio

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]It isn't really right or wrong. Light or Darkness. Just a shade of grey. Sure, who the hell are we to determine another one's fate? But then again... Same goes for the murderer. They kill, they get killed. It's the law of the land. One thing... What does the executioner feel the first time they pull the lever? Or makes the injection? This is the problem. If the executioner's enjoying taking another ones life, then it's a problem. As long as the execution's justified (9/11, Timmothy McVeigh, etc.) ,it's morally ok. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]My condolences... My mother passed when I was 5 years of age... The day before, My mother, older brother and I were watching movies, and overall hanging out. Later that day, she felt heart spasms. I remember her a few weeks before she was lying in bed. She told us that she was better now. She was to bring us to school the next day. The next morning, my brother and I woke up and heard crying. We walked towards the kitchen and saw a very unusuall sight. My father crying... He was in the army, and was tough as nails. This had to be bad. We asked him what happened and he said nothing for maybe 10 minutes. We then asked where mom was. His crying became louder and more violent. We then knew, right there, what had happened. Sudden losses are VERY hard to overcome, as they happen when we least expect it. Again... my condolences.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo]Just don't turn that feeling into a NEED (ie."stalking"). It's never wrong, if you do it for the right reasons. Love is NEVER justified by (for reasons of)appearance. Period.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd rather stay away from all nighters. Everyone's asleep, and by the time they wake up, I'm dead as a rock. There's only ONE thing that I'd stay up all night for...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]Here's the problem with this situation. No matter how high the prices go up, PEOPLE WILL BUY. Gas prices are going up everywhere. Bargains are unheard of... THIS SHOWS CORRUPTION! Why? Simple cause gas is an NEEDED resource, rather than a luxury. If air was bagged and sold, poeple would'nt want to buy it... they would HAVE TO. It's the same with gasoline.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]There's a crap load I would wish to change. But... I wouldn't be where I am. I would love to relive past moments, and make little changes, but the end result would be to drastic. I like my present state. Sure, I'd like to be a one man show, womanizer, musician, etc. But here's the thing... I can go for those things NOW. I try not to look towards the past and create a better future for myself. There isn't a point in contemplating on what I would've done, simply cause I can't change a thing from my past. I'd rather fix up the mistakes that I CAN DO. Memories are another matter entirely. Those cannot change. Past experiences can come back to haunt us. We, as human beings, evolve. We face these past demons with newly accquired skills, logic and conviction. We can tie up loose ends, but somethings aren't meant to change.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo]I'm male, but here's something most girls I know like in common... Randomness. When someone doesn't know what to expect, they get cautious. People try to find out what it would mean, then after deciphering the meaning, subconciously get a feeling for thet event if not for the person. " Why did he do that?" Mystery, my friends. This kind of imbalance keeps people on there toes, in constant suspence. Women especcially like this (to the best of my knowlege). Not Japanese "Pika suit" Random, but out of the ordinary. And... as we all know, most women enjoy a polite, sincere compliment.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]I whole hartedy agree with Kakashi, watching it is enough. But... Having a few in a war WOULD be cool as hell, though.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]Here's the problem... is "Jeff" also a friend? Do you care for his wellbeing? If you answer yes to those two questions, you may have to put your feelings aside. It's obvious that she still has feelings for "Jeff", but also for you. You've stated that she loves "Jeff", and not you, but she still harbors feelings. This presents a problem, a "Tri-fecta screw up (Love Triangle)" if you will. If she made the move, then you have the right of way. She hasn't seen Jeff for 5 months... And she went for you. This reminds me of a statment, "You'll feel bad when you've lost what's had". This could go two ways... 1- She is feeling lonely and seeks comfort.- This is a common occurance between both males and females alike. The result of cheating. 2- She doesn't really have feelings for him.- This is bad. It may sound good, but "Jeff" would feel used and betrayed. And, I'm not making any assumptions, she may go to someone else just as quick as she would leave "Jeff", and.. you as well. Normally, someone feels really saddened by a temporary loss. This could result in wierd behavior. (Comfort seeking, moodswings, etc.) If you've answered "no", then go for it by all means. Love is fleeting, as I've found out the hard way (I tried again and found success with the same person). You want to keep any friendships going, while NOT looking like a bastard by going after another man's woman. The only way to keep everything normal is to BACK OFF. One question, are you crazy bout her? Do you REALLY want to be with her? If not, then don't worry to much about it.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]That'll be either DBZ or Naruto. I watch (the same) story based Anime once in the blue. I could go back to a DBZ or Naruto fight and let it run. Others would include... Cowboy Beepop (My favorite) Grappler Baki Fatal fury 2 (last fight, before they crap it up) Shadow skills (only the first one) Ninja scroll (It has story, but enough action sceces that it won't make me pay attention) These all have mindless violence scenes and I can rewatch them as they don't require alot of thought.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]That would more than likely happen, but no one (to the best of my knowledge) has tried it. I like mostly ANYTHING animated. I happen to be a HUGE fan of Marvel and DC. Those are basically anime with different names. (Carrtoon/Anime - Comic/Manga) As long as the storyline is good, and the art is ok, I'll (as should everyone) give it a go. Japanese Anime happens to be more popular and widespread, as well as more mainstream than Anime of any other sort.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd like to add another one to the list... AKIRA This movie was WELL past it's time, and still holds strong, even today! I've read the manga and am not lost in the story (I was lost the first time, having NOT read the manga at first) Even without the manga, the movie is well worth watching a couple of times.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Indigo]I agree with you completely. They let the show end without dragging the series (ie. DBZ, Tenchi) We know what happens, and the results. Another movie would be great, maybe when he left the syndicate. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd go with Cowboy Beebop the movie. I'm a fan of gunplay and jazz. The combo is perfect. That clothing style is also great. It fits me to a tee. The fight scenes were incredible, and the story was VERY insane. The comedic scenes were great as well. They weren't filler material, but a break up in the movie. And those scenes were funny as hell. That would have to be my favorite anime movie. I'd say the same for the series as well.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Chinese manga looks VERY different from Japanese manga. In New York, there are SEVERAL places to find translated or non-translated manga. Any chinatown will do, as would most comic sellers. They are mirror imaged, so peicing some of the panels together is nessesary. I don't know the site deffinitelly, but [url]www.comicsone.com[/url] should be it. They have many listings of chinese manga. I think they sell online as well.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo]It seems everyont is talking about Japanese Manga, and always bypasses Chinese Manga. This is no attempt at "nationalism" (I'm black), nor am I trying to drive you all away from Japanese Manga, just try not to be closed minded about other types of Manga. For me, the artwork is better (see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), The fight scenes are great,if not better than Japanese Manga, and the storylines are just as involving. I still love Manga as a whole (Chinese or Japanese), but I still can't realise why anyone can't expand. As for my preferences... Black Leopard (MUST READ) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Hero Stormriders (movie was crap, they tried to compress the entire manga into one movie) and... Fist of the Blue Moon These are some preferences. There are many more. Try it out.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]I took the Naruto test, it's pretty accurate. And yes, I bet it pisses us all off, That's why I wait till alot of it (anime or manga) comes out at once, and while I wait, I see something, in it's entirety, all at once.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.naruto-kun.com/images/narutotest/rocklee.jpg[/IMG]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo]I identify with Rock Lee. He's pretty much talentless, but uses what he has to the fullest extent. He's a shameless flirt. He tries to be cool. He likes a good challenge. Even after spoiler*, He keeps going, doing everything in his power to accomplish his goals.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]I'll post a pic later. My pick is Kay from Dirty Pair Flash.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo]My favorite has to be Rock Lee. I would type why, but I don't know how to Black Border it.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Indigo]My condolences for you, elfpirate. In New York, random shootings are very prevalent. People usually they to use scare tactics on others using the news... apparently, these massacres are the only thing worth mentioning. Three of my friends were murdered. I would've been the fourth, had I not suffered a headache on that day. This nation is going to hell.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo]It depends though. If it's for a few years as a sex slave to Halle Berry, Then I'd do that for free. But I'd rather not, unless it benefits both parties (Sex slave to Halle Berry).[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd go with either Fire, Water or Light. Fire: Always changing, usually tranquil, can help at times. But remember the phrase, "don't fan the flames". It may take a while, but insanity may take over. Water: Tranquil, carefree. Water can be either the best or worst thing on this planet. Take a hint. Light: It usually depicts holiness, but that's far from the truth. It is, however, the most powerful thing on this planet if constricted enough. It also depicts knowlege. This may shock the crap out of alot of people... The word "Lucifer" means "From the Light", making the use of light in everything, false. The term "put into the light" usually means to reveal something. He, in genesis (I'm athiest, but read the bible) he shares the power of knowlege with Adam and Eve, lifting the shadow of ignorance, and giving light to the situation. To the mods, please don't remove this excerpt. People must see. I'm not a worshiper of Lucifer (or anyone for that matter), but the Light isn't as holy as one may think.[/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Alchemist']Is that the one coming out for the PSP?[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo]Both of the above mentioned games are for the PS2.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]Time for elaboration. Tekken 5: My list changed slightly. Craig Marduk: A beast. Period. his moves have insane lag, and startup isn't so great, but he's great, seeing how noone really uses him. Bryan Fury: Replaces Devil Jin. Jin is too broken, I don't want broken characters as my flagship. Bryan is a really versatile fighter. His moves are fast and strong. He is the closest fighter in gaming history to copy my style of fighting. (Freestyle Muy-thai) Martial Law: I agree with shadowmatrix, he's Bruce Lee. I use his quick and confusing punches, with very few kicks. Which in my opinion, mimics Bruce Lee much more accuratelly than constant backflips. Guilty Gear X 2: Sol-Badguy: People call him a newb character, that's a bold-faced lie. People usually pick him first cause he's "cool' (I want for johny) NO ONE is a newb character in this game. He can let lose one move to the next, as long as someone catches his lag time. Potemkin: Another Beast. He's very slow, but VERY powerful. His grab has more range than people give him credit for, and he CAN combo. SSBM: Ganondorf: In the hands of a newb, he's slow as ****. In an advanced players' hands, the only thing slow on him (besides Warlock Punch, Volcano Kick) is his running animation. Captain Falcon: I dubed him "Captain Phoenix" ("PHNX" as his filename). I only usually play him in melees and come from nowhere with either his "Condor Kick" (Airial Knee) or "Ceiling of stomps" (or "Falling Sky" his airial Stomp) Hope that shows why I use those characters.[/COLOR]
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